Assault Shield - Black Ops 2 Weapon Guide

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Hello, this is XboxAhoy and this is the twenty-sixth episode of my Black Ops 2 Weapon Guide. This time, we're covering the Assault Shield. Essentially Treyarch's version of the Riot Shield as introduced in Modern Warfare 2, the Assault Shield is unlocked at level 34. Ballistic shields capable of repelling small arms fire do exist, although most are only effective against lower-energy rounds such as those fired by handguns, SMGs and shotguns. The greater the protection, the more unwieldy a shield will be: while it is possible to stop high-powered rifle rounds, such a high degree of armour would be prohibitively heavy to carry. Modern materials have helped to lighten the load, however - while early ballistic shields were constructed of basic sheet metal, modern designs take better advantage of newer materials such as kevlar and ceramics for maximum protection and lower overall weight. In-game, the Assault Shield is a mêlée weapon with reach similar to that of the Combat Knife. Unlike the knife, however, the Shield will require two bashes to kill an uninjured opponent. Of course, the shield is more suited to absorbing damage than dishing it out - it will block any bullets that strike it while held, and will even block some shots from the rear while you are holding your secondary weapon. In addition, you can plant the shield on the ground to serve as deployable cover - although it will disintegrate upon sufficient incident damage, leaving you without protection. Attack speed is slightly slower than that of the combat knife, with each bash taking approximately three quarters of a second - or 80 bashes per minute. While quick enough to tackle an unaware enemy, the need to land two bashes can make your life difficult against a more active opponent, particularly if they are wielding a weapon effective in closer quarters. Handling is relatively slow: switch times can be inconveniently sluggish, taking a full second to switch to another weapon. Fast Hands will alleviate this a little, but nonetheless this lapse in protection can prove a liability. Movement speed is slow too, on par with the LMGs at 90% of the base mobility. Thankfully, the shield requires neither ammunition nor reload to use - you can bash as often as you like without pause. Our build with the Assault Shield is a general-purpose defensive set, designed for the mix of mobility and resistivity needed in objective game modes. With this loadout you'll be able to support your teammates in capturing well-defended objectives, by deflecting your enemy's fire as your teammates support from behind. First up is the Perk 1 Greed wildcard, permitting two choices from the powerful selection available in the first perk tier. First up is Flak Jacket - with the Assault Shield equipped, you will find your enemies resorting to their explosive options rather than their guns - and so the ability to resist both bullet and blast is a very useful one. It will greatly enhance your overall survivability, making it easier to capture points and otherwise to stay in the fight: being tough to kill should be your first priority with the shield. The only explosives you need watch out for are those of a sticky ilk: semtex grenades and crossbow bolts will easily take you out should your shield become stuck, with or without Flak Jacket. Next up, with an important boost to your mobility, is Lightweight. You should spend much of your time crouched with the shield to maximise the protection it offers - and paired with the already slow mobility innate to the weapon, anything that can lift your lethargic nature is welcome. With Lightweight, you'll stand a better chance in closer quarters - better able to bash a more sprightly opponent. Next, Fast Hands will permit faster weapon switching and equipment use, minimising the time you'll be left unprotected. This choice is near essential if you plan to make good use of your tactical and lethal equipment: without it, your opponent will have a generous window in which to shoot you whilst you toss your ordnance. Our final perk selection is Tactical Mask, adding another degree of resistance and synergising well with Flak Jacket. If you're stunned, you're very vulnerable - getting hit by an enemy concussion or flash will make it particularly easy for them to flank around and pepper you with bullets. Without the mobility-enhancing traits of Extreme Conditioning or Dexterity you will have to take a more cautious tack - but sprinting near the enemy should be avoided at all costs, as during such manoeuvres your shield will offer next to no protection. A Combat Axe offers a means of extending your lethal reach - and paired with Fast Hands will offer the swiftest way of eliminating the enemy without exposing yourself for too long. You can also retrieve the axe from where it lands - useful given the absence of scavenger in our build, and with careful use you can sometimes get multiple axe kills in a single streak. It is best used on enemies at a closer range - while long range kills are certainly possible, your odds of landing a shot decrease the further away the target. Bait an enemy into expending their entire magazine into your shield, and watch for their reload - this will serve as your cue to perform a quick toss of the axe to secure a surprise kill. Of course, sometimes you will need to rely on your shield bash to secure a kill - and there's nothing more helpful than two concussion grenades to hold a foe in place while you manoeuvre into a striking position. A stunned enemy will prove less able to bypass your shield's defence - but they might not be entirely helpless, so be sure to approach from the stunned enemy's flank as to avoid their last-ditch dispensation of their available rounds. In any case, concussion grenades will help turn the tables on your foe - either rendering them vulnerable to your attack, or slowing them down to buy time with which to secure an objective, or to make good your escape. Our final point is spent on a secondary weapon of your choice - the KAP-40 probably the most versatile option, and will give you an offensive backup should you need to reliably kill any enemy. That's our build - one designed to maximise survivability, while still giving you the mobility you'll need to employ the shield as a semi-offensive tool. If you're content to scavenge for a weapon, you could sacrifice your secondary and perhaps a concussion grenade to pick up another perk and the requisite wildcard - if you're after more aggressive use of the shield in an attempt to secure bash kills, then Extreme Conditioning or Dexterity might be a worthwhile selection. Quite often you might be best leaving the killing to your teammates - the shield works best over the longer sightlines, as your opponent won't be able to quickly flank you and shoot you in the side. Should your allies make good use of your cover, you can help support their advance on an objective - and with their help you can put paid to your opponent's momentum. The Assault Shield is a weapon like none other, and when employed correctly can swing objective games through its complete denial of your opponent's fire. It can render an enemy sniper entirely useless, and at any reasonable range even most automatic weapons will struggle to penetrate your defence - this can open a window to breaking through a tough spawn trap, and gradually force open your enemy's vice-like grip. Deploying the shield as mobile cover can open up new firing positions, too - an impromptu defensive point can prove surprisingly effective when equipping the shield with another primary weapon via the Overkill wildcard. As an offensive weapon the Assault Shield falls woefully short, however - with its minuscule range, two hit bash, and extreme vulnerability to automatic fire in close-range gunfights, you'll quickly learn the shield is simply not effective in an aggressive role. You'll find frustration in your enemy's seeming ability to bypass your defences, and the poor lethality of the shield's bash attack will render you all but helpless in close quarters battle. Still, the Assault Shield is a support tool first and foremost, and its use as an offensive weapon should be limited where possible. Nothing else can directly thwart enemy fire, and with a dose of teamwork the shield can prove its worth in objective game modes. With this bulwark you might deflect your opponent's attack, your aegis a bulletproof guarantee that your time with the shield... sure to be a bash. Thanks for watching, this has been XboxAhoy. Join me next week, when I'll be covering the KSG. Until then, farewell.
Channel: Ahoy
Views: 390,886
Rating: 4.9547472 out of 5
Id: -updOpky10Y
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Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2013
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