Asus ROG Ally BEST Tips and Tricks

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what is going on guys welcome to grego's TV in this video I'm going to show you essential tips and tricks to know about the Asus Rog Ally these are going to be things that you definitely want to know how to do to make your life easier with this now I have made a video already about the macro buttons those are the buttons on the back here and some tips and tricks that you can do with those so those would be considered essential I would say but I made a separate video about those these ones are going to be a little bit different so without further Ado let's jump into the video so first of all would be to check for updates there's going to be multiple places to check for updates on this device the first one is Armory crate Armory crate is this button right here if you press that it's going to bring up your Armory crate so once you're in Armory crate go over to content and then go into Update Center and do check for updates this will check for updates on here and I want to let you know that you'll do updates in here and even after you do the update come back in here and see if there's any more because it might cause other things to do an update as well so keep that in mind that once you do an update just come in here once you don't see anything like currently I don't let's see I don't think I have anything I don't have any updates I'm all caught up with my Armory crate updates the next updates that you might want are in the my Asus app so you can find that just by going to search there's multiple ways to get it and you can just type in Asus and it should come up my Asus you might have to log in and sign in so do all that stuff once you're signed in what you can do here is you can come in to your essential updates you'll see it might even it should be like right here it'll say if you have an essential update come in here see if you have any and what you can do is you have to be plugged in in order to do these updates mine saying we found updates please save your files before restarting your system so I'm going to hit restart because it's already done the update but you can hit check all or check to see if there's any updates and it'll automatically do that for you now mines are automatically doing one right now so I'll let this finish up and I'll see you on the other side so since we did an update in that already we're actually going to go back into that in my Asus um app update so this time we'll go in through the windows and then I should have it right here but you can search for it at the top as well if you don't see it already come back in here it still says essential update we'll come back in here and I have an AMD graphics driver update and it looks like it already did it so I am good on that but I can always hit check to see if I have any other updates and I don't so that's all good there but again if you wanted to check it some easy ways to do that is just to go into customer support live update and then check that's how you can manually check for it you might also have Windows updates so going to here search type in updates check for updates and this will tell you if you have any I'm going to hit check for updates this is just going to check windows in general to see if you have any updates and you can see I'm up to date so I'm good so that's the three places that you would want to end up checking for updates next would be if you want to force quit an app so what you're going to do is you have this triangle button right here if you press and hold that from any screen that you're on it'll actually allow you to go into here and you can come in here and you can go into task manager and you can choose the app that you want maybe I want the my Asus app to close down so I'm just going to hit select on that and then I can hit end task and that will close out the app completely so if you're having an issue with an app just press and hold that it opens up your task manager and you can close an app really quickly now the next one click on your triangle again just press it once and you're going to see here enabled embedded control if you want to use a controller that's external to what you have right here you have to disable this and you'll be able to use your controller external like an Xbox or PlayStation 5 controller on this but you have to disable that and if you have any issues with using this controller come in here and enable this back next would be the fingerprint sensor if you have to re-add your fingerprint sensor go into search all you got to do is type in fingerprint if you want to re-add or add a different finger whatever you want you'll see setup fingerprint sign in you can come in here and you can see fingerprint recognition tap on that and then you can do setup you can either add a new finger or remove it and that's how you can set up a fingerprint sensor next let's go into Armory crate tap that you can come into settings and in settings if you want to remap your buttons you'll go into control mode go into configuration and you're going to see Gamepad mode you can come in here and change what certain buttons do for you or control the dead zones and all of that you can come in here let's go back in here if you want the trigger to be a certain intensity you can change all that map buttons you just have to click on it like for instance if I want the left trigger to do something I can have it do a secondary function too as well I can make it a left bumper and this is all within the game mode if you want or you can have it do a certain action such as open something specific or do something on your keyboard or your number pad or do something as a mouse so it's kind of cool there's a lot of functionality you can do with certain things on here and obviously you can change that as well when you go into um your buttons here as well so for instance if you're in desktop mode you can go with configuration and if you want to have the right stick do something specific I can just click on the right stick over here tap that it's unassigned and I can have it do something specific like I just mentioned earlier I can have it do a keyboard function or a numpad or whatever I want another one you probably definitely want to change is go into lighting settings and there's one here that says like when you're charging you might notice that when your tablet goes to sleep or whatever it's like blinking these where the joysticks are you can turn it off right here it makes it a lot better and also you can come in here when it's awake you can basically turn off any of the lighting settings that you want depending upon if it's boot up and shutdown or whatever for me it's not really that important to have any of these lighting effects on they use battery and I generally just don't need them at all for if you want to turn any and all off you do it right here also if you want a quick way of restarting your device press and hold the triangle and you can come in here and do all that stuff like the task manager but you can also go into power mode and restart or put you to sleep or shut down your device another cool one is if you press and hold the Armory create button it'll tell you what buttons do for where you are you can see if anything's been assigned or unassigned or set up at all it'll tell you what it does so there you guys go that is some quick tips and tricks that I think they're really essential for the Rog Ally if you want to pick one of these up you should it's a really awesome device I'll link it down below have a great day we'll see you down the road peace
Channel: GregglesTV
Views: 2,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CImeZLyEuG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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