Astrix - Sahara
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Channel: Astrix Official
Views: 19,459,725
Rating: 4.8629813 out of 5
Keywords: astrix, psychedelic, trance, psytrance, psychedelic trance, fullon, full on, hommega, progressive trance, Astrix - Sahara, sahara, astrix 2018, sahara astrix, Psychedelic Awakening, Future Music Records, Psychedelic Awakening ace ventura, Ace Ventura, Astrix Vini Vici, Astrix deep jungle walk, Astrix ozora, Astrix boom, Astrix heart, Astrix psytrance, goa trance, deep jungle walk
Id: 5_ehdwsv5BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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I love me some Astrix
About god damn time this track got released.
Nice! I slowed down a lot with prog-psy so I haven't kept up with Astrix. Fun track.
Why can't Astrix release stuff like this on VII?! Biggest bullshit move ever by Askew to "front" Astrix as part of the crew when he does nothing really
This is a pretty solid, if not fairly straight-forward Astrix tune. Goes hard live for sure.
My favorite!!