Audie Murphy Discusses WW2

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for years now Audie Murphy has been a well-known motion picture star but he is known also as the most decorated soldier of World War two what his state in his mind what does he remember most about that time of his life to find out we go now to our man in Hollywood Vince D'Angelo this is army correspondent Vince tangelo on this Veterans Day we've moved our army our microphone to Hollywood California to talk to a man who is not only well known to the American public but also a highly respected by the military services he is a major in the United States Army Reserve America's most decorated hero of World War two his motion picture star Audie Murphy Audie welcome to the army our thanks to them it's nice to see you again Audie how long were you in the service well actually a very short time events about three years but it I assure you seemed much longer did you spend most of your service in Europe and practically all of it I had my basic training in Texas and a little bit at Fort Meade Maryland and I don't to North Africa are you were commissioned right toward the close of the war weren't you in 1944 and somewhere in France that forgotten plants all look the same to me in those days well audio is honored with every decoration in his country could award and going back to your service before you were commissioned as Sergeant Audie Murphy let's say would you tell our listeners what was your most memorable experience of World War two answer of course I had had many in I sometimes remember them not always for the great pleasure but I think I'd have to say that the greatest thing that ever happened to me was not as a sergeant but as a second lieutenant or was that first lieutenant I've tried to forget all these things you see and I remember my rank at the end of war I think I was first in Canada and this was even forgotten the date but I was on a train going for a little rest and the Riviera for all about three four day pass and I heard the announcement that the war in Europe was over and there's nothing that could top that for me well then this was your most memorable day it certainly was because then as I say those three years in seemed much longer than they really were and I saw a lot of good good men come and go and not only as we know especially in remember on this day you're still there when you heard the war was over what was your first thought or reaction well coming home again I started to think about home for a change which we didn't dare think of before one because as you know you lived in day to day minute to minute in most cases and suddenly I was a little frightened strange as it might seem I didn't know or what I do when I got home and I suddenly felt just a little empty inside and lone him up the whole thing although I was very happy the war was over I suddenly didn't feel that I had a home well Oddie we've certainly come a long way since then haven't we yes so we have then and as you well know our country and most of the free world for that matter taken a long step forward in many fields since World War two especially in the development of weapons and weapons of mass destruction and I might add that I've seen some of those weapons tested and believe me some of them do stagger the imagination and that's why I think it's very important that each of us as we honor our veterans on this day pledge ourselves to keeping our country strong and to even greater support to all branches of our military services well thank you very much Audie Murphy this is army correspondent Vince tangelo returning you to the army our
Channel: Audie Murphy American Legend
Views: 1,322,127
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Keywords: Anzio, France, Combat, Nazi, Holtzwihr, VE Day, Petition, The White House, WW2, WWII, Army, Military, World War II, Hollywood, Cowboy, Medal of Honor, Hero, Germany, To Hell and Back, Audie Murphy VA Hospital, SAMC, Arlington National Cemetery, PTSD, Barack Obama (US President), Nazism (Political Ideology), Nazi Germany (Country), Soldier (Profession), Texas, first person, interview, Audie Murphy (Author), yt:crop=16:9
Id: wF1F1kRTpWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2012
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