Assassin Killed His Family in Front of His Eyes, Unaware He Is A Strongest Ninja | Ninja Kamui

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The Story begins as a guy nervously rides on a train when he gets off he begins to run frantically but he's found by a group that somehow knows his secret this group covers the area in Smoke and the Man shows his insane fighting skills as he fends off several attackers the attackers launch several blades at this guy so he pulls out a blade of his own to fight back the attackers then use metal needles called senbon but this guy has crazy reflexes catching them with his teeth and firing them back at the attackers unfortunately this man is overwhelmed by their sheer number he is captured when a Contraption takes hold of his neck and he's dragged by a terrifying looking man this evil guy slams The Man into the ground and uses his sword to finish him off the attackers use a device to confirm that their target has been eliminated and they leave in another place there's a farmer called Logan who finds great joy in his life on the farm after a fulfilling day he heads back home to Tinker with his motorcycle while he's engrossed in his work his young son Kyle decides to play a little game and attempts to sneak up on him Logan with a mischievous smile turns to Kyle and playfully claims that he has eyes on the back of his head Logan's wife Sarah is taken a back when she sees Logan's face covered in dirt Kyle clarifies that his mask resembles the ones worn by the Oni who are known to be troublemakers Logan cautions him that the only might mistake him for one of them but Kyle is confident that his brave and strong dad will protect him if they ever come after him Logan playfully mentions that he's not entirely confident about defeating these fictional characters but Sarah confidently declares that she will handle them for Kyle's sake Logan jokingly remarks that he needs to hurry and finish repairing his motorcycle as Sarah might find herself in a tough situation battling the Oni later a news report reveals the unfortunate demise of the man they encountered earlier leaving Sarah worried that it could be the work of the Oni Kyle firmly believes it was them but it's time for him to go to bed he bids his mother good night and Logan reminds him about his upcoming birthday with Kyle fast asleep Logan diligently monitors the security cameras installed around his house Sarah expresses her concern about the mysterious elimination of the man and the lack of information about his identity Logan reassures her that there's nothing to worry about and guarantees that they won't be discovered in their secluded location Sarah's main worry revolves around someone known as the reaper but Lin explains that it couldn't be him since he always operated alone the next day we catch a glimpse of Lan's cautious nature as he meticulously wipes away their fingerprints from a door handle ensuring their identity remains hidden the young family continues to lead a peaceful and normal life with Logan doing his best to be a loving father who brings cheer to his son however one night news breaks that another person has lost their life at the hands of a mysterious organization this incident Marks One of several recent occurrences prompting a large scale investigation to uncover the truth behind these events on Kyle's birthday the affectionate family gathers for a delightful cookout sharing jokes and singing songs while Kyle blows out the candles on his favorite birthday cake as Kyle opens a present he discovers a video game and Logan surprises him with a new helmet instead of the scary Oni mask Kyle excitedly declares that he is no longer a bad guy but a hero thanks to his new helmet Sarah mentions that she simply enjoys seeing his normal face and the whole family shares a heartfelt embrace it couldn't be happier so they express their love for one another later that night Logan wakes up from bed but calmly instructs his wife to stay put Logan quietly makes his way downstairs where everything appears to be fine suddenly something appears at the window and Logan is ambushed the attackers forcefully enter but Lan skillfully fights off several of them his exceptional abilities allow him to seize one of their weapons and he uses his sword to eliminate multiple asants while he is taking down one opponent Logan hears his son cry out alerting him without hesitation Logan Springs into action he blocks an attacker who tries to impede him and completely incapacitates this individual Logan swiftly rushes to locate his family reaching for something but another assent shoots two metal needles directly into his neck despite the obstacles Logan remains determined and refuses to to be deterred he musters up every ounce of strength to crawl up the stairs even though the pain is overwhelming as he reaches the second floor he is met with a shocking sight several attackers are defeated however his heart sinks when he sees the lifeless bodies of his family Kyle and Sarah on the ground overwhelming shock courses through Logan's body and a Sinister figure outside reveals that Logan's wife fought bravely before meeting a tragic end this Revelation ignites a blinding rage within Logan but before he can react he is stabbed in the back despite his Ines loin desperately drags the attacker determined to reach his family however the damage to his body proves too much to overcome suddenly the attackers realize that someone must have alerted the authorities as the distant sound of police sirens fills the air the leader confirms that Lin is no longer alive so they depart just before the police show up the police arrive at the scene and are horrified to discover the slaughter family sometime later the seemingly lifeless Logan regains Consciousness his initial thoughts are of his deceased family and he vomits due to the overwhelming emotions engulfing his body the next time Lan awakens he finds himself in a hospital and the nurse urgently summons a doctor Logan utters only his wife's name before passing out once again eventually Lan wakes up and a doctor explains that he miraculously returned to life after being pronounced dead by the coroner Lovin couldn't care less and simply wants to know about his wife and son unfortunately he is informed that they didn't survive at that moment two individuals Mike and Emma arrived to visit him they are from the FBI and seek his assistance in their investigation they proceed to ask several questions about the possible identity of the attacker Lan remains silent but his growing anger is evident to Mike sensing that it's not the right time to ask him questions Mike discreetly hands Logan his card and decides to leave later Mike confides an Emma expressing his intuition that Logan may have knowledge about the attackers they agree to take turns keeping an eye on Logan and Emma volunteers to be the first as Emma watches Logan from the rooftop he is overwhelmed by a recent memory of bidding farewell to his family the nurse had discovered that Logan had intentionally locked the wheelchair preventing any movement overwhelmed with grief and fury Logan couldn't bear to approach his deceased loved ones now on the rooftop memories of his wife and son flood his mind fueling his anger Logan's rage intensifies and he reaches for his wrist revealing a metal needle Logan impales himself with a mysterious object causing a peculiar transformation in his body suddenly a group of Assassins launches an attack on Logan fueled by by his anger Logan unleashes his inner Fury and skillfully takes down multiple asants displaying astonishing strength and precision Logan gains control of the fight but that's not all Logan performs a unique jet suit transforming his body into a dense black smoke his powerful move allows him to swiftly eliminate several more assassins in an instant Emma bewildered by the chaos seeks answers from Logan but he knocks her unconscious instead with his rage still burning Logan relentlessly continues his assault tearing apart numerous attackers despite being vastly outnumbered Logan strategically hurls a sword at the elevator revealing his cunning plan using a pole as his defense Logan forcefully pushes the remaining assassins into the elevator it becomes evident that the Assassins are now trapped inside with Logan not the other way around lifeless bodies as he ascends to another level instilling fear in the hearts of any remaining adversaries meanwhile Mike Rose's concern is Emma fails to answer his call only to be shocked by the discovery of multiple corpses as love and of his business nearby he unexpectedly encounters the leader of the Assassins memories flood lovan's mind fueling his Fury as he launches an attack against the leader however this leader proves to be different from the rest defending himself skillfully and even trapping Logan with a Contraption around his neck swiftly freeing himself Logan and the leader engage in a fierce battle evenly matched yet Lan Taps into his Shadow Skill once again delivering a devastating blow seizing the opportunity Lin relentlessly strikes ultimately bringing the fight to an end demanding answers Logan questions how they found him and his family and how they recognized his true identity in a mocking tone the leader remarks that Logan May alter his appearance but he could never Escape his Destiny Logan then startles this man and uncovers his disguise Logan remains silent and proceeds to end the leader's life afterwards Logan visits his family but the sight is too painful for him to Bear overwhelmed he collapses to his knees Logan eventually returns home and drills a hole into a wall inside he retrieves a hidden box containing various items including a mask as Len gazes in a photograph memories of his family flood his mind once again just before Lovin sets his family home on fire we catch a final glimpse of it Lovin watches as his once love-filled and peaceful life Burns away and he Don the mask the fire consumes every last memory yet Lan's anger remains unabated loan was haunted by the memory of his family's tragic death but this time in his nightmare his wife called out to him by his real name Hagen his family was no longer in dis guys and his son screamed out to him suddenly Lan woke up from a horrifying dream only to find himself tied up the Assassin leader despite being in bad shape Logan collapsed to his surprise someone had arrived a doctor who was equally shocked as he thought they would only meet in the afterlife the doctor questioned why Lovin wasn't wearing his disguise and Logan revealed that the organization had found a way to see through their masking system the doctor was puzzled by Logan's injuries but then noticed his arm Logan had used the secret art of Stark awareness which explained his actions on the roof the doctor warned Logan never to use it again as it could cost him his life next time when he catches a glimpse of Logan's back he advises him to let go of the idea of the next time considering he should have perished from the stabbing loving his puzzle as to why he managed to survive and the doctor pers if there is a guardian angel watching over him it will take a full 6 days for Logan to recover completely but all he wants is to regain enough strength to extract information from his captive the doctor wonders about Lin's plans moving forward to which which Logan responds simply he will seek out those responsible for his family's murder the doctor provides Logan with something to Aid in his recovery although it causes him great pain and he loses Consciousness once loin regains some strength he confronts the Assassin leader without uttering a word immediately resorting to Violence by thrusting a blade into him despite being stabbed multiple times the man definely states that ninjas never break Logan shocks him by revealing that he is already aware of this fact and continues his assault with the blade Logan continues his Relentless Pursuit unfazed by the passing days the Assassin finally breaks his silence and questions Logan's motives begging for an end to his suffering however Logan remains indifferent to his pleas despite more days passing Logan shows no signs of stopping inflicting more pain on the Assassin one day Logan takes it a step further by dousing him in gasoline the Assassin driven to Magnus PS Logan about the reaction of his wife he reveals that Logan's son was scared but his wife's eyes were filled with anger and hatred until the very end the Assassin's words only fuel Lin's determination as he is told that his wife cried more with each stab of his sword Logan calmly instructs him to pay close attention as he describes how he plans to Edge the image of his family suffering into his mind forever he then details the excruciating pain he intends to inflict emphasizing that death will never bring him peace as he will always live in fear of the Oni that lurks Beyond Len proceeds to set the Man on Fire watching as the Assassin screams in agony meanwhile Mike is removed from the investigation involving Joe Logan by order of the higher ups who are disturbed by the events at the hospital with no cameras on the roof and the identity of the blood unknown Mike mentions that Emma witnessed everything however his boss suggests he speak to her again suspecting a change in her story Emma the frustrated with the situation finds humor in the higher ups attempts to conceal the truth she senses something suspicious and decides to play along while secretly investigating Logan and his family her findings reveal that they all use fake identity Logan on the other hand reflects on the device that conceals his true appearance recalling the promise that it would keep everyone safe he then sets off on his motorcycle to start his search only to find that the first place he checks is empty Logan goes on to travel long distances to check other locations but all he ever encounters his disappointment even the last place he checks turns out to be empty adding to his growing frustration that night some corrupt cops enter a bar and become angry when the bartender doesn't give them enough money Logan happens to be sitting right there and one of the cops decides to ask him if his motorcycle outside is stolen Logan simply ignores the guy so the cop asks for his license once again Logan ignores him prompting the cop to try and grab him however Logan swiftly knocks him out calmly Logan leaves the scene but the other cop attempts to attack him from behind Logan effortlessly Dodges the punch but the sheer force of Logan's counter swing sends the cop flying outside Logan takes a glance at their cop car and remembers the business card that Mike had given him the next day Mike believes that Emma is just joking around but she insists that she is investigating a crime many criminal activities are now taking place in virtual reality and she needs to complete this job so they can have time to investigate Logan Emma then mentions that VR technology has been rapidly advancing recently all thanks to the Au company suddenly Mike is taken a back when Logan calls him he gently removes Emma from VR and gestures for her to trace the call Mike attempts to uncover Lin's true identity but Lin has his own set of questions Lin expresses his desire to convert prompting Mike to point out that they are already talking however this only leads Logan to smash's phone frustration Logan calls Mike again offering him another chance but warns him to stop playing games loogan allows Mike to choose the meeting place so Mike selects a nearby restaurant the call concludes leaving Emma disappointed for failing to track Logan as he heads to the restaurant advertisements for oza are seen everywhere claiming that their technology safeguards everyone and is crucial for every aspect of life throughout one's entire lifespan Lovin approaches the restaurant and discreetly surveys the area while waiting for Mike to arrive once inside Mike instructs the owner to step aside albeit reluctantly and asked him to direct any delivery drivers to the table near the entrance where the food orders will be placed finally Lovin shows up but instead of revealing his face he presents the business card he had given to Mike earlier unfortunately this doesn't satisfy Mike who insists on seeing Logan's face for confirmation feeling frustrated Logan contemplates leaving but Mike agrees to have a conversation with him Lan's main objective is to uncover the person responsible for the recent string of Serial murders and in exchange he promises to answer any questions Mike may have relieved by Logan's willingness to cooperate Mike suddenly pulls out his gun indicating that he doesn't negotiate with suspects and orders Logan to kneel down stress at that moment a delivery man enters the scene and collects one of the orders Mike Ponders why Logan didn't take advantage of the distraction to escape however loan insists on continuing the conversation when suddenly another delivery guy appears and takes another order with caution Mike warns Logan not to make any sudden moves as he carefully move around the table he firmly declares that Logan is now under arrest surprisingly Lovin remains motionless but Mike's frustration grows when a third delivery guy unexpectedly enters the restaurant Mike becomes perplexed as he realizes that there are no more orders to be picked up and this new delivery guy launches an attack Laden swiftly Springs into action to defend against the strike but in the process his face is exposed leaving Mike curious about his true identity as Liv finds himself engaged in a fight it becomes evident that this as salent is not an ordinary delivery guy Mike attempts to apprehend both of them but he's forced to open fire when the impostor delivery guy lunges at him Logan steps in to save Mike from being harmed and the intensity of the fight escalates as the attacker reveals an additional set of arms Lovin is pushed back but he utilizes his shadow Jutsu to summon four arms and two heads the battle rages on with Logan gaining the upper hand due to his extra limbs however as he prepares to finish off his opponent he realizes that the additional arms belong to another person hidden in a bag lovan is now facing two deadly opponents but he manages to hold his ground after saving Mike once again loin throws alcohol at the assassins and sets his swords on fire the fight intensifies but Lan takes a sway of alcohol and shoots a fireball at his enemies seizing the opportunity he launches all his blades pinning one opponent and defeating the other with the battle finally over a stun Mike asks Logan for his identity Logan cryptically resp responds with pecking duck leaving Mike confused as it's just an item on the Restaurant's menu Mike is curious about the whereabouts of the man from the hospital so Logan decides to use the device to reveal his disguise to their surprise Logan himself turns out to be a ninja just like the fake delivery guys and the hospital staff suddenly they are forced to take cover as a group of attackers shoots at them from outside the situation escalates when one of the attackers fires a rocket at them causing the entire place to explode before fleeing Logan disappears but we see him watching Mike from above Mike inspects his chest and notices that the Ninja's blade effortlessly cut through his body armor without a scratch puzzled Mike wonders who could have created such a powerful weapon as they Ponder this an advertisement for OA technology appears behind them catching their attention meanwhile a man named z informs his master that their target is still alive much to the Master's dismay as he utters haan's name in an art museum across the country we witnessed the exhibits being painted red with blood as multiple killings take place simultaneously tonight A man is being whisked away by his security guards outside ensuring his safety by taking him as far away as possible to escape the impending danger it seems like it might have escaped the Calamity but as the man sits in the backseat of the car he prays fervently to God for protection from the demons chasing him moments later wrinkly white hands emerg from behind the car seats snapping the necks of the guards and then forcefully disconnecting the man from Life the car spirals out of control crashing into a tree and bursting into flames claiming the lives of everyone inside the Mastermind behind this assassination plot a bald man eagerly awaits his next Target Logan later he enjoys a fancy dinner with his boss revealing that he is not actually bald but his haircut is so atrocious that he might as well be he informs his client that his previous assignment was incredibly dull as he couldn't even muster any excitement while witnessing the body's turn to ashes he Craigs something more exhilarating so he inquires about the tedious tasks of others in hopes of finding some enjoyment however Yami dismisses his ramblings and emphasizes that his job is not meant for amusement he must eliminate whoever he is instructed to kill realizing he started off on the wrong foot the bald little men changes the subject and questions yamagi about the necessity of investing resources in pursuing the defecting ninjas yamagi insists that it is crucial to take action as these defectors are no longer considered ninjas and must be eradicated to safeguard their secret Arts from being shared with the public the bald little men reluctantly admits that Logan a highly skilled ninja and attempting Target catches his attention Logan is renowned for his Mastery of numerous fighting arts and his merciless approach to eliminating his targets now the bald little men has the honor of personally killing him yig informs him that they have previously managed to kill Logan but he somehow resurrected himself using secret ninja Arts these ancient techniques were only known to the old ninjas which excites the bald little men even more to confront him the organization is determined to ensure Logan is finished off properly this time and preparations are underway however the bald little men believe it would be more satisfying if they could handle killing themselves as they are eager to have a chance at him as he starts to leave on his booster seat he suddenly remembers something he wanted to ask about and inquires about another ninja known as the reaper we catch a glimpse of the reaper who has just defeated a group of ninjas and now faces his former Master the master calls out to Z criticizing his violent actions and emphasizing that what he does is nothing more than mindless violence Z has been eliminating the Renegade ninjas on behalf of the organization who were once his allies however the organization is deeply corrupt which is why they are going to such lengths to eliminate the defected ninjas out of fear the former Master readies his sword for the upcoming battle declaring that those ninjas who like him CH us to stand by their principles and defect will not be defeated by their enemies the fact that they were unable to kill Logan serves as evidence of this the tension escalates as the two lock eyes eagerly anticipating the first move breaking the stalemate the master unleashes a devastating gust of wind seemingly impossible to evade however to everyone's surprise Z remains unscathed emerging from the dust with his usual nonchalant demeanor the master is bewildered unable to comprehend how zy managed to dodge the attack nevertheless he remains undeterred ready to launch another strike yet as he prepares to strike he notices something peculiar Z is no longer wielding his sword the sword mysteriously now impales the Master's body shattering his mask despike his defeat the master Canady can muster anger as he was defeated before he even realized it with a resigned tone he he mutters I suppose I'm done for as he collapses to the ground contemplating the day when Z will join him in the depths of Hell shifting gears to the meeting with yamaji he Pond that the reaper must have intentions to confront someone as formidable as Logan although this may be true yamaji has already issued a strict order forbidding any engagement with Logan leaving no room for a fight in the meantime over at the police department we witnessed the unfortunate situation involving Mike and the Chinese restaurant owner following the chaos that erupted during their meeting the police department took advantage of the situation and falsely implicated the owner in a Chinese money laundering scheme despite knowing the accusations are baseless Mike finds himself in a predicament where he must comply with upper Management's orders to protect his job unfortunately there seems to be no way out for Mike and soon his boss confronts him about it they decide to take a break from the office and head to a Serene Lake in the nearby park it is there that his boss advises him to steer clear of this matter digging deeper will only lead to trouble and with retirement just a few years away it's best for for Mike to keep a low profile and enjoy his remaining Days by indulging in fishing and savoring a glass of whiskey Mike's boss is so generous that he plans to surprise him with a top-notch fishing rod however Mike isn't exactly thrilled about it because he suspects it might be an au product and he's determin to uncover the truth in an attempt to dissuade Mike from metaling where he shouldn't his boss resorts to an unconventional tactic he forms Mike that he doesn't need to come to work anymore implying that he's too exhausted to make sound judgments nevertheless Mike is being fired he simply unpaid leave until his retirement day this is the best advice he can offer as someone who was once his partner in another location Logan is seen in an abandoned building blacksmithing and hammering away while lost in thought memories of his deceased family flood his mind causing him to vomit in a corner after the panic attack subsides he regains his composure and notices someone approaching a car pulls up and Mike steps out with a box of items he grumbles about the remote location being difficult to find with GPS but Lovin appreciates the seclusion the two enter the building and discuss the unique alloy used in the blades of the attackers from the restaurant upon analysis they realized the Alloys is produced by Au indicating a connection between the attackers and the ninjas Mike mentions that he will conduct a bit of Investigation to see if there's any information available but Au is extremely dangerous as they seem to have control over the entire FBI they are now attempting to silence him Lovin informs Mike that they were responsible for the death of his family so be Clans to seek revenge on each and every one of them this implies that Lan intends to eliminate them all however mik clarifies that he is still committed to Justice and if necessary they will have to apprehend Logan for his actions nevertheless there are numerous corrupt individuals at the FBI that need to be dealt with first Mike proposes that they establish a truce to assist each other in achieving their objectives even though he never imagined he would be collaborating with someone as shady as an actual ninja Logan hands him a mug and pours a drink from his flask to mark their Alliance as Mike takes his sip he realizes that it's not alcohol which raises concerns about poison Logan assures him that it's just an energy drink moving forward Mike mentions that he has obtained a lead on AUA capturing Logan's interest he mentions that someone knowledgeable is on their way here the door Creeks open making him think it's them but it turns out to be the duck they'll be eating soon that night Emma finally arrives but Mike is upset with her for being late when she was supposed to meet them at noon she explains she had to wait for a chance to leave work and then pick up her baby to come all the way out here Mike doesn't see the big deal about her car but Emma takes offense pointing out that the car he brought is a piece of junk Mike admits it but defends that it got him here on time love it admires Emma's car recognizing it as one of the best cars designed by famous designers in the 20th century Emma is thrilled that someone else appreciates her car as expected of a ninja Lan is worried that she knows but Mike reassures him that Emma is a trusted friend who also analyze the weapons for them so she needs to be there she has always had a deep fascination with ninjas so she bombards Logan with a bear of questions however Mike interrupts and suggests they stay on topic as their purpose is to discuss AUA undeterred she insists they all get into the car because she has something important to show them despite the cranked space they managed to squeeze into the back seats Emma asked them to bear with a tightness for a moment while she reveals why she is so invested in this car it turns out she has transformed it into a movie computer granting her access to a wealth of information from all around the World Emma has extensively researched Aza and discovered their involvement in military weapons telecommunications entertainment they see to have their hands in almost every imaginable technology and it's safe to say that almost everyone in the world uses something created by them however being a multinational trillion dollar company Au is not without its Dark Rumors curiously every individual who has posed a threat to au's reputation whether a rival company leader or a journalist has met an untimely demise in mysterious accidents in recent news the leader of a conservative party in his country who vehemently opposed foreign companies doing business there had his ruling overturned after he died in a car accident the person who replaced him definitely not an au spy is now advocating for domestic technology Improvement in partnership with au it seems like all these convenient deaths are raising suspicions and Emma is convinced that ninjas are behind it Mike is concerned about the potential dangers of going up against a giant company and a ninja Army meanwhile at an a research facility they have just started testing a new generator they've been developing with their Wireless Power Systems also nearing Perfection the is on track to becoming a common name in the tech World aiming to monopolize All Tech Industries the company president returns to his office after meeting with researchers only to be confronted by yamagi with a grievance yamagi believes a agents targeted a driveby because he wanted to test new weapons but yamagi doesn't appreciate the interference in his business despite being Partners Logan and the team investigate the figurative Center of auza to unravel The Mystery of the Ninja's involvement the headquarters in AU city is where they test experimental inventions as they sift through information loin suddenly pushes Mike aside as a sword pierces through the car's roof Emma starts driving in an attempt to escape their attacker but he continues to thrust the sword into the roof of the car mike attempts to shoot at the attacker but it doesn't seem to deter him much Logan decides to take matters into his own hands and stabs the guy they believe they are safe until a truck crashes into them sending them King off the road Logan is the first to regain Consciousness while the other two remain unconscious from the impact the battle is far from over as the attacker stands before them firing spikes Logan quickly pulls Mike to safety and jumps out of the car to confront the Mas attacker a fierce battle ensues as they race through the city streets eventually they find themselves on the roof of a building where the attacker reveals robotic tentacles despite being struck in the back midair Logan uses his Ninjutsu skills to create extra arms and grabs hold of the tentacles hurling the attacker around however the attacker has more tricks of his sleeve launching missiles at Logan nevertheless Logan skillfully evaded every attack while airborne and capitalized on the opportunity to swiftly impale the Assassin's head he then dragged the lifeless body to the rooftops Edge before removing the camera from it the bald little men observed the entire sequence of events prompting Logan to assertively convey his intention to pursue him next as the bald little men finished his meal Logan prepared to depart while paramedics attended to Mike and Emma however just as he was about to leave his throwaway phone rang and upon hearing the voice on the other end Logan appeared to recognize it the voice informs him that he has taken the liberty of encrypting the call ensuring that there is no need to worry about being traced curious lovan inquires about the identity of the voice but it seems that getting an answer won't be so simple The Voice then discloses that he's aware of Logan's destination a a city and warns him about his formidable multi-layered security system it would be nearly impossible for Logan to infiltrate the city alone hence the voice offers his assistance in Logan's infiltration Logan being cautious hesitates to trust a voice he has only encountered over the phone however the voice reveals that he has also an exiled ninja facing a similar predicament as Logan therefore is in their mutual interest to cooperate The Voice proposes sending a location for a future meeting leaving the decision of trust in Logan's hands Mike awakens in a hospital room following the car accident and unfolds a note he had received from his daughter some time ago several years ago he found himself on an undercover Mission alongside a fellow agent when his wife began incessantly calling him although he could have easily answered he believed his duty to precedence instructed his partner to remain focused on the investigation despite the uncertainty surrounding the eyewitness report the day came to an end and unfortunately he had no luck in finding anything as he returned to the office he finally made the decision to answer his wife's call Little did he know what he was about to hear would change his life forever tragically his daughter had been involved in a car accident caused by a random guy who was asleep at the wheel the reports were devastating his wife was inconsolable and understandably upset with him for not answering his phone during such a serious situation that day he lost both his daughter and his wife leaving him with only the comfort of a drawing his daughter had made for him while she was still alive lost in his thoughts loen suddenly appeared around the corner interrupting him Mike could never get used to how ninjas seemed to appear out of nowhere but he knew Lin had something important to share they decided to call in Emma as Logan mentioned a guy who claimed he could offer some help with the OA Mission Mike wasn't entirely convinced that this guy was another ninja like Logan but he did possess information that only the ninjas from the old organization knew it had been a secret since they arrived in this country Emma's findings indicate that the man is well informed about oza's security system which is extremely robust it would be nearly impossible to bypass it undetected so if it does end up being a trap he may have no choice but to eliminate all threats Mike is not not happy about Len's disturbing admission but he decides to set that aside for now the main focus is figuring out how they can enter oza City Mike knows that oza is keeping an eye on him based on his last conversation with his boss Emma suggests that they should give up as it might be the sacst option she had previously mentioned that infiltrating O's headquarters would be the best way to uncover their secrets but she never claimed it would be possible Mike pleads with her to reconsider but Emma is not a magician just a techsavvy girl unfortunately she can't do anything about it however they still have some options left Emma has discovered a group of dark web users who have been monitoring Oz's activities according to their findings oza is planning to dominate The World by creating weapons of mass destruction at first Mike dismisses it as mere conspiracy theories but he realizes that it's better to be safe than sorry Emma finds the admin of the dark web group who claims to be one of oza's former researchers however he's quite far away so it will take some time to reach him Mike reassures that the distance won't be an issue and insists on going alone he appreciates Emma's help but doesn't want her risking her life Mike having lost everything he cared for feels he has nothing left to lose Emma is determined to not give up especially when they are so close to obtaining information on oza if she plays her cards right she might even be able to swipe some of their Cutting Edge data and make a fortune on the black market with everyone on board they decide to stick together Logan stands up to leave but not before Mike jokingly asks if he ever revealed his ninja identity to his wife loan Chuckles explaining that his wife was a ninja too breaking the tradition of emotional distance among ninjas this Revelation makes Mike rethink his priorities realizing that even his skilled ninjja leg Logan values family over work the head of oza is now determined to take down Logan recognizing him as a formidable Fighter the little head teases him for obsessing over Logan but he doesn't care about the teasing as long as he obtains The crucial data he desires actually he would even go as far as having his assistant provide him with any necessary assistance no matter what it takes putting Jokes Aside O's director inquires about the plan for Logan's arrival but he is assured that oza city is completely impenetrable so there's no need to worry he dislikes it when people use the phrase 100% secure because it practically invites someone to break through however before continuing he checks with Big D if he's paying attention to the meeting Big D is definitely listening but he has more important matters to attend to like ensuring his hairstyle stays fresh If Logan ruins his new fade he'll personally make sure Logan regrets it the little guy tries to crack a joke about Big D's large banana but Yami is tired of his nonsense and uses a forceful gesture to silence him yamagi emphasizes that everyone knows how dangerous Logan is at this point so the plan remains unchanged they need to understand Logan's technique in order to defeat him and for now they can leave Mike alone since he isn't much of a threat they shouldn't complicate things more than necessary the head of oza's dislike for being order around is wellknown that he surprisingly agrees with everything yamama just said with that the meeting comes to an end on the way back oza turns to his assistant Dilly and curiously asks her how far she thinks Logan will be able to venture into the city before meeting his demise it's not that oza feels threatened by Logan but rather he is genuinely excited to witness a ninja in full action he hopes to gather valuable data from this encounter in the meantime the reaper informs Yami that he is ready to pursue Logan immediately if instructed however Yami advises him to wait as he intends to send the others first to compel Logan to disclose his technique the organization views their deaths as insignificant and it's just a matter of time before they achieve their ultimate objectives meanwhile his operatives have successfully infiltrated a building eliminating all guards and securing top secret government documents before disappearing Into the Night a flashback reveals the night Logan was recognized by the ninja organization and bestowed with his Ninja Name symbolizing their exceptional ninja skills and strength from that point on they were known as Logan Z and Mary but there was more to come during their ceremony special techniques that were to remain confidential even among themselves after the ceremony concluded they all gathered for the evening Mary appeared genuinely happy to have a name but Z struggled to adjust to this new reality having a name meant they were no longer disposable ninjas who vanish upon death now they could always remember each other and the strong bond they had formed to Mark the occasion the three of them shared a drink and laugh together even though Lovin accidentally choked on his some time passed and they were assigned a mission where they had to infiltrate the house of an important person after several random security guards had been killed the man attempted to shoot them but we all know that guns are practically useless against them in the end he was stabbed through the head as they entered the bedroom at that moment Mary nois something in the closet and went to investigate only to find the man's wife and child hiding there Mary was faced with a difficult decision the usual procedure dictated that any Witnesses should be eliminated immediately however Mary found herself questioning whether she could bring herself to harm an innocent child in that moment of hesitation the woman woman took advantage and fired a bear of bullets at Mary despike her injuries Mary fought back resorting to stabbing the woman in the neck liven arrived to check on her just as additional security guards started firing their Direction in a swift move he threw a smoke grenade and leaped out of the window carrying her with him later he emerged from the water with Mary who had been unconscious for quite some time Lan immediately performed CPR until she regained Consciousness seeking refuge in a nearby cave Mary insisted that he'd leave her behind for the sake of the mission however Logan adamantly refused unwilling to abandon her overwhelmed by the shame of failing her Mission Mary contemplated ending her own life with a gun thankfully Logan noticed just in time and managed to intercept the blade mere inches away from her neck despite the ninja CO's warning against emotional attachments Mary reminded him of their Duty nevertheless Logan had already made up his mind to break that code from the very day they met after sharing a kiss zy discovers them cuddled up in a corner of the cave this marked the beginning of their troubles with the organization fast forward to the present Mike is attempting to reach Logan as he heads to meet the source they discover on the dark web simultaneously his boss calls expressing dissatisfaction with Mike's recent activities despite this Mike is given the freedom to pursue his own interests since he currently has no assigned cases however Emma's situation is different as she still needs to report to her direct boss this means she can no longer accompany him which is understandable since Mike didn't want to involve her in the first place but before they part ways she kindly asks if he happens to be hungry meanwhile Logan receives a message from the mysterious exiled ninja who expresses his satisfaction with Logan's decision to accept his help initially he wants Logan to fully comprehend how the OA security system operates it relies solely on their internally developed technology and proactively checks if approaching vehicles have the necessary permission to enter if any unauthorized guests are detected through the saan the drones will swiftly engage in defensive action furthermore there is an electromagnetic barrier covering the airspace of the city allowing only rain to pass through this means Logan will need to enter through the underground facility used to manage all the sensors built throughout the city the area is heavily guarded with security cameras laser traps and armed mercenaries patrolling the sections to ensure a smooth operation it is crucial to avoid any combat at all costs if he successfully passes them he will eventually reach the city's barrier The Voice will then work his magic and deactivate it for 5 seconds allowing him to enter during dinner Emma and Mike enjoy a meal together Emma expresses her gratitude to Mike for teaching her a lot even though she may not be the best Mentor she wants him to take care of his health while they are temporarily working apart meanwhile Lovin reaches the outskirts of oza city and is told that the voice is hacked into the internal security cameras they estimate they have about 8 minutes before being detected Logan starts moving through the underground facility following instructions to avoid the hired mercenaries he encounters a laser security system and skillfully performs precise gymnastics to avoid setting off any alarms however a droplet of of sweat escapes from his forehead accidentally activating the laser and completely sabotaging the entire plan now they are fully aware of his presence and swiftly dispatch soldiers to apprehend him Logan efficiently handles the soldiers and keeps running until he reaches the barrier just as the barrier is about to be dismantled Z unexpectedly appears before him and the two lock eyes in a tense standoff that's where this video ends you got 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Channel: Recap Play
Views: 22,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ninja kamui, ninja kamui trailer, ninja kamui episode 2, ninja kamui reaction, ninja kamui fight scene, ninja kamui episode 3, ninja kamui full episode, ninja kamui anime, ninja kamui ep 3, ninja kamui recap, anime recap, anime recaps, aniplot, anicap, recap play, anime, recap
Id: H8aHwLBY5L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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