Atop the Fourth Wall Movie Review: the Worst Channel Awesome Film

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2022 has ended for good we'll never see that year again until the heat death of the universe which will cause a new Big Bang and Usher in a whole new cycle one where you'll make the same choices completely unaware that your puppet on strings everything you do or ever will do you're gonna do over and over again forever we will always be in that room watching the linkara movie we will always be there watching a 30 year old fat man who rants about comic books on the Internet by the Terminator skeleton he bought at a Halloween store for like 20 bucks the CGI green screens the bad attempts at dramatic monologues the cheap pot shots that other creators that are exactly as incompetent as linkara nothing will change and we will stay in our hideous dream until it all goes black just for our eyes to open up and the movie is back at the start playing all over again okay all seriousness the Atop The Fourth Wall movie sucks donkey dick hello and welcome to Atop The Fourth Wall we're back where Bad Comics burn [Music] foreign [Music] you guys ever stared into the face of the face of an Angry God as it laughs at how small you are and then you stare right back at it and make it blink [Music] do something come on bring it [ __ ] face earn it show me something real I need it now not later no show me another believing you till the day okay I swear I'm calling on you I'm calling on you so yeah we're doing the Atop The Fourth Wall movie I felt that if we're giving Duke's Ember a proper send-off let's cash out with the worst of the channel awesome movies by [ __ ] far because yes the lancara movie is exactly that the worst of the channel awesome Cinematic Universe for multiple reasons not just because of the low budget or the bad special effects because the other movies were guilty of pretty much the exact same [ __ ] no what makes the Atop The Fourth Wall movie so agonizing is actually something that drove me up a [ __ ] wall the sheer unprecedented [ __ ] ego but before we get into the movie itself it's time to lay out some context I briefly mentioned linkara in the other channel awesome videos specifically that he reviews comic books and made a hilariously bad webcomic and his history on various porn sites and role play forums that got revealed showing that this man's brain would find a goddamn Eminem sexually attractive in the right circumstances things linkara jerked off to corpses feet incest Muppets gay gangbangs strap-on beta [ __ ] dick girls tons of rape the green Eminem man this one is a sick [ __ ] puppy only a complete [ __ ] without their fetish on the internet so publicly like that you guys ever read gigantic now this is all pretty basic [ __ ] stuff tons of people have embarrassing stuff they'd rather hide and let's be honest here lenkara isn't the first person to have a porn history that would make 100 days of Sodom look like My Little Pony but to understand why this is all so funny in this exact circumstance let's talk about linkara as a person for a bit so then Cara's story is actually pretty common in regards to channel awesome and that guy with the classes he was a big fan of Doug Walker and James Rolfe an audition to be part of the site pitching his gimmick as basically being the Nostalgia Critic but for comic books which isn't a bad idea Comics have a significant following and there's tons of dumb ass and weird stories to poke at for entertainment's sake now funny enough when Cara himself admitted he got into Comics pretty late into his life he wasn't a big fan of them as a kid but grew to appreciate the medium more as an adult and decide to focus on reviewing them as his career when his first two attempts at webcomics exploded in his face that being the iconic lightbringer series which is a wonderful franchise full of wholesome family values and Angel armor which seems to be a religious themed superhero that lankara was tinkering with because yeah linkara back in the day used to be religious which once again is kind of funny when you think about it still the point is that he made two bad webcomics that were downright's sonichu levels of dog [ __ ] filled with childish art terrible ideas that are just rip-offs of other media I mean lightbringer is literally just Green Lantern it's the exact same power but with more rape and both Comics seem to be glorified ego projects for linkara since the main characters in each series are self-insured from lankara himself one of them is outright named Lewis with the pseudonym lankara it's not exactly subtle because it was during that very encounter that the lightbringer met one of the most powerful characters in his comic book I'm talking about Lewis or as he prefers to be called lincara Now power fantasies aren't a complete sin when it comes to making fiction tons of successful and even beloved series work as power fantasies that let the audience just have a good time James Bond is probably the biggest example of this or at least the most blatant that you can point to a badass super spy who kills bad guys makes love with beautiful women across the globe and gets to go to Luxurious casinos and resorts as part of his job another example Indiana Jones very similar to James Bond but more of a rough and tumble America's man fighting Nazis and weird Cults to keep them from getting access to Magic [ __ ] once again a very drunk fun series that exists because people like the idea of an ultra badass going on these Adventures hell you could even argue a story like berserk as a power fantasy guts is an ultimate badass a warrior that fights monsters and demons has beautiful women interested in him and always meets every challenge with a big dick attitude of course that's putting it very simplistically uh there's a certain 21 hour long video you can watch with all the intricacies of Berserk I really like that series but the point is that power fantasies are not by themselves bad the issue is that linkara doesn't tackle it the same way as other examples those stories exist to entertain others they're made to make other people happy and there's a lot of excitement in the plot UPS Downs moments where the protagonist has the absolute [ __ ] beat out of them they understand what makes a power fantasy fun is seeing a badass pull themselves out of a bad situation that might be captured betrayed tortured they might lose loved ones everything is in service to watching them rise up to the challenge and break its [ __ ] jaw langara doesn't do that it's all about his enjoyment and since the characters are self-inserts you might already be smelling what the issue here it's something that to be honest is still affecting linkara to this very day the dude is narcissistic insanely so to the point that actually makes some of the claims from the channel awesome document downright laughable yeah keep telling me how arrogant Doug Walker is when one of the pieces of evidence you have is he wouldn't [ __ ] off to a corner of his own Studio so I could film my movie because that's one of linkara's complaints it's really that bad and we'll talk about the importance of that studio in a bit I actually have a lot to say about that the point is linkara is a tad to up his own butthole don't believe me well then let's stop beating around the bush and get the party started because we're in for a long [ __ ] night so when Cara's series is Atop The Fourth Wall where he reviews various comic books everything from Mainline DC stories to the weirdest Indie [ __ ] you can think of it's actually been a consistent series with a fan base that's extremely loyal even after all the drama and Insanity he's even had a spin-off series such as history Power Rangers where he talked about Power Rangers lore and how it helped spark interest for the Sentai genre to grow in the west though that had some problems history of Power Rangers has no sets schedule the videos are done when they're done and will be released when they're done in case you haven't noticed I've been more than a little busy the last few months if you haven't noticed wake up already I attended power morphicon Falcon did a very complicated ending to an episode of Atop The Fourth Wall yeah personally not gonna lie I was never into Power Rangers I'm more of a history of voltage Avengers guy let me say this once again history of voltage Avengers has no set schedule oh God damn it Rocco point is lancara in spite of his eccentricities has been able to keep a steady flow of videos going through the years and he actually became one of the more well-known of the channel awesome crowd nowhere near to the level of Doug or Angry Joe but enough to where he could actually keep the lights on just ranting about bad comic books to strangers on the internet however linkara's Fame is more in the vein of uh Christian anything else in these recent years and not just because the bad webcomic or the Dead game Muppet game Banks I can never watch Muppet Treasure Island again thank you linkara you perverted [ __ ] you see well Doug kept including dumb skits in his videos as time went on culminating with the channel awesome movies and demo reel being birthed into this world like demonic fetuses bursting out of their mothers he never really took them seriously devotely flee was the exception because that did have drama in it but that actually made a bit of sense because I mean he was trying to kill off the nostalgic critic character he was trying to wish his co-workers the fun farewell I can understand why he took that one seriously it was still pretty pretentious but at least there was an excuse funny enough a lot of the channel awesome people had their own skits and attempts at lore it actually is to the point that it still affects people that are inspired by them to this very day funny enough a lot of breadtube does it h bomber guy Quentin reviews Contra points they all have their own dumbass skits in them equally as obnoxious as Channel awesome hell Lindsay Ellis is one of the founders of Redtube in case you needed enough proof of course the excuse is that it's all ironic but spoiler alert that's exactly what the angry reviewers back then said too [ __ ] doesn't change people the paint just gets a new color [Music] hello today we're going to be talking about Garfield The Tale of Two Kitties this man wasn't even exaggerating this is what they were all like back in the day so when people want to throw shade of Doug for the skits they tend to pick and choose he was actually part of that Trend because frankly he was just the biggest fish in that pond one of the complaints from the document was specifically about how a guy named erod was pissy that Doug wouldn't include his lore in the devotely flee movie he just got a cameo yeah this guy apparently has a magic hammer that he uses to fight bad movies or something I don't [ __ ] know he was legitimately mad Doug wouldn't let him fight the bad guys and save everyone at the end which really is sort of the problem with a lot of the channel awesome people but let's get back on track I'm going to save that towards the end the point is that linkara himself has his own channel lore and immediately you can see the difference between him and Doug The Nostalgia Critic is a very exaggerated version of Doug Walker's personality he's snarky cartoonish and is intentionally played up to be a self-centered egotistical [ __ ] they make constant pot shots about how Nostalgia Critic only cares about himself nankara's personality is linkara he's just kind of himself making occasional quips and getting angry to an over-the-top degree but nothing that makes it clear that he's playing a different character from just who he is normally granted it's not like he has to make a role there's tons of critics out there who don't play characters and do just fine sometimes it's actually what your viewers prefer a dude who gets to the point instead of making a 10 minute long skit to explain why the Garfield movie wasn't that good of course that implies linkara doesn't do skits but he does in fact he does a lot of skits to the point you can find multiple hours worth of compilation videos of jessalyn Carr's lore no reviews just the skits and there's hours of this stuff now this would be fine if it was something like red letter Media or the story arcs and skits or complete [ __ ] posts that have nothing to do with the reviews and are really just there to explain why Mike and Jay are sitting in their chairs talking about movies but Channel awesome and linkara especially linkara wanted to have it both ways to make skits that are weaved into the reviews themselves and build up to some Grand climax or final battle yeah a lot of the angry reviewer click loved having these dumb green screen fights with a bad guy that was blatantly them in pajamas or a Halloween outfit it was all over the place from Nostalgia Critic to Angry Video Game Nerd to [ __ ] movie Bob now well guys like AVGN had this James never really took it seriously it was an over-the-top and ridiculous segment and it was part of a joke that this psychotic man child went Super Saiyan and fought a discontinued Nintendo accessory and a dramatic final battle to save video games it was a joke that ended a single episode as a way of announcing a season finale the channel awesome crowd and especially linkara would build up to these fights across multiple videos try to have a villain that was a constant presence and would go either way to [ __ ] with them in their videos to the point they would have these is this the end of the angry Nostalgia kid moments where their character would almost die or something like that they even had full-blown action scenes then their faith in gaming or Comics or movies or whatever gave him the way will to fight back and they defeated the bad guy to blah blah blah taking the joke segment of AVGN and stretching it to be like a full season of a TV show and this isn't even to say James himself was immune to this problem the mindset a lot of these online critics had was that they were becoming the new entertainment in town they would replace movies and TV become household names and leverage their Fame to get into the film industry yeah a lot of these guys thought they could go legit which makes the dumb skits all the more agonizing in retrospect because this wasn't haha this is so ridiculous but playing with the green screen is a lot of fun and I wouldn't Tinker with Adobe After Effects see what I can do I mean a few of them were like that some were very aware of what they actually were but there were more than a few especially in Channel awesome that saw this as attempts to actually pitch themselves as creators they truly believed the cheap special effects were Charming enough to carry them into actual production jobs and this actually is something Doug Walker himself is guilty of they weren't trying to train themselves in a new field they believed they already mastered it and just need the attention of the right people to propel them and to stardom and now we can finally talk about the lankara movie because this is my thesis statement Doug Walker made the channel awesome movies to hang out with his friends and have fun with his hobby lancara made his movie to prove how awesome he was lancara thinks he's James Bond but well you'll see [Music] so the Atop The Fourth Wall movie takes place sometime after the events of the boldly Fleet yeah it's Canon which once again makes some claims from the document kind of hilarious this was the movie that traumatized everyone with 18 hour long shoots rape scenes and Doug not taking everybody to Applebee's but they still acknowledge it happened in their videos hell lenkara uses multiple plot points from Chipotle Flee for this movie to the point that it's actually sort of obnoxious but we'll get there when we get there regardless linkara is trying to adjust to life post To Boldly Flee struggling with PTSD and trying to move on from the death of a Nostalgia Critic yeah just kidding he's completely fine at least in that regard instead he's dealing with his own issues that focus on his own lore which I would Hound more but I don't want to get into detail just yet just know that it's both okay because it is his movie and also kind of makes him look like a raging dick but we'll come to it when we come to it oh yeah I mentioned that linkara had the spaceship which he used to save everyone come the ending of the third movie turns out that is not a throwaway joke it is a major part of his character that is sort of the main focus of the movie He Got the ship after [Music] uh what does the Wikipedia page say uh he beat some bad guy years ago and uses to travel around the Galaxy fighting like aliens and Eldritch gods and [ __ ] like that and no none of this is a joke this is all stuff that's treated as legitimate events that follow Ankara there's fact comic dweeb is supposed to be a mixture of a Star Trek crew and Doctor Who he even has a whole cast of Side characters to fully enable a shenanigans such as himself as 90s kid because linkara hates the 90s for being edgy and letting Rob liefeld have a career hey Rob's a cool guy on Twitter he bought a dude Deadpool tickets when he couldn't afford to go see the movie he's a cool dude but 90s kid is meant to be the dumbling Cara just enjoying spectacle and violence and titties instead of thinking about the deeper story to comic books listen I'm gonna be that guy right now not every comic ended up being Dark Knight Returns a lot of them are dumbass flavor of the week stories that get retconned out of existence once enough reboots happen I mean far be it from 90s kid they just [ __ ] enjoys having fun I stand with you man we'll get this [ __ ] nerd we'll give him a wedgie in the parking lot later you and me bro we're gonna [ __ ] him up there's also Lounge singer linkara who is just him trying to be Frank Sinatra that's pretty much the whole character Frank Sinatra who thinks langkari is super cool and wants to be like a father figure to him yeah him dressed as Frank Sinatra wants to be a father figure to himself alright other than that you have robots that link Carter built that he uses as slaves which is about the only political opinion I think we can agree on 13th Amendment does not apply to lug nut Americans and I would rather die than see a [ __ ] Alexa go to the same school as my kids point is linkara has his own crew of wacky Side characters to help him pilot his spaceship comicron 1 to fight threats both foreign and domestic he even has the blessing of the US government since a federal agent went to bat for linkara instead just letting them shoot him in the head you're here to kill me no no not at all see I said that's what they wanted to do with you however a low ranking agent spoke up in your defense said we could trust you with it who spoke up in my defense which is [ __ ] it's [ __ ] like you they'll let the Star Wars program fail sometimes an internet critic or two has to die to protect National Security do your [ __ ] job and shoot this dumb [ __ ] so we can get back to moving Coke I mean so the feds can get back to moving Coke but lankara is pulled into a mission for the US government a space station has gone quiet and nobody knows the condition of the crew the only one with a spaceship capable of getting to them is linkara so he assembles his crack team of online critics to figure out what's going on and save the astronauts if they can his team includes Brad Jones the Cinema Snob Allison pregler obscurus Lupa Kalin salsadu and I don't know how to say her [ __ ] last name Mars girl Nash Buzzard Nash Joe Vargas Angry Joe also known as piss Pablo also known as angry Alejandro also known as mift Miguel also known as Steam Sanchez alright we've reached optimal racism levels let's drop the bit there's also the government agent that works as linkara's Handler Nick Landis as Department of Homeland Security agent Allen Park at least I assume he's DHS they never make it clear what agency he works with he's not in his 50s and wearing a Hawaiian shirt so he can't be CIA and the FBI wouldn't care about a spaceship they're too busy grooming mentally ill teenagers on Discord to shoot up elementary schools so yeah we'll assume he's Homeland anyway they all set off to the the orbit of Jupiter in order to find the cause of the signal loss and make a horrifying Discovery thenkara's Ultimate Enemy is Back mechakara The Psychotic Android double of linkara he survived the final battle of the boldly flea and went to revenge on lenkara slowly mastering the power of malachite's Gauntlet the McGuffin from Suburban Knights don't worry it's a magic Gauntlet that does magic things there you go and he's been assimilating the crew of the science vessel into his cyborg minions the reveal of mechikara's survival rockslankar to his core already traumatized by his various battles with other reality threatening villains and losing faith in his path it's to the point that the crew is almost killed by Mecca card doodling Kara hesitating on giving out an order until Mars girl snaps him back to reality alright so I actually want to talk about this reveal since I have a lot to say about it for one linkara really likes this villain it's pretty much his main antagonist through most of his videos which is fine enough in over the top Android that hates mankind is dumb enough for a cheap gag or so the problem is that linkara doesn't view it as a gag he legitimately believes mechakar is threatening I mentioned before that the villain in Suburban Knights felt like he was inspired by Anton jagor but goofier in a hypocritical dumbass since a lot of characters in that movie poke fun at how serious he takes himself you'd rather watch greater failures make less of a difference than you that makes you far worse than a soulless talking head that makes you a human being I just asked if you wanted some popcorn well take that same idea but they play it completely straight no I'm not kidding this reveal is meant to be an actual oh [ __ ] moment Griffith resurrecting at the tower of conviction level of oh [ __ ] yeah I made two berserk references in a video you want to [ __ ] fight about it point is lancara really does believe mechakara is some terrifying enemy to the point that when Doug went to include the character in Suburban Knights as a Twist villain linkara said and I quote he would rip everyone's throats out instead of play along where do you get off in my bedroom mostly sometimes the bathroom and all I can say is frankly where the [ __ ] do you get off say what you want about the two [ __ ] villains from the boldly flea at least they were a joke they took themselves super seriously when they were doing dumb [ __ ] and looked like retards Doug actually thought about the fact the movie is a comedy and has his characters do dumb [ __ ] as a joke it wasn't funny but at least it was a joke the fact that you take such a dumb idea for a villain so seriously actually tickle something in my brain all it does is spout out generic villain monologues hates Mankind and only seems to be able to kill people because the plot says they have to die nothing about this guy is threatening you're not Shodan homie you're not Robert Patrick from Terminator 2 you're not even Arnold from Terminator this this is about a Saturday morning cartoon villain as it gets there's no higher purpose or real motivation it's just an evil Android that wants to kill mankind because machines are super cool which I shall remind you lug nut Americans get the back of the bus still all this leads into the issue I talked about earlier with linkara's lore mechakara could have worked as a complete shitpost villain for this one movie The Atop The Fourth Wall movie where lenkara fights an evil Android of himself but instead it's a sequel to the channel awesome movies and requires you to understand why this guy is such a big deal now you might argue that's fine this is a movie for his fans so of course they'd be the ones to understand why this is all important but I argue if the channel awesome movies want to be good they have to stand alone without the context of Channel awesome just be entertaining in some way without requiring all the lore and drama even if they weren't the best looking or the funniest so long as it doesn't rely on knowing who these people are they didn't exactly hit the mark in this regard To Boldly Flee especially so but let's be honest Urban dice had some potential linkara's movie is the worst case scenario of what I'm talking about you can excuse Doug dragging his friends into his Misadventures because he was their boss they make it clear in each movie and they also established that he's manipulating them or forcing them all to help him you can work out why these people are coming along with Nostalgia Critic in the story and accept the cartoon logic nankara's movie doesn't do that the reason the other critics show up is because they're friends with lancara that's literally it there's no real reason why it had to be these specific people the closest you get is Angry Joe since he was the weapons expert except then they break that rule because 90s kid is the real weapon expert outright making guns for everyone to use so why the [ __ ] is Angry Joe there to run the ship's guns how does that make sense wouldn't once again 90s kid no more since he spent more time on the ship same with Brad Jones then Cara brought him along as a comedic relief guy but all it really does is talk about different exploitation movies he watched and freak everybody out and the idea of Brad being a goofy clown man is kind of odd considering his old care characters being a snarky yeah let's be honest everyone in this [ __ ] organization wanted to be the snarky guy reduced to reviewing snuff films and porn I don't know just never struck me as a goofball type character and he doesn't really feel like that in the movie in fact a lot of his jokes feel pretty awkward and misplaced to the point that once again I'm gonna bring up the document one of the big complaints about Doug Walker and channel awesome is that they say Doug forced them all to act like how his character does for each movie even warping and breaking certain characters to make it work for his vision and while this did happen with guys like filmbrain who was radically different from his video Persona until devotedly flee you didn't really see it happen too often with other characters they all had moments of being complete dumbasses but nothing I would say out of character at least for who they were hell sometimes the point of the Cameo was that they weren't playing the same character like last angry geek as the Jedi guy into Boldly Flee where the ring rates from Suburban Knights yeah they were out of character from who they are in their videos that's the joke everyone else is where you dip into some harsh territory I mentioned before that linkara's character is basically just himself but witty and funny and girls think he's super cool yeah it's just an idealized version of linkara well a big thing about Channel awesome is that everyone thinks they are the main characters they all assume they were the ones holding the ship together and you really feel that with linkara's movie linkara's movie is fan fiction brought to life to the [ __ ] T his character is the center of the universe has to solve every problem and everyone acts like he's the key to everything say what you want about the ending of the boldly flea about how Doug was pretty pretentious at having his own character talk to himself but at least the guy included this line okay your story sucks you suck he was willing to make fun of himself to look like a gritty [ __ ] who only cares about what he wants lincara doesn't do that in fact he is so selfless that he even has a self-flagellating speech where he apologizes to Mars girl for assuming command of his own ship I just kind of assumed a leadership role without asking and I'm used to having my own Entourage around with me and not you guys I should have talked to you first instead of asking everyone else first it's to the point that she herself is confused as to why it's such a big deal it's his vessel he's the one who would know the most it's legit there to have a scene where lenkara apologizes to a woman about taking commands instead of her not even kidding that's the only reason since lenkara fancies himself a male feminist somebody who cares about representation in women all right cue the clips hope business treats you well Grant home after all you gotta pay me back by Friday you see this nutty [ __ ] I found her on the street taking shits in people's yards so I put her in a chain like a dog I don't know who she is she's absolutely not a Butters yes this dangerous group of thugs that lurks the streets at night that stick up innocent business owners who are just looking to sell you a decent couch at a reasonable price go by the name the slavers and happens upon a woman being attacked in an Alleyway he runs away I ran as quickly as I could after I saw it I was almost hyperventilating as I tried to push the screams for Help From My Mind no matter how far I ran they were always there scratching at the back of my thoughts and overwhelming my reason and Sanity damn it why do I have to have these abilities I never wanted them and I sure as hell can't do anything useful with them when I first came up with her the idea was in a nutshell that she was an actress who was raped on stage in front of thousands of people who didn't realize she was being raped actually Oni Chan pulls himself out of a book titled bylaws concerning marriage policies wearing Library glasses according to article 10 of the bylaws a kitty slave is allowed to marry as many partners as she desires as long as she continues to serve and please each person she marries so in fact you're not really cheating on rinnichan now everybody stop worrying about Oni Chan's picks or to quote Eric Cartman I'm going to kick you in the nuts I'm gonna go home and kill myself goodbye friends yeah he blatantly jumped on board the Twitter brain rot trend of obnoxious rants about stuff he finds problematic including a lot of venomous almost vindictive rants about Frank Miller yeah linkara hates Frank Miller Frank Miller can't write women unless they're in some way sexualized [Music] where do you get off you don't have to like the guy but the idea of a comic book lover hating the man that created let's be honest here some of the greatest of all time stories in the medium just feels weird and guess what a lot of his complaints are that he's a sexist racist ableist every other istan phob you can think of Shocker the guy who loves Noir fiction included Noir tropes like seductive women who are attractive to look at and the racism thing is because of holy Terror which Frank Miller fully advanced was made because of the rage he felt after the 9 11 Terror attacks yeah I I I make no apologies apology well uh one day in 2001 3 000 of my neighbors were were ruthlessly in essentially murdered and so I wrote Andrew a a book that was partly a reaction to that to give her rage out and also um my attempt at at bringing back a kind of propaganda that was done in 1940s back when you know Superman was punching out with ale Hitler and frankly the idea of crucifying the guy for that just seems pretty hypocritical to me tons of world events happen to get people heated especially in comic books the absolute [ __ ] Deluge villains that were blatant allegories to Donald Trump during 2016. is proof enough of that hell in the 40s majority of comics were used as literal World War II propaganda so the idea of an author suddenly being verboten because of political commentary makes me go you're kidding right what makes it any different from your commentary you're right and he's wrong yeah that's what every dumbass with a political opinion says it was 2006 when he announced it Miller flat out admitted it was a propaganda piece against al Qaeda and even then when it came out in 2011 there were far more offensive Comics that were going out of their way to offend as many people as possible preacher crossed the boys Punisher MAX yeah gartheness's whole career makes holy Terror look like a [ __ ] when it came to shock value and really it was a basic anti-hero story about fighting terrorists don't it get me started on what manga was getting away with by this point and also how [ __ ] hypocritical is it that this guy is calling a writer a sexist or racist for sexualizing women or adhering to stereotypes when he wrote [ __ ] like this oh yeah I'm a nasty [ __ ] [ __ ] Jenny I can apply as I wish teacher gets taught a lesson by bad babysitter Tyrone Lincoln resident bad boy of the school and 18 year old football star and one of the few black kids in the school Mr popularity well she was tired of his Antics and she was here to make sure he wasn't going to just try to slide by on his football prowess you stick it in your mouth you stupid [ __ ] he grinned and pushed his massive black pole against her lips moaning softly as he felt his teacher's hands massaging his thick member he reached down and continued to Maul her breasts loving How firm and full they felt behind the blouse his hands began ripping off the blouse hoping to [ __ ] her ample cleavage when he was done with her mouth I love it when you white [ __ ] know what I love Tyrone laughed as she slid his lengthy black [ __ ] between her breasts he gave a few light pumps between her ample jugs getting a feel for them as he looked down at his teacher hmm I'm a little tired from playing with these awesome tits so you drive for a bit he said with the grin he rested his hands at his sides and licked his lips watching as the teacher who had been trying to punish him was now on her knees and ready to tit [ __ ] his big black dick with her huge bust I think I need to go pray but this comes down to the point that I brought up before linkara has to be seen as this cool badass knight in shining armor he is Don Quixote brought to life desperate to go on his own personal crusade to live out his fantasies but in the end he's doing nothing but slamming straight into windmills he doesn't have political opinions or principles he has what makes me look good in this particular point in history dude wrote porn where Black Dynamite [ __ ] a white teacher yet wants to talk about the importance of proper representation guy rants about skimpy superhero outfits it had such an obsession with rape porn that he couldn't stop adding it to the webcomic he was trying to push as a legitimate book there's learning and growing as a person and then there's please accept me and don't ask questions about my past another other [ __ ] up thing is that linkara says that he hates garthennis and yet he apparently based these slavers in lightbringer off the slaver's ark and Punisher MAX you do understand that slavers were the bad guys right that entire Arc was about talking about how [ __ ] up human trafficking is right really it makes moments like this stand out so much as just downright insulting especially when you later went on to try to cancel Doug for adding a rape scene to a movie despite it not even being about rape might have been a little bit of subconscious projection there Lewis but this is not the only element that drove me crazy another thing that drove me nuts was the incessant attempts at making things serious everyone knows the channel awesome movies weren't funny but at the very least you never had to sit through agonizing attempts at drama at least until To Boldly Flee Atop The Fourth Wall is every bad fan film Trope rolled into one movie including the melodrama that actually makes you wonder if you're watching a movie made by aliens this isn't drama played intentionally over the top for a cringe laugh style this is actual attempts at making emotional monologues lenkara's Arc in the movie is that he actually wants to die and I also want him to die but this isn't a gag or a joke this has taken 100 seriously Mars girl has a full-blown screaming rant at lenkara where she's going fullham trying to sell an intense argument this rant is also one of the moments that made me legitimately exhausted listening to it here's the thing you guys are not actors you are very very much not actors so don't try to pull off intense arguments and if you want to know the worst part lincara kicks off the entire argument by telling Mars girl that everyone else in Channel awesome hasn't been through what linkara went through he fought alien Gods he fought evil cyborgs he fought things that dwarf every threat from their movies and their videos no linkara was the expert all Doug had to do was listen to him you can't expect us to follow you if you don't trust us I didn't ask you guys to come along you volunteered you're damn right we volunteered we heard people were in trouble and we wanted to help you put yourselves at risk danger before ha what have you guys faced off against a micronation some pissed off sorcerer who got beaten by a planeteer an Emperor Palpatine ripoff you guys haven't seen anything I'm the expert here oh so this is an ego thing you think you're better than us no of course I don't but I know how dangerous it is you guys don't you you don't know what it is to fight something that truly truly wants you dead you you never had your head slammed repeatedly into a wall until it's covered in your own blood you guys don't know what it's like to collapse on the ground thinking that you did something horrible only for it to be some monster messing with your head you guys have never stared into the face of an Angry God as it laughs at how small you are and then you stare right back at it and make it blink and then you froze I'm gonna go hunt and kill myself he was the one who could have solved every plot point and nothing else anyone saw could match the experiences of linkara who was the one with the ego again anyway the whole middle Act of the movie is ridiculous the critics and linkara have to play a cat and mouse game to avoid a direct conflict with mechakara since he'll just adapt and become immune to whatever strategy they throw at him it's literally just the [ __ ] Borg you made the Borg and you think you're the next Cormac McCarthy well as it turns out the science team was sent out to investigate the remnants of the plot hole from taboli flee as it seems to still exist those shifted in form when car and his team go down to investigate and here is where I can talk about the studio story so lenkara was very angry that Doug wouldn't let him use his Studio to film Atop The Fourth Wall the movie The Cinematic experience the thing that's going to push me to [ __ ] put a shotgun in my mouth saying that Doug was unreasonable about this is well unreasonable for one lenkara lived in Minnesota to use the studio he would have had to go to Chicago to film scenes for a film that wasn't a larger Channel awesome production that's eight hours to get from one place to the other for a movie that didn't involve the larger Nostalgia Critic lore lenkara is angry about this because he said over and over again he would pay for usage of the studio but mashad and Rob Walker explained their reasoning pretty clearly one it would impact production of the Nostalgia Critic the main user of the studio since he actually did live in Chicago and owned the place with his brother and boss they used the place to film his videos 2. they would need to have been supervised to prevent any damage to the studio which lancara would have to get insurance for the best part about this is that lenkar didn't really have a good response to it basically admitting yeah you guys would have been inconvenienced but I said I would pay you even though it was something he never needed to do he even scoffed at the idea of them needing supervision we're all adults in his own words dude even professional movie shoots have unexpected accidents it's a completely reasonable fear to have there's liability involved here he even claims that the place he did rent for the movie didn't require supervision but lenkara still need to take out insurance yeah it seems the dude genuinely doesn't understand the fear a property owner has when they allow people to rent space hell the guy even admits that maybe using the channel awesome Studio probably wouldn't have happened because certain sets would need to be taken down from Minnesota to get to Chicago and it was very unlikely they would survive a return trip so I ask what the [ __ ] is the point of being angry about this it sounds like mashad and Robin saved you from dealing with a massive [ __ ] headache it also means you didn't have to have as many travel costs yet you use this as proof they were irresponsible and unprofessional they saved you from making a huge [ __ ] up that would have caused time and money and they were the unprofessional ones in fact let's get into some territory that stops being fun so lenkara made his movie with a Kickstarter campaign to get fan donations in order to create the project now there are some damn good movies that start off as Kickstarter campaigns the biggest two examples being Blue Ruin and the void the void ran a successful Indiegogo campaign in order to fund practical creature effects which ended up being a beloved highlight of the film it's outright one of the most visceral Lovecraft Creature Feature movies to ever come out it's [ __ ] great Blue Ruin was completely funded through Kickstarter along with the savings of one of the directors now it's a myth to say the movie only cost thirty five thousand dollars no actually the budgets around 400 000 the direct characters actually had to do a lot of scrambling to take out loans and refinance their houses in order to make it work and the kickstarter was just for stuff they couldn't scrape together but the kickstarter was only for 35 000. linkara raised a 60 000 Kickstarter campaign for the movie that wasn't his goal or what he dreamed of getting it's what he [ __ ] got dude was a hop skip and a jump away from a hundred thousand dollars to make a glorified fan film for his comic book review character and what did he do with the money [ __ ] nothing as much as lankara touts himself as being a better writer than Doug the guy falls into the exact same pit traps you had 60 [ __ ] thousand dollars for your budget which granted isn't a lot to play with in the grand scheme of movies but he still did everything you could to hold on to every red Cent one of the reasons linkara was so mad about not getting the channel awesome studio is that it would have been cheap and he wouldn't have had to fly out actors to Minnesota meaning no travel costs Beyond his own but why are you suddenly being Frugal you have no special effects it's all the [ __ ] you've already been using in your videos no actually there are moments in his videos where it looked more expensive than the movie itself and if you're really gonna sit there and tell me that each Video cost thousands of dollars to make then you must think your audience is legit that [ __ ] stupid and even when you do go out of your way to include something that looks like it costs money it's [ __ ] like the Terminator skeleton that couldn't have been more than a few hundred bucks he said he filmed in the studio for 10 days taking 10 grand out of the 60k meaning he he had 50 to work with still even when you factor in actor wages it really wouldn't have been that much of a dent to the finances I'm sorry but these people are not exactly the Marvel actors they're not asking for millions of dollars here not every actor shows up in every scene a lot of the First Act is just linkara in his apartment talking to himself the guy didn't even get beds for the spaceship scenes the actors are sleeping on the floor like into Boldly Flee at least that was a joke since Doug was too cheap and lazy to care about the comfort of the people he essentially kidnapped with his makeshift Starship lenkara keeps talking about how badass and cool his warship is but they don't even have bunks for the passengers to sleep in now I understand that budgets can balloon up before you even realize it you might think you can make a movie for fifty thousand dollars and suddenly you're in debt for over a million it's something that happens especially when you have a large scale in mind for your movie but linkara's movie is and I'm gonna be honest here just reusing assets he already had in his videos and getting cheap Halloween crap for the rest the only part of the movie V that felt like an actual film set was the bar and if you spent all the money on a single bar scene then you're a [ __ ] idiot with your funding there's no distribution to worry about that's never showed up in theaters he uploaded it to his own YouTube channel the entire end Battle of the movie is in a goddamn Warehouse yeah they literally just use an industrial Warehouse as an alien planet where they have the final battle with mechakara which that brings up something that uh I also think is a great point if you're so worried about how that one Studio you rented took ten thousand dollars away from you and the scene where it's supposed to be an alien planet why didn't you just go outside and film in the woods for free I mean it you could have saved yourself ten thousand dollars if you were that worried about the money also if you had budget issues why not tone down the scale did people really need to watch you fight the same cyborg anime you fought dozens of times throughout your videos to use the same green screen spaceship as apparently such a massive money sink they had to get sixty thousand dollars for it despite it being a running plot Point through your videos even if he made an entire set that's supposed to be his spaceship it seems like it's one set of walls they just throw in a cardboard terminal or put a table in and that's supposed to be completely different rooms even though it all looks exactly the same so this also wouldn't exactly break the bank here I genuinely have to ask what the breakdown of the budget was for the Atop The Fourth Wall movie because how do you get sixty thousand dollars and look exactly the same as your regular videos because that's something that makes me raise an eyebrow it's not like this stuff was impressive for when it came out no Atop The Fourth Wall movie came out pretty [ __ ] late 2015 to be exact Yeah by this point there were already a lot of people making very impressive short films on YouTube for a fraction of the money linkara got it's all good a movie by YouTubers came out literally the year after and it substantially more put together and their budget was only about fifteen thousand above what lenkara got you understand why all this makes me raise an eyebrow right now the channel awesome movies were all self-funded by the company as far as I'm aware they never ran campaigns to fund them or had charity drives it was money earned through this site yeah they were cheap looking but they never pretended to be in the tens of thousands budget wise [ __ ] sake one of my favorite filmmakers a guy by the name of Jim Cummings has made a [ __ ] career off making films that had micro budgets and when I say micro budget I mean the short film that went on to become the feature film Thunder Road was partly funded by him selling his [ __ ] wedding ring the actual film itself only had a budget of two hundred thousand dollars and it does not feel like that in the slightest the movie is fantastic and really shows what people can do with not a lot of resources the guy was able to rent cop cars film on location and sets hire professional actors this is [ __ ] a guy with just two hundred thousand dollars could do so I could impress you overweight [ __ ] I gave up my [ __ ] family the beta test goes a step further with an even crazier story and more locations and its budget 250 000 just fifty thousand more hell one of the most famous stories in Hollywood is that Robert Rodriguez made his first movie El Mariachi with just 7000 dollars money he got from odd jobs and goddamn medical experiments he took part in all because he wanted to make a [ __ ] movie do I even need to name drop clerks the movie that Kevin Smith funded by selling his comic book collection and casting his friends to play every role and that was made for less money than the Atop The Fourth Wall movie Clerk's production budget was 27 575 since Kevin Smith just filmed where he worked and cobbled the footage together granted it does look cheap part of the reason it's in black and white is to not have to worry about the lighting and make it easier to hide brand names but millions of people quote clerks to this [ __ ] day Kevin Smith literally got into Hollywood with this movie you know there's a million fine looking women in the world dude but they don't all bringing lasagna at work most of them just cheat on you and in the end this is exactly the problem with guys like linkara and why the ego in I'm better than you level arrogance is so insulting real filmmakers outright break into locations to get footage they want they do what they have to [ __ ] do to get the movie where they needed to go they don't [ __ ] about not getting access to a cheap Studio to save some bucks they suck the dick of any Studio that will let them film there they take the money they have and stretch it as far as humanly possible because they love making movies and want to do the best job they possibly could this was linkara's chance to prove to the rest of the world that he was a better writer than Doug and what did he do make every character a low energy puppet that exists to serve lancara's needs make a generic plot that has a literal deus ex machina in it that can revive the Dead all to remove consequences from the story that's right the plot hole evolved into a deus ex machina and linkara uses it to revive every character that died so they can have a happy ending they even try to have a scene where two characters debate the possibility of God do you believe in God reminder that one of the complaints from the document is that dog made everyone out of character yet one of the current characters and this is outright pondering the existence of a higher being these people are supposed to be comedians Mars girl has her rant that I already talked about and linkara has an entire Arc where he considers just dying so his burden can end it's just the most artificial drama you could possibly get from a movie why are you taking a movie about internet reviewers fighting an evil cyborg so [ __ ] seriously there aren't even that many jokes and when they do show up it's just linkara trying to be snarky and not in a writing sense I mean in character he makes equip he's trying so hard to make his characters cool and I'm having to scratch my brain as to why the [ __ ] is the point of trying to make the channel awesome people some group of charismatic badasses also holy [ __ ] I legit just remembered that Lupo was part of this movie I completely forgot about her she does [ __ ] nothing anyway you especially feel it in their performances all the over-the-top energy you saw in the anniversary movies is completely gone lenkara tries really hard to make everyone seem professional to the point that they just feel emotionless and boring even when they do try to emote it all feels canned completely lifeless because it doesn't feel like something these people would say why the [ __ ] would Mars girl care that lenkara froze she's just an internet critic you would freeze too in the situation but it's treated as such a big deal to the point that you can tell Mars girl isn't even really a character there's nothing about her personality that makes her any different from a local stage actress lankara could have gotten for the role or really any other character in the movie because that's the point as much as they [ __ ] about Doug riding everyone out of character he at least understood that they're meant to bounce off the absurdity of Doug's comedy they usually contrast with the Nostalgia Critic doing something stupid or they themselves do something stupid and ridiculous it's all in service to making the audience laugh whether or not it works is another thing but that's the intention the characters and Atop The Fourth Wall break character in service of making one Cara look cool it's to the point that he even extends the handjobs to the side care accuracy place I lost someone once someone I loved it's really hard to believe in that kind of thing after something like that the Frank Sinatra guy is revealed to have a tragic past where he lost his son which caused him to lose faith in God but maybe there's something out there watching us you've heard it a million times literally any time they bring up religion in a Sci-Fi show they have this exact Arc someone lost someone close to them they lost faith in God if there's something out there but not really God and we just don't understand it yet you know what I'm talking about 90s kid is revealed to be a crouching [ __ ] hidden badass since it turns out he isn't a [ __ ] and intentionally pretends to be dumb so people underestimate him he's actually a genius when it comes to engineering weapons okay so once again what the [ __ ] is the point of having Joe in the movie Everything Is there to make legara cool anything even tangentially related to him has to be grand and incredible did you know he has a magic gun did you know he has a spaceship it's like a fan fiction come to life one where some jackass and serves himself into this franchise you like and everything about it bends to just be about how cool this guy is it could be about Dragon Ball Z for all I know but the guy simply couldn't sleep at night if his super special OC didn't get a lightsaber and [ __ ] Lum from ursay yatsura it's wishful for a moment plain and simple maybe in lincara genuinely thought his ideas were entertaining to his fans but to me it feels like he's just going with what he thought sounded cool now granted that's actually a pretty common tactic to a lot of Hollywood riding I mean Hollywood scripts don't tend to be the best on the planet if we're gonna be honest here but it's to the point where it's not even about what he thinks other people would think is cool it's about what he thinks is cool it's the same thing as Neil Breen Neil Breen makes every movie about how he's an elite computer hacker or an alien god being but it at least has a charm to it because Neil Breen is a living Tim and Eric sketch he's either completely insane or the greatest ironic filmmaker that's alive lenkara is just some dweeb he doesn't go far enough to be memorable he's not delusional enough to be entertaining he doesn't take the risks that Doug does that get him infamy meaning that in the end he's just mediocre Which is far more painful he's exactly as dumb as Doug but doesn't have the confidence to just say don't like it Blow Me lancara has to be cool he has to be loved no matter what this is a question I legitimately have to ask why did the movie need to be an epic and how will these Space Battles you were worried about the budget it completely relies on turning the channel awesome people into a reject Star Trek crew and all in all it didn't work for Doug people were annoyed at the dumb attempts at these massive epics of Internet angry reviewers pretending to be badasses the convoluted lore the bad skits why not try and make something really sincere A down-to-earth drama or a short film where you weren't in character James Ralph did it he made tons of short films before he even got started with the Angry Video Game Nerd now granted this was the Atop The Fourth Wall movie so you had to have some loyalty to your character but there's no reason why you couldn't just make a low budget fun comedy that didn't involve all these dumbass alien god [ __ ] Lots hell to her credit Lindsay Ellis did that she even made a whole documentary about when she got an abortion okay that's not as wholesome as the James Roth example the point is you don't have to shoot lightning from your hands to make a compelling film not even to entertain your audience but the character you created there's no reason why you just accept the level you're at and think you're the next Mystery Science Theater which even then had tons of screenwriters picking through every script to tighten up the jokes to the point they had cues for the actors on when exactly to drop their riffs during the movies and even then not every joke and Mystery Science Theater landed I truly think that if linkara sat back and made a movie that's kind of like a Clark style story about the day in the life of linkara where he's just a regular dude getting ready to make a video and obviously exaggerate stuff for comedy or add a subplot here it didn't have to be completely realistic but the point is tell this small scale story about what it's like to just be an angry internet reviewer the [ __ ] you deal with the goofy [ __ ] you run into the exciting Parts the boring Parts I feel like it would have been 100 more relatable than this piece of [ __ ] he put out but in the end that was the Fate for all the channel awesome people they didn't think to themselves this is a small thing I'm doing for now at least not the way they should have it should have been I'm doing this gig to tighten up my skills with editing or special effects learning how to make a skit then a short film then a feature or finding their niche in production and kind of just mastering that and hopefully getting a job with an actual crew at some point whether it be lighting cinematography editing there's a lot of stuff you can do improving their skill as they go until they do something that gets critical and claim and Global name recognition no they thought it worked like this this is something I'm doing right now to get my foot in the door than when the right Hollywood producer finds my videos they'll pitch a multi-million dollar project my way they never considered actually working towards their goal they didn't have the drive to push forward Beyond just being some [ __ ] who talks about movies on the internet they wanted success handed to them and their definition of success was completely delusional in the end they never actually viewed Channel awesome as a replacement to anything it wasn't the new hit genre that would kill TV or movie theaters they all viewed it as their chance to join the system to rub shoulders with the Hollywood producers they hated so much and then snag a franchise deal of course it was never gonna work nowhere on God's green earth could that have ever been a possibility but none of them wanted to accept the truth you were never Icarus flying up to the sun there was never a rise from which you could fall no cocaine parties packed movie theaters no comic Lines by Marvel there was never gonna be Hollywood premieres for Atop The Fourth Wall movie too revenge of the necro Muppet gay dead Muppet gangbang in the end you were just a bunch of [ __ ] yelling in your apartments about stuff you hated and when given the chance to actually do the thing you keep saying you dream about you burn up and fade away whether it be making your own movie making a comic book or trying to cancel your old bosses but maybe linkara knows all this maybe he's aware and has accepted that he's stuck where he is making his review show that he does seem to enjoy doing and long accepting that he hid his Peak years ago but now he's just a bitter man alone after school his friends taking part of the change of the channel mop that blew up like a dynamite stick in a campfire even defending the swatting of Brad Jones at first saying he was a liar since all that happened was a wellness check but then later saying it was completely okay because Brad took the side of abusers yeah [ __ ] you dude as much as linkara fancies himself as a paladin a real-life superhero who looks out for the downtrodden when push comes to shove you see who he really is deep down a petty egotistical opportunistic [ __ ] someone unafraid to lie about his past to manufacture a new image someone who thinks he's an amazing writer yet steals ideas from other media blatantly even stealing spoonie's doctor and say no character no that's not a joke and the entire plot of the movie is just a rehash of taboltly Fleet the movie you guys all hated so much that traumatized everybody involved yet linkar ripped it off shamelessly the guy even had the gall to ask for the rights to the channel awesome film so he could film another one after he left Channel awesome which apparently fell apart to witchland car bragged about how Doug should have just let him make the 10th anniversary special he then later cobbled together some sort of radio drama where a bunch of people are trapped in a haunted mansion or something it sucks and feels more like a podcast than a performance and once again feels pretty insulting with how it takes pot shots of Channel awesome being unprofessional now he's apparently trying to do some analog horror series which frankly feels like every Marble Hornets to the arc style ripoff series that window goon would cover in the end I feel like we ended Duke's Ember with one hell of a look at Atop The Fourth Wall of the movie the first chance contributors to channel awesome had to make a movie without Doug in charge and they [ __ ] the pig not only that but shows that a lot of the contributors truly didn't have a voice of their own they just stuck by people who were more successful and hoped for the best the reason they all felt like they were out of character in The Anniversary movies is because Doug had to give them a character it was really that bad a lot of them were just themselves in front of a camera but when the good times started to end they [ __ ] over everyone involved first chance they got to excuse why their own career went nowhere they pretend to be empathetic and Progressive it's all a mask to hide their own [ __ ] up histories or even worse excuse their own [ __ ] up Behavior the reason why so many of these people went nowhere is because they just didn't get it you're not making reviews to feel your own ego you're supposed to entertain your fans to give them suggestions on what you like or hate and explain what makes it special to you you don't need to be a lisping doctor who knock off obsessed with rape and skimpy superhero outfits to do any of this but for now let's put this Saga to bed it's time to bury Channel awesome and move on to greener pastures I hope this Series has at least convinced some of you guys to look back on the document with more skepticism because the absolutely insane Rabbit Hole I found myself in with this Saga can barely be described it's to the point that I realize how little I actually knew about Channel awesome before I started this I'm not kidding when I say there's still so much out there that's left to be uncovered but that's a job for better men less exhausted men a channel that's really dedicated to cataloging and analyzing Channel awesome lore is kinky linky I use part of their video into Boldly Flee the review of it and they actually reached out to me telling me stories and sharing info about Channel awesome that made my [ __ ] head spin they're nuts and working hard on laying out exactly what the hell is up with this company another person that got in contact with me was uh a shock and a half iron Liz actually contacted me to talk about her side of the story for those unaware iron Liz was a channel awesome contributor an ex-girlfriend of linkara she talked about some of the stories her own experiences but getting fired from Channel awesome and sort of alludes to the bully culture that started to form towards the end that as much as these people [ __ ] about mashad mistreating them a lot of the time they acted like the Mean Girls of the internet trying to make or break personalities at a whim hell she swears to this day the reason she got fired was because certain individuals pushed her out for voting Trump in 2016. it's just another layer to the batshit and banana sundae that is channel awesome but she actually really liked the videos and even sent me a copy of the lightbringer reboot comic she did even sent a letter which was really nice I'm gonna frame it and put it up on the wall next to the Israeli landmine sign and poster of Berserk still I think it's time to call it I'm exhausted and this video ended up being way [ __ ] bigger than I anticipated by a long shot regardless I hope everybody can say they learned something today I really don't know what the lesson is all I know is that this project got in the way of reading my Shoujo villainous easy guy manga and I will never forgive Channel awesome for that until next time please remember to like comment and subscribe see you guys hey loser do you want a shirt do you want a t-shirt I have shirts now look at look in the description for a link to a t-shirt you can buy if you don't buy the T-shirt I'll kill your family if you don't buy the T-shirt I'll poison your dog if you don't buy the T-shirt you're going to be the only person in town that does not have a t-shirt everyone's gonna look at you funny there's gonna be social consequences to not having one of these t-shirts I'm now making Express threats of violence against you if you do not buy my t-shirt I will call the police tell them how they're not you know you're not buying my shirt they're gonna plant crack in your house and they're gonna arrest you and then beat you up in a jail cell buy my shirt [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] hahaha [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: TheAlmightyLoli
Views: 376,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EeeXk-aUk_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 39sec (3759 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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