ATMOS : 360 Sci-Fi Short Film
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Channel: The Nefdt
Views: 366,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #360video, atmos, vr, virtual reality, google cardboard, africard, south africa, short film, sci fi, star wars, atmos vr, oculus rift, oculus, samsung gear vr, durban, 360 videos, space travel, aliens, science fiction, indie film, indie vr film, independent, mankind, extinction, earth, nasa, astronaut, mars, galaxy, africard buffalo, 360, cult film, cult vr, space, cosmos, 360 video, 360 vr, nefdt, nefdt films
Id: -4UYO3a8o98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 23sec (143 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2015
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