Healthspan: How To Live Longer AND Better!

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how to increase your health span what's a health span Health span is kind of like lifespan more released to your quality of life rather than the length of your life oh I like that Health span new word yeah so we learned it here first there was a recent article just this year that talks about exactly this the name of the article we'll put a link in the description Association of cardiovascular health with life expectancy free of cardiovascular disease diabetes cancer and dementia and United Kingdom adults it's a Jama Journal of internal medicine 2023. okay legit Journal legit Journal so what they looked at was eight measures from the American Heart Association that were used to identify whether or not this made a difference in your health plan or your quality of disease-free life okay so how long you can live without the development of chronic disease and I guess it kind of focused on the more cardiovascular type chronic disease absolutely and they focused on eight specific measures from the American Heart Association okay let's break it down okay so number one was a healthy weight yeah keeping a healthy weight make sure related with staying chronic disease-free yes number two don't smoke don't swear it just seems so obvious and we would argue that maybe that includes don't Vape but well some people in our comments would argue that one in the smoking it did it did include nicotine yeah it's sub-qualified nicotine which of course you can get through a vape or a patch or a chewing gum but it included now there's only a you know we do medical research to uncover the truth yep and smoking is bad for you is now a truth that's true not negotiable no hopefully we won't get a comment saying well now hang on I smoke light cigarettes through a big filter so it's not bad enough and I smoked for 100 years and I'm still alive yeah yeah smoking is bad for you is that I like to say it's an unfortunate truth as opposed to an outdoors inconvenient okay it's unfortunate that's one of those unfortunate truths yeah smoking is bad for you so that was number two okay so we said smoking healthy weight so healthy diet and this can be a whole bunch of different things but really a balanced diet primarily not involving excessive calories or excessive amounts of fatter sugar the next one is healthy sleep okay which is where our videos come in because I'm sure they put some of you to sleep and I would say this is one that we're really learning a lot about that in order to get those healthy seven to nine hours a night that's what has been shown to reduce risk of of death by significant amounts yeah yes okay number five is regular physical activity we talk about this all the time it doesn't matter what you do but you need to do something ideally something every day totally ideally moderate activity 150 minutes a week okay I'd say that one's a truth now too I would say that I think it's I think it's so obvious it's so obvious you don't have to say it but we'll say it yeah okay and the next one is um blood pressure okay keeping your blood pressure blood pressure in a healthy range again now we're not saying that oh you have to take medications for your blood pressure you don't know anything about big Pharma here uh we're just saying that that's another one of those truths long-standing hypertension is correlated with heart disease and someone's going to come and say bruh literally my blood pressure is 210 right now as I'm watching your video go to the emerge go to the emerge okay so healthy blood pressure and there's two more so another one is healthy blood glucose so we've also learned that as much as we vilified fat in the 70s and 80s really sugar in particular your blood sugar is a big problem so high levels of insulin and high levels of the sugar persisting in your bloodstream are really bad for your chronic Health it's kind of funny though because they correlated one of the chronic diseases as being diabetes yes it's kind of self-fulfilling yeah high blood sugar you have diabetes so that that would be a positive outcome of that study even though it's kind of for the carnivore people that's like a chicken and egg kind of thing okay I like it I like it okay the last one your lipid profile right so high non-hdl cholesterol yes high non-hdl cholesterol and that what we're not talking about taking statins to lower the effects of lowering that we're just saying it's a correlation if you have a high non-hdl cholesterol it is strongly correlated with the development of heart and that's important to say correlation versus causation we've talked about these things in other videos too so those are the eight measures and then what they did is they got you a score and the score put you into category of either low moderate or high so if you had a high score that means you're doing really well on all of these scoring high on these measures reduced the length of time you have a chronic disease and increase the time before you get the chronic disease right and actually measured it in years so for men if you had a high score compared to a low score it increased your disease free time by seven years and for women by 9.5 years right and like you were saying the time that you actually did develop chronic disease because many even healthy people at the end of their lives they develop it the amount of disease time that you had was actually compressed and the last thing that was interesting and they were a little bit surprised about and weren't sure what to make of it is that this went right across all social economic groups a thousand interesting finding because traditionally we found that lower socioeconomic status is correlated with poor health and shorter lifespan for a host of reasons like access to care and things like that yeah that's just one of those social determinants of health is those socioeconomic factors however this study showed that the benefits of these eight measures spanned across a wide range of socioeconomic status right so the the kind of take-home messages these eight things aren't important for you so healthy weight regular exercise healthy diet healthy sleep good blood pressure good blood pressure profile don't smoke good sugars not too sweet remember this isn't going to make you live longer according to the study but it's going to make you live better for longer right Health span not lifespan now you know if you like this video please like it subscribe to our Channel and remember you really are in charge of your own health according to this study we'll see you next time
Channel: Talking With Docs
Views: 23,269
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Keywords: live longer, how to live longer, foods that help you live longer, ways to live longer, living longer, food to live longer, ginger, how can i live longer, foods to live longer, eat fast live longer, dr berg on live longer, mark hyman live longer, secrets to live longer, how to live longer life, foods to eat to live longer, why women live longer than men, how to live longer comparison, dr. oz living longer, foods that make you live longer, why do women live longer than men
Id: eUzpgkm6eEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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