At Home Core Workout | Clutch Life: Ashley Conrad's 24/7 Fitness Trainer

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so for the core workout you have two different circuits that you're gonna repeat twice each exercise is 20 seconds with as many reps as possible first exercise is sitting twist so let's go ahead and get right into it Michael's gonna get seated his feet are up and he's just gonna twist now if you want to do this exercise using a medicine ball or a dumbbell that's completely fine for our purposes today we're just be straight up body weight good about halfway there keeping its core nice and tight good five four three two one right into a plank so you can see that he's got a nice straight line actually gonna have him come up just a tad good you really want to make sure that your hips are not dropping down that was what really leaves your low back susceptible on this exercise his elbows are right beneath his shoulder he's in the perfect plank position right now good two one okay right into butt ups so Michael is back on his back his feet are up and he's just gonna touch up to my hand [Music] perfect so his head is down his hands are secured at his side and again you really just want to force your butt off the ground and come straight up in a line good and five four three two and one time good right into heel touches yep so right back down and he's just alternating side to side again he's already in a Flex position his starting possession position is flex so he's not resting at all this is constant tension on the ABS and again you guys you want to try and get in as many reps as you can in these twenty seconds go ahead in five four three two and one time right into V set so Michaels gonna sit up modified V studies get it yep and he's crossing over perfect the tripwires leg strength the domino strength good and he's keeping his core nice and tight his hands are secured at his side's good in just five more seconds five four three two and one good right in 200 so he's back down and he's just tapping his hands right to his heels all the way up to your heels there we go again he's not resting his starting position his it was already tension in his abs perfect and ten seconds left he's feeling it I can tell five four three two and one time right into Frank step up so he's gonna flip right over he's in the plank position and he's right up on those hands so again he's bringing his hand right underneath his shoulder perfect don't cheat this people I see they want to come out to here to cheat the tension off of the tricep in the shoulders don't do it that way that's also gonna take the tension off of your obliques and that is not what we want good and time right into our plank walk out so Michaels just inching out inch by inch and then he's coming right back good it's a small movement don't go out too far that's gonna make your back susceptible you're just inching out this is a great exercise especially going plank right into this it's extremely difficult good and time right into a cross crunch so he's back on his butt back in that starting position good and he's coming straight up and touching the top of his knee really squeezing this that's the most important part when you are doing crunches is that on the way back down you're not just relaxing you really want to keep tension all the way through the movement good in five four three two and one right into bicycle crunches he's crossing it over bringing the knees all the way in and out good and about ten seconds left you should be breathing hard your abs should be burning you should be pushing and five four three two one perfect that's the end of round one let's get right into round two with seated twist perfect oh he's on it speed her up core is tight you guys should really be pushing through these getting as many reps in as possible in these 20 seconds good five four three two and one right into our next exercise plank alright so Michaels back back around his elbow is right underneath his shoulder curve and he's in a perfect plank position a lot of times I see people do this exercise they've got their torso is kind of sinking down that is a big big big no-no that leaves you very very open to injury you want to stay in a perfect line with your body but three two one right into cut-ups perfect let's go thank so his head is nice and relaxed and he's just launching those legs right off the ground you're gonna feel this deep deep deep in your abs again you should be winded I can hear that he's winded you should be winded at home this should be taxing you cardiovascularly and five four three two and one time moving right into heel touches 20 seconds how many reps can you do every single round you should be pushing to get more reps in every week you should be improving good ten seconds left good and five four three two and one time right into modified V sets all right so he's back up here we go [Music] but that's perfect killing it you really want to keep your legs nice and straight if you need more support you can put your hands behind you while you do this exercise [Music] four three two one good right into hundreds back down here we go good these little crunches these tiny movements really really work the ads are deceivingly hard they're seemingly amazing too for getting results in your abs they really create those nice deep cuts that everybody wants good three two and one time planks step ups let's get into it so Michael flip him back around nice transition there perfect good he's gonna try and get ten on this side and they move right on to the other side perfect good just about five seconds left five four three two one perfect right into a plank walk out how you feeling hahaha there we go that's what it should be doing yeah that's right every exercise we're doing we're really firing every single muscle of the course so often I see people working more front to back we're working it from all angles today go ahead three two one time right into a cross crunch gonna flip back around here we go again everything is tight he's not letting go when he's on his kind of downswing of this exercise he's staying in in a position where the ABS are constantly engaged good and seven six five four three two and one time right into a bicycle there we go this is the type of pace that you guys want to try and be at really really pushing it perfect good perfect over halfway there and five four three two one great so that's the end of circuit one let's move right into circuit two the shoulder bridge [Music] if I was gonna get himself into position good so he's got his feet planted firmly on the ground and he's just lifting his hips off the ground pushing right through his heel his head is firmly on the ground his hands are on the ground he's heaping the rest of his body nice and relaxed good 4 3 2 1 now we're gonna move into the Quadra pet alternating I'm gonna flip back over it's coming right out giving it a nice second or two to to stay in that Flex position and then switching right back over we've worked the front of the body now we're working the back side of the body perfect this is a great exercise for stabilization I use it with all my clients especially with my athletes and one good right back into our shoulder bridge perfect so he's back down perfect you really want to be squeezing and pushing your hips as high up to the sky as you possibly can if you feel any tension in your low back just move your feet towards your butt just slightly just that little adjustment will take a lot of pressure off the low back squeeze it good two and one right back over the last set we are so close perfect 20 seconds again notice Michael is was just swinging he's making sure that he's got his leg out his arm out and he's stabilized before he's moving on to the other side five four three two and one time yeah great job you guys that's it for your core workout I'll see you back here tomorrow [Music]
Views: 16,766,127
Rating: 4.9125257 out of 5
Keywords:, how to, bodybuilding motivation, bodybuilding, motivation, fitness, workout, workouts, exercise, exercises, build muscle, lose weight, lose fat, Physical Exercise (Interest), Weight Training (Hobby), Abdominal External Oblique Muscle (Muscle), Muscle (Anatomical Structure), Body, Clutch Bodyshop, Ashley Conrad, at home workout, home workout, at home workout for women, at home workout for men, home, core workout, workout videos, abs workout, abs, obliques, abs training
Id: dJlFmxiL11s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2015
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