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hello my name is Roy Heineken energy advisor for simple savings and improperly sealed attic hatch can let your hard-earned dollars go right out the ceiling the good news is we can fix it with very little effort of course you're going to need some materials weather stripping one-inch rigid foam board water-based construction adhesives measuring tape based fiberglass insulation that's insulation with paper on one side a utility knife in a straight edge the first thing to do is to make sure that it catches level so that you have a proper seal this one seems to be so let's go ahead and take it to the workshop we've already pre-cut our foam board in fiberglass insulation for the back of our attic hatch the next step is just to apply a glue to the back of the attic hatch the next step is just apply your foam board on the back of your attic hatch be sure to allow about a quarter inch all the way around all four sides so it's easy to get your attic hatch in and out after checking your alignment just firmly push it down once the foam board is in place simply add some more glue to the back after applying the glue to the back of your foam board simply take the fiberglass line it up on two corners take your other piece get it lined up press it so it will stick to the glue keep in mind your total R value in your insulation in this home board equal in our 38 so now that we have it attached we're ready to install it before we drop that attached into place there's one final step that's to add weather stripping to reduce air infiltration just cut a piece of weather stripping to length and place it on the back of the trim now all we have to do is drop that attach into place and that's all there is to it to save energy and increase the comfort level in your home for more money saving energy tips go to simple savings co-op or to the website of your local Kentucky Touchstone Energy Cooperative
Channel: TESimpleSavings
Views: 41,294
Rating: 4.8451614 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 53sec (173 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2009
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