ASMR Doctor | Physical Exam with Ear Check

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hi I'm Dr V it's very nice to meet you this is your first time in our clinic right okay perfect let me just pull up your chart here okay there we go okay and can you confirm your date of birth for me excellent thank you now you're here for your well visit today but the nurse did say you haven't been feeling very well recently okay yeah it's definitely that time of year so you're thinking seasonal allergies okay and is that something that you have every year okay worse this year gotcha okay I'm going to ask you some more questions about your symptoms in just a couple minutes just want to start by getting your vitals okay just take your temperature first okay this is just going to go under your tongue the oldfashioned way and we'll just keep that there for a moment get your temperature you don't feel like you've been running a fever do you okay good all right okay perfect we have 98.6 so no fever 98.6 okay and just going to listen to your heart and lungs let's get in here okay you can just breathe normally I'll listen to your heart for a minute okay now I do hear a very slight click sound is that something doctors in the past have told you oh no it's not a sign of anything harmful it's just with some people sometimes you can hear the valve opening and closing but it's perfectly normal okay just take a deep breath in now for me deep breath in and exhale okay and another deep breath in and exhale lungs sound good so far I'm just going to come around back here another deep breath in and exhale and last one deep breath in and exhale okay heart and lungs sound perfectly healthy just going to show you an eye chart now let's just take a look here can you tell me what this letter is okay good and this letter this letter about this line t o c this line these first three letters on the last line and the last two letters on the last line good okay and what color and shape is this and what color and shape is this okay eyes seem totally fine just open this up here okay now I'll just get your pulse go ahead and get your wrist here okay you can just breathe normally and I'm going to count out your pulse three four five six 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 6 27 28 29 30 okay all right so right now you're at about 90 beats per minute it's a little high for a resting heart rate is that typical for you okay gotcha do you generally wear an Apple Watch or a Fitbit or something that tells you you're resting her right okay and what is it usually yeah that makes more sense 65 beats per minute it's a little off always when you're at the doctor's cuz people are nervous you've just been moving around stuff like that can make it higher so I always like to ask thank you now want to know a little bit more about the symptoms you've been experiencing so I'm just going to sort of go feature by feat feature you can tell me what's been going on so first off your eyes what issues have you been having with your eyes itchy watery any blurriness just when they're watering and any other issues with your vision okay that's good how about your ears any issues with your ears gotta okay swe ear wax more than usual any itchiness yeah any trouble hearing it all okay that's good at least okay your skin any issues with your skin itchy understood any rash and how about your nose yeah stuffy yeah congestion any trouble with sense of smell itchy and watery yeah okay any other symptoms headache okay so that definitely does sound like allergies um especially where you've had the same thing happen in the past just to a lesser degree just going to take a look at your eyes go ahead and look right at my nose okay I'm just going to check for consensual response in your eyes good keep looking at my nose good okay good okay now just keep your head totally still and follow the light okay very good good other side here all right one more time follow the light for me okay good job not seeing any issues there now I do want to take a look in your ears especially because you've been having some issues there so I'm going to start with your left ear just going to come in here and take a nice look okay I am seeing quite a bit of ear wax um little bit of redness not too bad but I definitely see the ear wax you were talking about it's itchy right now okay yeah we can get in there and clean some of that out for you I think that'll help a bit um go to the other side here yeah similar situation over here with your right ear seeing a buildup of ear wax a little bit of redness not anything serious but we can do a little bit of an ear wax removal for you today have you been doing that at home at all okay yeah what have you been using yeah I think we can we can get a little bit more out for you today you have to be really careful when doing it yourself because your eard drums are so delicate but I can take care of some of that for you so that should relieve some of the itching that you've been experiencing make it a little bit more comfortable just get it really close in here okay yeah I'll just come in with um a cotton swab and I'll be able to get most of that out and it doesn't look like it's pressed up against the eard drum too much so that shouldn't be a problem that should help with the itching too and then when we treat the allergies that should take care of this so you shouldn't see as much of it happening in the future okay so I'll just come in with a cotton swab and take care of some of that for you and that should help quite a bit so we'll just come in here and I'm just going to very gently remove some of that ear wax so I'll get really close if you don't mind I'm just getting it very very close we'll just sort of swap some of that out just remove as much of that as possible yeah definitely want to get that nice and clean for you be more comfortable okay does that feel okay okay let me get a fresh one over here I'll just work on this here for a second just getting really really close taking care of as much of that as I can get out okay and that doesn't hurt at all does it okay good yeah it sort of scratches the edch a little bit makes a little bit more comfortable another one here think I have a little bit of allergies myself okay just coming in there so you said you've had the allergies in the past as well um but it's been worse here and it's very possible that that is from um the local foliage we also have a lot of chicken farms in the area so that can cause allergies just the dander and stuff in the air but we have a few different ways of treating that for you have you been taking anything over the counter at all okay does that seem to help at all the ctech okay that's good um what I'd like to do today is give you an allergy shot and that should help quite a bit just that allergy shot and then um that to really take care of the allergies for a month and you get one every month and if you keep it up even during the off seon you shouldn't ever experience the symptoms again eventually you probably won't even need the shots anymore but for now we'll we'll start you on that okay excellent okay I'm going to test your reflexes just come down here to your knees okay good another one good okay good elbows good other side good all right now that I've given your ear here's just a little bit of a break I'm going to come in and look one more time all right that looks good we able to get most of that wax out does that feel quite a bit better okay yeah that looks a lot better um I can prescribe you an eardrop too just in case that happens again but it shouldn't um but I'll write you a prescription and you can fill it just in case that way you don't have to worry about it okay so what pharmacy do you use oh I like them okay yeah on Main [Music] Street I'll send your eardrop there um and we were going to do blood tests today did you fast okay perfect so we're doing a full blood panel with cholesteral and glucose have you had any abnormal blood results in the past slightly eye they didn't suggest medication or anything for it yeah okay um yeah if it's only slightly high for the most most part that can be managed with diet and exercise is that something you've been focused on at all okay lovely all right set that aside so what would you prefer to do first blood draw or the shot okay we'll do the blood draw get it out of the way all right just put some gloves on here I always have a hard time getting the gloves on I think cuz it's so warm in here there we go that's not so bad okay so I am going to use this this and we'll tie off your arm okay do you have a preference which arm okay do your right arm then are you're right-handed or left-handed okay I'm going to do your right arm because the allergy shock can be a little bit painful I'm going to do that in your left arm all right so we'll tie this on okay give that a second swap your arm here nervous a little bit about needles yeah I'm really good at finding the vein so don't you worry we'll get this over with very quickly I only need a couple files it'll be over before you know it do you want to lie back no are you sure okay yeah just don't look at it it'll be totally fine and we'll get it over with flame okay going to feel a little pinch here one two three okay can relax your hand if you can just take the Tet off okay you're doing a great job not feeling woozy at all okay good yeah you're almost done okay excellent I'm going to go ahead and remove that okay can you just hold that gauze there for a moment perfect put a Band-Aid on you okay you can just keep that on for the next 15 minutes make sure it clots properly then you can take it off okay you did a great job not feeling dizzy or anything do you need some water okay perfect all right now the last step is going to be the allergy shot so we'll just get you a fresh needle here and this is a really small needle so you have nothing to worry about not really going to feel it at all okay all right should be good that for a moment you just go ahead and swab your arm so you're not even going to really feel this it just makes your arm a little bit sore afterwards nothing as bad as a CO or tetanus shot though just a little bit of soreness okay so I'm going to feel a little pinch one two three and that's it quick and easy you did a great job do it a moment okay yeah I'll let you just relax make sure you don't want any water cookies or anything okay well I have um the eardrops going to your Pharmacy those should be ready to pick up whenever you're ready to get them we have the shot that you administered that should take effect in the next couple of days in the meantime you can continue taking the over-the-counter medicine um I can prescribe you hydroxy if you'd like but it can make you a bit drowsy okay so the zerch is doing just fine okay so stick with the zerk um but you should be able to start weaning off off of that because the shot is going to take effect very quickly okay now do you want to make your follow-up appointment for next year okay that's totally fine U what we can do is send you a reminder card about a month out and when you see where you are at that point you can call back and schedule the appointment I do recommend calling about a month out because sometimes it can take a little while to get the appointment okay any questions for me today okay well it was very nice meeting you and I think this should really take care of the issues you've been experiencing if anything else comes up you can give us a call and come back in anytime okay all right well I'm going to give you a minute just to really recover from that blood draw I know you can get kind of dizzy from them so take your time relax for a minute and when you're ready you can come out and check out at the front desk okay all right byebye
Channel: Veda ASMR
Views: 32,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr doctor, soft spoken, asmr physical, asmr ear exam, asmr ear cleaning, soft spoken roleplay, soft spoken asmr
Id: X7orJt64jRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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