Astra's Revolutionary Manufacturing Process | Rocket 4 Factory Tour

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Astra is a fascinating rocket company that has had some great successes and some unfortunate failures. They're bouncing back with a brand new bigger rocket and improved manufacturing and quality control. In this video we'll get a detailed look at their new rocket, which they call Rocket Four. We'll talk to their ceo, Chris Kemp, their vice president of manufacturing Bryson Gentilly and will try to learn exactly how they plan to manufacture. Rocket four at scale and manufacture at scale is exactly what they set up to do. They've built an assembly line designed to churn out a rocket a day, which is nuts, but is that even possible? What has to be done on a company level in order to enable such rapid production of such a complex thing? Let's take a look. So. Today we're going to show you a couple of cool things. We're going to show you how raw material becomes a rocket through the factory. So last time you were here, we started from our front lobby. This time we're going to start from our receiving door, which is where the action in the factory begins. Excellent. So parts go in that door, rockets go out another. Door, raw materials and parts come in the door right behind us over here, and then rockets go out the other side of the factory. Awesome. So what you see on the rack behind us, this is a whole bunch of raw materials. So one of the nice things about being a vertically integrated company is we actually understand the sizes of parts that we traditionally make. So we stock a lot of material that's in common diameters or shapes in long bars. And these bars are actually wider than the door, the receiving door is. So we store them outside and we actually bring them, if you follow me, we bring them over here. We have a cutting area. So the factory actually begins outside of the walls of the factory. I like. It. And this machine over here, it's called the cold saw. So we take these bars, we bring 'em over here, we forklift them over and then we ch cut off little sections, little slugs of material. And then we take those and we bring them in a machine shop and then parts start their journey here from these large bars, which we produce at a much lower cost than buying little small bricks. So we'll hop actually over this barrier. This is not normally a tour friendly path. So we'll hop over this barrier and then we'll walk into the factory here. So we walked up the ramp past the aforementioned receiving door and into the factory proper. I was immediately blown away by the increased scale of everything at a. Very high level. Since we've been on our last tour video, a number of things have changed here. Inventory has doubled the size it was before the shop, which we're about to jump into is about triple the square footage of what it was before. And this factory overall is almost tripled the square footage of what that last tour contained. Well, last factory tour you said We have all this space to expand into and now it's very clear you have done exactly that. Yes. All going according to plan since the early days of looking at this building and kind of having a vision of how it could come together, we've been executing as we've expected. A lot of these pieces of equipment are very specialized for rockets. Actually many of them are not as well. We prefer the ones that are not because they're easily available. But yeah, I can walk you through some of this as we walk through the place. Cool. Should we put on our handy dandy eye protection? Yes. Thank you. So let's put on our safety glasses and jump right into the shop. Safety first. So we're entering the shop right now. The shop is controlled to a tighter temperature window than the rest of the facility and that allows us to make sure that as we're machining parts, the machines and the parts themselves are expanding and contracting with temperature at a known rate. So we can always hit very, very tight tolerances here in the shop. So the strip doors are actually mostly just to keep a temperature controlled environment. Makes sense. We're going to pop into the sheet metal shop and we'll start the journey for a sheet metal part here. So very similar to the last time we came through, parts show up on the sheet metal rack or raw material shows up on the sheet. Metal rack then gets loaded into the water jet. We cut flat patterns and then those, maybe I'll just grab a prop here instead of waving my hands around. I love that you have a handy prop case. Oh yeah. So I came through here enough times that Scott, who is right over here speaking with a couple folks in the shop actually decided he was going to make me a display case so that I didn't have to keep asking him for things. Nice. So that's us iterating live. But these are a couple examples of parts that started their life as sheet parts. So these were flat sheets that we then cut and then brake formed on the brake press there. So these are parts essentially formed to be able to get stiffness. This particular part started as life originally as a machined part and is now a brake form part that is lighter and higher performing than the machine part get replaced. And if you're not machining it, you don't have to lose a bunch of material to that process. You have the material, you're using it, you're not throwing away a bunch of material. Exactly. Machine parts I used to think were quite cool. They're now deeply offensive to me because you throw away generally most of what you paid for when you're making a machine part. So these sheet metal parts you use a lot of the material you paid for so you get low cost parts and they also, these particular styles of manufacturing break forming is very high utilization and very low cycle time and means you're putting not that much money in the time that you invest into the part. So you can make these very easily to be scaled up at very low cost. Alright. The machine shop was pretty similar to the last time we had a tour, but that's where the similarities end. As we moved on, Bryson once again underscored how big the changes to the factory have been. As we get into the next part of the tour, we're passing by basically a bunch of active machines in the machine shop. So please forgive any less than perfect audio. So now we're entering kind of the main part of the machine shop and what we would've seen previously is a curtain at that first kind of set of columns when we were here last. Time. Right. It's like double the size now. Yeah. So the shop actually used to end right over that vtl by column b2. Yep. We've actually expanded all the way up to that last wall. So the overall square footage of the shop is almost triple what it was before. And we'll walk you through how we've expanded and how that's changed the shop and its arrangement here. Cool. So let's keep going. And as we get into the shop, what you see first is a lot of manual machines. So we do a lot of quick turns sort of development work and the manual machines and the semi-manual, semi-automated machines are really handy for that. They don't take a lot of programming time, not a lot of setup time. This is an area that's really important to us, particularly for development. And we need to do really, really rapid iterations. Maybe a part turnaround in a couple of hours rather than days or weeks. Yeah, that makes sense. The manual shop is kind of the first entry as you walk in here. What are we doing over here? What are we doing over here? That's a good question. Hey Dave, what are you making. Bearing simulators for balancing locks rubber. So bearing simulators for balancing the locks rubber. That's the first stage engine, correct? Yeah. So Dave's working on some first stage engine parts. That's cool. Cool. Thanks Dave. Oh, we have different levels of automation within the factory. So we had the pure manual machines. We talked about some of the semi-automated ones. That's where you program certain features in. Those are repeatable. And as you kind of scale up in higher and higher volume production, you actually want to change the style of manufacturing you're doing. So these machines are all CNC controlled, computer numeric controlled. So they're all programmed, they're highly repeatable. We have very specific fixtures, very specific tools. Cool. And then as we go to the production shot of the shop, I'll get into the details of what we do differently there to enable another level of scale. So we're going to peruse through here and we're going to kind of cut a nice tour path that might interrupt some of our machinists a little bit, but I think it'll give you some good visuals of what we do in the factory. Sure. So Steve is working on a part here in this machine. Steve, what are you working on? This is so lock vein housing. So we got a lot of first stage engine parts going through the machine shop right now. We got Dave working on one, Steve working on another. This is one of our more challenging five access parts. So thanks Steve. You're welcome. We're going to carry on. It's a good looking part. Ah, yes it is. What's up Daniel? What's up Brett? Daniel's working. What are you working on here? Daniel? These are brackets, these are for the thrusters. It's like basically the gas tank for the thruster. This radius is what kind of locks it in. So how many of these are you making? 30. Cool. Yeah, they asked for 30. I might give 'em 32. Nice. If I screws you up. So Daniel's working on some astro space engine parts here. And this is an example of maybe one of the higher batch quantities that we've got that goes through the development side of the shop. So we're making 30 of this part, right around 30 is kind of the maximum that we would be running in this side of the shop once we start passing about 30, we want to go to maybe one of the, that we'll talk to in a few minutes. It's so cool to see it move around on the different axes. Xi Xi. Yeah, this part is running on five different axes right now. Saves. Saves a lot of time. Versus the three xis machine. The three axe machine. These would all be different operations. See how the part here, the part has tapped holes like all over. So if it was a three axis part, here's one operation from the top, here's another operation, here's another, here's another and here's another. So that would've been five different operations we were able to do in one. Nice. Yeah. Fewer operations the better. It means fewer tools, it means less setup time overall. It means we get parts faster. Very cool. It also just helps you hold really tight tolerances too. Yeah, you don't have to reaff fixate and get the fixture just right every time. And even. Say if you were trying to hit this operation, you just figure out how to hold it to make sure that the top is super flat, you dial in and the X and the Y. Cause you don't have any flat edges and it ends up saving a lot of time if you're able to do it for five access. Very cool. Cool. Thanks Daniel. All right, thanks. Let's carry on. Ah, I see there's some of the 30. Yes. That is the rack of those, they're, most of 'em are through op one. I think he's got, I see four billets left that haven't gone through op one yet. Very cool. So as we'll walk down this aisle, we'll go little faster. We're getting to lunchtime here, so folks are starting to peel away from the shop. No. Worries. But you see, we run some of these machines when they're doing simple operations, you can basically run even some of these unattended. That's so cool to see. I imagine it gets boring after a while to see the machine run, but I'm like a kid in a candy store right now. It's like, oh look, it's, it's. Milling. Yeah, the machines off pretty sweet. It's like the most, it's almost like an art form, right? You're taking a brick of raw metal and you're turning it into an actual usable part with real shape. So yeah, the machine shop never gets old. It's very good, very amazing capability to have for a lot of reasons on top of the fact that it's just cool. Yeah. Nice. So let's keep going. We're walking past some blades now. We kind of started, we looked at a couple of the mills that are in the shop, a lot of machines that we have here. But as we transition over here, we're now entering the chip hallway and the chip hallway divides the development shop from the production shop. So yeah, we even think about how we're going to get rid of these many, many, many pounds, many thousands of pounds of chips that we make on these machines. Do they get recycled? They do get recycled. So all of our chip hoppers are basically, not all of them, most of the chip hoppers are aligned with this hallway. And then those chip hoppers travel all the way down to a roll up door at the end of the hall where they get dumped into a large chip hopper or a number of chip hoppers and they get recycled as specific materials. Nice. Cool. Let's head down the hallway here. So we're going to talk a little bit more about the production shop right now as you're we're walking down here you see a few different types of machines. These are three machines concentrated. These are wire edms electron discharge machines. These allow us to do extremely tight tolerance cuts and hole drilling. We use these for very specific features on both the spacecraft engine and the rocket. We won't talk at great length about these ones, but we do have this capability now and it's a recent capability as we've expanded the shop. Very. Cool. Yeah. Let's keep going over here. So on this end of the shop, this is the far end of the production shop. What you're looking at are a couple of lathes that do have live tooling and they're bar feed lathes. So theses are pretty cool in that you can automatically kind of keep a bar loading itself as it makes a part and it parts it off and it drops it into one of those little buckets. And. It'll. Just keep making parts. Just keep, once it's made apart out of the bar, it'll separate it from the bar, then feed more bar in and then make more parts. Exactly. And even when that bar is done, it'll grab the next bar and then start feeding the next bar. I feel stupid, but it's like a hot glue gun. When you need more hot glue you just put the next stick in. Yes. This looks very fancy. Hot glue gun. Yeah, I think the machinist might be a little offended by that. Yeah, I. Hope I didn't say that too loud. So Nick and Matt here are a running machine. Nick, what do we got going on right now? So right now we are cutting turbo pump components for our first engine. What makes this machine really cool is that it combines both burning and mailing capability in a single package and add an automation element. So while our development side of the shop is more focused on rapid turnaround, the production side is more focused on efficient use of resources. This machine that, for example, has bar feeder down on that end parts catcher and the milling capabilities. So really what that gets us is the ability to run the machine further into the night unattended. Nice. Cool. Thanks Matt. Alright, so Nick mentioned what sort of capability we get out of these machines. They're called lights out machines. Typically it means that we can basically program a part or program a job into the machine program, exactly what material we're going to use, what tooling we're going to use, and then the machine can run unattended. Nice. So you're, when you're leaving for the night, you give it a whole bunch of bar stock, you tell it what to do, you come back in the morning, you have a whole bunch of parts, you have a hopper. Full. Parts. Love it. Yeah, it's beautiful. I love that we got. A lot more of these machines in the production shop. That's kind of what the production shop is all about. We actually organize the shop differently. I mentioned before we have a machinist that takes a job from beginning to end in the production shop. We have several different roles. So we have a programming role, kind of a set up role operator role. And so that really enables us to ultimately prep for where when we might run or run multiple shifts, but also it divides the rolls up so we can keep these machines fed nice. They want to be fed, they have a lot of capability and we want to keep 'em. Moving. And I imagine they're at least some of these, if not all of 'em are significant investments. So the more time they're working the better. Exactly. So right now we're in front of a five axis pallet loading machine. So as you heard earlier from Daniel, he was making some five axis parts. It's very handy, particularly when you're making engine parts which have maybe complex thermal machinery or complex geometries to be able to use five axes. And so a lot of our engine parts will go through this machine, which is a lights out version of a five axis. Wow. Okay. So there's a place where you feed in bar stock and it just does its thing. Yeah, this will see receive billets. So maybe you take the bars and you chop those up so those will become bricks and you'll feed those into this machine. So it'll start from slightly different thing from, it'll won't start from bars, but it'll start from maybe usually rectangular bricks. But basically you have a way to input a whole bunch of raw material and when it's used the raw material, it moves onto the next piece. Yeah, exactly. And we'll show you another machine that'll make it super clear how that all works. Oh cool. Very cool. And just actually let's walk over to it now. All right, so over here we've got a horizontal mill. This has a similar operating system where it has pallets that you load up. We'll show you what those load on those stations look like. But I wanted to point this area out because you can kind of get a good idea of what some of the pallets look like. So each one of these pallets has kind of a vertical set of fixturing on it. We call those tombstones. They have lots of different options for how you would fixture, you can make big parts on them, you can make lots of small parts on them and those would hold raw materials or in process jobs as they're running. You can actually see the pallet changer is operating, it's moving around, it's grabbing different pallets right now and it's moving them from station to station. You can see it's placing a tombstone, I believe it's placing a tombstone. I can't really see from my angle placing a tombstone into a transfer station, which is a 180 degree kind of rotation. So we're loading up a next job right now while it's running a job in the machine. So let's walk around this way and I'll show you what the operator side, we're kind of on the backside of the machine right now. As you walk along the backside, you can also see we have a number of different tools. Again, because we're vertically integrated, we actually can kind of control what sort of features we put in our parts. And so we have common radii, common tapped hole geometry, common drill depths. And so we actually stock standard tools in most of our machines to be able to hit the same sort of features. So it's really easy for us to take a job from one machine and then re-hit the same sort of tolerances and shapes on another. Makes sense. We have about a hundred tools that we use that's kind of standardized tools. And so this machine has more than twice. That's about three times that many tools. So we can do a lot of custom tooling on this machine. And this is a lights out sort of machine. This is the biggest workhorse we have in the factory. So we do expect the most tooling to be in the changer here. I'm noticing a trend where a lot of these machines are lights out machines. We're in the production shop. Yeah. Exactly. I like it. So let's keep going and I'll show you the business side of this. Oh, we caught this at a good time. Oh, that is neat. See you see his tombstone being loaded into the load on unload station. So this is a little different from the CNC machines you saw in the development shop. We interact with them in a different way. So typically we'll have a set up and operator folks that'll be interacting with these two areas here. So essentially we'll load raw materials or work in process parts onto a tombstone with custom fixturing for those jobs. And then we will tell the computer what fixtures and what raw material is loaded and what jobs we need to produce. So those will then go into the pallet rack where they'll be stored into our job queue, which is essentially how we can run throughout the night. So that job queue will be fed into the machine here and we'll essentially run apart just like a regular CNC machine, but there's a whole bunch of automation around feeding that machine. Okay, so you said tombstone? Yeah. Is that the black vertical part or is it the metal part that it's on? That's the pallet, that is the. Black vertical part. So the pallet is kind of the base. The tombstone is a style of fixturing that we use here. Got it. And it allows us, we essentially have four sides available to us around the tombstone fixtures. So we can index them and we can actually make lots of, you see Sean actually rotating it around. A good example of how we use the tombstones here. So we can make lots of parts with four axes on this machine. It's a horizontal mill, typical ally four. So you don't even necessarily need to be making a whole bunch of the same part. You could just put something on this side of the tombstone, something on that side of the tombstone, and then the machine just knows on this side I'm going to do this and this on this side, I'm going make something completely. Different. That is exactly correct. Very cool. Saves time. It does. And we have a standard ways of attaching our fixtures to all of the tombstones. So it's very easy for us to very repeatably change those out with very little setup time. Question. Yeah. Why? What's with the green light? So all the lights mean different things. A green light essentially means it's, it's good to go. It's operating each light color means something different. A blue light for example, means there's no activity. Like it's. Safe, it's in kind of manual mode and it's not in automated mode. So if you walk up to these and they're red, it's like there's a problem. The computer's. Mad. So if you get a red light and any of these stations actively a problem, you'll see on many of the machines, there'll be colored lights. An andon light is what that's typically called and it indicates status of some of the machines. Very cool. Yeah. One more thing I want to point out. So this is basically a big cell and we have a lot of custom tooling on here and sometimes we don't want to run the horizontal mill to make our tools. So we have a regular three xxi CNC machine right next to the machine. We make tools for this machine right next to it. Have a big machine that makes the tools for the bigger machine. Yes, I love it. Exactly. Can I look in this window right here? See I saw something spinning. Hey Shawn, you want to talk to us about what's going on in here? So we just switched out pallets right now and then we're starting a new program. So what's nice about this machine is it'll automatically load a pallet in the back while the part's running inside here. And as soon as that's done, those pallets will switch out for at least amount of downtime as possible. So right now we're just running spindle, warm up, with's, some cooling going on and as soon as that program is done we'll switch out to the next pallet and for the next. One. Very cool. Yeah, thank you. Cool. No problem. Thanks Sean. Absolutely. Yeah, we're going to head this way. What's up Dan? So this is our maintenance hub. This is where we command and control maintenance for the entire factory. So we just saw Dan over there. Dan actually maintains most of the equipment here. This station right here is our finishing station. So this is where we might install things like threaded inserts or do little finishing work to some of our machine parts. Makes sense. Before they come into the QC lab, you'll notice that this is in the production side of the shop. So this is a recent thing that we've added in the Astra. As we've been able to invest in the facility and our ability to go produce things at scale, it's very important that we have parts that are going to work when they're on the production floor. So we don't actually stop production. And the QC lab is how we ensure that those parts. Just like you guys said in space tech day, reliability and scale. Reliability and scale. You got it. Wow. So maybe I can grab Melissa. Melissa? Yeah. You want to describe to us what's going on in here? Hello. Hello. This is the quality control lab. We inspect all of our machine parts from our internal machine shop and we also do supplier validation for purchase product. As well. Makes sense. So we sort of have a two-way stream going on here. Sometimes we'll get something from a supplier that will come through our lab that we check and then we do some post machining on it. So for example, we have these ca here that we'll inspect from the casting supplier and then they'll get a secondary option operation on the Michigan. Nice. What sorts of equipment do you use? Huh? What sorts of equipment do you use? Stuff we have a ton of hands tooling. We particularly use that for sort of in process inspection for the machine shop. So each operation we validate the machinist programs and then we also have sort of our shining star here. Yeah. What is this guy? What do you even call this? It's a direct computer control coordinate measuring machine. Neat. We say DC dcc, cmm, and frequently just DCC because it's a lot of letters. This one in particular is pretty special because frequently the probes on the end, which is where most of the business happens are three axis. So this fun spinny movement that is doing most CMMS don't do. And this allows us to do get two things. One, it's incredibly accurate. Makes sense. It actually gives us more data than we actually need for certain things. So we actually have to whittle things down a little bit. And it's also in addition to that incredibly fast. So right now the machine isn't even running it 100% speed. It's only running at about 25%. Work harder machine. No, I'm kidding. So we use it for two sorts of things. So we have our spacecraft engine product, we use this to do acceptance inspection mostly, but for Rocket four on system 2.0, we actually work really closely with engineering and the machine shop to provide data back to engineering and to machine shop so that we can have a tighter loop on the design and development process. You can just iterate faster that way. Neat. And. We can do, so this for example is a cam shaft for our first stage engine flight termination system. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, it actually has some pretty tight and pretty complex geometry. We're able to import the 3D model that the engineer is designed and the machine shop has machined into the software and do an inspection and compare it directly to the cad. And so if it's off the machine says, Hey, this isn't what you thought it was going to be. Or if it's just right. Yeah. It says hey, it's just right. And for the design and development loop, sometimes it makes it so that we know that as we're going through testing, engineering has that data. If something is looking kind of weird or say something looks really great, we can either tighten tolerances on things to really work in and get something smaller. But sometimes it also means that we can open them up, which makes it much easier for us to manufacture things much more quickly. Makes sense. So it's beeping right now. Is it mad at me? Did I offend it? No, it's beeping because it's actually taking individual points right now. It's also capable of, so one of the other sort of special things about it. Oh, it's going to switch tools. It's going to switch tools is, so typically these probes use kinematics to take points. So actually it takes pressure and does displacement. It's like cosine error. This one actually has a laser, the stylus here, this carbon fiber shaft is actually hollow. And there's a laser in it. Laser. There's a laser that wow. Shoots to the end of it and then back. And that's how it takes the. Points. That's cool. So it's actually able to, I mean it can take tens of thousands of points in a matter of seconds. So neat. That's why I the I need my space. No out of the way it needs its space. I'm fortunately short enough I can get every year this time. But yeah. Very cool. Yeah, it's my favorite. Yeah, you do all kinds of stuff here too. What's going on over here? Is this like a microscope? A microscope, but it's also capable of doing dimensional inspection. So we use this for some of our non-contact things that we need to get into inspect. So this is a boar that gets, this is one of our manifolds for our spacecraft engine and the boar on this is very sensitive to scratches and things. So we don't want to touch it. So this allows us to take non-contact measurements on this particular feature. Neat. Yeah. Cool. Thanks Melissa. I think we're going to get back out the door into the main hallway and yeah, appreciate you showing us around. Yeah, thanks so much. Cool. Oh really quick. Who drew the unicorn? Not me. Well it's. Great. So are you seeing a trend here? Lots of automation and I love the term lights out machines. Having the quality control lab right in the shop is a smart and logical thing to do and it helps Astra iterate and ensure quality in reliable parts. Now let's take a look at the star of the show, the rocket assembly line and talk to CEO Chris Kemp. So we're back in the main aisleway. This is where raw materials come in. So among those raw materials, actually a coil of aluminum comes in that door and goes all the way to this line. So we're going to get into a little bit more of the factory and I think I see Chris is actually walking up here. Oh, a wild CEO has appeared. What do you guys do with. Cameras in here? Hey Chris. Hey Kristy. Nice to see you guys. So Chris, what do you think of the factory here? Awesome. You guys have reached my favorite part. This is our new rocket production line. So we just covered that. The coil comes through the door and we haven't talked about the machine. So basically a coil of aluminum gets inserted in one side of this machine and we make rocket stages out the other side of the building. So we can turn one coil into about three rockets and the coils cost $25,000 or so about that. So we're really working on applying automotive manufacturing to rockets. Nice. On this. Line. But it's the new rocket production line to Rocket four. It's cool that it just goes from coil to rocket all in one device. Okay. It's got different stages, but if we can want to walk them. And why don't we just show it off? Cool. So the first thing you see here is de coiler. So that 5,000 pound coil gets loaded onto this loader here. Yep. Brings it into the machine and then it actually gets fed. This machine is largely automated so each major piece of equipment on this line is automated and some of the transfers are manual. Eventually we can always automate those transfers and then increase our production rates. Makes. Sense. But what you see is the coiler gets decoyed and feeds into this straightener. So it comes with a kind of curvature as it comes out of the coil. We flatten it with a number of pinch rollers and then we take it into a tensioning loop. So this allows us to deal with a little bit of non straightness. If there's a little bit of non straightness coming out of the coil, they're not always perfectly trimmed. And it also allows us to decouple the mechanical motion of two machines. That makes sense. So it allows us the flexibility to have a control mechanisms that don't have to be timed to the nanosecond. Chris, you said this is your favorite part of the factory. Do you have a favorite part of your favorite part of the factory? I imagine it's when the finished piece comes out the end. It is. Well, in a lot of ways this whole machine was designed alongside Rock four and every single aspect of this, such as the width of the coil, the ability to kind of cut and clean up the has been designed with intention. So imagine not having this, you'd have to have all of these pieces come in on pallets. There's shipping costs that get damaged, you can't make adjustments. So this gives not only the team an opportunity to design and iterate more quickly during development, but also it dramatically reduce the cost of finished product reward production. Makes sense. Yeah. I mean you don't just build the rocket, you build the machine that builds the rocket and everything efficiency wise follows from that. Yeah. This is a true rocket production line and it's designed in the very spirit that an automotive production line is designed when you have ram fuel up on the one side and you have the primary structure of the vehicle from out the other. Side. Nice. You'll see the. Whole thing. Different. Did I hear you right on space tech data? This is supposed to make a rocket a day or can make up to a rocket a day. That's right. It was designed to produce a rocket a day out of this facility. And some of these stages can actually produce even more material than that for development currently. And then in some stages we would add another module and of course you have more labor to accomplish the higher perion rate and all of these machines are designed to reduce the total labor content of the vehicle. So that's really what drives costs. Nice. I like driving costs. Cause that means cheaper access to space. Indeed. That's exactly what it means. So yeah, when Chris says a rocket a day, these pieces of equipment are specifically designed around a rocket a day in one shift as our Wow. Total capacity. That's so cool. So. We're not making this stuff up. It was, it's really marginally more expensive to go from a rocket a week to a rocket a day if you're designing the vehicle and the factory and the line. And so we decided this is one area that we want to invest in the factory, that we want to go all the way to rocket today and just do it once. And so we've basically sized up the diameter of the rocket, we've sized up the equipment on the line and everything was all designed in concert so that as we go onto scale up and potentially have future versions of the rocket, we already have the equipment in place and we don't have to redo this work. Make sense? And think about the utility of this. A rocket a day is not really a crazy amount of capacity. And we think about all the small satellites that all want to be placed in particular orbits on particular schedules and all these mega mega constellations where you can replace failed satellites, you can do gap filling, you can do better capacity management. This really fills in a gap much like small airplanes fill in a gap where large cargo planes operate kind of the bulk. And the, yeah, I want to nonstop, but I don't have to go to a hub and then go to my stop. And then you guys are making the nonstop versus the large hub bound bigger. Yes. It's very much like a bus, you know, can take the bus but the bus is going to leave at the wrong time and it's going to drop you off at the wrong place. You're going to have to spend some time getting ready to go. Yes, that's great. But it's all about economics, right? If the Uber is only a little bit more expensive than the bus, you'll take the Uber, but it's a lot more expensive. You'll just wait for the bus. And so we're really trying to drive the economics to the point where choosing a dedicated launch is always the right choice for the majority of payloads. Very cool. What do you guys say? Daily space delivery. That I believe was our wifi password on the first day of the company we set out with this. Wow. This goal. Yep. Very cool. Worked tour it. Ever since. I mean it's clear the progress, the difference in the factory since the last time we were here. You. Guys were here and then you came back and this was. Here. This is amazing. I mean this was all cubicles last time and now it's a rocket building machine. So it talks about the tensioning loop, what that is for. So we come into the main laser bed. So this is sized so that we can make a continuous cut on a laser cutter. It's called blanking is the term that's used in automotive. Nice. So we do laser blanking here. And the reason this machine is the size that it is, is because we can do one continuous rectangular, mostly rectangular cut that will bring a barrel together at rocket forest diameter with only a single friction ster weld. Scene. Oh, that's satisfying. Yes, very satisfying. So it really reduces the amount of times you need to be on a machine, which is part of the way that we get to a overall time of a rocket a day. I got to say it too, I love the aesthetic. It's an Astra looking machine. Very astra looking machine. Yeah, we designed. It was a custom machine. Yes, yes. It took several years. In fact, it arguably took longer to build this production line than it did to develop the first iteration of the rock. Up. Yeah, because you guys, I remember even on our last factory tour and when we did our interviews with you guys, this is something you've been working towards for a long, long time. Very long. It must be very satisfying to see it come to fruition. Yeah. It's incredibly satisfying. This Chris and I have been talking about this for six years, since. Day one. Yeah. I mean you're either all in or you're not. You're either going to do something that makes the rocket expensive and then you're really impaired to the Starship and some other rockets that are coming online. Or you're going to go all in, you're going to invest in the scale and you're going to invest in all with the liability and the vertical integration that we've invested in. And it's a big bet. It's worthwhile though because you know, you guys say improving life from space, I really, really appreciate that mantra. Improve life from space because so often when people maybe aren't space fans or rocket nerds or what have you, or maybe they just don't know better, they're like, why are we going to space? And it's like you guys say it right on the box. Yeah. We're going to improve life on earth from space. Yeah. I mean you look at so many of these killer apps are planet I think is a killer app. You take a picture of earth every day, what's going on? Starling killer app, right? The ability to provide global connectivity. And these are all focused on providing people earthlings benefits. And that's not to take anything away from becoming a multi planetary species, these rockets that we're going to need to build to explore. The solar system. Of course not. This is a really unique mission. It's a distinct mission that we really are inspired by here. Yeah, no, it's like we can do all the things. We can be multiplanetary, we can help people on earth. We don't have to. It's not about forgetting earth or leaving earth, it's about helping earth. Love it. I really love that. Cool. More machine. Yeah. Let's keep, so let's keep walking this thing. It's rather large. I see Nate's hanging out over here. Maybe Nate, maybe Nate, you want to talk us through what happens after we laser cut? Sure. This is our new laser cutter. This machine will produce the large format blades we need for our first stage and upper stage tanks. After the pattern is cut, some smaller scrap will fall away and exit here. Then the material will transition out onto this. Now here we'll remove larger scrap as needed before the material then moves towards the four bar. After the material transitions from the alfi conveyor in this area, we clamp the material to square it with respect to the. Four bar. Roller. Here we roll it into the shape we need. This machine was designed to roll the correct radius right up until the very edge. Of scenario. So it comes out of the laser blinker, it heads over here, you square it and then you roll it. Yep. Very cool. And then. Onto the friction, sir welder, where we weld these linear seams. Together and you only need one seam. That's right. Love it. Nice and simple. Yeah. Cool. Well thanks Nate. Yeah, no problem. Cool. Yeah, so Nate mentioned we use a four bar roller here so we can roll all the way to the ends of the barrel. So we have a nice perfect cylinder, typical roller. He uses three bars. Those the bars we're seeing on the bottom there. So you have two pinching and then two that you use to form. So because we have a four bar roller, it means that we go, you can see the radius of that barrel is all the way to the very edge of the barrel. So we don't have a flat section. And when we go to weld the tank up, we actually offset our friction, sir welds. And so it means we have a nice cylindrical circular pattern that we can weld easily with simple fixturing on the next machine. Love it. So you don't have to cut off a flat strip on the end all about optimizing the time that the things spend in each station and going faster through the process so that you can get to that rocket a day. Exactly. And so it takes a little less than 10 minutes to actually run through a roll on this machine. Wow. 10 minutes. Yeah, it's pretty wild. It's all automated. Each part of this is automated. In Rocket three, we had to do this at various stages and the material would come on pallets, one cylinder at a time, and a lot of times it would be damaged shipping. And then of course you've got a huge amount of floor space being taken up by all of this inventory of giant aluminum cylinders and so on many dimensions, it's a lot better just to turn a coil of aluminum into exactly the material that you need. And then you're not sitting on a lot of inventory, especially if you have things that change perhaps then you have scrap issues. So it's like just in time production, not even just in time. So. This line follows a lot of lean principles. Love it. We've got single piece flow essentially going from workstation to workstation, really, really minimizing work in progress whip we can do just in time sort of which barrel do you need? It gets blanked and then 30 minutes later it's a barrel from the start of a laser cut. So that's crazy. It's a pull type system, kind of like a Toyota production system. Those are some of the lessons that toto off the world. We use a lot of those lessons here on this line. I love it. Yeah. Cool. So what's next? Yeah, so next is the friction, sir welder. So we take the barrel, we unload it onto these rollers, then we pick it and we drop it into these rollers. This is rocket forest friction, sir welder. We actually did a little video on this, a little bit of a deep dive here. And so if you want to check that out, maybe we can, I dunno, maybe we can post it in the link or something. Yeah, that'd be great. So people can do the deep dive into the machine for sure. So this machine is unique really because what it does is it characterizes the weld performance as it's running. So it's equipped with a lot of different sensors, force feedback, position feedback speeds, feeds, light curtains, all sorts of things that our automation engineering team has come up with. So it's kind of like it's condensing the manufacturing of the part and the quality control of the part exactly into one machine. So it's measuring everything. So we've actually quantified what a failed weld looks like as well. And we put boundaries on actually the weld performance as it's running. And so Owen and the team have actually developed a little bit of code that maybe you can tell us about it instead of me. Yeah. So there's a couple different layers to it. So one is actually running on the machine in real time and what that's doing is it's looking at where in the weld we are and looking at each of the parameters that are collected and setting basically downs on them. So for here we go, for any reason it goes above or below some of our critical parameters, the operator immediately gets a warning saying welds fail. If at the end of the well we've stayed within our boundaries that we've proven to be a good weld, get well passed. So it's very simple. But then after the weld is completed, there are some code that runs but then goes to take a look, makes them plot so that we can kind of take that data correlate to some of the physical testing that we have done and will do on end of the barrel to continuously build up our data set. We're constantly getting better and better data. Right now this is really quiet because I actually have it off the work piece. Okay. It's currently not doing it. I was about to ask, is it friction stir welding right now? Because. It is currently not friction stir welding. It backed off the work piece. And the reason for that is I want to make sure that everything is perfectly aligned. So this machine controls the position as well as the force, the RPM and everything, a very, very smalls. And so any time any changes made, I'd just like to verify that we're still running in Rocket three. Cause. We didn't have any of the automation we had to test every well. So when the barrels would come off, we had to have a coupon, we had to pull the edge of the barrel and make sure that the well performed well enough to meet our requirements. And all the data is going back into a giant data lake as well. So we can attach all the data for every serial number of the rocket. So there's something that occurs later in the integration process. We can go back and look at the data that came off the machine. Nice. Our data lake and our data collection system is a whole big massive piece of Astra and we should definitely do, there's a video on that. Topic really interested honestly, because the larger of a family of data, the bigger the pool that you have, the more you're able to quantify things. And I always say it on streams, more data more better. So yeah. I like it. So every single bit of data from every sensor on every test that's ever been conducted on any piece of hardware can be read by any engineer at Astra at any time and it's all in one giant data link. So it's an incredibly powerful platform. We've invested a lot there. I mean it shows there's just layer after layer after layer of investment here in scaling things up, making things more reliable and getting it so that you can produce rapids rapidly and cheaply. Exactly. I love. It. Affordably. Yeah. Affordably. Thank you. I should use better words affordably. Cool. Thanks Owen. Next stage. So yeah, one of my fun fact, my favorite thing that I like to tell folks, we're in a hallway right now and this is actually designed around being one continuous line. It's about 200 feet long. The line is so long that we had to put a hallway in the middle of it. We debated at length a year or so ago where we were going to put the hallway so that our employees could walk from their desks, which are generally over there to the kitchen. Very important that we have a path between those two places. Yes. So we had to divide the factory up with a hallway in the middle of it because this line is so long. So this is the Astra snack hallway if we're going to. Name Freeman? Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. Got it. So you see the green stripes, you do not need safety equipment here other than the areas where we striped them off. Very cool. And when we do a transfer across the line, we bring up safety barriers and then we will bring parts across from one station to the next. Nice. All right. What's next? So the Ctig. Holy cow. Yeah. Wow. So this is version two of our circumferential TIG welder. There are a couple of parts of the process of the line that we haven't covered, we won't cover today. But essentially the circ TIG receives barrels from the friction sir welder over there and barrels with domes already in them from another station. And it goes ahead and attaches those barrels we with or without domes to effectively grow a tank. So you see a first stage in the process of being manufactured right now, you can actually kind of see one of our domes that looks like the forward lock dome. So forward end after end I believe. Is. There a common dome in there or is it. Common dome in here? Yes. So we use a different style of domain manufacturing for Rocket four. I'll maybe get you to a sample there in a sec so we can do a little quick dive into the domain manufacturing method. But yeah, really simple machine, it incorporates a lot of lessons that we learned during Rocket Three's production on a similar style of machine. A lot about how we fixture our weld torch and our wire feed and how we have operator inputs that are active during the weld potentially for EOPS or anything like that. And then also how we tune in our development weld. So a lot of lessons learned. We essentially took a very, very similar style of machine, adapted it to rocket forest diameter, gave ourselves a local gantry, cran dedicated to transferring to a lot of really good lessons that we learned. And it's kind of that iterative flavor of why we've invested in these different rockets over the years to learn lessons like this so that by the time we actually want to produce the one that scales, we've already learned a lot of those lessons and we don't have to learn 'em while we're also trying to get straight into a ramp from zero. I like it. One of the things. About this rocket is at this diameter, you're approaching the limit of what you can put in a shipping container. Makes sense. And so one of our value propositions is mobility. So we can take the system, we can deploy it anywhere in the world, and we can conduct a launch with a mobile launch platform and the rocket can be integrated in a container. So actually think about the limit to the size and the capacity of our vehicle. It's constrained by, do we want to go beyond what fits in the shipping container? Right? Yeah. So if you go beyond what fits in the shipping container, then you've got a lot higher transportation cost and logistics cost and things like that. So this allows us to basically push the limits of the energy in the fuel to the Maximo. So once we optimize everything on this design and the engines and everything, we can probably push about a ton of capacity from this platform. And so this whole production line is designed to support a rocket that has that one ton capacity in the end of the lifecycle. I. Love it. And like you said, you're one of your value propositions is being able to launch from basically any concrete pad that you can get access to and have approvals to launch from, et cetera. And that's so important for a variety of reasons, including, like you said, it's space, tech day, reconstituting critical infrastructure in the event that becomes necessary. Yeah, it's about resiliency, not just mobility. So if Cape Canaveral or Vandenberg or I guess now Brownsville isn't available, well what do you do? How do you reconstitute a capability? What if there's a hurricane of the cape? What if there's an earthquake, a vandenburg, or what have you? We need to account for. That. And most of the new satellites are 500 kilograms or more. So we need a rocket that has the capacity to be useful to reconstitute critical capabilities like the SDAs and your Constellation that they're building. So this connects all of that. Very cool. I'm loving this. How does it feel when you stand here and you look at an entire barrel section like this? Like a grown rocket as you say? Yeah, it's pretty freaking cool. Seeing it all come together. Seeing the factory come together has been amazing. Really. We love it when we have a lot of hardware, when we're hardware rich. So it's just a really cool, it's a really, really special feeling to see all the hard work. There's so many people here that have invested so much time and so much effort into all these processes. They're all qualified production proximately. We go through very rigorous campaigns of testing. We talked about purchaser welding. We do that for all of our kind of manufacturing methods that are very important for the performance of the vehicle. There's an incredible amount of work that happens to get to this point. So really it's like just, it's the reward for all that work. If. You go back in time and you look at the 1.0 vehicle, the 2.0 vehicle, yeah, that was a time where we were incredibly scrappy. We didn't have any of this right. And we really had a very small team that just threw things together that allowed us to prove out the software and the overall approach of mobility and the overall system. As we got to Rocket Three, it became more mature, but we realized we had to dial it up one more notch and have a whole mission assurance organization, reliability lab, and a lot more automation in the manufacturing process. Nice. So this represents kind of the third swing. What is the appropriate level of investment in the rigor around the engineering processes and also the qualification of all of the different manufacturing processes that ultimately come together in the final launch system? Very cool. One more notch. You guys took it to 11. I gets. You don't want to overdo it, but you definitely don't want to underdo it. Yeah. Love it. So this is an entire first stage with that piece attached. That would be the entire first stage Tankage. That's. Great. That would be it. Yeah. I'm not sure if we're about to get another barrel. If I had spent the time to count them, I might be able to tell you off the top of my head what is being inserted. Yeah, it looks like we're short one barrel. Okay, got it. Rough top of my head. So cool. And it's just immediately obvious compared to Rocket three, how much bigger this thing is. I, and like you said, you're, you built it so it's the biggest you can fit in a shipping container, which is interesting because a lot of our viewers might know that Falcon nine was made so that it's the maximum size to be road transportable. Right. So it's interesting, like a similar philosophy. You have the maximum size you can fit in shipping container while still getting the most fuel in a rocket tank, but also being still mobile and still responsive. And I think Starship is trying to be the biggest rocket possible. So I think that'll drive your cost per kilogram down as much as possible. We're trying to drive the price per launch down, and so you do that by really driving all of the trades around the overall cost of production, automation, automation during launch operations, and also transportation. Nice. Yeah, very cool. All about you then economics. Love it. So I think that's the first time I've ever said I love economics in my life, but I truly do. I love it. Yes, because again, it's all in the service. Of all economics. Of making access to space more available. So. If we want to do this for a really long time, which we do, it means we must make a very, very sustainable business out of it. So what will this be used for? Is this a structural test thing or what are we looking at here when it's built and assembled? Is it more of like to qual the machine that's building it or It's an. Actual qual tank. So they're taking this out next week to our other test facility. They're going to fill it up with liquid, nitrogen and water and they're going to do a whole bunch of pressure tests. So we're going to basically cycle the tank a lot with cryo and then we're going to probably. Burst it. Well, we love test tanks here. We call our viewers Tank Watchers for a reason because we spend a lot of time looking at test tanks and waiting for 'em to burst or what have you. You have to make sure the big steel balloon can hold pressure. So. Yeah, you want that thing to be as light as possible and you want it to do the job all the way though. Yeah, makes sense. Why don't we keep going a little bit? Yeah, absolutely. So what we're looking at here is a formed dome. So I think we've, I'm not sure what the destination of this dome is there. There's probably a traveler on the other side of this, but essentially what you're looking at is our fixture for how we insert domes into barrels. I won't give away all of the secret sauce, but we are using a totally different manufacturing than we did for Rocket three. Rocket three we started with large forgings and then we machined those down to very thin material. You probably saw in some of you the folks that are watching might have seen in the last video where we talked about how we took a very heavy forging and made it a very light. You take an entire brick or bill it, whatever you is, bill it the right term. Yeah. It was a forging in this case it started this bill and then was forged into a profile and then you. Machine all the extra off between. 99% Of what we paid for, which is again, like we talked about in the beginning, deeply offensive. It's offensive to you. Yes. But that's that in the previous video is the dome that you lifted with your pinky. Yes. This is on a fixture, so I don't think you can lift it with your pinky. It's also a little heavier. It's bigger. It's a lot bigger. So this dome is actually stamped. So we talk a lot about how Rocket Four is designed around manufacturing methods. The diameter was also sized by the practical limitation of what shape we could stamp based on the sheets we can get formed into the dome. Nice. So this is a one single dome that's stamped out of one sheet and the production rate of these guys is an order of magnitude. I think it's two orders of magnitude. Wow. Faster than rocket threes. So you're not tying up machines in the machine shop to CNC this and you're not throwing away a whole bunch of material. So there's multiple levels of improvement in. Rocket three. One of these domes would take several days to machine. Yes. Out of a large, heavy, expensive aluminum that was forged, we can probably make several hundred of these a day because they're just stamped out the fender of a car or. A hood of a. Car. To Chris's point, the stamping operations you can do hundreds of times a day for overall dome production. Our output, I think we can caps out around 20 a day, which is far more than we. Need six of those per rocket. Nice. So. Again. That supports several rockets. A day worth of these can be produced. So in five years when we come back and there's two or three of these rocket production lines, you have plenty of domes to go with it. Yeah. Hopefully next time we'll get this will be old news. Right. Our goal is for this to be old news and you'll see other things we're working on that are clever. I love it. And again, there's a whole bunch of the factory that we probably won't get a chance to see today. There are a lot of pieces of hardware that we can't show on video. These are some of the simpler ones. So we've kind of tried to focus on what we can show. No, we appreciate you guys showing us everything that you possibly can. I know there's iar R and there's all that sort of stuff and there's secret sauce too. So we NSF and our viewers definitely really appreciate the openness and the just information because how do you get people excited about space and excited about rockets? You tell them about them. Yeah. So thank you for that. I'm going to say goodbye. Great to have you guys. Out really quickly. Yes. If you need a payload for your first Rocket four, I have a sticker, so I don't think it should affect the mass very much, but it's a Thomas Promise sticker. If you can stick that anywhere on a rocket four, that's going to fly. Preferably the first one. I think. We have the capacity to. I think you do find some space for this, so we'll make it happen. Cool. Well, we'll let you go. Thank you so much Chris. Thank you for coming out. Appreciate it. Cool. So before we wrap up, I just want to show you one, I think kind of cool area that gives you an insight into the way that Astra works. So we've got our kind of production development area. And so this, let me open the section up for you. We've been iterating on the factory layout. So what you just walked through isn't actually the first version of Rocket Forest Factory. We actually constructed the factory with a few different big pieces of equipment locked in place. But if you were to walk around and take a look at more of the other areas, the sub-assembly areas, you notice that almost everything is on wheels. And when you look at the ground, there's tape on the ground. There's not paint on the ground. So we also want to make our factory so that it can be dynamic. As we iterate the product, we can actually tune the layout of the factory. So what you're seeing here is a pretty clever thing. The team came up with a custom made magnetic whiteboard that is actually the factory layout and we've got little magnetic strips that you might see the size of a first stage tank here stuck to the whiteboard so that we can, we've gone through several architectures. You see all the different types of aisleway where you need ppe, where you don't what each area is. We talked about harnessing avionic, sub assemblies, the engine sub assemblies, clean room, which we didn't go into today, engine final assem. We do all the way through the shop today and we kind of walked up this aisle. So you saw this portion of the factory up to right here. And so the remaining parts of the factory, there's a lot of work happening in a lot of these different areas. There's development work. So. This is the snack aisle that's very important. That's the snack aisle. Yep. That's the snack aisle. Most important aisle. But also development is important. Also. Development is important. Yes. Yep. Yep. So we've got mission controls, we've got our thrust structure bill. That's a pretty clever thing that maybe we'll get to do another video on. We're very proud of that. We've got all the well booth and stations that are all kind of roped off. We've got a lot of functional test work here. Hardware in the loop. It's in a little building behind us. Fairing assembly, that's all the parts of the rocket. They're all covered here. Well, so you have a mock, which is a mock rocket that you can do testing on all the parts together. This is a mock factory that you can test a factory out with on a board before you go spend a bunch of time moving stuff around, rearranging things. Dare I say it's a factory. I'm sorry. We'll work on. That. We'll work. On that. Oh yeah. We'll we'll work. It's an Astra rocket factory simulator. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I mean, maybe one of the biggest lessons that we learned as an example of something is that this main big wide aisleway that we actually came down as we walked through and talked here, that wasn't an original part of this layout. And we learned that as we're moving some of these bigger pieces of rocket, we had kind of given ourselves an aisleway that was wide enough, but we had traffic moving in multiple directions and we have kind of stations that come off the main aisle. We learned actually, we want a pretty wide aisle here, make sure we can do forklift turnarounds. And so we increased the size of this aisle, we restructure some of the layouts, we change some of the aisle, we peeled up the tape and we put more tape down. Nice. Super quick, easy for us to make changes like that. And we're really proud of that style of how we execute, which I personally haven't seen anywhere else. And I think it's really cool and the team's done a great job. Yeah. No, I really dig the flexibility and just the ability to constantly reassess. Are we doing this the best way? Yes. Okay. Continue or no, let's do it. Let's figure out a better way to do it. Yeah, like I think in the last video you said in engineering, if you have a very complicated solution to a problem, maybe you're asking, you're solving the wrong problem. Yes. So this seems like a very, it's a whiteboard with the layout of a factory on it. It's very simple. Yes. But it's a very good way to solve the problem of how do you lay out the factory. Yeah. Simple scales, right? That's still one of our values, right? Dang. He said it. He said, simple scales D. This is my favorite. Yeah. Love it. Cool. So I think we'll wrap here. Maybe go get some lunch. Cool. And then if we can afterward, maybe we'll get you over by the next thing, which we will, we'll probably just show on video. Oh, okay. Awesome. Well thank you so much, Bryson. Yeah. Can't wait for that next thing. All right. I guess I'll just spill the beans here. The thing Bryson was talking about is a detailed walk around we got to do of rocket four. So let's just get right into that. Yeah, this is Rocket four. This is essentially us proving out our production processes for all the major primary structure pieces of the rocket. We've got the engine bay, the thrust structure, we've got the skirt, the covers, the engines, we've got the tanks using all production-like processes, all qualified and a couple of secondary structures as well here. So there are a bunch of learnings that were coming up to this rocket here, and then there are a bunch of learnings that we're going to get from it. So we've qualified a lot of processes for production as we go into welding or machining or anything that has very specific tolerances to make this thing actually come together. When we bring the pieces together, this is us proving that all of those processes as we bring them together from cascading sub assemblies, they actually sum to a rocket that mates together correctly. So this rocket is not match drilled or it's not made as a suite of parts that are specifically only fitted to each other. It's made on a bunch of sub-assembly tools. So any sub-assembly should go into any other sub-assembly. So we can produce this rocket more like a car is produced than the way rockets are typically produced. This is us proving that out. That's what this vehicle is for. So we're changing manufacturing methods for the faring of rocket. We used to use water jet kind of pedals and a cylindrical section that made approximated an O jive contour at the beginning of the faring. I don't think we've released exactly how we're making this faring for Rocket four. We might save that for maybe a future video. But this faring is going to be a pure O jive, a nice smooth, I mean you see it. It's a pure O jive, nice smooth contour. So it should be a little bit higher aerodynamic performance. And we've actually simplified the way that we manufacture this. There was a lot of labor that went into Rocket three s fairings and we've eliminated the large amount of that labor going into Rocket four. So we'll maybe save that specific technical detail for a future video, which will be cool. But suffice to say it's different performance should be a little bit better than Rocket Three's performance from like a mass and structural perspective, and it'll take far fewer hours to manufacture from a personnel standpoint. After the faring, we've got a few things that are different In Rocket four versus Rocket three one, we now have a payload attached fitting, which is kind of a more traditional thing you see on a lot of other rockets. It's an adapter to adapt the outside of the second stage. We call it the upper stage to the payload itself. So we can now we have a universal kind of interface that we can make several different payload adapters as opposed to emitting those directly to the upper stage. I can now with my arms show you the length of the upper stage. It's a lot shorter than our last supper stage, which I couldn't bear hug, so I can't bear hug around anymore, but I can do it lengthwise. So we've gone to a command dome architecture for rocket fours upper stage, a little different than we did for Rocket three where we had two spherical tanks. We're no longer pressure fed. So we're running at lower pressures, which allows us to use these elliptical domes. And you can see some witness marks for actually where we have welded these domes into this stage. So you have the lock tank up here, which operates at a bit higher pressure, and then you have the common dome and then the kerosene tank at the bottom. So we switched from the pressure fed of rocket three to a pump fed of rocket four going for that higher performant upper stage. And actually the failure that we had on our last Rocket three launch was related to the fact that we chose a pressure fed upper stage. So this actually eliminates that failure mode in addition to having higher performance from the stage itself. Yeah, we chose Ursa, really fantastic partner. You can see their engine featured here attached to the upper stage. We have a lot of great friends at Ursa. They're very, very good at designing and building engines. They have a similarly iterative approach to increasing performance over time, which we love. They're all backward compatible with our designs and they've been really, really great to work with both technically and from a business partnership. So we love working with Ursa. We're looking forward to having many, many more engines here. Basically seeing an inventory ready to integrate, ready to integrate on the stages. So I mentioned some of the manufacturing processes that we validated. By building this, we've al also validating like we'll specifically use the tanks to go through several test campaigns and this vehicle we wanted to do fit checks of a lot of these major components coming together to make sure that in the real world they actually came together the way we expected. So you can see kind of the tolerance stack of where the nozzle skirt lands with respect to the first stage dome. That's something that's really important as we integrate the stages together. We want to know where that nozzle is going to need some support from the first stage. So you're looking at the inner stage here. This is inner stage, which is not completely representative, but we'll fly. We'll have a slightly different interface with the upper stage there, an actual separable interface and some separation fittings and then some stiffening structure. But from a skin and manufacturing method of producing the skin, this is essentially what you're looking at for Rocket four. The first stage tank architecture is essentially the same as the upper stage tank architecture. So we have a common dome tank. They actually share manufacturing methods for the domes. They're a few different tweaks we make. They have different holes in them that we cut, but they're stamped using the exact same process. This diameter was chosen set essentially around the raw material availability to be able to stamp those domes. So we use that diameter for both upper stage and first stage the tanks. You'll have seen this on rocket three, very similar heritage to what we've learned on those rockets. Friction sir welded longitudinal seams. And then TIG weld circumferential seams. The domes are now, they're not post machined out of forgings like they were for rocket three. They're now stamped out of sheet. And then those sheets are then welded into barrel sections. So much lower cost to produce and much lower tack times. So we can ultimately scale all of these processes up to a rocket a day should the market support that. So you're seeing essentially the most of the rocket that you're looking at is the first stage tank. It's built the same way as the upper stage tank command dome, just with a larger transfer tube or down comer, depending on the word you're familiar with using. Some of the big changes that we have going on here are in the thrust structure. So the thrust structure now has nodes, it has nodal points. Those nodes are castings and then we braise a tube tube and casting braise joint. So it's a strut system, you can't see it. It's all behind this shroud. But there is one here and you can see evidence by one of the nodes actually poking out from beyond the thermal protection. So we have the two engine configuration. We basically take the loads from these two engines and transmit them through struts to these nodes that you can see all the way around. There are six nodes and those nodes are also, they double As how we support the rocket on the launcher itself. Well there you have it. What an absolute treat to be able to wander around a rocket factory and learn about it from the people operating the machines and the people in charge. Thank you so much to Astra and CEO o Chris Kemp, VP of manufacturing, Bryson Gentilly, and all the other employees we talked to who not only shared their time, but also their experience with us. If you like the video, be sure to check out our previous factory tour of Astra, which will really blow your mind in terms of how much things have changed. Alright, let us know what you thought of this one in the comments. We want to do some more of these, so hopefully you like it. And don't forget, be excellent to each other.
Channel: NASASpaceflight
Views: 49,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how rockets are made, how space rockets are made, Astra, Rocket Four, rocket company, manufacturing, quality control, CEO interview, space industry, assembly line, precision machining, scaling production, space exploration, rocket manufacturing, space technology, rocket launch, rocket engineering, rocketry, rocket development, space travel, space mission, rocket science, space innovation, space technology company, space news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 23sec (4163 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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