ASMR The Last of Us - Healing You - Post Apocalypse Roleplay

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foreign hey you're awake how are you feeling whoa whoa whoa whoa don't try getting up okay you fell and you hit your head pretty hard yeah and I don't know if you've noticed yet but kind of have a gash in your leg and potentially a twisted ankle yeah please please sit down don't move relax it's okay okay we're in a safe spot there's no zombies around we're okay feeling do you here have some water better good good good good good so you don't have a lot of fresh water so let's try to ration this half of that left to go find some I'll have to go find some in a little bit okay so do you remember what happened that's okay so basically we were being chased by Runners and there must have been a hill in front of you or something because you fell down the hill and on the way down you must have hurt your leg and hit your head and thank God I was able to grab you and get to this abandoned house still kind of creepy but we're safe and that's all that matters huh so while you were sleeping I went on a little Supply run where I got some stuff to uh help fix you up so I'm gonna put this on your leg because your ankles looking kind of swollen yeah I ended up finding this in the back of an old abandoned drugstore so Shea content squeeze okay that's already feeling nice and cold so I'm just gonna apply it to your ankle just make sure that stays on there okay oh my gosh and then you have a gash in your leg that I wasn't able to cover before I left hopefully it's not infected oh foreign we need to take your temperature make sure you don't have an infection or a fever or something okay perfect temperature you are good I thought I heard something okay okay okay pretty bad gas so I'm like maybe we should use this instead of this I don't know I'm not a freaking Doctor say that's back at the federal camp so let me wipe off any dirt that's on your leg because you are pretty dirty foreign thing okay I wiped the dirt off from around the area and I'm going to Spritz some disinfectant spray because we don't want it to get infected so just relax yeah I think we'll need to use this because that gash is pretty big thank you foreign I know that probably hurts okay so that's wrapped up let me just put some tape on there so it doesn't come apart okay so just try not to walk on that for a couple days I think that's the longest we can spend here is probably a couple days before we really have to get going you remember where we're going right you didn't hit your head that hard yeah yeah the fireflies yeah okay you know yeah I gotta get fireplop eyes hopefully we'll hopefully we'll be there within a week or two feels like we've been on the road forever when in reality it's been like what two three weeks two and a half do I miss home no that's not even my home the badger Camp no ever since fedra did what they did I'm never going back there ever since I lost Cassie but you know our main focus is just to get to the Firefly camp that's all I can focus on so if I don't focus on that I'ma focus on Cassie so I gotta Focus on getting to the Firefly camp both of us I know fedger took your mom and I know nothing can replace that but hopefully we'll meet some new people that we love and care for at the camp people that understand us and don't want to just outright or move anyone that doesn't listen to their rules like fetcher does okay anyways oh are you hungry you're probably really hungry so we don't have a lot we're gonna have to ration because who knows if there will be stuff on the way I'm going to leave in a couple days so we have just some crackers [Applause] here so you'll have one cracker now I'll have one and then we'll have one each later and then even tomorrow morning we can have two in the morning and then one each again for lunch maybe dinner too depending how we're feeling and then that'll be enough for today and tomorrow next day same thing and then hopefully we'll find some actual food okay I thought I heard something yeah you are out for a few hours in those few hours yeah I went over to an old drugstore that was in like a shopping center say there's a bunch of tents around and must have there must have been like some kind of festival happening I don't know when everything happens all overgrown and abandon of course um That's my boy in this Festival I found something are you ready Dr Seuss's oh baby the Places You'll Go now I know you like poetry but I know this isn't poetry poetry but in a way it is oh come on wow it's been through it you want me to read it to you since you're stuck in bed and we have some time to kill until we go to sleep and then wake up and do the same thing over again baby oh baby the Places You'll Go the worlds you'll visit the friends you'll know the horn tooting Apes from the jungles of Jordan well who a big two on the day you were born they really used to read this to kids follow bird flying high from far off and catroup we'll sing on the wing happy birthday to you then the onceler will call on his whisper my phone with the secret he's saving for your ears alone foreign must have gotten hungry you will find from your very first moment in space you're surrounded by new friends all over the place there's Daisy head Maisie there's Daisy head Maisie and Cindy Lou Who hunches and bunches curious crandalls the brothers bazoo the Starbelly Sneetches the lump of gum too Bartholomew cubbins Marco and Max and also the North in the South going Zacks this is weird it's weird there's tidwick who lives with his friends in a bunch at a lake where there's lots of sweet moose Moss to munch very tall cat in a red and white hat who loves to do tricks in West jihasa Flat a boy with this yo-yo the youngest mccave and his 22 brothers who were all Named Dave do you know what Dave I don't think I know a Dave and a worm who can see all the way to Japan which is quite a bit farther than anyone can really in Horton who lives in the jungle of Noah and every 15th of May in the cool of the pool we'll show you the dust back the houses the whose those Brave Little Folks we would not want to lose he saved their whole town he knows after all a person's a person know no matter how small they're zombie soon you will meet a young man Sam I Am and get your first taste of his green eggs and ham speaking of eggs try some scrambled eggs super special Deluxe a lapito tea Hooper you are invited to have some roast beef every Christmas in Whoville it's really a feast you will visit great places no speller you can spell like the country of modified pot of papel I should shoot this book or you'll ride on a physical wizard model you'd be better to do it because no one else will take a quick trip out to Solemn musk sand where yet all the turtle was King of the pond Euro the turtle was King in the pond till a turtle named Mac did a plain little thing he burped and he toppled the Throne of a king foreign you will sit by the edge of a milk Elliot's pool where the fish just like you spend their days in a school and you'll find that it's fun when you hop on your pop don't be surprised when he asks you to stop on Beyond zebra you'll find a new letter like Yaki yes or warm that'll make your life better and you'll have a story that no one can be when you say that you saw a Mulberry Street but whatever you do things always won't go right you might meet the Grinch in the dark of the night his heart is too small and his shoes are too tight he's not very friendly and rarely polite you may run into trouble as folks often do when you're trying to travel to Sala Salu like that world famous Zanzibar buck buck mafate who got caught in the traffic on State Highway 8. while you're growing we're all busy counting the days till we meet you excitement is mounting we've saved USC at the first matinee at the circus McGregor's there are four every day where great Daredevil Snee lock the world's bravest type will be pulled through the air by three sabrian snipe on a dingus Contraption attached to his pipe here are two tickets for you and a guest to The New Zoo McGrew soon it's really the best it's there you will see the great Russian paluski this Sue it's true has not one skiba tuski their head skis are red ski their bellies are blue ski I try not to miss them if I were you skiing you'll find that this world's a great place to begin and it could use some help which is where you came in common so now as my voice purples purples in your ear with a bump bumpy sound that is not very clear the words I am saying you hear in your heart and know that I wish you the best very best art it's a scrumptious world and it's ready to greet you and as for myself well I can't wait to meet you wait is this for a baby this is for a baby you're not a baby it's the only book they had okay the only book that wasn't rotting away and in pieces so Beggars can't be choosers right I'm trying to find foreign my compass I figure I can get an idea of the directions of this house so okay looks like what the heck is this like broken does it look broken to you here which look okay so North must be that way and South is that way and then east west yes it's buggy I might need to get a new compass okay there I think I got it yeah that was right should be right so now we just wait out the night wanting more water just a little bit gotta rash in this too there was no water where I went looting at least no fresh water we'll figure it out though we always do how's your ankle doing I just just don't walk on it too much in your head how's your head doing understandable yeah you do have some like Cuts around your face a little bit of bruises let me just spray some of that and disinfectant on it maybe we'll put some Band-Aids on it too because they're just little cuts my main concern was your leg for sure of course I can't find anything okay so just close your eyes I'm just going to let me wipe off any of this dirt real quick okay I'm just going to spray this disinfectant I'm just gonna put this Band-Aid on this bigger cut right here foreign this one on another little cut over here just to keep it covered so it doesn't get all nasty okay it doesn't really look like I mean you have a few little scrapes on your arms but I don't think those need to be covered or anything it could just be cleaned off a little bit foreign okay and now I think it's just time for us to rest foreign I think it's gone it's okay a contract to come back or something something well maybe we should go to bed now that I I had to blow out the light yeah I'm pretty tired too you need some rest so so I'll stay up for a few hours but you try to get some sleep okay foreign
Channel: ASMR Darling
Views: 169,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: taylor darling, asmr darling, tingles, tingly, whisper, sleep, relax, whispering, relaxing, sleepy, triggers, asmr, asmr sleep, roleplay, tlou, the last of us, asmr tlou, asmr apocalypse, apocalypse roleplay, healing you, medical asmr, fixing you, zombies, infected, joel, ellie, tess, hbo, dark, mysterious, creepy
Id: 3J2En010zP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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