[ASMR] Tracing & Drawing Chinese Acupoint Meridians on Skin (Back, Arms, Legs, Hands Real Person)

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and relax and just fall into my hands okay uh all right thank you so much for joining me today today we're going to be doing some extra points from the acupuncture meridians essentially i was supposed to learn these points last year for school but because the pandemic everything got pushed a little later and i'm learning them now and it's great to have a real life person to learn them on i'm going to be having the practicals in march and i'm setting them ahead of time they're also very therapeutic and relaxing points so i think it'll be a nice little acupressure massage for you too so the first point we're going to start with is yin tang which is right in the middle of the two eyebrows where they meet and this is a great point for headaches especially frontal headaches it really helps to calm the mind [Music] benefits the nose and relieves any pain or tension in this area okay it can be used for insomnia anxiety as well as hypertension when it comes to sort of stress induced hypertension it can also be used for rhinorrhea nasal discharge and sinusitis it's a very good point that encompasses many different actions okay the next point is called which is the fish waist and it is right at the center of each of the eyebrows at this point you might recognize as being part of the jumbo jeans hall eye exercises along with a few other points in and the extra points actually that we will touch on as we go and so understandably it's used for eye strain really benefits the eyes it also subdues liver young and relieves any pain another interesting thing it can do is reducing eye twitching so if you find that your eye kind of twitches you can use this point to sort of allow the muscles to stop spasming as much okay the next we have taeyang which i've used many times this point is in the depression found one swin posterior to the midpoint of the line drawn between the lateral end of the eyebrow and the outer canthus so if you bring these two together and then go one swing posterior right here this point is great for headaches especially headaches of the temple good for migraines dizziness poor vision overall it benefits the eyes reduces swelling and relieves pain okay the next point is chilho which is on the inferior orbital border so right here and the meeting of the lateral quarter with the medial three quarters of that border so it's actually right here and in the instructions when you acupuncture this point you actually want to push the eyeball slightly medially in order to acupuncture right under there so i'm just going to locate this point without doing any acupressure on it next point is which you'll find the nasolabial groove right the superior a little border there and this point really helps to open up the nose it benefits the paranasal sinuses and relieves any pain in this area so it can also be used for rhinitis allergic rhinitis even epistoxes which is nosebleeds traditionally that wasn't an indication and hopefully you can breathe a little bit easier now next we have which is grasping contain fluid it is once when lateral to cv24 cv24 is part of the conception vessel and it's right here on the midline so jatranzyang is actually once when lateral and again i'm just going to use my thumb for a very rough measurement and when we're measuring to once when we're measuring at this inter phalangeal joint here on my thumb and me and my sister we we have around the same width of the thumb but you also want to palpate for the depression which is right here you can kind of feel like you're just coming off a little piece of bone and then right here this point helps to benefit the face and release pain removes obstructions it can also be used for toothaches and swelling of the gums okay the next point is um i hope i'm pronouncing that right but it means for mind hearing and first you're going to find governing vessel 20. so in order to do so i'm just going to divide her hair right in the midline sorry place this right here in order to find these four points i'm going to divide the hair right down the center and then we're going to find governing vessel 20 which you're going to use the abysses of the ear and go up right here and then you're going to use the thumb measurement again once an anterior once in posterior once one to either side so i can feel that depression there now i'm gonna feel on this side okay okay we'll start with these two points just kind of applying some acupressure this point also subdues interior wind calms the mind benefits the eyes benefits the ears subdue sliver young so you can see that the indi the actions are very similar to governing vessel 20 which makes sense they're all kind of in the same area they can also be used for headache dizziness insomnia especially if the insomnia is caused by anxiety okay and then we're going to find those two points on the side which is also part of the position tone okay and the next point is archen and that just means the tip of the ear and i don't i can't really apply acupressure here this is more like an acupuncture point or maybe using a little thumbtack um ear attack sorry but this point will help to clear heat subdue for young and relieve any pain in this area next point is called yi mean it means brilliant clouds it's once from posterior to triple warmer 17 triple warmer 17 i believe is like right under the lowest point of the lobe here and so if you're just going once and behind that it'll be around here on the mastery process let me just make sure i can find that little divot it's directly posterior this point benefits the eyes benefits the ears and interestingly also nourishes heart yen you know the heart yen is really important for sleep actually one of the causes of insomnia is heart iron deficiency heart yin is also important for just the overall well functioning of the mind and so if you have heart yen deficiency you'll experience fatigue as in all deficiencies but also insomnia anxiety palpitations that kind of thing and then we have another point i'm just going to turn your head slightly like this we have another point um called admin and this point is at the midpoint of the line joining triple warmer 17 and gallbladder 20. you know that gallbladder 20 is back here let me just find it right here so it'll be halfway between those two points is kind of like safe good kind of meaning and then mian means sleep so animean means a good night's sleep i'll just here and find that gallbladder 20 again just back here here and find the midpoint it feels like it's right behind the sternocleidomastoid and like in the line okay so that's it for the points of the face and skull next we're going to move down to the shoulders and keep moving down onto the lower part of the body so next we have the point dna gene which means shoulder front or chin [Music] chin chin means shoulder front chin i think means the same thing but this is at the midpoint of the line joining the end of the anterior auxiliary fold which is right here and large intestine 15. large intestine 15 you'll find i believe it's right here right in this depression um and you'll find that at the midpoint is it sore at all here yeah okay this is actually used for shoulder pain and stiffness and helps to relieve pain in this area now we're going to move on to the arm i'm just going to pull out your arm here all right the next point is called r by two whites on the anterior aspect of the forearm fourteen proximal to the transverse wrist crease so it's going to be 12 swine between the transverse elbow crease the transverse cubital crease and the transverse wrist crease so if we're going to do forts when proximal then we're going to have to divide this into three like that and it'll be right here it's on both sides of the flexor carpi radialis tendon now the radialis tendon is going to come all the way over to the thumb area it's on the radial side so it's going to be on either side of this tendon right here so it's actually on the the e of your let go tattoo so i'll just mark that here and here well not exactly on the e but close to it this helps to lift sinking chi it raises young and also treats hemorrhoids interesting then we're going to move on to the hand the next point is while they're actually four points hence why four cracks this is on the palmer surface of the hand at the transverse creases the proximal interphalangeal joints so the proximal interphalangeal joints are these ones so interesting you're actually going to acupuncture here oh prick just causes bleeding so it's not going to be you're not going to puncture all the way and you're just going to prick it a little bit and these are used to expel wind harmonize the spleen and resolve dampness traditionally it's indicated for malnutrition and indigestion syndrome in children as well as whooping cough yeah i never would have thought that i'm just gonna mark that okay and then we have the [Music] these are on the tips of all ten fingers about point once one distal to the tip of the nail so it's very very close to the nail and they actually include pericardium 9 which makes sense pericardium 9 is over here at the top and these points are used to clear heat expel wind and promotes resuscitation and again we're just puncturing very very very um shallow only point one to point two and swine very superficial or just pricking to cause bleeding there we're going to turn the hand and we have the [Music] it means lumbar pain point and they are found on the dorsum of the hand midway between the transverse wrist crease which is here and the metacarpal phalangeal joints which are here the knuckles essentially between the second and third and the fourth and fifth so we're going to follow that and it's going to be midway so they're actually right here and this is used for acute lumbar sprain it benefits the lower back and relieves pain so let me just mark that right here and right here and when you're puncturing these you want to make sure that you're looking for the vasculature and that you're missing that you're not puncturing into any of the veins so you can actually move the vein slightly and then puncture and interestingly it says here that it is recommended that the patient moves the lower back while the points are being stimulated that's very interesting next we have logia which means crick of the neck this is on the dorsum of the hand between the second and third metacarpal so it's here um about point five it's in proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joint so again here's the metacarpophalangeal joint and we're going to be going just point five swings so half of the width of the thumb right over here and this is used to benefit the neck relieve pain and expel exterior wind i'm just going to mark that right there and the next point is so eight pathogenic factors it's on the dorsum of the hand when a loose fist is made so can you just make a loose fist good just proximal to the webs of the fingers at the junction of the red and white skin now red and white skin it just means i mean depends on what your color the color of your skin is but um it's going to be where the color changes essentially so ah okay so it's in three places that's my first time looking these points and they're proximal to the webs the fingers at the junctions frogs okay okay so it'll be right here here and here these points clear heat expel damp and wind moves blood relieves swelling and releases exterior so these points can actually be used a lot for arthritic hands arthritis of the hands um redness and swelling of the dorsum of the hand that kind of thing oh there's also one over here did not know that so another one right here at the web at the junction of the red and white skin okay and then we're going to flip you over so we can work on the back points okay next we have what was pair of vertebrals that's what it's called let me make sure i have a little pencil running out of this pencil here so these points are 0.5 swim lateral to the lower border of the spinous processes of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae okay so i'm just going to do the thoracic ones and if it's 0.5 to and lateral to the lower borne border sorry we're starting at c7 actually no t1 interesting what about the neutral okay and by leo is toots one so we're doing those later so for you i know that c7 is the most prominent one yeah this is c7 and then t1 is this one here right below it so if we're going to the lower border and going 0.5 turn lateral we're doing half of half of the thumb so around here we're kind of on those para spinals kind of right next to the spinous processes sorry the lower border of the spine is the vert vertebra and they're just going to be on either side yep i'm just sticking to that lower border now the thoracic vertebrae are actually getting larger um so you're going to find that they're a little bit more spaced out at least for you it's a little more space down okay and now it gets a little harder right there and then here and here okay and then here all right so we have c7 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 and t10 and we're just going to keep going all the way down um to l5 and that those would be the white pull jali and there's a group of 34 points on either side these are used to regulate the internal the corresponding internal organs so i'm assuming over here would be more so um the lungs and then we get to kind of the heart region and then getting more so into kind of liver and spleen area and then as you go lower more kidneys and stomach pancreas yeah so these can be really helpful for that also benefits the back benefits the spine it relieves pain in this area okay then we also have ishu and hui guanxa these ones are lateral 1.5 ton lateral to the posterior midline at the lower border of the eighth thoracic spinous process so we said this one was the tenth so nine and eight and usually t7 kind of corresponds roughly with the lower border of the scapula but in this case that's actually let me just count that one again so we have c7 t1 t2 t3 t4 and that's t4 is kind of c7 t1 t2 g3 t4 yeah t4 is the large one on you g5 d6 t7 t8 t8 right here so the lower border follow the medial border of the scapula this is three twin so we're actually going to go halfway so it'll be on either side here right here and these points are ishu and orweguan sashu it means the pancreas hollow these are good for moving blood clearing heat and nourishing yen so let me just mark that 9 10 yeah yes it'll be here and that's that [Applause] next point is by law which means 100 taxations that doesn't sound fun so this one is two twin superior and once when lateral to the lower border of the seventh cervical spinous process so we found it earlier it's this big protruding one on you and it's tutson superior once unlateral okay 210 oops so i'm actually going to use um this is one soon i believe two twenties this and three two is that lower border okay that makes sense so here and once and lateral so that's the midline we're just gonna go a little bit lateral here okay so right there work that it's kind of where this line is that's maybe a bit too far apart because i don't want it to be yeah that's too far let me just more okay all right let's try that one again c7 lower border two turn here spinous process kind of midline area and then once on either side so right here and right here okay there we go i'm a lot happier with that and that is by by law by law that makes more sense and these points descend linchi um relieve coughing resolves and dissipates masses the next point is i don't know how to pronounce that one i'm sorry i have to look up the characters because just using the pinging i don't know like which way i should pronounce it but the translation is stopping asthma and of course you'd never use acupuncture to stop asthma of course you want to make sure that you're getting seeking medical attention getting salbutamol and anything else that you you need um but anyway we need to learn this point and it's more so for pain relieving coughing and expelling exterior wind we're going to find that it's 0.5 twin lateral to the lower border of c7 so right here there we go so that is thing all right the next point is called yaoyan which means lumbar i this point is 3.5 twin lateral to the posterior midline which you know is the spine at the lower border of the spinous process of the fourth lumbar vertebrae all right so i know i actually have to find the fourth lumbar vertebrae if you find the psis on either side sorry not psis the um iliac crest on either side and then you move posterior then you'll find l4 l5 so here we have to find l4 correct yes lower border spinous process of l4 which is where my hand is right now right between the two and this point is found in the depression appearing in the prone position so three and a half two that means we're following the scapula and then just going out a little bit and then you'll find these little depressions right here and it's actually on the ilium right here so kind of like little dimples in your lower back that's where that is these points benefit the lower back relieve pain and also benefit the bladder next we have shitsy traceable which means 17th vertebral point this is inferior to the spinous process of the fifth lumbar vertebrae so we just found l4 l5 right here and so inferior to the spinous process of the fifth lumbar vertebrae is down here there and this is a great point for benefiting the lower back benefiting urination relieving pain but also regulating menses so it can be used for irregular menses as well as dysmenorrhea so menstrual pain so that's that should see 17th vertebral point okay so that's it for the back points and we're going to turn you around and move on to the leg area all right now we're moving on to the leg points first we have by actually means one hundred insects burrow by troll three twin proximal to the medial superior border so medial superior border so around here of the patella on the belly of the fastest medialis muscle so this is kind of the vastus medialis and we're going to go three twin proximal so this is the medial superior border and then we go three turn three two and superior it'll be right here roughly um i would actually to be more precise i would use the full measurement of the leg um but at this point i'm just going to make it usually i would do here to here 16 and then go but yeah this would suffice for now and then we have um hooding which means crane summit and this is in the depression on the midpoint of the superior patella border so here's the little patella and we're going right above it right here you know the first time i like knew that we could actually move this patella i was like wow because it's literally just one small bone on top of the joint with some ligaments attached to it and then the tendon of the quadriceps the quadriceps tendon goes all the way down here and then attaches down there so it's quite interesting anyway it would be right here hoodie and this point mousse chi relieves pain it's used for knee pain knee stiffness weakness the foot and leg let's keep moving okay we're almost done the next points are cn these are the eyes of the knee and they're just the medial and lateral eyes so you can actually see them right here it's a little depression right here on either side and here these points are often used for um knee pain especially pain in the anterior portion and then down here as well um yeah so we can expel wind dampness relieve swelling relieve pain and dissipate cold and next we have laundry language is the appendix and lao issues appendix point so this is a tender spot approximately two twin inferior to stomach 36 to an inferior to stomach 36 okay stomach 36 is i actually forget where stomach 36 is stomachs 36 to 70 is three twin distal to stomach 35 okay and this gn is actually the same as stomach 35 and from here to the um this lateral malleolus it's 16. we're going to need to find three twin lower so let's go halfway which is eight and then another half which is four and then about two-thirds wait no four no we divide it into half and then another half does that make sense two three yes so this is stomach 36 i'm just going to mark that really quickly and then lauistra is tutsu and inferior to that so if that's three one more time eight four so it's going to be one swing lower than that so around here and it should be quite tender is that tender here okay there we go so that is mauricio and it's used to relieve abdominal pain clear heat as well as resolving damp heat next we have the gallbladder point den and this point is one digit twin inferior to gallbladder 34 gallbladder 34. i just marked this again we're actually going to find the fibula the the bone the fibula okay right here and it's going to be right here in this depression just below the head of the fibula let me make sure i'm getting that right yes right here and we're going to go approximately one to two soon and we're going to find another tender spot okay let me find this if it's only one to two's when i don't need to go very far is this tender yeah okay right here this is and finally we're moving on to the feet and that's it now we have the point eight winds and they are in between these um these webs in between the toes and the webs and again i believe yes they're at the intersection of the red and white skin so where the skin color changes so it's going to be right here kind of like pastier on the finger and the hands this time we're doing baffle and these points are used for toe pain redness and swelling of the dorsum of the foot irregular menses arthritis and headache um yeah so you can kind of just press on them like this and if you puncture them you would go in obliquely about 0.5 to 1.0 inches and that is it thank you so much for helping me today and i hope you have a good day
Channel: Semide ASMR
Views: 538,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr drawing on real person, real person asmr, real person drawing on skin asmr, asmr drawing on skin, asmr chinese acupoint, asmr real person drawing on back, asmr real person drawing on arms, asmr real person drawing on hands, asmr real person tracing, asmr tracing real person, asmr back tracing real person, asmr real person tracing hands, asmr real person tracing arms, asmr chinese acupoint meridians, asmr chinese meridians, asmr meridians, asmr drawing on hand, semide asmr
Id: 3ggk4Oq6KAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 57sec (2997 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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