Atlas Fallen | I PLAYED FOR 5 HOURS - Here’s How It Works!

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I played around for about five hours in an  early build of Atlas Fallen which was just   enough time to know exactly what kind of game  it's gonna be open world action RPG with sand   the developer deck 13 previously made both of the  surge games which were fairly linear straight up   Souls likes Atlas Fallen however is vastly more  open and very much not a souls-like combat is fast   and responsive with no stamina system slowing  you down the main hook to this battle system   and what sets it apart from other open world  action RPGs is the Reliance on gaining momentum   this momentum gauge down in the bottom left builds  up from attacking and the higher it climbs the   more passive Buffs will activate and the more of  your active abilities will become available you'll   be finding all kinds of these Essence Stones as  you explore and kill stuff which are what you   slap onto this momentum bar to then be activated  these could range from a passive defense boost a   sand tornado AOE a modification to your Dodge or  many other rpge type of upgrades and abilities   if you want more lesser Buffs to activate earlier  on in a fight unlock more spots on the left of   the gauge if you want more powerful but harder  to obtain Buffs unlock more spots to the right   the risk of the system is the higher your  momentum gauge the more damage you'll take   but along with those extra Buffs and abilities  your attacks will become more powerful as well   at different sections of the momentum gauge your  weapons will physically change in form affecting   your entire move set now I wasn't able to  capture my own footage during this preview   this is all provided b-roll so let me crank up  the budget for a second and show you what I mean   when your momentum is low over on the left of  the gauge your sand whip for example is going   to be swinging around at its normal length and  Power when momentum reaches this next section   of the gauge the sand sword will physically alter  to be a larger version of itself with more power   and longer reach than it had before in the third  section on the far right side of the gauge this   changes the weapon to look more like a big old  great sword with even more reach and even small   shards that will be flying off it in an area of  effect I'm not a graphic designer don't hire me   this weapon Ascension mechanic applies to  all the weapon types not just the sand whip   so the single momentum gauge modifies your weapons  attacks and combos affects when your passive Buffs   will trigger and enables more active abilities  at higher tiers but the risk you take increased   damage the higher it climbs however don't worry  about being forced into taking extra damage   because you can always just activate your shatter  ability to instantly set your momentum back to   zero a shatter is like a big ultimate attack which  allows you to manually drain your own momentum   that's pretty much the main aspects of the  momentum system but as for the combat Basics   attacking comes out of two primary face  buttons either on square and triangle on   PlayStation or X and Y on Xbox each are tied to  a specific weapon type you've assigned to them   in this build I only had access to  the sand whip on one button and a   big ax on the other but there seems to  be more weapon types you get later on   tapping or holding either attack button will  modify the sequence of attacks that comes out   and there's also a third attack button on right  trigger which is more focused on aerial combat   on the ground that third button will become a  launcher to jump attack up into the air or if   you're already Airborne that attack will send you  slamming back down into the ground some enemies   can bury themselves Down Under the sand and that  ground slam will pop them right out of hiding   now let's talk about Sans skin it's coarse  rough and irritating and it gets everywhere   Sans skin is your block button on left bumper  which will briefly freeze you in place and can   neutralize an incoming attack if you time this  right it'll instantly refresh the cooldown and   can even freeze enemies for a few seconds  as well instead of using this defensively   you can also use sand skin to lengthen or stall  your own outgoing attack animations which can   be useful when you're trying to wait for an enemy  to move into range back into the surge real quick   toggling to different body parts and tactically  chopping them off was a key aspect of those games   that idea is somewhat brought over here but  is primarily tied to just the larger enemies   over in the top left you'll see where different  sections of their bodies can be destroyed   some sections will be squishier than others and  you can get some extra drops if you break them   as for the open world exploration part  of Atlas Fallen there are a few things   that you can raise up out of the sand to  reach different areas and there's some   platforming elements but combat is the  main thing you'll be finding yourself in   on right bumper is your normal Dodge roll  but when you're Airborne this changes   into an extended air Dash which becomes  one of your most useful traversal tools   you can eventually upgrade the amount of times you  can air Dash which allows you to access different   areas on the map that you previously just couldn't  reach it seems like your main incentive to take   the time to explore and do the side content is for  upgrade materials or more Essence Stone options   Essence stones are those passive Buffs  and active abilities that will trigger on   your momentum gauge and ultimately are what  form the majority of your characters build   some of these abilities also indicate that  they affect nearby allies as well yes an ally   this will have co-op when it comes out but  I wasn't able to try that in this preview   there's also different armor sets out there  that you can find and it has a pretty cool   Cosmetic System that lets you fine-tune each  section of those I only acquired one different   armor set in my play session so it's definitely  not a showered and randomized loot kind of game   overall in my time with Atlas Fallen it seems to  have a pretty solid exploration and combat Loop in   place and most importantly it's just fun to play  skidding around through the sand finding hidden   chests gaining upgrades abilities and killing  stuff feels like open world RPG comfort food   with a few months left till launch though it still  needs a bit more polish and one very important   addition more enemy types in this moderately  sized chunk of the map I fought sandpupper after   sandpupper and more worms than I could count  if I could make one direct recommendation to   the team before launch throw in a few more early  game Enemy types Gamers care about variety more   than they often vocalize and I can guarantee this  will be appreciated that's my main ask but before   I close this out it's your chance so let it be  known down in the comments what you would like to   see in Atlas Fallen it still has a few months left  to cook so speak up that's how we get better games   as always this has been Alex  and thanks for checking this out
Channel: Boomstick Gaming
Views: 378,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atlas fallen, atlas fallen gameplay, focus entertainment, atlas game, atlas fallen review, atlas fallen preview, atlas fallen explained, atlas fallen game, atlas fallen gameplay breakdown, atlas fallen combat, atlas fallen combat system, atlas fallen reaction, atlas fallen pc, atlas fallen ps5, atlas fallen xbox, atlas fallen is it good, atlas fallen trailer, atlas fallen momentum, atlas fallen previews, atlas fallen before you buy, action rpg 2023, open world games 2023
Id: s1_iOPhf5Cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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