Assetto Corsa VR Guide To Recommended Settings - The Basics

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hi guys it's great to see you so i've been asked a number of times about the best vr settings on a set of corsa so this is all subjective obviously but these are the settings that i find best and i've done a little bit of research and i've actually found a few things out that may help you on one thing you may not know about so the first thing to look for is at the bottom right hand corner here you can have different presets so this is my vr preset that i'm going to use today just to show you around and the best settings in a set of corsa so this is in the settings menu and the video menu now i am using the magic magnifier that i'm calling it this is the little box so you can see a little bit more clearly what's on the screen because i know sometimes it doesn't translate well onto youtube so at the top left hand corner here we're going to be choosing of course your oculus rift if you've not gotten oculus rift there is open vr there i've not used it but i know the oculus piece works absolutely fine um full screen and fixed resolution automatically i think it's worth leaving those on and shouldn't have any impact at all on your vr and of course the resolution won't as well because the resolution is basically fixed um within the oculus rift the next section though you do need to just keep a check on and that is this limit frame rate piece here so the oculus rift will only actually run at about 90 frames a second maximum so there's no point your graphics card or your cpu checking more than that out and it's just wasted so you have it around 90 you can move the slider up or down as you can see but i would just keep it around 90 maybe 80 or 70 depending on your rig but that is your frame per second lock and that it's very important that that is kept on there below 90 frames per second these next two sections are based on the quality of the picture that you're gonna see because vr is not the best quality anyway compared to 2k 4k or even full hd i would keep these as high as possible the actual performance hit when we're pressing the little i button on content manager there it's saying it's very low i think it all depends on your rig of course it does and this is an approximation so i would definitely keep those as high as possible and if you are having full grids and you are having problems with the way that the game is running try knocking them down a little bit but there are other areas on here that you will get much better performance gains and you will not lose as much quality so keep these as high as possible next we have world details again i've not put this on the highest but it is on high and i think because of the quality of the graphics again that you're trying to get out of your vr rig the performance hit is so small i mean it's 1.83 it's saying here on my particular rig i think you're actually going to be fine to keep that as high as possible again i've just knocked it down and not sure this is on high so that will work for me the next piece is something that will actually make a big difference and that is shadows resolution here you can see i've got that switched off and also smoke generation i've got a minimum now when you're running vr i don't think that shadows and smoke generation are your two biggest priorities your computer is effectively running the game and then it's actually displaying it twice on two separate screens there the screens in front of your eyes so this kind of level of detail um is just not required and i don't think you'll miss it to be honest with the resolution that you've got on those screens of course you can bump that up and you can see all the different areas that you can go up to there and actually when i'm running the normal 2k or 4k i will put those up to max but it does depend on your video card but i think to get the best performance out of your vr i would keep those off and to minimum and of course you can adjust those as you see fit in the future the show smoking mirrors again i would switch that off i think if you've got your smoke to minimum i don't see why you would keep that on i know sometimes you might be on a grid and you might see you know smoke as you're burning away from the line but it really will not matter i don't think you'll notice it so the shadows um and the smoke we've turned off and the next one is the reflections and these are the ones that will really have a bigot on your performance so you can adjust these all the way off and i've chosen here to keep some two five six two five six to keep some reflections there and of course the higher up there that you go the higher up that scale the more pressure it's going to put on your graphics card and your cpu and of course then you've got lots of different ways that that's reflection is going to be used on those surfaces and again just try and keep it down to something minimum which is the one face the rendering distance right at the bottom here i've got that maxed out but actually on my particular rig i mean it's saying this there's almost zero performance here this is one of those um areas that i think that you're going to be able to keep pretty high so don't pull it down to begin with just try your rig out see how it runs and then obviously you can change it if you need to but i would keep that as high as possible the post processing filter is really important too so as you can see normally i run sol extra that's my go to post processing filter but i know sol extra has got some a few bells and whistles on it that sold the standard sole post processing filter doesn't and am i going to really miss that detail probably not in vr then on the overall quality i've kept that high glare quality medium and depth of field maximum i have to motion blur off again in vr with the kind of quality of graphics that you're going to see in there i don't see the need of that heat shimmering i've taken off as well it's a nice effect but you're not going to really see it in vr let's take it off sunrise always look great and again personal preference if you want to keep that on but i've kept it on here and then fxaa is similar to msaa just for geforce card so i'm not gonna click that at the moment okay on this mirrors piece here as well when we talk about reflections really pulling your frame rate down the mirrors is definitely up there so you do want to mirror resolution and i put that really low that's one two eight times five twelve and i've switched off high quality and then one of the last settings that we're going to look at is this oculus this is pixels per display now i know through research that oculus likes 1.5 on there so that's what we're going to put it at so that will give you your best graphic quality on there the skybox reflection here we're going to keep that on 100 and we're not going to change anything else down in this bottom right hand corner so that actually is your main graphic settings and again because you can save the presets in the bottom right hand corner you can change this to vr and then you can have a vr one and a standard one as well now the next setting i'm going to show you is something that you may not know about and this is the view and ui setting that actually locks the camera the onboard camera to the horizon this is really important when we're talking about vr normally this is unchecked and the reason it's unchecked is when you're playing on a 2d screen and you're sat in front of it you have no ability to move your head up and down and the game to react to that so actually it's fixing your vertical view on the game pretty much where it needs to be so you can play the game normally here we can see neck effects moving ahead left and right and the game is helping us with that but we don't have any ability to move our head around so therefore the game has given us an artificial view the much more natural way of this working is if you have a vr headset on or if you're in the real world what you would do is you would actually fix your eyes on the horizon and that's the way that we drive that's the way that we work so that means you have much more vertical movement as well as side by side movement so this is really a bit of a game changer in vr and i would ask you all that if you have got vr and you've not tried this do try it it's a much more natural way for your body and your eyes and your brain to process all this information and you will get much more sensation of actually going up those big hills or going downhills and how that feels in vr so they are the main video settings now of course we have got custom shader patch and i've not gone into that too much apart from talking about neck fx which i would definitely put on but what i'm going to do guys is i'm going to do a follow-up video to this one in the next few days where i'm going to go through some of these different areas here and just talk about the vr settings that i would put into those of course there are lots of settings in here that have a significant impact on the way that your graphics are actually running but i do believe the ones that we've talked about at the beginning are the main ones so they're the ones to try first as ever guys thank you so much for watching and thank you for your time today do check out the rest of the channel there's lots more slim racing on there and if you do like what you see i'd love to have you on board so click on that subscribe button if you do like the video give it a thumbs up see you later guys
Channel: Sir Spats Gaming
Views: 143,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Assetto Corsa VR Guide To Recommended Settings - The Basics, custom shaders patch tutorial, shaders patch settings, asseto corsa vr graphics, best shaders settings ac, how to custom shaders patch, assetto corsa settings, assetto corsa tutorial, content manager, content manager mods, content manager tutorial, assetto corsa vr, assetto corsa vr settings, vr settings ac, #sim racing, #mods, assetto corsa best mods, assetto corsa graphics mods, assetto corsa graphic mod
Id: Al5QfNwX7zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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