Attempting to bake bread on a narrowboat

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hello and welcome to what is very definitely not a vlog in my lockdown video I had a surprising number of people in the comments saying please please do a video of you making bread now I'm a little bit reluctant because a lot of other narrowboat channels and indeed non narrowboat channels in this lockdown time are doing a lot of cookery videos and i do not want this channel to turn into a cookery channel not least because i don't cook and have no idea what i'm doing but I just want to steer a little bit away from that but I did have loads of people saying would you do a bread making video so what I've done is I've gone back from my old footage and about a year ago I filmed myself when I made bread for the very first time it was never intended to see the light of day particularly this film but I just shot it as a curiosity really and it's not high production values at all you know I'm gonna keep making excuses for this but I've had people saying David upload anything uploaded we're bored here own upload any old tat any old tat you've asked for any old tat I can provide be careful what you wish for so here it is me making bread apologies if the sound on this is a little distant the camera is over there for reasons that should become apparent fairly soon I am over here and I don't have my radio microphone with me so I shall have to shout and project and become a theatrical person to do this video for you as you know I don't do cooking but I have decided for reasons that slightly escape me then I should like to have a go at making some bread as you can see I have ingredients 1 which is flour flour will go everywhere hence the camera being at a fair distance above all I got bread flour I've got salt got yeast got butter got a measuring ball and I've never done bread before I had to go with a bread making machine once and it wasn't terribly successful but I've never actually tried it manually so who knows how this will turn out anyway I thought I'd share it with you it's certainly not gonna be worthy of a vlog I don't think but a little bit of the behind-the-scenes boating that some people sometimes ask me for now the instructions on this are absolutely tiny so I'm going to have to squint at them right get your ingredients together I've got those mix the flour yes yeast yes sugar no and salt yes in a big bowl of that using your fingertips rubbing the butter until only fine crumbs are left mixing the water with a cutlery knife well the kind of knife is there I'm all knives cutlery yeah anyway I need weighing scales or something don't know 500 grams of flour I'm gonna need scales hang on possibly another Bowl for the way of things right hang on what's right how much flour 500 grams you can't see this but the local duck army has spotted me at the window and as I do feed them in the mornings they are all just swimming around here hoping I'm gonna throw them some more food they've had their food this morning oh I have a feeling he's gonna make a mess I have no idea why I bought such a massive amount of flour that is what I think it's 1.5 kilograms three kilograms of flour I've got here that's ridiculous like 500 grams flipping things turned itself off basically mix it all in big ball so I can now D can lane that measure out seven grams of easy-bake yeast easy-bake yeast it's not going to be easy I think we know that they can call it easy all they like eight blasts near enough um right that goes in there as well isn't it mix the flour yeast sugar and salt right I don't have I don't have sugar one and a half teaspoons of salt oh I've got a measuring thing half a salt I've got some other salt FD which I'll use up first so far this is going well now I need the final ingredient was one tablespoon of soft butter well I've got spreadable butter which is part butter and part vegetable oil then you burn up this model I've also got some actual butter but I wouldn't call it soft however if I do a bit of this it might soften up I suppose but what 1 tablespoon actually meat why couldn't they've given me a measurement in grams or something 1 tablespoon soft butter I've got that but is that a tablespoon and official tables not just a spoon an official tablespoon who knows this is why I find cooking so irritating because you need so much gear for all the measuring and the mixing and air I mean you have to spend a fortune before you can actually do anything or you just have to kind of guess and I don't like guessing I like I'll warm this up for a bit talk talk amongst yourself for a second know I'm supposed to have some water half a pint of hand warm water that's half a pint and that water is that boat temperature which is sort of warmish the drawer is stuck okay I'm gonna call that a tablespoon of butter lightly grease the mixing bowl with some oil Oh suddenly they mentioned oil they didn't mention name the ingredients lightly grease the mixing bowl with some oil what sort of oil yeah put the dough back in comfortable and clean deed a clean tea towel as if I've got a clean tea towel huh leave to rise till doubled in size leave for an hour okay mix all this up basically start by mixing this all up while the butter seems to have already vanished although I'm not sure it can't have done but I can't find it anymore because it's broken up into such small pieces actually flour and the salt and the yeast will be getting a good mixing rubbing the butter until only fine crumbs are left one I don't really know what they mean by fine crumbs I've just got flour in here I can't feel the butter at all it's not very self-explanatory there are no crumbs of butter really only supposed to put 1 tablespoon soft butter now that's what I've done mix in the water with a knife mix water with a knife again then what what all right I'm gonna mix the water in with a knife the mixture is getting sticky I believe this is supposed to happen there is annoyingly a fair bit of mixture that is just dry at the bottom I'm not sure that's supposed to happen right mixing the butter tip on to lightly flour dusted service and knead for 10 minutes or or use the dough hook attachment on your mixer nope I do not have such a thing well I've sort of mixed it in I'm not convinced about this there's a lot of flour at the bottom that hasn't mixed in in any way shape or form I'm going to take an executive decision and add a drip more water because there's all this flour and stuff at the bottom that isn't mixed in this why wouldn't you mix mix you Baga it's wrong with you mix in them right where's the instructions again a lightly floured dusted surface knead for 10 minutes lightly grease the mixing bowl with oil put the dough back in right okay flour then lightly floured surface I did clean the worktop before I started I should point out enough flour is that lightly floured the hell does lightly floured mean anyway right what do I do tip onto the lightly flour dusted service knead for 10 minutes yes right tip okay should I wipe the bowl out what do you think before I put the oil in there probably I've got some vegetable oil I'm gonna have to use that I'll take that as that's good right knead this for 10 minutes this will be the less interesting portion of the video which I will probably first wind through ten minutes of this is going to kill me they don't tell you what the point of this on is no idea why you need it really how you need it I really would be a lot easier to just go down the test house and pilo for bread for a quid lightly Rees the mixing bowl with some oil put the dough back in cover with TT oil lightly grease put the day back in cover the ball with a clear detail leave to rise till doubled in size oh that's in there clean tea towel my cover with clean tea towel leave to rise till double the size about our it is now half past midday gonna need a nut sit down after all this one hour has passed this is normally the time where I take the covers off whatever I've been leaving and find it's exactly the same as it was when I put it in there but let us find out it has been proving for an hour oh oh oh my word oh yes that is bigger than it was that's it that's easily doubled aside it's working I tell you it's working I'm actually I'm actually shocked well I'm gonna take a photo of that cuz that's crikey now there are further instructions on the thing it says knock back the dough by gently kneading just five times to get the air out mold into a smooth oval and lift into a lightly oil tin I don't have a tin to do this with I simply have a tray so I'm gonna have to do a sort of whatever shape it grows low for then now I'm looking at the amount there it's gonna over spill this massively this is gonna be a monster and what God okay right okay right so I need to I need to give it a little bit of a little bit of a how do I get this out just just pop it out let suppose what that a bit soggy on the bottom there hope that's not a problem right this is supposed to be a little lightly oiled although it is a non-slip tray so I don't know if it needs it but we'll do it anyway a little bit of light oiling need five times I do like to reread the instruction several times over just to make sure I know I'm doing knock back the dough knead it five times to get the air out more into small overall sort of that shape put into like the oil tin and then cover again with a tea towel clean-ish tea towel and leave to prove until doubled in size again right that's five right let's shape it into something vaguely resembling a loaf pop it into the tray cover with the cloth that's going to double in size that's gonna need a little bit of them a little bit of slack on it in there there we go right there it's now half past half past one give it another hour and I will check back with you later another hour has gone by hand just looking at this under the tea towel I can see it's been having another decent rising session and Oh oh my you can really smell that sort of yeasty smell well the oven is on I've had that on for about 10 minutes heating up to gas mark 6 I don't know what that is in centigrade it see if the things that 200 centigrade a hundred and eighty in a fan oven or gas mark 6 now I have a sneaking suspicion that the oven on the boat here doesn't actually respond to the temperature controlled at all because I try putting something in on a three the other day which should have been low and it came out absolutely cremated so I think the temperature sensor doesn't work and it just blasts out full heat so it's probably even now actually on something like a seven or eight instead of the six it needs but we will find out that's an hour let's unwrap this little package of delights what let me bring that close look at the size of that you know that film the comedy sci-fi film evolution with David Duchovny where the stuff just keeps growing this yolks whoa what do we do we we've done that dagger that doubled in size again yes I'd say so pre-heat your oven lift the tin into the middle of ins shelf bake for 30 to 35 minutes all right I'll just stick it in the oven that way round I suppose set your watches it is half past two back in half an hour half an hour in the oven can't really smell it but there's definite into bread smell it looks terrific the instructions said 30 to 35 minutes it had 31 I'm very anxious about taking it out I did try making a cake before and because the oven only does full blast that was the thing that needed the low temperature it just crisped totally on the outside and was entirely uncooked on the inside this does at least want high temperatures so I'm I'm I'm hopeful now the the instructions on the tin say take it out and tap it tap it on the base of the loaf and check if it sounds Hollow although what you're supposed to do if it doesn't sound hollow I'm not entirely sure presumably put it back in a bit longer yeah oh it says to cool it on a wire rack I have one of those hang on wire rack [Music] okay all right here we go holy moly mother of burnt that's the good side that's the burnt side I think we can safely say it's coming out ah well I'm a little disappointed if I'm honest because he did only have 32 minutes and the instructions said 30 to 35 so it's not like I left it in there for hours but that he's very very burned now if you turn it around to the other side this is where the back of the oven the the glass door was see that looked better even possibly not cooked on the bottom I'm beginning to think that this is not a good oven the cake was ruined and obviously where the bread was near the flame which is at the back of the oven it's completely overdone it you know at least it's not stuck to the tray right let's let's try that try that tapping thing imagine about holo it's hard to tell really I'm thinking it not cooked on the bottom but as we know is very well cooked on the top I'm going to let it cool and we'll have to see when I cut it open what it's like it's now a little while later and the loaf has cooled down and I have cut it into pieces and I have tried a slice and you know what apart from the little bit of burnt crust the rest of it is alright here's what it looks like inside it's all soft and squidgy and actually not bad doesn't really taste very much you know how sometimes you eat a piece of bread you think that's nice and bready it's not it's a bit a bit bland needs something else in it and I don't mean throwing walnuts in it or I'm not a fan of breads that have things in them bread to me should be plain and then you add stuff to that afterwards but anyway beside the point it kind of worked so an interesting experiment to be perfectly honest I'll probably just keep going down to Tesco's for me bread [Music] you
Channel: CruisingTheCut
Views: 142,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: narrowboat, canal boat, barge, barging, narrow, canal, boat, the cut, widebeam, liveaboard, continuous cruising, continuous, cruiser, RV, motorhome, campervan, sailing, tiny house, houseboat, house boat, vlog, bread, baking, novice, cookery
Id: UGpF8qKt5RM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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