ATR 72-600 Flight Cockpit View | Silver Airways | Tampa - Ft. Lauderdale

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Girls welcome back to another video Welcome to uh a dark ATR 72 600 series aircraft here at Silver Airways and I've just got a view because it's very dark in here let's walk to the cockpit [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you've seen a previous video of me at a day at work at Silver so I was flying the 42 model which has 46 seats this aircraft is the 72 model which has 70 seats and they're all empty today which is going to mean that this thing is going to fly like a pink rocket ship shouldn't say it pink it's fuchsia we're doing a part 91 repo flight uh we are repositioning this aircraft down to Fort Lauderdale we're in Tampa at the moment we're going to reposition it down to Fort Lauderdale clearing still wakes 9014 question the Fort Lauderdale 3 30 14. clear to the Fort Lauderdale International Airport saving Lee County as filed after parts are fly hitting three one zero I maintain one thousand six hundred it's like one five thousand and ten departure frequency is 118.8 score four six six two all right clear to Fort Lauderdale radar of X is Sabi Lee County Hospital departure heading three one zero to one thousand six hundred one fifteen thousand feet uh one zero soft departure one one eight point eight and four six six two so it was 9014. Super Wings 9014 the Rebecca is correct you can contact ground point seven with Quebec when you're in Texas after picking up the clearance it's time to put the route into the FMS then before you know it the captain is asking to start engine 2 in hotel mode Hotel mode is a feature on the ATR which allows you to start engine two on the right side without spinning the propeller this gives powers the electrical and air conditioning systems so we can disconnect the GPU with a relevant checklist complete we're ready for pushback now like any other airliner the ATR is truly an aircraft that requires teamwork from the flight crew to make the flight successful and this video will give you an insight into what it takes with the push complete we're cleared to spin the propeller on engine two all right right side or rotation get engine one started flaps 15 ounces can test perform clear on the left one in three two one starter on time and get underway to four Lauderdale start your top check before it's actually procedure complete but that's the checklist FWS record more status probably it's all copy combination flaps 15 those real steering it's on before taxi check it's completely ready for the call yes or wings uh 9014 information Quebec ready Taxi [Music] Juliet Charlie cross to eight Charlie cross 28 to Runway 14. all right bricks Jack fgc check test at this point I begin to give Captain Ben a departure briefing all right I'll give you a briefing yes uh so we fall together you know how I fly uh but if you see something seriously this includes what is not limited to things like weather conditions runway length speeds and anything we deem appropriate to discuss before departure no two briefings are the same as things can change from flight to flight which require a solid plan to make the flight a successful one one set of items that we always discuss on every briefing however are emergency action items it's required that we follow sop at all times and this includes emergency procedures on which we're trained to a high degree of proficiency during training cool all right aileron spoiler green light left Airline spoiler green light let's appreciate is complete ghost log of flight controls Jack transported Jack hello is not a board but that bites yeah Fleet valves on external lights all on Ultra later on Final if you notice the tower controller interrupted our checklist however that's not a problem in this aircraft as the checklists are displayed electronically we have paper backups however the ability to stop at your last checked items so we don't lose our place is a really nice feature armed power set 70 knots yeah controls my controls V1 rotate positive I'll star and 310 please all right there she comes I want to go check yeah 16 25 10 Runway one or eight Cliffs take off clear for takeoff on one right United 16 point acceleration climb procedure white bug zero speed 170. check the rain's 9014 contact us have a good day good goodbye 2014 coming up on 16 310 headed Silver Wings 9014 Tampa departure but our contract climate maintained three thousand shoots green three thousand ounces when we do 17.99 90 miles from negating 360. you hear us say check after one of us does something this is to verify a change and both acknowledge it and confirm it's correct all the information we're reading during this phase is on our primary flight display the flight mode settings via the flight guidance control panel are at the top of the PFD in what we call the flight mode enunciator or FMA you heard me say out green and the captain who is pilot monitoring verified with check well alt green means that the altitude selected has been captured and is holding now my flight director is directed me to hold that altitude once I see it on my FMA I call it out and the pilot monitoring verifies it with check it's such a simple verification process however crucial as it protects us against accidentally setting something incorrectly [Laughter] through 10 means that we're passing through 10 000 feet which ends the sterile cockpit for us I'm sure there's a lot of people out there that Wonder exactly what it is that Pilots get up to in Cruise flight of course we fly the aircraft and monitor the systems to ensure they're operating as they should be but now above 10 000 feet we're free to have a chat and the conversations with Ben are always good ones okay and Landing with 14 4-4 and we got 12 26 off paper she told me she follows you I was like really everybody [Laughter] when you fly with someone that you can get along with it makes your day so much better and at Silver I've always found that the people I fly with are all easy to get along with you can't ask for much more than that now even though we're in Crews having a nice chat we still have work to do it's the job of the pilot monitoring to obtain weather information at the destination airport and relay it to the pilot flying after agreeing to an approach procedure the pilot flame will set it up and brief the other pilot this brief gives both Pilots a clear view of the overall plan and is crucial to a successful approach uniform unicorn unicorn all right I'm ready when you're ready Roger uh approached the 1-0 left up with the ILS so the ILS player is 11-1 effective the 12th of August uh we've got the localizer both sides uh want 10.1096 is the Final Approach course is an 1800 at Northern uh well no doubt intercepts of 210. there's a puppy on the left side it's serviced by a mile zip approach is climbing straight out to 800 and a left turn of 4 000 uh on radio zero nine zero uh to parts which is confirmed to all being the uh in uh in the FMS it'll be a right turn off of one zero left over to ramp control uh down to uh Charlie pretty pretty sure yeah not all heroes were capes we're saving the days what we're doing I like that yeah good visibility good weather out there beautiful beautiful absolutely all right Ben there's a question for you why are you at Silver it's not like an interview here yeah yeah exactly what makes you think you're so special yeah oh gosh to be honest with your silver has just been my first 121 experience 43 33. I just chose it for my 320 I want to say a lifelong career you didn't want to kind of Bounce Around yeah different airline to Airline yeah yeah how long have you been in traffic I'm going on nine years now eight yeah eight to nine yeah nine years yeah you must enjoy it then you know the the camaraderie the the family the the neatness of that you know yes like I wanted to go somewhere where I'm not just a number yeah you know the person that I'm flying with knows who I am the company knows who I am people know how I fly and know my personality and we could you know hop in the you know in the cockpit together and yeah literally just get along you know biggest things for me is I enjoy the aircraft I enjoy the people yeah and I hope basically there you go you know so my personal situation that's perfect yeah right obviously you've been here for nine years obviously at different times you've they've done trips where you have to stay away from home but yeah I know you know your best or sorry you're back in base every evening um well you can't beat that no you can't now I have a question for you what made you start on your YouTube feed as far as well I take it you love Aviation but what made you get into you know videotaping and posting and yeah so originally I I want to start off by saying I never expected it to any ever make any money or ever become anything special I just wanted to make videos I I used to watch uh other Aviation YouTubers way back when and uh I just thought to myself I'm quite a funny guy just made that no I just I just like to you know yeah I saw an opportunity to kind of do things the way that I thought was better there you go and I'll tell you what though my first videos was horrific but no I don't better over time and now it's become something where somebody is telling me Oh you've helped me with such and such you've helped me through my private you've held good understand this and that is the biggest reward you know um so that that's my motivation to keep things going the life of a pilot on a day-to-day basis and what we do where we go how we fly for the ones who are starting you know when they see you know they see what we do they see what you produce yeah I think it kind of give them a little okay I can do this right I think this you know it's not bad you know you you know Aviation from an outsider standpoint is quite inaccessible yes you know I totally agree yeah people don't know how to begin it's intimidating goals is make it accessible you know make people see that you can have fun while also doing things the correct way and that's that's exactly the the situation I was in when I started like how can I get it right and at the time we didn't have this nice fancy you know all this updated you know videos but yeah yeah discovering 9014 the center maintained six thousand six thousand dollars so in 1940. six thousand set that's outside blue check we've been cleared down to six thousand feet and with the approach briefing complete all that we need to do is our descent checklist before passing through ten thousand feet all right through ten at which point stereo cockpit comes back into effect and we continue on with the approach checklist check question and then it's off to the Final Approach controller who will sequences for the approach yeah we had chicken in six five six thousand at Bounty uniform speaker advisor is 90 14 expect one dollar thanks much uh turn left but speed to levias 90 14. 2014 Friday one two zero and it's up for only one to left hey this Victor okay Victor 1227 left for classes for 16 22 this is the main thing in five thousand all right how do you sell uh green one uh 120. you want me to do it afterwards that'll work yeah check I got uh man speed 232 for currency with sterile cockpit in effect our conversations are limited to things pertaining to the flight this is a critical phase of flight and requires ultimate concentration 2014 at least uh okay pretend to potential high speed 210 he said they're cleared for the uh I'm just gonna wait for a quite slow to come in okay and we'll follow that down so pretty much across the war or yeah obviously uh hold off on the flashlight the ATR like any other aircraft has maximum speeds for certain configurations with the speed restriction Giving To Us by ATC I won't be able to configure in other words extend flaps and landing gear until we pass the point that ATC requested yes quite slow green check what's the pro challenge you set four thousand thank you sir that was 39.21 maintain five thousand so 73 dollars so what's your left bridge five thousand until established one zero left Southwest 39.21 I'm calling nonsense okay also speed 170 I got this guy over here on the right side yeah check probably support JetBlue again surroundings and speed one seven zero zero eight zero speed 170 speed won't fall back Echo traffic 11 o'clock three miles Northbound three thousands of Caravan yeah with 9014 at least 170 to 5 out kind of gets out over 9.3 14 on the Island's 914 for low Tower clearland one is your left traffic blowhole in position okay all right I'm calling that five but let's slow it down Flats uh 30 before on each other all right speed check there it is speed 106. no Kevin crew line again three green confirm three greens come on Towers quarter lamb ones are left also pilot coming off November 1A Whiskey Tango Runway 1-0 left live away traffic gone up five mile finals and ATR be ready to go all right we continue to line up and wait ten left civil 9 13. thank you change the runway one zero right Runway one zero right clearly what's the record line to do uh typically 9 54 right turn right turn on Bravo and ground point four right here in Bravo ground platform 913 you can chase the tower frequency 20.212 0.2 you're still clear land one zero right between squeeze him right and be in the back of us right with that soft twist into the back too thirty nine twenty one one zero left Southwest 39-21 four loud Tower Runway ones are left Quarter Lane Windsor left good morning Southwest 39 21. keys on the road can I see where is he at is he's on the roll okay what is that little Skyhawk yeah that would bird up that side left side High check and Tower nine thousand fourteen clear line turn left 289 000 14th from recording 101. foreign minimum minimum all right we'll see Daniel contact [Applause] 20. 10. Lauderdale Tower platter 361 Papa Echoes with you on the island good just released 914 right turn join Bravo Ram control right turn on a Bravo or the ramp so Wings 90 14 things around sewing's 94t clear on uh Bravo number two to Charlie Charlie Bravo Tango 2 Charlie hates the Winx drawers thank you sir thank you sir hydraulic okay 30 seconds set one for you to shut up after lunch complete hydraulic okay still it is [Applause] so kind of you I appreciate that thank you because he's listening to the frequency house wow I was about to shut down the right engine and finish up our checklist to go home I'd like to thank you for watching this video it's taken a lot of collaboration between myself Captain Ben and silver Airways to make it happen so massive thank you to everybody involved and if you've never had the pleasure of flying with us at Silver I'd like to be the first to welcome you on board a future flight with us visit to book your tickets and also follow the company's social media Pages for special discounts and information also follow me while you're over there thanks for riding with us today it was a pleasure having you on board [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: LewDix Aviation
Views: 88,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flying, Flight, Pilot, Aviation, Cockpit, Takeoff, Landing, Flight Training, CFI, Student Pilot, Airline, Silver Airways, Airline Pilot, ATR, ATR72-600, AT76
Id: Rm-XuU0WbHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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