[Full Movie] 刺杀风云 Assassination | 黑帮动作电影 Gangster & Action film HD

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Closed Captions were added by Moxi Media. [Shanghai, 1939] Don't run here and there. Mom, when shall we go home? Soon. I assume that you have a great influence in Shanghai and it won't difficult for you to chair the Great East Asia Chamber of Commerce Officer Saito will be back tomorrow. I can arrange your meeting as early as possible. As far as I know Zhou Sir dare do anything in Shanghai. You'd better answer me now since we've waited for two months. There isn't much time for you. Sea Breeze Organization I started make a living when I was a teenager. I rely not only on my courage but also my belief. Believe in myself. Believe in my fellowmen. Believe in loyalty. What I dare do depends on my belief. We just intercepted a shipment of ammunition to the front at Wusong Port We doubt that it's done by Shanghai's society. There aren't any societies in Shanghai any more. Then you are a businessman, aren't you? Work for us and you will make a lot of money. Why involve yourself in danger? Life and death are decreed by fate so is wealth. Sir Kameda We shall be satisfied with our fates. See the visitor out. Zhou Sir See you. Sir We've prepared well. We'll start tomorrow at noon. It's time. Zhou's Mansion Sir Something is wrong in your home. Hurry up! Let's go, sir. It's too late. Shanghai is no longer in our charge. You should take your responsibility. Sir I know. Kill Also the situation is unstable. I'm afraid that our fellowmen will waver. Bring my words to them. Never surrender to the Japanese. Be loyal to our great cause Never waver in spite of huge wealth They are here! Come! Assassination directed by Zhou Tianyu It's time for him to be back, isn't it? Is your intelligence accurate? This is our fifteenth movement. All right, cut the crap. We'll surely be successful tonight. When we kill the traitor we'll be famous. Drive Drive OK. He has run away! Senior Geng I hear your Sea Breeze Organization is quite busy Where will you drive your ship, Zhou Sir? Where the wind blows where the ship goes. A ship can never go up in the air. In my opinion we shall cooperate with Japanese. The tea here is not good Come to my tea house next time I'll give you black tea. I'm only interested in business I wonder if your tea house can buy in Great You're in. Chairman, something is wrong. Excuse me I have something to deal with and I'm leaving. Senior Geng, take care Senior Geng is still in his old style Such a whiz. Thank you. Senior Geng I feel sorry for Sea Breeze Organization I feel sorry for Sir Nansheng Are you sure? Yes, I am. It's done by Japanese I'm going to make them pay for what they did This issue is very important We shall take a long view Senior Geng we've already made a plan Tomorrow I shall kill Saito Great It's a great chance given by the heaven. I'll send people to back you up. However, now Chairman has just died We shall make a funeral for him a decent funeral. Tomorrow's celebration General Saito will come. Dad Why Japanese came to our house? Why did he come? You don't understand and don't ask. Where did you go? You don't understand and don't ask. Stop. Why don't you stay at home with all the chaos out there? Your eldest brother's trace is lost in the front. You got me in trouble again. Dad Are you going to be a traitor? Wicked boy! How much do you know about the situation? Always took to the streets to shout slogans thinking yourself as a hero. I didn't expect that you will be like this! Watch out, lady. Where did you go? I've waited for you for a whole night. You have no idea how worried I was about you. This is a ticket to Guangzhou You shall go to Guangzhou first I'll ask someone to send you to Hong Kong I'll see you after Sir's funeral. You don't want to go, do you? You want to attend the funeral or murder someone? It's dangerous these days. I'm afraid I'd get you involved. So you must leave here in advance. How about you? I I'll see you when I'm done I got the whole shop in Central After our marriage we're opening a bar there OK. Don't talk about fight and murder anymore. OK. I know. Hurry. Take care. Sir died. Tomorrow, you shall back up Lu Nansheng. Yes, sir. Those who make a living like us are like fishermen on the Huangpu River If you want to catch fish you shall notice where the wind of Shanghai shifts. Understood. If I failed I won't leave any evidence. I've worked a lot these days and I am a little bit tired. It's half an hour's drive from the train station to the official residence. The area from Shanghai North Railway Station to North Henan Road is crowded which will hinder our action But there's road work near Hong Kong and Shang Hai Banking Corporation They're bound to turn onto Changchun Road This is where we shall start. Afterwards Tang San will help us retreat. Tomorrow we shall set an ambush here. Kun will do the sniping Ashan will do the blasting I'll intercept their way. Our spy at the train station will send us a message when they leave. You shall see my gestures so that you know which car Saito is on. As soon as the motorcade enters Changchun Road, I'll begin to arrange the tire burst They will have to get off after the flat tire That's when Kun's first shot is called for the start of our action. Tomorrow we have only 5 minutes, or their reinforcements will come Sir, wait for me. Tomorrow I'll pay homage to you by killing Saito. Fellowmen make or break. I can only rely on you. May we come back with success and drink together. Saito got on the second car. Today, we three Musketeers of Puxi will fight our battles Here they are. We cannot catch them. Bad car! Enemies! Fire! Surround here. No Don't shoot. It's me! General It's an assassination group consisting of five to six people. And one has escaped. I'm terribly sorry. Chinese's debt shall be paid by Chinese. Everyone on the road is doubtful. Let go of me! Bring her out! Get out! Wretch! Kneel down! Please rest in the room. Please don't be too sad. Senior Geng we failed. Tang San died. Lu Nansheng ran away. The master worship ceremony begins The master Zhou Qifang The disciple Lu Nansheng To join our organization is out of your will or persuasion It's out of my will Since it's out of your will You shall know This organization never invites your participation or blames your rejection of participation. Anyone who joins it shall follow the rule of brotherly love which shall not be altered by death as well as the loyalty which shall never waver in spite of huge wealth You are awake. Thank you. We meet again. What do you do? We're the three Musketeers of Puxi We intended to kill Saito today and saved you by accident. Let me introduce ourselves to you. This is my eldest brother, Li Zhongyang Massachusetts engineer This is my second brother, Xu Yiming famous drama actor of Southern Drama Club I I'm learning in Huangpu Military Academy No. 13 as an auditor. If it were not you the news here will be the three Musketeers of Puxi assassinated Japanese officials This headline should have been ours Mister we admire your courage. Saito controlled several important shipping lines Killing him can buy time for the home front It's a pity that he should escape We need to plot and wait for opportunity. Mr. Wu, we've prepared well. We will hand out flyers on the street. You should rest to heal your wound. Come to me if you need anything. Thank you. Students, let's go. Hero, we can spearhead your next move. Hand out flyers again? Will we go? Mr. Wu has said that everything we do is meaningful to save our country However... Cut the crap How do you join the organization if you're not active? OK. Let's go! Well Do have a good rest and wait for our coming back. I'll think about you joining us when I get back. Will it be useful to hand out flyers? You won't know unless you have a try. Let's go General I figured it out It's done by a disciple of Zhou Qifang Thanks to your insights These businessmen have a great impact in Shanghai. They can provide us with many goods and materials. If they do not cooperate they are enemies. The Military Department asks us to deal with them as soon as possible. It needs both strength and scheme to conquer. Someone need things more terrible than bullets. I'll make a scheme. Li Sir I heard your chairman Thomas has withdrawn to England Do you have any future plan? I still want to continue my business. Continue your business then you shall be the deputy Chairman of Great East Asia Chamber of Commerce I have little experience and feel unqualified for this job. General Saito has a gift for you. Our army is invincible in Changsha Battle We found your son in the ten thousand bodies after the battle Let him rest in peace. Your son is a brave soldier Unfortunately he chose to be opposed to us Li Sir To save the family don't go astray Sister this is for you How beautiful! Are you leaving. Mr. Wang said that he would take me to Hong Kong first because of the chaos of war Shall I talk to him and take you with us? Thank you. I intended to go but I need to wait for a person. The new Chairman shall be Zhou Qifang However he died accidentally. Now you will be in charge I hope Sea Breeze Organization can be a powerful backup for the empire Chairman Zhou passed away The situation is turbulent. I'm out of my depth, too. Inner strife is better than foreign concerns. Geng Sir you must be in search of a new way out General this is the newly coming tea, Tieguanyin Please have a taste Please The more than 1,000 members of Sea Breeze Organization are like tea leaves soaked in this hot water who will be easily routed. General You don't like the taste the wind has shifted Zhou Qifang died because he didn't follow the wind I hope you won't follow in his footsteps General Sea Breeze Organization always do right things and never intend to deviate But we found the shipment in Wusong Port is sent by Sea Breeze Organization to the front Geng Sir you need prove your innocence I've come up with an idea for you [content: Sir Geng Zhong will be the Chairman of Great East Asia Chamber of Commerce] The decision I made for you is the best way to save Sea Breeze Organization General Saito invites you to attend the party sincerely There are many excellent singers in Shanghai I think Lu Nansheng's condition is very much your concern I'll have you sent to Hong Kong and you shall go America from Hong Kong Zhongyang When Sir was alive he swore that anyone who betrays his faith should be killed. Before his death Sir told me that we shall never surrender to Japanese. However now someone has betrayed his faith I'll fulfill Sir's last wish. But will you do it? Do you know what you are saying? Do you know what you are doing? This is how you avenged for Sir? Enough You only care about Zhou Qifang's life The life of our more than 1,000 fellowmen How about their life? As Chairman Fellowmen give their life to you you shall arrange their destiny in this way? Don't talk about life with me! People dies in Shanghai every day! I worked with Qi Fang to keep the docks safe We never retreat even stabbed eight times. We can sacrifice our lives for our fellowmen However, Shanghai is turbulent. Sea Breeze Organization can bear no trouble Only if we survive can we control our own destiny. Qifang I also have no other choice. It is Lu Nansheng who killed Chairman Are you in search of this? It was broken. but it saved your life. You was shot by Japanese. you're quite strong similar to my elder son Where is he? My two sons both fight in the front. One is 14 years old. Another is the same age as you. Uncle your son will be back home. Who knows? Will they still have a home after the war? You shall go home soon. Don't delay the party tomorrow or you shall be the Chairman in place of Chinese You want to be the Chairman? Hurry up! What are you doing! Cannot you see? I want kill them. I want to revenge for my eldest brother. Do you really mean it? We have only three of us We have no advantage Yes. We've tried so many times but we never made it. Shall we wait? Wait? Wait for what? Tell me wait for what? Today you wait until tomorrow Tomorrow you wait until the day after tomorrow. When can we really make it? Isn't it our common object to resist the Japanese? Alright If you two fear death I'll go by myself Li Zhongyang Li Zhongyang, listen to me You think we do not feel sad for your brother's death? But what can we do? Perish together with them? The streets are full of cannon fodder right now We're brothers If we do we do it together Can I join you? This is for my eldest brother Now it's yours. Great Almost perfect Come on quickly. Geng Sir, look here. Sir Kameda Look here Look here General, look here. Li Sir, look here. No guard shall enter with weapon. This is my entourage, not my bodyguard This antique is given by my father to General Saito. I'll rely on you, General Why are you here? Where did you go? I sent people to find you everywhere Father I bring a gift for Saito You What do you want to do on earth? No worries I know what to do Is this your son? Yes This is my son, Li Zhongyang He is still studying. What a fine fellow he was, indeed! You are friend of Japanese Empire Your future will be bright General Saito I heard you like Chinese antiques So I prepared a gift for you blue and white porcelain vase made of smalt in the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty Assassin! Follow me in Kill him! Surround them Don't let them run away Zhongyang, are you crazy? Here is he! Zhongyang Son, you are wounded Son Father It's my turn Go Son! Go Hurry up Son Father Have I revenged for my brother? Son Why are you so foolish? Father It hurts Bring Bring me me back Son Don't be afraid Here I am I'm not afraid I've said I'll wait for you Put the gun down Put the gun down Nansheng Whatever happens will happen Don't struggle in vain Kick it Diechang Diechang You and I are fellowmen It should have come to this Since I agreed to be the Chairman I know this day will come I'm not afraid of death I'm only afraid Sea Breeze Organization has come to its end. It's you who destroyed Sea Breeze Organization Don't you understand? It's not me who destroyed Sea Breeze Organization It's fate You killed Saito today and then you killed Geng Zhong You think that you can change the world? Make a living in the society The whole society is like a river full of water. Follow the waves That's the fate of you and I. That's your fate not mine If the country perishes, the people cannot enjoy freedom and independence. I risk my life to show others that we cannot retreat Surround here and let no one get out. I don't know when I will succeed. But something has to be done. I promised to Zhou Sir and to myself as well. The breeze blows The stars are asleep The whitecap reflects the moonlight A young man plays and sings in the south The blue waves surge The oar wobbles Over the vast night sea A Fisher Maiden sees her lover off under the moon During the Anti-Japanese War, many heroes sacrificed their life to save China. Some of them are remembered; some of them are nameless. According to incomplete statistics, from 1937 to 1941, in Shanghai there were more than 150 assassinations against traitors, Japanese and pseudo-government officers Mar. 1st, 1932, Wang Yaqiao blew up the Japanese Izumo Flagship on Huangpu River Oct. 30th, 1937, Japanophile ethnic Chinese leader Lu Bohong was assassinated on Lvban Rode Nov. 1938, puppet regime senior official attended the signing ceremony of Japan-Wang Agreement in Nanjing from Shanghai by the Skyhorse Express, which was blew by patriotic squad Two Japanese commanders, two Cabinet commissioners and many intelligencers were killed, 175 in total. In 1939, at the New Year's night, Anti-japanese people broke into private houses and killed Chen Lu, who was Minister of Foreign Affairs of Restoration Government of the Republic of China 8 p.m. Jan. 15th, 1940, Yu Yefeng, who searched and purchased military supplies for Japanese on Niuzhuang Road in International Settlemen, was assassinated. Aug. 14th, 1940, one of the three tycoons of Shanghai, the infamous traitor, Zhang Xiaolin was shot dead by his bodyguard Lin Huaibu in Zhang's Mansion, French Concession Oct. 11th, 1940, in the 2nd Fu's Mansion, 26th Lane, Xiangde Road, Hongkou, Japanese Concession, Fu Xiaoan, puppet mayor of Shanghai, traitor, was killed by his cook Zhu Shengyuan in his bedroom. This movie pays homage to the nameless heroes who have sacrificed their life for China.
Channel: Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official 圈影圈外官方电影频道
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Keywords: 電影, movie, 电影, film, full movie, 中國電影, 中国电影, 中文電影, 中文电影, chinese movie, 華語電影, 华语电影, chinese film, 动作电影, 黑帮电影, 动作片, 黑帮片, 動作電影, 黑幫電影, 動作片, 黑幫片, action movies, action film, gangster movie, gangster film, 黑帮, 黑幫, 刺殺風雲, 刺杀风云, 刺杀风云 电影, 刺殺風雲 電影, Assassination, Assassination Movie, Assassination Full Movie, 吕良伟, 吕良伟 电影, 呂良偉, 呂良偉 電影, Ray Lui, Ray Lui Movie, 黑幫動作, 黑幫動作片, 黑幫動作電影, 黑帮动作, 黑帮动作片, 黑帮动作电影, gangster action movies, chinese action movies, chinese gangster movies, 上海滩, 上海滩 电影, 上海灘, 上海灘 電影, 上海灘 呂良偉, 上海滩 吕良伟
Id: Ht5EiE3C838
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 28sec (4708 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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