At Home and Social Online: with Daryl Hall

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello there folks I'm Dave Holmes and welcome to access TVs at home and social with where we sit down with some of the great hosts and guests from across access TVs programming now you know access TV is committed to bringing you great music great music programming and now at this particular time in history we have the opportunity to go home with some of our favorite stars find out what they're working on how they're how they're getting by and what goes on behind the scenes of some of access TVs show so now we have spoken to Sammy Hagar from his home in Southern California we talked to Rob Thomas matchbox 20 from upstate New York and this week well folks we have a legitimate icon the man bind the first album I ever bought with my own money back in 1981 holla notes his voices he's also the man behind live from Daryl's house a show you can now see on access TV without any further ado let's welcome him Darryl hall are you out there hello hello hello yeah thank you so much for joining us it is such an honor to meet you I don't know if if you heard what I just said there but you Boyce's by Hall & Oates is the first album I ever bought with my own money oh your work prevented me from leading a normal life and I just want to thank you prevented you from leaving Oh normally okay well set me off on a path that I am delighted to still be on so I truly want to thank you as close to in person as we can get right regular so how are you getting by through the lockdown how am I getting by I'm just I'm you probably can't see but I'm in my studio I happen to have us anything my house No and so that allows me to at least make some music or do little things I've been sort of writing doing some writing you know sort of not face-to-face writing with people working on a new album a whole it again is that right yeah yeah and what else am i doing I don't know I'm just sitting here in upstate New York just hanging out buddy else okay so how do you collaborate with other people like I assume you and John Oates are writing together do you is it over zoom is it on FaceTime what do ya what are you doing you've been doing it mostly through mp3s and stuff like that oh so far anyway I think it'll change I did some stuff on whatsapp with somebody it's a-you know it I mean like for example John sent me a chorus and said I asked him I said just send me something you know send me anything and ideas it's not a finished song just an idea and he sent me a course and I sent it to a guy that I'm working with named jet rebel yell that is his real name over in Holland and he sent me back a track and then we were sort of working like that and then somebody else sent me a track Mark Ronson sent me a track and I'm working on that with him hey so you know things are just moving along as best they can it drives me crazy though because I have an idea somebody'll throw me an idea I have an idea and then I can't really follow it up face to face and really the nuances of it all and it's it's really it's really difficult to do but I don't know takes up the time right has your creative process changed in isolation that you just heard me say it's changed and that I'm working remotely it's a very spontaneous person it's not forth give and take when I whenever I write with anybody if I'm not writing on my own and it requires sort of proximity really and immediacy and that's a little bit harder you know sure how did you get hooked up with Mark Ronson and what's that been like well I I know him I know him personally and we've been trying to work together so he let me just send you some ideas and he sent me a couple ideas and he said send me some send me some ideas so I gave him some titles and between those two things we came up with a song and we're gonna keep doing stuff you know I mean all we have is time right what can you tell us about the new hall & oates record how's it shaping up I've been very much channeling myself and all right yeah so it sounds it people who have heard things they say it sounds it sounds just like you guys only newer Oh a friend okay what I'm trying to do that's what I'm going for you know I'm I I don't see anybody that does anything any better at making Darryl and John music than Darryl and John and I don't need to pull any other like I said I don't need to channel any other people in there I'm just sort of channeling myself right right and how was your creative process changed through the years or do you approach a new song differently than you would have no voices Aaron no not really I mean it's always been come up with ideas pull them out of the air sit down on my I mean mostly on my own and do things and come up with drum grooves come up with chord patterns and singing gibberish lyrics and then flesh them out and come up with a good good chorus I mean it's pretty much the same I always husband Hank okay well let's talk about live from Daryl's house we got delighted to have live from Daryl's house on an access TV how did the idea for that show come about well you know it's a it's a strange thing I've never said this before actually but back in 2001 the helm was whenever the what when dasar has happened right whenever solarz I mean like 20 or time okay we were supposed to do a tour of Canada and SARS had broken out in Canada and we sort of canceled the tour because we didn't want to get in the midst of it all and it literally made me think you know this is the new world were coming at you know this is a long time ago this is a new world we're coming into and maybe I should do things remotely and bring the world to me rather than go to the world because I might not always be able to go to the world and what do you know that's true and or at least it is for now and so that's really where the idea was born and then after that after the idea germinated and I said okay what are we going to actually do it I got with my friend and bass player and guitar player t-bone and we decided okay let's just do something at the house and and that's what we did the first but so was just us doing that and then I said well you know we need a guest so we brought in somebody with run into Travis McCoy the Gym Class Heroes and that was our first guest and then we did who said well you know we need food because we're all here hanging out you need to have some food and booze and whatever and so that's where the the food segment came singlet came from so it all happened very organically and very much real which is really the signature of the show real so yeah yeah and and it feels very real even though there are cameras rolling do you is it any different once the lights and the cameras and everything are all in there no because we're so used to all the people that the dude that do the show that you just forget about it and that was the other thing I said you know if we're gonna do this I really don't want have an audience it's just got to be us and in my house in a room or in a very you know special place with just a few people around and no distractions and just let people be natural and real and that really makes the difference it's it allows the audience they're watching to become sort of part of the room and they feel like they're in the band or something and they get to really feel the naturalness of the interplay between guests and and me and the band and what people really like when the hair is down when they're not performing quote performing right right one thing I've noticed is you have guests from across all genres all different age groups and yet they have they all bear your influence they all are people who have been influenced by you they can slip into your songs effortlessly how does it feel to know that you've had that kind of impact it's it's so gratifying to me I can't even describe the feeling it you know the the fact that I have you know it might not be so obvious to the average person of what my influence has been on on all these other artists but this kind of proves you know and and and it explains it to some degree and it shows I mean III speak a lot of musical languages and I do uncomfortable and a lot of things and the writing style and compasses all those things and so it's it's really influence people that way you know everybody from really heavy-duty people to singer-songwriters you name it you know it's it's it's a really wide spectrum of people who have influenced me and that I influence right it has anyone in particular really surprised you uh for the good of the bed you've either one daryl hall no I'm not telling the safe and true answer is that I'm surprised by every show every show with surprise to me I walk out differently than I walk in you never know what's gonna happen everything is a surprise that's one of the beauty one of the greatest things about the show that everything is it's just extemporaneous we have a we have a the most basic of formats where we know what songs we're going to do and we give the band their homework say okay we're gonna do these six songs or whatever and they learn them on their own and then we get into a room and what you see is us doing it for the first time so you know where it's gonna now we've got Darius Rucker coming up on the left on the next live from Daryl's house but I want to talk about Wyclef Jean okay shows up on a hoverboard he's even here stands oh yeah what was the general vibe of working with with white cloth well you could kind of tell I mean he he was amazed he was really amazing what a great guy he was off straight you know off camera he was just extemporaneous and wrap stuff and you know he was just doing all kinds of things the total life of the party and what a talent I mean really I don't like really like his songs I mean I liked everything about that show it was a really entertaining show yeah the the the sort of remix of ready or not was fantastic was there a specific song that you wanted to play with him I like that song no what's it called see you in September is it cold it's gone till November that's it I really like that song what an unusual song that is and yeah I really like this one we did yeah is he is he somebody that you had sort of had your eye on from the beginning was he like that I mean I decided I was very much aware of you we had actually had a little bit of communication and in the past about maybe working on a track together or something like this people called called us I mean they really wanted to he really wanted to do the show so I was very happy so as I said on the next live from Daryl's house it's you sitting down with Darius Rucker now Darius is a pretty mellow guy kind of a kind of a different vibe what was it like to collaborate with him well easy he's a really talented guy it's funny I mean he lives in Charleston and I spent a lot of time in Charleston as well when my second home third yeah and then so that show was sort of a slice of my life and his life in Charleston we had a moister bake we you know hung out of my friend's house was all really homey you know we did it in somebody else's living home as opposed to mine and it was a real Carolina experience that's the best way I can assure you know what what in real life drew you to Charleston I'm a I love antique architecture and I and I like that size of the town I live in a historic section of the town my friends share that I guess I'd called passion and it's really nice to Charlson is the wonderful time right right so what was the what was the creative process like with with Darius did you come at him with a song it is that you wanted to collaborate on or how'd it work yeah that's how we it's the same as when we almost I listened you know I I sort of come up with some you know I listen to the various artist tracks Darius's tracks and I say okay well this would work for us this would work and then I go to him and say would you this work for you and then he does the same thing with me I say if you're gonna do one of my songs though the only question is trying to go a little deeper don't go to the obvious songs because everybody wants to do rich girl always but so that he and the other artists tend to do that and we pick songs that we think will really work for for the two of us and that's how it works yeah real Sam Chloe listening to now is there is there anybody that you that you want to collaborate with going forward or have on a new episode of the show I don't know I'm I don't really listen to music a lot and so it's time I am you know I have so much music appear I don't need to hear other people but so I don't really have an answer I mean I'm listening to my friend yell to jet rebel who's a really really talented Dutch artist and producer and player and singer and everything so his music has really inspired me I've been listening to someone mark stuff for the obvious reasons yeah it's just I listen for information gotcha now we're all at a time right now where we don't know what the next step is gonna be for for live performance for music in general what if you had to like if you had to look into your own crystal ball what do you think the future of music is after this moment well my crystal ball is not telling me nothing right now yeah all I know is that people really can't exist without the community of live music it's just it's part of life and it will emerge and I don't know how it's going to emerge or when it's going to emerge but it's going to emerge and the effect its had on me and my other and and the other musicians live in the same world as I do is unbelievably bad I mean it's it's bad I mean we all we all depend on live performance and I don't know very few artists don't depend a lot performance because because it's an organization it's not just and it's it's it's all the crew and and you name it there's so many so many people about we all have our businesses and like all these businesses that are happening right now everything's crashing and burning so it's a matter of survival and trying to trying to weather the storm and get through it and a lot of people are going to have more trouble than people that have a little bit of I don't know backup money or whatever it is it's a time then it's enough time that's all I could say and I feel sorry for everybody including myself yeah yeah well a big part of live from Daryl's house is it's not just the music but it's also the food and drink and it's it is it's very it's an aspirational show I gotta tell you it's a good lifestyle is there is there specific recipes there a cocktail that you've been enjoying during the quarantine is there a specific daryl hall quarantine ii that you can share not really not really I like Brown Garrett's I mean I drink some wine that I'm mostly a statue bourbon Percy so I have a you know I have my joy and the evening and nothing special nothing fancy just good stuff simple and elegant I love it daryl hall thank you so much for allowing us into your home best of luck with the new hall & oates record cannot wait to hear it and live from Daryl's house airs every Sunday here on access TV Darryl thank you so much thank you we're always here with your favorite hosts and guests from across access TVs programming you never know who's gonna stop by I'm Dave Holmes thank you so much for watching at home and social with I'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: AXS TV
Views: 96,700
Rating: 4.9243698 out of 5
Keywords: Music, AXS TV, Classic Rock, Rock Music, Concert, Hall and Oates, Daryl Hall, MTV, Stay at home, safe at home, social distancing
Id: xKwK6oFLWpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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