Astarion Vampire Lord Interaction [Baldur's Gate 3]

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[Music] look at you precious thing they always stare so eagerly go on then I'll allow it what [Music] again silence [Music] how dare you speak I don't have to take this from you [Music] I'm better than he was finally free of my past I'm who I always wanted to be I have everything I ever wanted [Music] [Music] if you're too stupid to see what you're losing never deserve to have it in the first place I don't have to take this from you in great no I thought not let's keep it that way [Music] I don't want to hear anything like that from you again my bad you know I adore you terribly look at you precious thing there were star so eagerly you want to talk that's very cute part of it lovers forever until the World falls down there is [Music] there is night like more here are perfect every time
Channel: Nyloth
Views: 10,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Astarion Romance, Astarion, Bg3, Baldur's Gate 3
Id: 5E6IJt3eV3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 13sec (193 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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