Attempting to be the WORLD'S MOST FLEXIBLE

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today i am attempting to be the world's most  flexible person by trying to beat flexibility   world records there's no way you're gonna break  a world record today actually i'm going to try   to beat six world records in one day with no  practice three two one go the first one is for   the most rotations in a chin stand in one minute  and the current world record holder did 38 since i was so close to beating that one i'm  going to give it one more try make sure to watch   until the end to see if i can beat the chin stand  record in my second try the current world record   for the most balloons popped with your back  is 21 so i'm going to try to beat that next   i need to be able to break this with my back what  the world record holder popped 21 balloons in just   one minute yet i'm struggling to figure out how  it's even possible to pop a balloon with your back   so i start like this you go back a little bit  and then push it up now stand up and bring the   balloon closer to your back go no matter how far  i arched my back the balloon just wouldn't pop i feel like it's gonna pop in you right left well  that was wrong because the balloon just didn't pop   i definitely gave this one all of my effort though  like how is this possible after around an hour of   trying to pop the balloon i finally realized  that i'm probably not going to be able to beat   this record i don't think i can pop balloons  like this i don't know how anyone does this since i couldn't break the balloons in a backbend  i'm going to try to beat the record for the most   flowers picked up in a backbend instead three two  one go according to the guinness world records   website the most flowers to ever be picked up  by the mouth in a back bend in one minute is 21 that was a huge fail so i need to try  that again you ready yeah three two one go keep going 30 seconds three two one go one i may have not beat the record for  the most flowers in a backbend but i think   i should be able to beat the record for the most  backbends in one minute which is also 21 how long in 30 seconds 16. i think i'm  gonna beat it 17 18 19 20 20 seconds left i beat it! 23 24 25 10 seconds 26 27 28 29 30. i  can't do anymore i beat it though next i will   be attempting to do the fastest split shuffle  the current record is 10 meters in 16.9 seconds   at first i thought i beat the record  in my first try but then after looking   back at the video i realized that my  hands have to be off of the ground   shuffling in the splits like that did take some  getting used to but i eventually did the 10 meters it is now time to see if i can  beat the chin stand world record today was my first time ever trying this  trick for a minute straight so even though   it is an easy trick what i found the most  difficult was breathing in the chin stand   while keeping my legs rotating as quick as  possible at the same time these definitely   were not my best chin stand rotations but what  i was going for is speed in my first attempt i   felt like the socks and my legs banging  on the hard floor were slowing me down   so that's why this time i decided  to try on a carpet and with no socks only 15 seconds left and i have  already passed my first attempt   so i am trying to go as quick as possible  on these last few to try to meet the record i cannot believe i just did that i got to the  exact number of the record apparently the world   record for a middle split between two objects  is 12 minutes and 44 seconds so i'm going to   try to hold mine for 15 minutes i'm just gonna do  a time lapse because i'm sure you guys don't want   to watch me sit here for an entire 15 minutes  but i promise i'm holding it for the full time while i'm holding my middle split i just want  to give a shout out to today's #annamcnultychallenge feature i'm honestly really  shocked i was able to get some of these world   records today because i have not practiced for  these at all i feel like with some practice i   can maybe even get closer to some of the other  ones like these split shuffles i only have a   few minutes left to hold this middle over split  to beat the record so if you enjoyed this video   i would really appreciate it if you could give  it a thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel
Channel: Anna McNulty
Views: 7,744,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anna mcnulty, flexible, flexibility, splits, world record, worlds most flexible, most flexible, jordan matter, backbend, sofie dossi, contortion, stretch, stretches, contortionist
Id: Z5YXGkX0Tyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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