Astrologian Advanced Guide for Level 51-90: Openers and Healing Advice Included! [FFXIV 6.40+]

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this guide explains all of the actions that astrologian learns from Level 51 to 90 in order but with explaining what they do and effective ways to use them including how to efficiently combine them with other actions in the final summary at level 90 we go over an optimized combat opener and rotation as well as lots of healing strategies and advice I will assume you know the basics of the job and if that is not the case refer to my astrologian starter guide to get caught up I also assume you are acquainted with common abbreviations such as gcd ogcd and weaving and refer to these two shots on the subject if you need a refresher now then at level 54 malefic is permanently upgraded to malefic 2 increasing its potency slightly this change is nothing for your rotation at level 58 you learn the ability Collective unconscious which when cast immediately applies a short 10 damage reduction effect to all party members within 30 ohms and then applies a hot to party members within 8 yards assuming no other action is taken a Dome Shield is channeled twitch every 3 seconds reapplies both effects to all party members within the shield Collective unconscious can be channeled for up to 18 seconds the instant effect of the ability allows you to quickly weave it with a damage reduction for an incoming great white attack or even just to apply a hot to those in the immediate vicinity the channeled component is mostly helpful when there are no attackable targets and there is an incoming raid white attack use this ability recognally and don't sit on it to wait for the perfect time to use the channel as the cooldown is surprisingly short at level 60 you learn the ability Celestial opposition which is effectively an ability version of aspected Helios the heart from Celestial opposition Stacks with all your other hearts and the easy access and potency of the ability makes it a very strong option on large dungeon pools to help heal just the tank should you need it in fact if you don't need to use aspected benefit relying on Collective unconscious Celestial opposition and essential dignity is more efficient as it gives you more time to attack at level 62 you learn the ability Earthly star which when used marks a ridiculously large area if reactivated within 10 seconds it detonates healing all party members in the area and dealing damage to all enemies in the area if instead you leave it for 10 seconds it primes increasing its power by a third signaled by the star in the center turning brighter reactivating the ability after this point or letting the timer run out naturally after another 10 seconds will cause the Earthly star to detonate healing allies and herding enemies as long as allies and enemies will be in the area for the primed version of the Earthly star you should weave this on cooldown for boss fight you can conveniently place the Earthly star before the fight begins so that it can prime early in the fight while not particularly important given the enormous area the outer edge of the area is signified by circling golden stars to more easily Place Earthly star go to character configuration and under the target section toggle limit ring movement to targeting range and press action twice to execute this way you can always Place Earthly star immediately within a feasible location by pressing its keyboard twice at level 64 malefic 2 is permanently upgraded to malefic 3 which significantly increases its potency however this still changes nothing for your rotation at level 68 the trade hyper light speed permanently reduces the cooldown of light speed from 2 minutes to 90 seconds if you are using light speed for card bursts then this trait changes nothing for you as you will need light speed every 2 minutes anyway if you don't perform card bursts Lightspeed will give you more regular access to more Mobility at level 70 we learn the ability minor Arcana which when used draws either a lord of crowns or a lady of Crowns Card which you can hold simultaneously with your regular cards while you hold a lord or Lady of crowns mine Arcana is replaced with the card itself allowing you to play it Lord of crowns serves as a wide AOE attack while Lady of crown serves as a wide AV healing option at this start of a fate drawing your minor Kerner should be protest lower than all your other card playing but aside from this minor kerners should be drawn on cooldown if a lot of crowns is drawn in the opener make sure to spend it before the Venetian and astrodyne ends for the extra free damage if Lady of crowns is strong instead you can hold on to it and use it for the next opportunity to heal make sure to not sit on it however as you need to play it to be able to draw another and as Lord of crowns is a damage option losing out on minor cannas will lose your damage in the long run at least on average at level 72 malefic 3 and combust 2 are permanently upgraded to malefic 4 and Compass 3 significantly increasing the potencies of both yet still not having any impactful change on your rotation whatsoever at level 74 you learn the ability Celestial intersection which heals your target for a decent amount and applies the shield for twice the healing done as the cooldown is equal to the duration you can essentially apply this to the tank on cooldown for some free healing and shields whenever it is available at level 76 you learn the ability horoscope which applies above to all party members for 10 seconds when the ability is reactivated or the timer runs out everyone affected is healed for a decent amount either Target reads the horoscope buff is healed by Helios or aspected Helios is upfront healing the duration is increased to 30 seconds and the detonation potency is doubled depending on your needs you can both use horoscope as it is for some easy free ogcd heating or you can go the extra step and use aspected healers to boost it further you can also use horoscope and aspected Helios before combat starts to begin with the Trap already set whenever you need AOE healing like with Celestial opposition it is worth considering horoscope due to its relatively short cooldown and decent healing it is also good for extra free tank healing on dungeon pools like most of your other AOE healing abilities are at level 78 essential dignity is upgraded to be able to hold two charges from this point on I recommend using the first charge of essential dignity quite aggressively as before but you can sit on the second charge for a bad situation if you so desire as long as the cooldown is ticking at level 80 you learn the ability neutral sect which supercharges your healing spells especially aspected benefit and Helios first it boosts the healing potency of your healing spells by 20 then both aspected benefit and Helios are improved to additionally apply a large Shield whenever they are cast if you are ever in a situation where you need to cast a lot of spell healing specifically the neutral effect can often be overwhelmingly powerful however if you are getting by with only healing abilities the neutral sect does nothing don't forget about neutral sect as its cooldown isn't too long however there is no point in using it if you aren't going to use any spell healing anyway at level 82 malefic 4 and gravity are permanently upgraded to fall malefic and gravity 2 increasing their potencies but once again this change is nothing for your rotation at level 85 the trade in enhanced healing magic boosts the potencies of all your healing spells this is probably going to be most clearly felt when using aspected benefit and Helios as their hearts are boosted just as much as The Upfront healing but aside from that it doesn't have any impact on how you play at level 86 you learn the ability exaltation which reduces the damage your target takes for a bit and then when the buff ends it heals them for a large amount the best way to use this ability is to use it right as the tank reaches their destination and starts to take large amounts of damage the damage reduction helps alleviate some of the pressure while the healing at the end is much more helpful when the tank has already taken some damage of course as the cooldown is relatively short these should be available to use for every dungeon pool at least once in a boss fight it is most effective to deal with incoming tank Busters at level 88 Celestial intersection is upgraded to hold two charges an important detail to keep in mind about this is that Celestial intersection Shield does not stack and will override itself so make sure to either use both charges on different targets or just base them out so you don't waste anything optimally I recommend using Celestial intersection on the tank when they start pulling and after that simply use the Ability if the tank can benefit from the healing and simultaneously don't already have a shield from this ability in boss fights keeping one charge to use to assist the tank with a tank Buster can also be helpful at level 90 you learn this build macro Cosmos which when cast immediately does slightly more damage than gravity too and the same damage as fall malefic on one Target in a huge area around you and then applies macro Cosmos to your party while macrocosmos lasts the button is replaced with micro Cosmos while macro Cosmos is active it records 50 of all damage taken when either microcosmos is activated or the duration on macro Cosmos expires each member affected is healed for a decent amount plus 100 of the recorded damage that they took in particular notably as the cooldown on macro Cosmos is extremely long you should never use it just for the damage if you anticipate large amounts of damage using macro Cosmos preemptively can allow you to completely reverse path of the damage this can for example be helpful to give your tank a huge heal in a large dungeon pump or it can be useful to single-handedly deal with a large raid ride attack just remember that the cooldown is ridiculously long to round off let's first talk about an opener for boss fights followed by more General healing tips and advice to make the most of your tools in Dungeons and raids and finally briefly touch on stat priorities let's begin as soon as possible draw a card at best 30 seconds before combat starts anywhere between 4 and 20 seconds before combat starts plays Earthly star remember that you can't stop it once it's placed if you intend to use a tincture a so-called burst potion use it three seconds before combat starts and then 1.5 seconds before pool cast fall malefic and weave light speed then apply combust and double weave card actions for malefic into more card actions malefic again and then divination at the card action and then repeatedly useful malefic followed by double weaving card actions until you are through the list the priority is to use draw and redraw as you need then play until all three cards have been played then minor Arcana and astrodyne and if you draw a lot of crowns that should be used last depending on how many redrawals you end up needing this can draw out the opener quite a lot sometimes after that you keep combuster filled with malefic and play one card on the odd minutes and stockpile for more card bursts on the even minutes in a less coordinated or casual setting you can also simply play cards as you get them as this is far easier when you're still learning the job notably as you will have 4 cards per 2 minutes the odd minute card will adjust the timing of astrodyne in relation to their car place every 2 minutes if you are doing car bursts replace malefic with gravity on two or more targets and replace compost with gravity on 5 or more targets now for the healing tips section let's start with dungeon pool advice before the pool starts consider applying Celestial intersection and aspected benefit to the tank you can also use swiftcare to apply aspected Helios as well if you do you can also prepare a horoscope before aspected Helios if you are confident you won't need it later in the poll you can even use neutral set before applying aspected benefit and Helios to apply stronger hearts and also get the aspected benefit shield on top also make sure to draw our card once you're in combat Start Spreading combust to the enemies as best you can if you reach 2 card charges consider playing the card you have on a DPS and draw another be ready to use Celestial intersection and essential dignity if necessary while the tank is pulling if you don't plan on using light speed for card bursting you can also use this to spam gravity while the tank pulls when the tank reaches their destination put down an Earthly Star as soon as possible and use exaltation on the tank then play your cards as well as use divination while using gravity plan your healing cooldowns around the fact that exaltation and Earthly star and possibly horoscope will give you a lot of surprise healing in the immediate future but if you need more healing than this but with Celestial opposition and Collective unconscious offers ways to apply additional hops essential dignity is also great to have on hand if you miscalculate the timing of your planned heels you can also use macro Cosmos if things are really going poorly but due to the preemptive nature of the spill it may be difficult to predict when you need it so it may be better to plan to use it for a specific pool and stick to that strategy and save other cooldowns accordingly when all else fails and you have to rely on healing spells which is okay you can make use of synustry and even neutral sect if it is available to really power up your healing to save the day so don't forget about these either for raids and dungeon bosses it is a lot more complicated and the simplest answer is to make sure to use your toolkit efficiently to deal with each mechanic make sure to use Celestial intersections with regular and heal one of the tanks almost completely freely exaltation can be used to assist the tank with a tank Buster and macro Cosmos can be planned in advance to deal with either a massive amount of tank damage or a mass amount of raid white damage both macro Cosmos horoscope and Earthly star have this trap-like property where they automatically detonate after a while which you can use to your advantage if the moment where they are needed happens to be a time where you don't have the time to cast or weave them both Celestial opposition and Collective unconscious also serve as very easy ways to apply red white heating without using gcds and while essential dignity has a tendency to have priority for tanks it is a great tool to save someone when they make a mistake however in general as raid bosses follow a set pattern it is often beneficial to plan your cooldowns ahead of time on very hard fights so you have enough cooldowns for each mechanic this means that instead of saving things like macro Cosmos as a last result you plan it for a particularly difficult mechanic finally regarding stat priorities take note that in nearly every single case item level Pizza optimal secondary s this means you should always prioritize Gear with higher item level as long as it has mind on it after that astrology stat priority is critical hit and then they have two options you can freely choose whether you want to prioritize spill speed second directed third and determination fourth or alternatively go with a slightly slower rotation and prioritize directed and then dissemination and then spell speed a slower gcd gives you ever so slightly more thinking time between your gcds and card plays which can be helpful when you're still learning however while higher spell speed for healers normally comes at a possible detriment due to increased MP costs astrologene has such reliable MP recovery that this is completely irrelevant a fast agency allows you to more consistently fit extra casts within the astrodyne buff window which is both a cast speed boost and often a damage boost not to mention divination notably slightly slower sit-ups may have better compatibility with other healers should you want to have gear that works well for multiple healer jumps simultaneously the reason that directed is prioritized slightly higher than determination is that while directed does not actually boost your healing output and determination does the fact that healers never find directed on their gear naturally means that melting directed material will be better for increasing your damage output and the healing bonus dissemination does grand is not enough to affect your actual approach to combat at all you will still cast the same amount of healing spells in most situations finally piety is a stat that increases healer's passive MP recovery in combat however it does not provide anything else and astrologians when played correctly should not have any MP issues regardless of piety due to a combination of their built-in recovery tools but also the fact that their most expensive healing options aside from Ascent are generally cheaper than the other healer equivalents however if despite that you still run out of MP while using your toolkit to the best of your ability you may want to consider adding extra piety to your gear this can also be a lot more helpful if you play other healer jobs as will as this is a more subjective stat you will ultimately have to make this decision for yourself now that is all for this video thank you so much for watching if you want to support me and my channel you can make sure to let the YouTube algorithm know by liking the video leaving a comment subscribing and hitting the Bell to get notified when next I post a video and if you want to give even more support than that you can also become a member of the channel like these wonderful people here fun fact redraw used to have up to three charges and a charge time of 30 seconds essentially allowing you to redraw once per draw and letting you save redrawals if you didn't need them however back when it worked this way it could draw the equivalent to the same signed card greatly reducing its versatility for the sake of comparison our current redraw has a 100 chance to get you your second sign and a 50 chance to get the third the old version had an 80 chance to get to your second sign and a 40 chance to get the third [Music]
Channel: Caetsu Chaiji Ch.
Views: 526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ff14, ffxiv, final, fantasy, ARR, Realm, Reborn, HW, Heavensward, SB, Stormblood, ShB, Shadowbringers, EW, Endwalker, Guide, AST, Astrologian, Healer
Id: ro4JDImqo0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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