Attack On Titan The Final Season: Part 1 (full Recap)

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i hate intros attack out tie the final season part one e episode one we kicked things off in the middle of a war where a boy named falco is nearly killed luckily his older brother named colt had found him laying on the ground and drug him to safety back in the trenches once he's back in the trenches he meets three other kids who bring him up to speed on everything going on the marlin empire has been at war for four years and they are in the process of trying to put an end to it they will do this by taking fort slava and sinking the middle eastern federation's fleet in the port behind it falco and the other kids are warrior candidates and being put on the front lines they were put there as a part of a test to see which one of them deserves to take on the armored titan power once they decide who's gonna inherit the power they will then take part in an upcoming operation to subjugate paradise island one of the children gabby is pretty convinced that she will be the one to inherit the power and doesn't think anybody else is fit for the job she wants to wipe out everybody on paradise island so that she can free all of the aldians in the internme zones udo and zofia are the other two candidates in the running but they're not quite as confident as gabby colt is trying to convince their captain named maggot that they can't break through the machine guns to get to the railroads and destroy them which is their ultimate goal the federation had designed new armor-piercing weapons to fight against the titans with these weapons in place they fear deploying the titans because they can't afford to lose any more since maggeth and the marlin government don't really care about aldens that much they decide to sacrifice 800 ldn soldiers to get the job done debbie then convinces maggit to let her go and try and destroy the railroads by herself with seven explosives she has she strips her uniform off and then approaches the enemy with explosives dragging on her ankle the soldiers contemplate shooting her but don't decide fast enough and so she throws the explosives and destroys the armored train with that part of the plan successful they then prepare to send zeke and reiner into fight they airdrop in a bunch of aldean captives and transform them into titans as they're falling this acts as a scuff bombardment on the fort allowing reiner to penetrate the defenses a flight ensues inside the fort where reiner is nearly killed but they managed to take out all the remaining defenses with the fort now in their control the beast titan lands and grabs a bunch of explosive barrels hurling it towards the fleet and destroying it now that the middle eastern federation has lost their fleet they are forced to sign a peace treaty with marley episode two even though they were victorious in the battle it came with a realization that their titans aren't invincible and that mankind is catching up in their weapons to fight them in response to this zeke suggests that they need to resume their campaign against paradise island by doing this they could send a message to the world that they have reclaimed all of the titan powers keeping them in line we also learned that this is zeke's last year in his 13 years with the beast titan power once the 13th year is up he will die due to the curse of your mirror and he wants to spend his last year seeing things through on paradise island after that falco's older brother colt will inherit the beast's titan power and take on his legacy we then hop on over to reiner who talks with a new character in the name of galliard galliard had gotten the jaw titan power from yumir meaning that she volunteered to be killed in order to pass along the power another new character joins the conversation in piek who is also the wielder of the kart titan but nothing really comes of that now that the war is over all of the ldn soldiers return to their internment camps and families while eating with the family we see that gabby is kind of being brainwashed everyone is under the impression that all the people on paradise island are demons and savages and deserve to die ryan are kind of bandwagons on this sentiment and doesn't bother to tell them what they're really like in the last couple of scenes zeke holds a meeting with the other warriors they discuss that there's going to be a festival and they want to have the tibber family help them the tipper family controls the warhammer titan and fought king freaks during the great titan war the family's words carry weight so they want them to tell the world that marlei will conquer paradise island within one year episode three we'd get a flashback if when reiner was a kid his mother told him that she had aldi and blood while his father had marlene blood so they couldn't be together he figured that if he could become a marlene he could get his family back together so that's why he joined the warriors during their training we see that porco and reiner never saw eye to eye because they were both competing for the armored titan position while the kids are a part of a parade reiner sees his father in the crowd so he goes to confront him he eagerly tells his father that him and his mom are now honorary marlenes his father doesn't exactly respond well because he says that if they find out he's the father then he's gonna be killed so he has to flee but anyways hop on up to where the kids go to paradise island to attack and infiltrate the walls on the way there we find out that porco's brother marcel had gone behind everybody's back to ensure that reiner got the armor titan power instead of his brother this is because he wanted to ensure porco's safety and if he took on the titan power then it's likely he would die during their talk kumira surprises them and kills marcel which is how she came into possession of the jaw titan power and he blames reiner from marcel's death and wants to take him back to marley to be punished she kicks the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of him but eventually he convinces her that if they all go back as failures though likely be killed also this convinces them to carry out the mission so they attack the walls like in season 1 episode 1 and infiltrate the city five years after infiltrating the walls they were still convinced that the marlins wouldn't be happy with just information so they decide that they need to destroy wall rose this would force the founding titan out of hiding and the marlenes could finally seize control of it hop on over to falco who meets with a man that he had helped out named krueger the man was claiming that he was suffering from ptsd and staying at a hospital but in reality he was just too scared to go home in the last couple of scenes they both get to talking and falco expresses that he doesn't want gabby to take on the armored titan power episode 4 kruger doesn't want everybody to find out that he's faking so he asks falco to mail something for him it's a letter to his family saying that he's at the hospital and he's doing okay the next day the tibber family arrive for the festival we then meet the head of the tibber family named willy we also learned that the country of marley is actually ran by the timber family jump ahead a bit where for the first time falco beats gabby in a race everybody celebrates because it looks like he's actually putting up a fight for the armored time position he admits that he's fighting so hard because he cares about gabby but she doesn't really get the sentiment later on krueger is approached by a doctor saying not to involve falco with him faking his ptsd so that he doesn't get in trouble after the two talk for a bit it's revealed that the doctor's name is jaeger and it's actually gracious father he has a meltdown when he starts thinking about how grisha's sister and his daughter was killed by the guards and is taken off by some of his colleagues falco and the other kids are then tasked with serving drinks at a party while serving the drinks udo makes a mistake and spills wine on one of the guests because he's an aldi and he's going to get a lot of [ __ ] for this and she knows this so she covers for him saying that she spilt the wine instead willie makes a speech saying that he's found a solution to the ldn problem and that tomorrow he's gonna reveal it on stage the next day the festival starts and we get a quick compilation of all of the kids enjoying their time at the festival before inevitably everything is going to [ __ ] fall apart episode 5. we come in on a conversation where we learn that kruger and reiner seem to have some sort of pass together while they're talking we see that everybody has gathered together to see this performance this includes the heart of the marlene army ambassadors and famous families from all over the world krueger is revealed to be aaron in disguise and reiner recognized him right away the performance gets underway where willie tells the story of the marlene history porco and piac are led by one of the soldiers where they wind up falling into a trap willie then switches gears and tells how the history actually unfolded king fruits had came to regret the aldian empire savage history he also hated that the marlenes were living in oppression when he inherited the founding titan power him and the tipper family devised a plan they wanted to establish a savior figure which is how the hero helus was born the real reason he retreated to paradise island was because he had renounced war altogether this sentiment was passed down to everybody who inherited the founding titan power which is why none of them wanted to fight the war he also reveals that the tipper family had bargained for their family's continued safety they joined hands with carl freitz and sold eldia to marley over to pierre camportco who can't transform because it's too small of a space the letters that aaron had sent with falco were actually going to his family but they were going to his allies aaron finally confronts reiner about how his mother was killed and asked for an explanation rioter goes on to tell him that they were trying to get to the founding titan power and that she was basically just collateral aaron realizes that he can't completely blame reiner for all of the things that they did because he was so heavily influenced as a kid as willie's speech is coming to an end he declares war on paradise island kind of a bad [ __ ] idea because in the last couple of scenes aaron takes on his titan form and kills willie episode 6. we see that earlier that day maggot and willie had discussed the possibility of there being an attack at the performance their performance was actually to get all of the marlene officers together and use them as bait to lure out the enemy aaron locates where all the officers are sitting and rushes them killing them all after that willy's sister who holds the warhammer titan power transforms aaron quickly reacts and lays a [ __ ] out the warhammer titan soon fights back against aaron impaling in we see that udo is being carried by cult and was badly injured and all of the commotion piek didn't trust the soldier leading them so she managed to tip off other soldiers that go and find them aaron starts losing the fight against the warhammer titan as well as taking heavy shots from the antsy titan cannons he gets his ass handed to him and just as he's about to get killed mikasa jumps in to save him the other scouts are also there in launch attacks taking out the anti-titan cannons aaron realizes that the warhammer titan can use hardening to make whatever weapon it wants this means that it won't die even if you destroy the nape of its neck because of all of its neat little abilities aaron wants to use this opportunity to eat the warhammer titan meanwhile we see that udo didn't get to the doctor in time and wound up dying gabby's pretty pissed and wants to get involved in the fighting but when she tries to two soldiers get killed by sasha in front of her which pisses her off even more back over to the fight with the warhammer titan where aaron had noticed that it had materialized from the ground at the center of the stage aaron finds her real body and is about to eat it but then porco shows up and tries eating him luckily mikasa cuts to the titan's jaw preventing him from being able to bite down onto aaron in the last couple of scenes porco is prevented from fling and swarmed by the paradise soldiers episode 7 as the scouts are charging pack shows up in her titan opening fire on them and deterring them from killing porco zeke shows up in the beast titan to reinforce lamar lane segwaying into a battle between the two sides aaron's titan is pretty [ __ ] up but he's gained a lot of stamina since the last season so he can transform again as marlene warships arrive to help in the fight we see that armin is actually in the middle of the fleet on a fishing boat he transforms into the colossal titan destroying all of the ships in a massive blast while everyone is distracted by the blast levi capitalizes by catching zekov guard cutting the nape of his titan's neck once he's down levi blows his neck up with a grenade seemingly killing zeke in the process over to sasha and jon along with other scouts who blow up the kart titan severely injuring piac in the process porco catches aaron off guard attacking him with his jaw tight and making aaron realize how strong his jaw actually is jumping all over the [ __ ] place at this point hanji then shows up in an airship as a means to extract all of the scouts out of the battlefield back over to porku who gets his arms ripped off by aaron and then he uses his powerful jaw to break through the case protecting lara the case breaks open killing her in the process and spilling her blood into aaron's mouth giving him the warhammer titan's power porco is next on the menu but then gabby starts calling out to the unconscious rider to save him reiner hears the calls and despite wanting to just die in peace he decides to take on his titan form once again to save porco episode 8 aaron and reiner have their fight which doesn't last too long because aaron knocks him out with one punch but he manages to get porco to safety in the process now that they've gotten a hold of aaron which was their main objective all of the remaining scouts aboard the airship to make their escape gabby is distraught because sophia was crushed by debris and udo was trampled by the crowd while trying to save her she is determined to exact revenge on the scout so she chases after the airship shooting and killing one of the scouts his body falls to the ground but his maneuver gear is still attached to the ship since she wants to kill all of the scouts she uses the gear to get onto the ship and falco wants to keep her safe so he is forced to tag along once they had boarded the ship gabby busts in does a sick combat roll and then shoots sasha which she will later die from she nearly shoots jon also but falco tackles her preventing the shot from landing once the scouts register what's actually happening they rush the kids and start beating the [ __ ] out of them the kids are then subdued and brought in where they find zeke who's actually alive and aboard the ship also turns out that he had faked his death because he's actually working with the scouts it's not just him though because one of his loyal soldiers elena had worked together with him to conspire against the marlins hodge then reveals that this operation wasn't planned and aaron forced the scouts into action by getting himself captured they can't afford to lose him so they had no choice but to launch an attack and get him back aaron is arrested for breaking their trust forcing them into the situation and ultimately getting sasha killed in the process episode 9. now we hop back three years to where a marlin ship and its crew are captured by aaron and the scouts elena was on board the ship which is how she came to meet everybody hanji investigates their weapons while elena tells them about the marlene forces since they're so powerful hanji wants to figure out why they haven't attacked yet the first reason are the pure titans that are on paradise island originally the pure titans were set loose onto the island by the marlenes to keep the aldians trapped inside the walls but ironically they wound up just making it difficult to invade the island later the second reason is that marlei is at war with other countries and can't afford to focus on paradise island right now before they were captured elena and the other soldiers shot their superior officers on zeke's orders she and the other soldiers on board had their homelands invaded by marley before being forced to join the army because they're not exactly fans of marley their goal is the liberation of all aldeans from the marlene oppressors these soldiers will become known as the anti-marlian volunteers they also say that zeke's goal from the beginning has always been to gain control of the founding titan power of course in the prior seasons he had tried using force to obtain the power but since that didn't exactly pan out now he's having to work with the scouts to get it he claims to have some sort of plan to resolve all of ld's problems but he's not going to say what it is until he has control of the founding titan power along with the titan of royal blood with the help of the anti-marlin volunteers they learn about the outside world and advance their technology to fight against them we also see that one of the marlenes named nicolo had cooked for sasha while he was there and was pretty sad about her death because there was something going on between the two of them episode 10 back into the past again two years before the battle in marley a port was constructed on paradise island and they received their first foreign dignitary the ship is from hizuru which is the only nation friendly to paradise island on board is kyomi azumabito who is the lady that prevented udo from getting beaten at the party after he accidentally spilled some wine on her turns out that their emblem has been passed down through mikasa's mother's side of the family but she never knew what it meant the lady tells mikasa that the son of a shogun chose to remain on paradise island as a sign of friendship with king freitas hizuru then lost its standing after being defeated in the great titan war this means that mikasa is the lost descendant to their country's ruler zig candy zero had met in private before where he gave her the 3d maneuver gear that he got from paradise island he also says that the fuel it runs on is called iceburg stone and has never been discovered outside of the island in exchange for participating in his plan to get the founding titan power he promises them to revitalize their industrial sector returning the nation to its former glory kiyomi came to meet with them to utilize their natural resources and make a profit they plan on becoming a political power with the help of hizuru using the rumbling to keep the other nations from attacking them the rumbling is a last resort which entails using the founding titan power to wake up all the colossal titans that are lying dormant inside the walls this would be devastating to anybody caught in the titans path so they are hoping that the threat of it will be enough without them actually having to use it because zeke doesn't have much time to live they need to ensure that the beast titan is passed down historia agrees to take on the beast titan's power when the time comes aaron isn't happy with this plan and conveys his dismay during the meeting but anyways back got up to the present where we see that historia had messed around a little bit and gotten pregnant in the process the father of the child used to throw rocks at astoria when she was younger which is so romantic but he felt guilty about this as he grew up so to make amends he helped the orphanage where she had grown up when she found out about this she apparently got kind of hot and bothered and they [ __ ] now that she's pregnant though they can't turn her into a titan so that she can eat zeke and take on the beast titan's power because they fear that the baby might be killed in the process episode 11 gabby goes for an oscar feigning some sort of mental breakdown then beats the guard to death with a wooden block her and falco then make a run for it escaping from their holding cells because apparently there's one [ __ ] guard gabby is looking for zeke because she's determined to get some answers from him before they're found the two of them then come across a girl named kaya and she brings them back to her house where they are fed by the family there meanwhile kiomi comes back to the island and reveals that with the help of the iceberg stone they made the first flying ship now we jump on over to flock who had told the press about aaron being arrested this was an attempt to get aaron set free but instead him and the others are put on trial for leaking information pixies is suspicious that elena was responsible for helping aaron act on his own so he goes to interrogator meanwhile we see falco and gabby are helping kaia do some chores around the place kaya had overheard them talking and figured out that they're marlene's the three of them get to talking and it's revealed that kaya is the girl sasha had saved in the earlier seasons from a titan and the family she's living with are sasha's parents kaya tells him that the family was invited to eat with nicolo so if they come along maybe they can find a way back to marley because nicolo is marlene also episode 12. now that the press has found out about aaron being detained people gather outside the headquarters to protest for him to be released meanwhile elena expresses that she did meet with aaron and told him that a fire needed to be lit under the military but he did way more than she was hoping for over to zachary who meets with mikasa and army to tell them that it's likely aaron has been influenced by zeke during his time alone in marley after their talk armin speculates that the military has given up on aaron and they're looking for someone to inherit the titan powers he possesses mikasa then wants to eavesdrop on zachary's next meeting but then his office is blown up and zachary is killed in the explosion he had a custom chair brought in and the explosives were installed inside of it armin recalls that the chair was brought in by survey corps recruits and he remembers seeing one of them leaving the headquarters after their talk their meeting is then interrupted when they find out that aaron had escaped from his underground cell he then goes to meet with flock and other scouts who are loyal to him these scouts have spies inside the military and are the ones responsible for killing zachary this is because they were planning on killing aaron to transfer the titan powers so they just wanted to protect him aaron and the scouts loyal to him are referred to as jaegerus and their goal is to have aaron make contact with zeke so he can use the founding titan power now that zachary is gone pixie starts calling the shots and he suggests that they open negotiations with the yeagers this is controversial of course but he explains that they don't have time to be fighting amongst themselves about these things hanji wants to investigate all of the work environments elena established for captain marlene's including the restaurant where gabby and falco are brought for their meal and in the last couple of scenes we also see that piak has made her way onto the island episode 13. we come in on an explanation as to why the titans from ragako village which was connie's village followed the beast heinz commands zeke's spinal fluid is capable of turning people into titans so they weaponized his spinal fluid into a gas that was released into the village people who inhaled the gas remain paralyzed until zeke sends an order through the paths and the power of the titans is sent to their coordinates gabby and falco go with kaio's family to meet nicolo who wanted to cook for them because they were sasha's parents and he was in love with her [ __ ] shows up with some others to ask nicolas some questions but agreed to wait until he's finished cooking for the family once nicolo is off by himself gabby and falco make their move to ask him for help since he's a marlene gabby reveals to him that she was the one who shot sasha thinking that he's a marlene who hates the aldians also when he hears that she was the one who killed the girl he was in love with he loses control and attacks them grabbing a bottle of wine he hits falco over the head with it and then beats the [ __ ] out of gabby after that he drags him up to sasha's family to have the father execute the killer of his daughter hanji and the others hear the commotion and rush in to try and de-escalate the situation sasha's father refuses though saying that he wants to be the one who breaks the cycle of killing everything seems like it's going to be fine until kaya of all people rushes gabby and nearly kills her with a knife but is stopped at the last second that should have been the end of it but then it's revealed that some of the wine that went into falco's mouth when he was hit contained some of zeke's spinal fluid nicolo is a hundred percent sure that the spinal fluid is in there but he has a hunch that's the case elena was urging him to give the wine to the higher ranking military members but it's likely she was the only one who knew about it while talking with gabby aaron suddenly appears and jaegers take over the building flock apparently knew about the spinal fluid being inside the wine which means that this is all a part of their plan andy takes hanji along with the others captive and in the last couple of scenes aaron mikasa armin and gabby sit down for a little talk episode 14. aaron starts out by saying that he's free and acting independently from any influence meaning that zeke isn't forcing him to do this well in marley aaron went to talk with zeke by himself and learn more about the titan's powers he then points out that armin has been going to visit annie so much because part of beritold is living on inside of him and he was in love with annie as for mikasa he tells her that the ackerman family was formed to protect the king of eldia when aaron had ordered her to fight against the men that killed her parents when she was a kid her instincts were awakened now he suggests that she only exists to follow orders he insults her saying that she's a slave and people who aren't free make him sick so he can't stand the sight of her when he says that he hates her armin loses his cool and tries to attack him but mikasa reacts without thinking and subdues army aaron uses this as proof that she is a slave to obey her ackermann blood armin is then let free so he attacks aaron but the fight is pretty one-sided obviously because army is a bit of a [ __ ] so he gets the [ __ ] kicked out of him after that aaron says that he's going to meet zeke and shigashina and he is taking gabby with him over to levi who decides that he wants to give ziggs beast titan to someone else as he prepares to attack him zeke suddenly makes a run for it and screams out the soldiers there had been drinking the wine with zeke's spinal fluid in it so when he lets out his scream all of the soldiers transform into titans levi doesn't feel quite right killing the titans because they were his men but come on he's a little bit too alpha for that so he does it anyways and then catches up to zeke zeke is forced to transform and the two of them get into a little bit of a skirmish that ends with levi using thunder spears to blow zeke out of his titan oddly enough he survives but is badly injured and unable to fight back so levi drags him along with him meanwhile in chicago luck and the icarus take over keith's training flock convinces some of the men to join the igarus and then they beat the [ __ ] out of keith to prove their loyalty back over to levi where zeke has regained consciousness so levi cuts off his arms and legs so he can't transform episode 15. we come in on a flashback of zeke growing up his family and him are discriminated against because their eldians and his father tries to instill his values in zeke saying that it's not okay they're treated this way and they need to change the world zeke enters his warrior training where he falls behind and catches the eye of tom xaver who is the current beast titan at the time we also say that he is frequently brought to his grandparents house where he learns about the marlene history his grandparents tried to teach him the marlene version and believe in atoning for what the audience had supposedly done in contrast his father grisha would teach him the marlene stories are lies fabricated as propaganda but anyway zeke is still struggling in his training and underperforming compared to the other kids one day while walking home he winds up playing catch with tom when he gets home he overhears grecia saying that with how bad his grades are the owl can't manipulate the selection process for zeke to become a warrior he keeps trying but still can't keep up with the others and his father is pissed because her plan is relying on him he plays catch with tom again and finds out that tom had only become a warrior for his research and titans tom tells zeke that it started when the founder came into contact with something and he wants to learn what happened while walking around he overhears a meeting where marlene soldiers expose that they know about the aldean restorationists and the owl working as the informant of the group he tries talking his parents out of being in the movement but they are set on their plan and he can't convince them otherwise 2020 hindsight you probably should have just [ __ ] told them that they were gonna be captured but you know whatever zeke goes to tom for advice and tells him about his parents being restorationist tom is the one who convinced zeke to turn in his parents in order to keep zeke and his grandparents safe now we jump ahead to when he's a little bit older and tom's getting close to the end of his time as the beast titan in his research tom learned that not only can the founding titan power manipulate memories but it can also alter the structure of their bodies zeke gets the idea to use this power to prevent subjects of ymir from having babies that way the titans would disappear tom tells him to find the one who holds the founding titan power and then the beast heightened power is passed on to zeke jump ahead just a bit where aaron and zeke had their meeting before the attack in marley zeke tells him about the quote-unquote ld and euthanasia plan and the two agree to work together now we hop back on up to the present where levi goes to cut off zeke's legs again but a pin is pulled and there's a massive explosion episode 16. zeke just [ __ ] refuses to die so he survives through this explosion also and then the titan comes over rips open its stomach and then puts him inside like a goddamn tauntaun from star wars elena and pixies have a talk about how a lot of the military had drank the spinal fluid already this caused even more soldiers to join the jaegers to avoid being turned into titans white armbands are given to the soldiers who are yeagerous red are for those who converted after drinking the wine and black are for the ones who drank the wine but still refuse to join we then see the anti marlene volunteers come to see mikasa and the others while talking griez who is relatively unimportant up until this point starts saying [ __ ] about nicolo who is locked up there too it talks about how sasha was a horror or whatever which is a tiny bit rude so elena shoots him in the head meanwhile aaron goes to meet with gabby to ask her to work with him and in exchange he will save falco piek who had infiltrated the building then stabs one of the guards and holds aaron at gunpoint she then monologues about how she became a warrior for her father's medical treatment or whatever he cares she says she wants to show her father a bright future for the eldians so she requests that aaron destroy marley gabby's not too happy about hearing px say this so pc has to clarify saying that if they keep on this track eventually marlei won't need them anymore and they'll be killed so she wants to prevent that from happening aaron wants proof that she's going to help them so she offers to take him to the roof and point out where her allies are back over to elena who goes into more detail about zeke's euthanasia plan and how he's going to use the founding titan's power to alter the aldians bodies in order to prevent them from having kids they will use the threat of the rumbling to keep the world at bay until the eldians peacefully die out army breaks down like a little [ __ ] saying that this planet is so noble and he's so overwhelmed yadda yadda yadda elena meets with aaron on the roof and warns that it's dangerous to trespieck when piek is asked to point out the enemy she points at aaron and then the jaw titan breaks through the roof nearly eating aaron in the process porco misses his target though allowing aaron to take on his titan form piak reassures gabby that she is still loyal as marlene ships appear above the city with reiner in tow i'm gonna be doing the future seasons and you can find that in the left side whenever i'm finished with it or you can check out all the attack on titan recaps in the playlist on the right side you can also find the links in the description below and the only thing i hate more than intros is outros
Views: 39,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jjRHSvyRyP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 50sec (1730 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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