Astarion Vampire Lord Interaction [Baldur's Gate 3]

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little love whatever could be the matter yes my treasure the spawn is an ugly word I really do prefer consort why would I need to you're going to be wonderfully obedient as much as I wish to sequester you in a deep chamber of my Palace and keep you all to myself there's much to be done first we'll take Boulder's Gate then we'll take the world we'll dominate it until the sun itself melts and then we'll give ourselves to the night and you'll drink mine I can't wait to taste your lips after you've tasted me don't you worry my blood it will be no trouble to extend a fragment of my protection to you Just Don't Stray too far but you never dream of doing that would you terrifying and brilliant I knew you'd take it in your stride things will be a touch different for you than they were for me when I was a spawn I'm imbued with unfathomable new talents I'm fairly certain I can extend Mephistopheles blessings unto you I don't intend to die if you don't I truly believe we can best the brain United like this you will be stronger sharper but you won't be different you're already perfect before it's hard to improve as for me well you've probably expect me to turn into a sea of mist run Wrong Side Up on roofs and to call on Legions of wolves in battle this will all happen in due time but for now patience is required I hear The Whispers of the night but I can't yet speak its language to become with my new self mephistopolis has made a new monster not bound a creature to his will the right was honored the sacrifice is over everything lies ahead I can see my path to a waking dream from the Crimson Palace I will govern day and night create a city of Spawn who bow before me cast a fog over the world for my children I wish we could Retreat into our Palace already and spend a decade in each other's arms but first we must manage the traveling matter of the brain perhaps it will listen to us perhaps it too will serve look what's in front of your very eyes we could have everything Baldur's Gate is a city of opportunity like no other and I don't intend to let one like this pass Us by
Channel: Nyloth
Views: 28,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Astarion
Id: myp-Y91hAyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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