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howdy again it's Mr Pete your YouTube shop teacher and in keeping with my policy of beating a subject to death I'll make part three of the little Atlas grinder hone and I hope you watch the other two so you know what I'm talking about here and I'll put links in the description and when I snap my fingers those uh title sheets will come up if you want to watch them these are the two other videos on the atlas grinder hone that you may want to watch in one of the previous videos I talked about the fact that this is a capacitor start motor but yet the unit doesn't seem to spool up to the correct speed very fast it just seems that to take a while and it shouldn't with a capacitor shark motor you see what I mean it took a little while so is that capacitor bad first of all let's talk about what capacitors are the purpose of them and a few things like that I'm not exactly an expert on electricity so I will stand corrected if any of you uh guys out there that are Engineers or sparkies or whatever you call yourself you're probably a heck of a lot more knowledgeable than I am but uh you might find this interesting so let's get started anytime you see a motor that has this capacitor riding on the top here you know it's a capacitor shark Motors some motors have two of them on there because they are starting it helps them start under load now this is a load here but not really much that's why I am debating this subject now here's another capacitor these can be dangerous don't ever touch those unless you're sure it's discharged and my point here also is that you know there really is no way to store electricity oh batteries storage batteries well storage battery is a misnomer you don't really store electricity in them it's converted to chemical energy and that's true with all batteries so as far as I know this is the single only way of storing an electrical charge or electricity uh correct me if I'm wrong okay we're at the other end of The Studio G right now and this is my Kalamazoo 2 by 48 inch abrasive sander as capacitor start this little Craftsman grinder is not capacitor sorry do you see it's just smooth on the top or is it let's take a look at another machine a belt or a balder I always said balder but some people say belder which is correct it's kind of dark over here but this is a belt or even though the tag is missing it's just a wire wheel and a buffer and so on and I had a bigger one I was Fuel and I did take it apart once and I believe this is capacitor start the one in school was the bigger one and the capacitor was not on the top but is inside the base but I'm not going to take that off to prove that but sometimes a capacitor is not mounted on the motor itself that's my point this is a half horse motor capacitor start you think it would have quite a bit of starting torque but again watch this that it doesn't start instantly and I don't consider this to be much of a load you see what I mean it's just kind of slow starting let me take the belt off and show you how little load that it really is although this is a gearbox there's a worm gear and a worm in here so that takes up some of the energy no doubt I'll take the belt off my point here is to just show you that there isn't much of a lower that's no effort at all for me to turn that over but to bring it up to speed is another story so what I'm going to do here is take the capacitor off and test them now I already have determined that the starting switch the centrifugal switch is not the problem maybe you can hear it I'm going to turn it on right now as it is turned off you should hear a click as it slows down click I don't know if you heard that or not but it did click so we know the switch is working probably wouldn't start at all if the switch was bad okay there it is remember in the other video there were a million little ladybugs in there that I cleaned up but always discharge now if it does spark we know that it's it's probably good professors will discharge Slowly by themselves just leak down I guess that's probably the word it didn't spark but I tell you you don't want to get zapped by one of these and I'll demonstrate that in a minute so even when I disconnect this I will use a pliers with plastic insulated hand handle pull it off like that and then I always again check it no spark I'm still afraid to touch that for some reason you would be too if you had as many shocks in your life as I have this big Mallory capacitor is a 400 to almost 500 microfarad it always tells on there but the one that came off of the motor is a Phillips made in the USA must be pretty old then and it is uh where is it 378 to 454 microfarads this is the one that I used to play around with at school with the kids and I think I'll I'll charge that up right now and show you what it what it does okay this is my little handy dandy capacitor tester I've had it since the dawn of time it sits the Mars capacitor analyzer I used to take this Stone to school to charge that up so you could I already got the cords out as plugged in and there are two leads here so what I will do is uh attach the leads onto this big capacitor on the controls here there's a range button that's in the off position this is a two-way switch so for the smaller capacitors I can hardly read that you turn it to the left but zero to 500 which we're concerned with is to the right now when I do that the light will come on and then the light should go off when it is charged so watch the meter now see if the light goes off and it does so let me short it out now there's probably still a little bit of charge there again residual let's see again yeah and again let's do that again that's fun the kids like this I had a much bigger one and boy would it pop I don't know what happened to it so we're charging didn't take much did it at that time that's more like it by the way this instrument can be used as a continuity tester but I have plenty of those so let's test it now to see if it is uh charging to its capacity which was almost 500 microfarads so to do that we will again charge it up now when the light goes off it's charged up and now I will push this test button watch the meter and see it's all the way up here at 500. so that's a good capacitor but that's not the one out of the motor this is the actual capacitor off the atlas grinder hone so let's check it out and remember it has about a 450 microfarad capacity when the light goes out I'll check it watch the meter now and yes it is a good capacitor so I was totally wrong about this motor saying that it had a bad capacitor so I'm going to put the capacitor back on the motor and just deduce here that that motor is not really uh up I need a larger motor but since I will never actually use this it's good enough for who it's for okay the capacitor is back on I did not get shocked and it does run fine it just takes a while for it to spool up so we're done but let's have a little extra credit hope okay before I continue with the demonstration here of the actual extra credit let's have a short story here so two years ago my air conditioner would not start just nothing happened it was dead or I checked the fuses and Breakers and all that everything was okay so it was still under warranty so I just called the company said come on out and fix it and they did and when the man got out of the service truck I said to him I think all it needs is a new capacitor well he didn't say a word to me walked right by me took the cover off checked things with his meter blew it off a little bit and walked over to his truck and grabbed the capacitor put it in and it started instantly but he didn't really like that at all but I knew anything about them and would not acknowledge it or thank me or say well you were right how'd you learn that so I guess I wanted to be recognized and he would not oh and then I said this is under warranty he said well I'll do the book work back at the shop well two weeks later I get a bill and uh then I called him up and I just said hey this is under warranty oh okay I mistake our mistake okay now on to the real thing here you know back when I was in my Prime teaching there was always this waste of time at the end of the hour the kids had washed up cleaned up and now they're just playing uh goose in each other and goofing around so often still control them I would give them another little free of charge demonstration a half wood watch half could care less so this is a Magneto now watch the spark plug I'm going to zoom in on that because I got a real weak spark I think probably the points are dirty who who cares but it should be a nice white spark and it's red it's orange okay A little intermittent problem there but anyway I would say uh I would pull the wire off here and I'd say who will here's a dollar who will hold on to this while I crank it oh nobody would move and then finally one kid would come up and he would just grab the dollar right off the table and grab it and I would spark them and then everybody else wanted to do it but they you know they really jumped it hurts it hurts but it gets the attention all right one more thing that I showed them so sometimes I'd pull this thing out that's what this big capacitor is all about and that's why it was in here left from my teaching days so I showed them uh I'm warning them about the danger of capacitors so uh I would charge it up and then I would discharge it as I've already done here earlier like that and then I would say I would throw a twenty dollar bill down and I'll say who will touch the leads and of course nobody would and I wouldn't let them anyway if somebody did actually grab the 20 you know I would have said no no no no no no don't do that but they were smart enough not to not to go for the the big prize Well that completes a rather long video extra credit and all of that so if you liked it give me a thumbs up if you hated it give me a thumbs down and I'll see you in my next video so long for now well all of you Old-Timers are fully familiar with uh points and condensers and rotor caps and all of that on the older engines and still on a lot of small engines but we always said uh we'll change the points and the condenser so the capacitor actually has two names it's sometimes called a condenser sometimes called a capacitor probably most often a condenser on engines everybody knows that these are the two other videos on the atlas grinder hone that you may want to watch
Channel: mrpete222
Views: 11,198
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Id: 5fKPUPLh3mw
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Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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