Attaching Borders Using Quilt As You Go (QAYG) Quilting

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hi and welcome back to the crafty author we're getting ready to add borders to our strip quilt that we've been working on and I'm going to show you what I have here real quick it's it's going to be very similar to what we did with the blocks however now you're going to be working with longer strips so I'm going to flip the camera and I'm going to show you how I do my borders I have gone along and I've got went and cut all of my strips for my quilt I've actually cut all four of the strip's however I know that on two sides it's going to be longer after I attach these to the top so when I attach these horizontally then I'm gonna have two vertical strips which are going to be longer so I always wait to do those last those vertical strips that's very important otherwise you're going to have you're gonna have pieces that are that aren't going to match up so what I've done is I've taken a scrap of just some white fabric that I've had laying around five inches is what I cut my borders for this one you can do six you can do for you can do it however wide you want to but I just went ahead and did mine at five I also cut a backing piece at five this it this backing piece actually matches the back of my quilt so I just stayed with that that fabric then what I did was I cut a piece of batting that I stick in between here okay you can see I have that there I cut this at four and a half now normally I would cut my batting bigger because I'm going to quilt over this but when you're dealing with borders you really want this to be more more confined so I cut it just a little smaller so four and a half inches for that then I went through and I used my quilt clips just to clip it down now you can use pins or whatever helps you to keep your your your sandwich in place okay and so I'm just using my clips for now so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go over to the sewing machine and I'm going to start quilting my border and I haven't decided yet if I'm gonna free motion or if I'm just gonna use a mistake a machine stitch and I might just use a machine stitch because I I do enjoy using my - my machine we can't talk today machine stitches because they're just kind of fun and real easy and it just goes pretty quick so I'm gonna go over to the machine I'm going to quilt this and then I will show you what it looks like when I'm finished this is the finished border as you can see I've used a wavy stitch on my sewing machine to quote the border when I first started my border was five inches and now after sewing and with movement because it always moves when you quilt just a little bit I have cut mine down to four in four inches now so these are gonna be four inch borders so I always like to allow for a little bit of movement when I quilt borders or blocks or anything of the sorts so but this is what it looks like once it's quilted and in the backside this fabric that I used is actually got its I think it's polyester and it really is very difficult to work with so make sure that you're working with a hundred percent cotton I just chose that because it's what I had in my stash and not even realizing really what it was so I just have a ton of it so now it's all used up but it is difficult to quilt with so if you are quilting with something like that just be mindful okay that it might pucker up and wrinkle a tad bit more than than cotton so to start attaching the borders to your quilt using quilt as you go you're going to need a two and a half inch or I'm sorry a two inch strip just like when we attach the blocks just like when we attach the rose you're going to need a two inch strip which you will iron in in half just like that you will need your one inch strip which is gonna go on the front of your quilt right side down against the raw edge just like we did before and you're going to put your two inch strip that's folded in half that's folded in half on the backside raw edge on the back I'm gonna go pin and I will show you when I'm finished here we are now I've got everything put together I've got my 1 inch strip and my two inch strip attached to my quilt edge just like we did with the blocks and the rows it's the same exact thing that you're going to do so I've already pinned as you can see I've got you know that one's pinned down this one is is loose but everything's pinned and ready to go and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the sewing machine and I'm going to sew a quarter of an inch along this edge to attach these two strips now what works best when sewing through many layers is to use a walking foot I am not using a walking foot but I have used a walking foot for this process and I will tell you it does make life a whole lot easier so just be mindful of that Here I am at my sewing machine and I'm going to just finish sewing the the strip's onto my quilt just so you can see what that kind of looks like I'm gonna have to go slow so that I don't go off the rails here it's hard to do it with a camera but as you can see I'm just sewing that quarter of an inch I'm using my quarter of an inch foot which is right there and I'm just using the edge of that foot to guide myself like I said it is easier to go through all of the layers with a walking foot but for this purpose I'm gonna just continue with my quarter inch foot so I'm a little bit off now so make sure that my back matches my front and it does I do apologize it's just so and there we go so now I'm done with that so now you know what that kind of looks like I've been to the ironing board and I have gone ahead and pressed my one inch strip out after I attached it I still have my two inch strip on the back we're not gonna do anything with that right now what we are going to do is we're going to take our border strip that we quilted this one and now we're gonna flip it right side down to our to our our one inch strip so we'll have two nice sites but but it up together and then I'm just gonna go ahead and pin these pin this strip to my border and then I will go and I will stitch it down quarter of an inch my border is now attached as you can see I sew in a quarter of an inch and now when I flip it it's attached to the front side of the quilt now what I will do is I will go over and I will give this a little press just because I like to do that and then I will go ahead and press the backside over like so and then I will so using my zig-zag stitch to seal it up to close this I'll show you when I'm finished our border is now attached and it looks beautiful just beautiful so as you can see I went ahead and used my decorative stitch to attach the the the piece no sorry the strip's the strips so that's what I did on the back was I used a zig zag stitch just to catch that and it just gives it a little bit more character on the back of the quilt but this looks beautiful I love it this quilt is very wonky and again I'm loving it so what I'm going to do next is I'm gonna finish putting the borders all around our quilt and then I will put the binding on and this is what I'm going to be using for binding I just found some of this in my stash that's already been put together and I just like it because it has some really pretty flowers and I think it'll give it just a little bit of pop so I'm really excited to do this I will do another video on how to do the binding so you stay with me and we'll finish this quilt and it'll be gorgeous so thank you for joining me today for learning how to do the borders I still have quite a bit of work to do on the other side's so I need to get to that but I'm going to finish it and I'm hoping to get the binding video up today as well so you might get twice the dose of me just kidding so anyway I'm really looking forward to that I'm looking forward to finishing this for those of you who are doing this quilt along with me oh I'm so excited I've seen a couple of them that are that have been done and they are absolutely gorgeous and I just I get so excited when I see other people's work especially using a design that that I made for the sampler quilt I am just so excited about that and your quilts are gorgeous so please keep sharing them with me along the way I'd love to see your progress so until until later today I'll see ya bye bye
Channel: The Crafty Author
Views: 63,471
Rating: 4.7618146 out of 5
Keywords: Quilting, Quilt, Borders, Sashing, strip quilt, quilting tutorial, qayg, quilt as you go with sashing, quilt borders, quilting for beginners, how to quilt, learn to quilt, quilt as you go, quilt tutorial, free quilting tutorial, quilting lessons, patchwork quilt, how to attach borders to a quilt, how to attach borders with quilt as you go, how to attach borders with qayg, attach borders with qayg, qayg borders no sashing, quilt as you go borders no sashing, the crafty author
Id: LowwtqUZGPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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