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Hello, I'm Pumpkin Bell. Today, I'm going to introduce you to the Coraline pop-up book that I uploaded last time. It took a really long time to prepare, so it's a pity to just skip it. To show you in detail, I prepared this behind story video. Now, let's open the package. It's a book cover. I tried to make it similar to the title part in the movie. It was embroidered with one stitch by one stitch. I decorated it with lace around it. In the actual movie, the title part has black lace, but I couldn't find it, so I just gave it a feeling. Now, the first page. Although it is a pop-up book, it is actually made up of sheets one by one for the convenience of filming. This is the exterior of the Pink Palace apartment where Coraline has moved in. It was used in the first and last scenes of the book. The lighting was adjusted to film scenes on cloudy days and clear days. If you look at this side, you can see the part where the sign for the apartment is going up. And there is a car the Coraline family drove. Move like this. Grass and rocks were glued to the surroundings to make a sound. Next is the garden in front of the house. It's a scene where Coraline makes is a water vein wand. I pre-planted two stems to use as a water vein wand. And she opens the door and walks out. Next comes the little Coraline. It's cuter if you look closely. she's also holding a water vein wand. There are also paper rocks and grass that can make sounds. I connected the paper strip with the Coraline and made it move forward by pulling it from this side. Next is the secret well. She shakes the dirt and finds a well. Here's a branch she used as a lever. The well lid was made by attaching several ice cream sticks together. When you open the lid, you can see a well inside. When you open the lid, you can see a well inside. I drilled a hole in the bottom so the key could fall into the well. Next is the front door of the house. The scene where Coraline comes into her house and hears her mother nagging. Made a duster and a towel to make the sound. In this way, dust off the dirt with a duster. and wiped off the rain with a towel. Boots and raincoats were also made to be removed. When I edit this scene, it was cute because it looked like I was playing with a doll. Next is dad's studio.. When I open the door, I can see my dad working. I decorated the drawer handle with cubic. It's a notebook and a pencil that I gave to Coraline. It's a Miniature version. The real thing is here. Made the miniature version similar, right? There are still notes of her used when Coraline explores her house. Next is the window. I made it so that the window can be opened and closed. In the video, details were made so that the sound of rain is loud when the door or window is open and the sound of rain is reduced when the door or window is closed. Did you notice that part? Next is the bathroom. I attached a clip to the bathroom curtain to make it movable. The bathroom curtain was made of vinyl, but it was stiffer than I expected. When I opened the curtain, it came back to its original shape, and I attached a string to make it fixed. Insects were drawn on bubble wrap so that they could burst. After filming, I listened to the recorded sound, and the sound was too loud, so I changed it to a different sound. Next is the drawer she was looking for button keys. Open the drawer and there is a key. I was thinking about what to make of the key, and decided to attach a decoration to the clip. Isn't it shiny? Next up is the hidden door, which is the highlight scene. I attached the door with wallpaper and made a sheath so that the wallpaper could be ripped off with a clip. While filming, I was worried that the door wouldn't open with the clip, but I'm glad that the visual and sound I had in mind came out. The first time I open the door, there's a brick wall like this. I made this brick wall detachable, so it could be connected by a tunnel. This is the tunnel that leads to the button world. During the filming, the tunnel was attached to the back, and the lighting was moved to create a mysterious atmosphere. Next is the dinner scene with real parents. Pour the water out of the bottle, push the paper, and the water comes out of the cup. I also made spoons and forks. I made my dad's weird food with slime. This plate and cutlery were also used on the dining table in the world of buttons. Next is Coraline's bedroom. Coraline in pajamas appears. I'll change Coraline's clothes into pajamas. Shall we put she on the bed? I made it so that the stand can be turned on and off. There's a mouse hiding behind her bed. cute, right? Here is the kitchen of the button world. It's a button-eyed mother who came out scary in the movie. It should be scary, but I think it's made cuter than I thought. If you move this side, the fire will come on. There are seasonings that I don't know if it's salt or pepper. There are also ladles and spatulas used for cooking. There are also ladles and spatulas used for cooking. Here is the dining table in the button world. It is the most colorful and fantastically expressed scene in the movie. In the movie, drinks are served from the chandelier, It's hard to express, so I made this. By moving this side, you can choose the type of drink. Fill the cup with drinks. A train with food. I heard there's a restaurant that serves food by train. I really want to go there. It's chicken and pasta. It's a plate and cutlery brought from the front dinner scene. Next is a cake that really becomes a pop-up. The part where red letters appear on the cake in the movie was made like this after much consideration. There's a typo because I made another hole here. Candles and fire are here. When I made the fire, it was more difficult than I thought to attach it to the wire because fire was small. Next is the scene where you get a button as a gift. This also made it a real pop-up. After making it, it looked like a lion's face and was so cute. This is the last scene. It's a garden. It's a scene where Coraline is gardening with her real parents. There's a shovel and a watering can. I also made a separate flower here. In the movie, it was a red tulip, but I made it with yellow and orange tulips to make it look more bright. This is the end of the book introduction. Coraline has been preparing for a really long time. I think it took him about three months to write the script, make the book, and finish it on video. If I had only focused on Coraline, it would have been completed a little sooner, but I thought the upload would stop for too long if that happened, so It took me a long time to prepare other videos first and make them whenever I have time. I will make handmade books again next time, but I don't know when it will be published again. Thank you for watching today. Have a nice dream.
Channel: 펌킨벨 PumpkinBell ASMR
Views: 124,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr 토킹, asmr 한국어, asmr 속삭임
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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