Atrial Fibrillation: Can It Really Go Away?

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hey I'm Dr Morales I'm a board certified cardiologist as well as electrophysiologist and I have treated thousands of patients with atrial fibrillation in this video I'm going to discuss can atrial fibrillation just go away is there if you've got an episode of atrial fibrillation does that mean that you have the chronic long-term condition as well will it continue to come back over time was there just a one-off thing that can just kind of go away on its own without any other repercussions or is it chronic things that's what I want to talk about in this video so let's get get into it if you like this video if you want to see more videos about atrial fibrillation check out my channel Dr afin and hit that subscribe button underneath this video so you can get more notifications when my my new videos come out so in this video Let's talk about atrial fibrillation and whether it can one off whether it can go away in its own or whether it can continue to progress on this time in general um HF I usually tell my patients atrial fibrillation and unless for a few exceptions that I want to get to that is usually a condition that will continue to progress if nothing is done okay and that's what I'm going to get to all of that about how you can progress prevent that progression as well as the exceptions where maybe it is just a one-off thing okay first let's talk about these exceptions you know whether it is there a time when afib is just a one-off thing and maybe you don't you'll never get it again for the rest of your life yeah it's certainly possible but it's kind of a rare circumstance you have to have something that was a truly uh reversible event uh that can cause that cause atrial fibrillation and maybe if you prevent that again maybe you never get it again what are some examples okay let's say for example sometimes people get into fibrillation from severe electrolyte abnormalities such as the potassium is very low that can sometimes happen when people have very severe gastrointestinal disease let's say you get a horrible uh GI bug and you get horrible diarrhea where you get very dehydrated and then your potassium become very low yeah that could set off atrial fibrillation and then once you get better you collect your heart you reset your height you you read become hydrated again you correct your potassium or your electrolytes efficiency if it goes away if you never get really severe episode like that again maybe you'll never get atrial fibrillation again uh it can also happen in other severe illnesses such as getting a severe pneumonia uh um or some other severe illness there's a possibility that you may not ever get afib again once you've recovered from the illness but it is possible also another thing at least to mention these days is also who get atrial fibrillation afterwards and there's a possibility that over time the Fable will go away and as soon as people continue to recover from from having a pneumonia all a possibility but it's kind of fuel far between it is some reversible event and it goes away and then you may not get afib again certainly a possibility other thing are medications there are actually some medications that can cause atrial fibrillation um the most common ones would be certain cancer medications can certainly cause atrial fibrillation as a long list of different cancer medications which can cause end up causing atrial fibrillation and there's a possibility that removing or stopping the medication maybe will the atrial fibrillation will not come back there's also some psychiatric medication such as things for depression or bipolar which have also been linked to having atrial fibrillation as well and stopping that and potentially you may not get any more atrial fibrillation in addition there are other parts of your body such as thyroid problems of people when they have particularly hyperthyroidism they've got something called Graves disease or other types of hyperthyroidism where the heart rate thyroid is overactive creates a lot of Secrets a lot of hormones makes their body overactive and can trigger episodes of afib and there's a possibility that once it becomes corrected that you won't have afib anymore okay and those are a few examples of what I would call reversible ideologies when there's some other underlying condition that causes you to have atrial fibrillation if it's removed or you don't have it again then you may not have atrial fibrillation anymore after that but the most common risk factors for afib many people have that includes age over 60 to 70 years old as people get older and older they develop more fibrosis or scar tissue in their heart kind of like similar when people get wrinkles in their face as they get older same thing can happen in their heart and it causes episodes of afib other common effects include high blood pressure diabetes obesity um alcohol use sleep apnea all these common risk factors I think that most people have I mean most people who have afib have some of these kinds of risk factors not everybody they're showing you some exceptions to that rule as well but most people will have some element of those risk factors and so if somebody who has these common risk factors for afib starts getting episodes of AFib it is unlikely to just go away and cease if nothing is done again going back to what I commonly tell on my page if nothing is done it's common that if it will progress and progress and if it was a condition that likes to progress it will become worse and worse as the years go by if what's causing afib is not addressed and not eliminated and for many people that is obesity high blood pressure diabetes and there's many ways to combat this progression there's many ways to stop afib from getting worse and worse so if you want that to not get worse and worse in many ways to do that there's obviously medications are always an option I tell patients there's a variety of prescription medications that your doctors can prescribe they can help reduce the progression of afib and improve symptoms of atrial fibrillation they sometimes even make it so that you don't get any hardly any episodes medications are always an option procedures are always an option as well there's procedures that I do and other electrophysiologists do called an ablation where I go into your groin take catheters and go up the heart and make strategic burn marks inside your left upper chamber of your heart which is where most Affair comes from if you want to learn more about ablation procedures I have a video on there I'll have a link underneath the video for that for that video as well we can learn more about oblige procedures that works better than any medication does to suppress or reduce that progression of atrial fibrillation however lifestyle modifications are also very very important that goes back to going down to the underlying root of what cause they fit and to begin with and so for many people that involves weight loss that improv while is improving high blood pressure approving diabetes and that can be very accomplished in a variety of methods um one what I commonly tell my patients is that it all starts with the food that you put in your mouth and keeping your food as natural as possible to try to limit they processed foods to reduce added salt added added sugar keep your food as healthy as possible food as healthy as possible as natural as possible is the healthiest way to eat and there's a variety of diet types out there that help you accomplish that but I also created my own program called to take control of a very fit program I'll give you the step-by-step guide and everything natural that you can do to help improve afib to reduce inflammation to lose weight to help improve those underlying causes that contribute to you for much because that is an essential essential part of any aphid treatment to reduce that progression so that it doesn't become a chronic thing so yes there are times when afib is a one-off thing and it may just go in its own but you got to have the truly reversible cause that once you've got to get rid of it maybe if it will never come back and otherwise your heart is normal but if you have any of those common risk factors that grant me enjoy to people with aphid have if those are not addressed if it will continue to get worse when over as the years go by people get more frequent episodes they get longer lasting and then you reach a point where you fit is there all the time and it doesn't want to go away on its own and the more years that go by the harder and harder it is to actually reverse that process and make it so that you have little to no afib and that a certainly be accomplished by many ways including medications procedures as well as last time modifications which is why I created they take control of a very fit programs to give you everything you need to know lifestyle wise to improve and reverse each formulation right underneath the video to the link that goes to my program where you'll be able to learn more about what's including the program as well as the testimonials when people have actually taken the program see what they have to say so check it out I'll help you with the reverse your atrial fibrillation or otherwise I wish you the best with your afed
Channel: Doctor AFib
Views: 3,050
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Keywords: drafib, doctor afib, afib, atrial fibrillation, atrial fib, AFib, Atrial Fibrillation, Heart Health, Can AFib go away, Cardiovascular Health, Lifestyle Changes, Heart Rhythm, Heart Disease, Heart Conditions, Understanding AFib, AFib Management, AFib Treatment, AFib Symptoms., afib symptoms, atrial fibrillation (disease or medical condition), arrhythmia symptoms, afib natural treatment, atrial fibrillation treatment, heart healthy foods, heart healthy diet, afib treatment
Id: pRyZiXx6qWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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