At 88, Alan Alda Has Finally Admits How Much He Truly Hated Him..

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I will not carry a gun Frank when I got into this War I had a very clear understanding with the Pentagon no guns on Mash Alan Aldo wasn't quite Flawless he and a co-star he detested got into heated arguments often until it ceased being humorous Mash was a popular program noted for its drama and comedy for what reason did the show's Allure Fade To whom did Allan Alda Express his distaste who was it a member of the cast or the crew prepared to find out more intriguing things about mash and the solutions to your questions behind the scenes turmoil occurred during the second season of Mash's production Jackie Cooper the show's director and Alan Alda the legendary actor who played Hawkeye Pierce were not exactly close friends it seems that their perspectives on the proper way to do things on site were Divergent more room for the players imaginations was something Allen who was famous for his humor and improvisational abilities craved in his opinion Jackie's overly prescriptive rules and directives were limiting their ability to think creatively due of Jackie's more conventional style of directing Allan felt he couldn't fully develop the characters or add his own flare to Hawkeye however Jackie was an expert with years of experience in the field most likely he thought the performers would Faithfully obey his every command and stay true to the script Allan may have resisted Jackie's leadership because of their different work methods which caused friction between the two Allan wanted the program to be topnotch and cared a lot about its quality but he was unhappy because he thought Jackie wasn't giving it her all but Jackie saw things differently he had some trouble getting along with Allan people knew Allen as someone who was stubborn and inflexible for a director like Jackie used to take taking the lead his lack of consideration for others ideas and Views was a source of frustration according to Jackie Allen's attempts to dominate the scenes hindered his ability to carry out his duties adequately the situation is like to trying to assemble a Lego model while someone keeps removing your parts and offering instructions on how to put them together it's hardly exactly a blast is it working with Allan Jackie likely felt the same way it seems that a disagreement about the show's Direction and a clash of personalities were the root causes of their difficulty unlike Jackie who favored a more conventional method in which he was in command Allan yearned for more leeway to express his creativity and work with others their disagreements and strong ideas sometimes caused friction in their relationship did Allan and Jackie just have fundamentally different views or was there more at play what if we take take some time to get to know the program before we dive into that the popular television series Mash was adaption of a novel from 1972 until 1983 it was broadcast the show's title originates from the fact that it Chronicles the lives of soldiers serving in a mobile Army surgical hospital during the Korean War many viewers enjoyed the show's comedic and dramatic elements despite its comedic tone the legendary Korean War set TV series was much more than that the plot revolved on the heroic efforts of Physicians and nurses who despite the hardships of War worked relentlessly to save lives despite dealing with tough difficulties on a daily basis the protagonists managed to keep their spirits up and discover comedy at the worst of times many viewers loved Hawkeye Pierce even in the most trying of situations This brilliant and humorous surgeon never failed to have a quip ready played by Wayne Rogers hawkey's closest pal Trapper John McIntyre was a real Livewire who often got in on hawkey's Antics however Hawkeye and Trapper weren't the only characters on Mash there was a full Ensemble of Fascinating People on the program Jamie far brought hilarity to the film as the flamboyant Corporal Maxwell Clinger who was continually attempting to be dismissed by masquerading as ladies while Loretta Swit portrayed the strict but caring head nurse Margaret holahan the program would not have been the same without the distinct personalities and eccentricities of each character this was the unique selling point of mash there was just the right amount of drama and comedy in the blink of an eye you may be moved to Tears by the plight of the injured or the mental toll of War all because of Hawkeye's Antics many found meaning in the program because it dared to address heavy topics and delve into profound emotions despite the passage of time since its last episode it is still widely regarded as one of the most cherished television series of all time a delightful truth nevertheless that you may be unaware of mlan Stevenson had initially intended to portray Alan alda's legendary role the affable and clever surgeon Hawkeye Pierce but ended up portraying the endearing but sometimes clumsy Colonel Henry Blake think mlan Stevenson would be perfect to deliver Hawkeye biting onliners I find it to be an intriguing exercise in theoretical contemplation the fact that Stevenson wanted to portray Hawkeye shows something that happens to a lot of actors there are usually Parts they're really interested in playing or think they'd be great in athletes are human with tastes and aspirations of their own whether they acquire their ideal parts or not is a matter of luck however it seems that Destiny had other intentions for mlan Stevenson in relation to mash some Mash performers actually served in the military before they joined the cast which is a surprising but true fact the Charming and eccentric Corporal Clinger portrayed by Jamie far was a 2-year veteran of the United States Army even though he was sent to Japan and Korea after the war ended his military service undoubtedly provided him with a distinct viewpoint on the hardships endured by service members actor Alan Alda who played the lead role was also a veteran during his 6 months of service in the Army Reserves he was stationed in Korea even though he didn't fight on screen his real life experiences undoubtedly informed his depiction of the sympathetic and humorous physician Hawkeye Pierce if that's the case who was alen alda's true competition some say Jackie Cooper the film's director was responsible While others say BJs actor Mike frell was little Hut why it seemed like they were really competing with each other on TV in their NeverEnding quest to demonstrate who was the superior doctor they were also always competing with one another in terms of cleverness and silliness Allan spoke about this healthy competition with Mike in his book never have your dog stuffed and other things I've learned the two would get into ridiculous contests like seeing who could Master standing on their hands quickest it was a delightful experience to work together and everything was done in Good Humor curiously Allan also noted in his autobiography that he studied Judo while serving in the Army he seemed to be rather up for physical challenges and light-hearted contests with Mike which may be explained by this their physical encounters weren't always light-hearted despite the fact that they were friends Mike would jokingly attempt to trip Allen from behind and knock him down any time he was told to sit down Allan noticed having said that their partnership wasn't without its share of serious moments at times they couldn't agree most notably on the proper actions for their characters to take it was Mike's firm belief that his character BJ Hut was pretending to be someone he wasn't because of this he and Allan got into a little argument Allan may have seen the incident differently as performers we feel a strong connection to the characters we play and strive to do our best to capture their Essence this probably contributed to Allen and Mike's dispute on BJs actions despite occasional disagreements they were both concerned about the welfare of their characters and the program overall not only did Allan and Mike have their differences but there are other intriguing accounts of performers who passed up opportunities to make a career altering impact on mash for example Hawkeye's accomplice Trapper John McIntyre was given the position by comedian Robert kleene can you believe it the standup comic Robert kleene may have been a member of the legendary Mash Ensemble but he passed on the part for whatever reason Klein seems unfazed by the choice even after Mash became a Smash Hit he then went on to an incredible comedic career making Cameo appearances in more than a 100 films and television series he obviously achieved success on his own apart from the publicity that came from being on a hit program like mash Trapper John McIntyre's Dynamic actor Wayne Rogers is included in another interesting casting detail when Wayne joined a TV program he didn't sign a contract like the other performers this gave him the freedom to quit the program anytime he liked without worrying about legal ramifications just picture the mash crew shock every time Wayne chose to go on a little getaway with one of the lead characters appearing and disappearing at will keeping the production on track must have required some serious juggling many Mash viewers love Jamie far's colorful character Clinger did you know however that he was never meant to have a regular role in the program he was initially cast as homosexual and was only slated to make a one episode appearance The Producers however opted to retain Clinger on board due to his endearing eccentricity and humorous Antics which won over the audience curiously once Mash went on television the laugh track that signature sound of the studio crowd giggling along began to diminish it wasn't an overnight shift but the Laughing did fade in volume and frequency the show's tone and Direction had shifted becoming more serious and tragic and this modification mirrored that the makers of mash originally intended for the program to take a different approach it was their belief that the recorded laughter heard in some sitcoms known as a laugh track did not really complement the show's tone people watching MH should realize that despite its comedic moments the show dealt with heavy themes like grief and conflict though the show's airing Network CBS disagreed it was typical practice back then and they needed a laugh track a deal was struck between the producers and CBS after some back and forth although they agreed to retain the laugh track they were granted permission to shoot some scenes such as those in the operation room without it the producers who aimed for a more emotional and genuine vibe in those passages scored a little Triumph with this the audience's ability to hear the laughs faded as the program progressed although it was still there it was much less noisy and less utilized this shift demonstrated Mash's maturation and increasing ing seriousness as it explored increasingly profound issues it retained its comedic value but the tone was darker and more serious than initially the premiere of MASH which took place on September 17th 1972 was an enormous success director Jean Reynolds and writer Larry gelbart were both nominated for Emy for their work on the show astonishingly Larry authored the whole episode in a just three days that is far more exciting than completing a whole book report in a single sitting the pilot episode was obviously exceptional because of all the accolades it garnered it became a treasured classic despite being written hastily yet it nonetheless won over audience's Hearts the rest of the cast was in the dark about Colonel Henry Blake's impending death but Hawkeye actor Alan Alda was the sole one Envision yourself as a member of the mash cast who out of the blue finds out that a key character is being abruptly and irrevocably killed off that is precisely what happened in the event of Colonel Blake's unexpected demise the other performers didn't find out about this turn of events until just before recording the emotionally charged sequence since Blake was a much-loved figure it must have been shocking for everyone however unexpected turns weren't the only element that maintained Mash's Intrigue notable actors and actresses also made guest to appearances on the program Envision a premature Ron Howard who would go on to star in Happy Days and American Graffiti making an appearance on Mash on the other hand how about an appearance by the witty Leslie neelon of airplane and the Naked Gun Patrick swayy the charismatic star of Dirty Dancing was even a guest on the mash set the addition of these special guests boosted the show's already high ratings the fact that Mash persisted for much longer than the Korean War itself is another astonishing aspect of the conflict despite the short duration of the conflict the program aired for 11 Seasons the experience is similar to rewatching a beloved film but with different plot twists and Adventures each time over a decade and 256 episodes later Mash is still going strong Alan Alda was a multi-talented actor nevertheless in cas Cas you didn't know behind the scenes he did a lot of different things including directing 31 episodes and co-writing 13 more besides being an attractive actor this Gifted Man was also a Visionary behind the camera while we're on the subject of backstory Radar's bear deserves some attention will you never forget the adorable teddy bear that radar always had on hand in times of need it was like having a reliable companion by his side unfortunately the fate of the bear remained a mystery after the program aired where did Radar's cherished teddy bear go fans pondered this question for a long time for 30 years rumors circulated that this artifact from the show's history had gone missing but then something unexpected happened the bear made a triumphant return at auction and you won the bet it was none other than radar himself Gary berhoff reconnecting with a beloved aspect of his character's life must have been an emotional experience for him what the mash actors didn't finish was surprising a time capsule containing Recollections and artifacts from the characters time together was buried in one of the series finales hidden on set it is a Hidden Gem just waiting to be found the Time Capsule was discovered by a construction worker months after shooting had ended the long- awaited discovery of the Time Capsule must have taken Everyone by surprise the Revelation brings back fond memories of everyone's time spent working on Mash as if a piece of the show's history had been Unearthed a stall word of mash Loretta Swit portrayed the feisty and sometimes irritable major Margaret hot lips hoolahan except for 11 episodes she was in every one of the 256 that ran on the program it's the equivalent of playing in almost every baseball game quite the accomplishment isn't it she also managed to remain a cast member for all 11 seasons one of the four original cast members that remained throughout Mash's run was Loretta she obviously enjoyed her time on mash and played Major hoolahan we must not forget that every single character was significant regardless of how prominent Loretta was on the program some of the supporting cast members were just as interesting as the main characters despite Mash having a devoted fan base actually the characters were called after the California Angels baseball club in one 1977 episode it's a Charming Quirk that demonstrates the care and Imagination that went into the whole production even to the smallest characters however the juicy part is right here in honor of the writer's ex-girlfriend the show features her character as if tucked away in the plot of the program it's like a tiny inside joke or compliment some people think Patty Haven was the inspiration how ever nobody knows for sure whether meant as a kind gesture or a subtle dig it's an intriguing fact that adds mystery to the show's past the performers began to take a more active role in developing Mash as the show went on on occasion Creative Solutions might emerge from contentious situations on set the creative team behind Mash opted for a light-hearted but demanding tack when the performers began sharing their thoughts on the plots despite the sweltering heat they had the actors dress for the part in bulky winter gear the staff was probably trying to show the actors who was Boss by doing this despite all of these problems that occurred behind the scenes Mash never stopped entertaining and winning over viewers following the series finale many spin-offs were developed one of which revolved on the adored character radar O'Reilly after the war radar returned home in the spin-off but things didn't work work out the way he had hoped he became a detective after enduring loss and heartache this spin-off only ran for one season but it offers a fascinating look into Radar's potential Clinger was another guy who was fortunate although he was only supposed to make a special appearance The Producers couldn't resist his eccentric charm and decided to make him a regular it proves that even the most surprising characters can win over viewers an endearing feature of mash was the bond that developed between the performers and the families of their characters the actor who portrayed BJ in fact Hut took inspiration from his own daughter Aaron and named her like his fictional character it was a touching homage and an opportunity for him to inject some of himself into the program on a lighter note the picture of Colonel Potter's wife Mildred that Graces his desk was really more than just a prop in reality it was a a snapshot of Harry Morgan's genuine spouse Colonel Potter's Persona was given a modest but welcome boost by this fact while working with Alan Alda Jackie Cooper who directed a few episodes of mash wrote an autobiography titled please don't shoot my dog in it Cooper discussed his impression that Allen was always attempting to include liberal views into the scripts Allan ought to quit being a politician and focus on performing according to Jackie to him it seemed like Allen was attempting to impose his will on the program and was thereby Crossing some kind of boundary Allan and Jackie had a tense relationship throughout the first two seasons of Jackie's directorial tenure they were very quiet it looks that their creative differences and personal issues caused a hardworking relationship even though they never overtly proclaimed their hate for one other the last episode of mash was a major deal but the show itself was successful despite all the turmoil that went on behind the scenes it became one of the most watched television programs of all time after being seen by millions of Americans however were you aware that there was really more than one episode recorded before the final one filming for an additional episode titled as time goes by followed the original series conclusion it's an interesting but little known tidbit about the show's history actress Loretta Swift kept in touch with her Mash co-stars particularly Harry Morgan even after the show ended Swit portrayed major holahan knowing that the bonds created on site persisted even after filming ceased is a comforting thought
Channel: Concealed Secrets
Views: 33,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alan Alda, alan alda, MASH, mash
Id: T9Y3Li7BIfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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