ASMR | Professional Worry Removal & Spa Double Relaxation Treatment [1 Hour]

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why hello there love welcome in oh i'm just having a couple here just kidding this is a triple espresso welcome back i missed you so much it is so good to see you although if you're here well you're probably a little stressed out aren't you everything is going to be a okay i'm going to take care of you and i don't know if you know this but this is actually a double appointment that's right i called in the big guns sybil is in the house we're gonna double team you today i shouldn't say that hi it is very good to see you okay but i also know that you're probably feeling really stressed out right now it's a new year don't you think it's not your fault it's not your fault the new year sucks people love to pretend that it doesn't suck and it does so i am actually going to brew you some nice tea a little bit at sea for you but it's a specialty this is the tea that you can't buy at grocery stores and um i can't really tell you what's in it okay i can't tell you but you tell me if you have any allergies okay do you have any allergies you'll be fine you'll be fine fine so fine okay so this is going to help with that um energy you got some energies you have some energy you know that's what this is going to help with let me get my that should be enough of that and then this will help with that sort of funky funk you got oh yeah i could feel that funk from a mile away on you it is it's a tough it's a tough year i mean this last year was just i have never worked so many back to back to back to back so back to back-to-back shifts in my entire existence we did a lot of good work but you know this year really really popped on pulled one over okay so this here is just gonna give you the flavor this doesn't really do anything for you in particular but this will help with the flavor going down you'll want that you'll thank me for that you won't thank me for that and then for you for you i got you this this is going to take the edge off it's going to take about 10 edges off really oh just give it a whiff just smell it just whiff that up smell it give it a smell yeah okay exactly that's gonna do you good okay just a little pinch not trying to send you out here on a stretcher okay let that combine for a minute because i can't go through yeti yet i have to do my swab do you remember the swab from last time you remember mr swab yeah okay and this is going to tell me everything i need to know everything that you have harbored picked up held on to all the damage baggage problems stress this swab is going to let me know what's uh going on today what's really going on here here here here all over here so let's get that solution ready and may i touch your face my eyes they do look very dull this time of year it's sad but you know i get a little winter crystal look going on they really brighten up and get very blue um you know when it's not so cold outside you know baby it's cold sad i really can't stay but you should stay i've got to go away you should not go away this evening has been so very nice it's been such a nice night okay i got your schwab schwab schwab charles schwab so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go brew your tea yeah i'm going to go test the swab and i'm going to leave you in the very capable lovely beautiful hands of my dearest friend sybil i think she wanted to ask you some questions and you know since we're collaborating on this project today um there's a few things that she's gonna do and then i'll come back and then she'll do some things and then i'll come back and basically we are going to take care of you from top to bottom in and out so you made it here that's all you had to do i am proud of you we will take care of the rest okay okay okay okay okay i'll see you soon okay i'll tell sybil to come in that you're ready you're ready right she's gonna ask you some basic questions and do some things i don't know i don't really bug her while she's working she just you know does her thing i do mine and at the end it's like a miracle yeah okay maybe this time she'll let me watch okay bye bye bye i'll see you soon okay bye bye see ya bye okay oh hello there you are right on time trust me well it's early january oh yeah oh yeah we hold on to a lot of worry and problems especially at the end of the year the holidays happen and everything is just swirling around and then the new year cubs are out and you're just simply exhausted you're so tired and that just relax your body mind it just gives out so we're going to rejuvenate you so you can continue to enjoy your life as you show it okay so since it is the beginning of january i'm going to recommend the new year treatment that's right the new year treatment it is a special for this time of year and since this is your third appointment with us i'm actually going to have my assistant yeah my information assistant tobias uh he's ready to read deeply into your subconscious don't worry uh private information stays private but um i'll call for tobias we'll get tobias here to assist with that and then also in the do your package we can use my good dislodger we are able to dislodge and break up the deep-seated worry and exhaustion that's really just been fermenting over the holidays then we will follow up with the pliable extractor that's going to actually remove and pull those things away that we dislodged and brought to the surface then we have our brand new snippy big snipper deluxe they just came out with a new bottle and it is so divide honestly the technology these days are just it's remarkable so i'll be able to use the snippy big snipper deluxe to draw out and snip away anything remaining after that we can make sure everything stays away and is dried out with the handheld evaporator and finally we will apply a crystal sealant to lock in everything today as you are seeing luna as well she's going to be providing you with a lot of positive of energy and spa treatments that we want you to rotate and hold on to after we remove all of the stress worries misgivings etc we want to replace them with good feelings and you want those good feelings to stick around so we'll be able to do our crystal sealant there before we begin may i interest you in a candle we have a very lovely tall white candle here this one is soothing soothing candle we have this shorter purple one here this one is relaxing very relaxing and finally we have this uh sort of tealy turquoise one here and this one is stress relieving so which one would you like to go for i think to start we should do this soothing and that you will be able to switch them out if you need something a little bit different okay i'll make that wick stand up straight okay here we go perfect i'm just going to slowly move this around not too close of course i would never do anything to compromise your safety there we go and as the flame hopefully stays alight there we go the benefits will begin to do its work i'm gonna place this right next to you here on this tiny little table wonderful okay it is question time so i just want you to answer these questions honestly there are no right or wrong answers the more um genuine that you are with me the better that i will be able to help you and also give that information to luna so how are your holidays okay at the new year eve i see okay did you make any new year's resolutions okay that's a good one i like that oh okay how is your sleep lately okay about how many hours and then dreams okay okay no problem we can address that is there anything at the forefront of your brain worrying you at the moment okay okay that would be yeah nice okay has anything improved or declined vastly since your last treatment have you noticed anything getting much better or much worse in any sort of regard or category okay okay and that's a little better and that's a little worse uh but have you developed any new allergies since we saw you last have you had any changes in uh your family addition of pets children robates that don't do the dishes okay okay up okay next question if you could describe your general status in about three words what would you say okay okay okay that's all right have you watched anything good lately on tv oh i've heard good things good thanks um what do you think would make you feel a little better okay what's your favorite thing about yourself are you odd social media tick tock twitter youtube instagram of tumblr linkedin facebook what else do we have here any of those okay okay do you post often okay how long has it been since you got to go to a social gathering yes we are handling a lot of these cases at the moment it's okay you're not alone are you an introvert or an extrovert i thought so last question what do you hope to get out of this session okay i see okay i'm gonna go analyze your answers here i'm going to go prepare all of the tools that i need and luda is going to do your uh your pre-appointment so the pre-procedures these are the things that will be preceding my procedures so i'm going to call her back in here let her know that it's her time and okay i'll be back very shortly okay okay i'll be back i'm back did you miss me not too much i hope well like i said you were in very very very capable hands but now i am back with the t and the t i'm sorry um i got your results back from the swab and luckily i have made the perfect absolutely perfect um treatment for you it is going to do you wonders wonders seven wonders of the world you're gonna be the eighth the eighth wonder of the world okay i'm gonna go ahead and pour you some of this tea you really only need a tiny tiny tiny this is a little cuppa so go ahead and give that a smell first to make sure that it's to your liking okay take a little sip you can slurp here i won't mind all right and i'm gonna put that right here in this little tray for you and if you need any more you just go tee me tee me and i will tee you right up i'll tee it up okay so again based on these swaps we're gonna get started with your treatment first i am going to exfoliate your skin and we're going to start by prepping your skin but killing all the germs killing all the germs this is not um like a surface disinfectant this is for your skin so this is not going to burn at all it smells very pleasant and we're just going to wipe wipe it and wipe that all over your face kill those germs baby okay incredible incredible incredible wow okay all right so all right you are looking germa free germ free okay now this exfoliant um it basically uses the string method open this box here and it's going to look a little bit like dental floss falls you've lost twice a day okay so we're going to take the exfoliating string here cut it off at the edge have you ever got your eyebrows threaded okay well basically we're gonna thread your skin these uh fibers are incredible they work so nicely this is going to feel so rejuvenating painless absolutely painless and we're going to prep your skin by giving you a little spritz a little spritz you so um are you ready here we go sounds a little bit like a sneeze it's okay okay now that we have sneezed all over your face just kidding that would be so horrible um i'm gonna exfoliate so we just take this string and we like that okay how does that feel good good good good i have never had anybody tell me that this was painful in any way but just in case you go out and tell me if you feel anything at all that you don't like and i will stop drop and roll my way to a better solution okay now this is for the big surface things items you know whether they're stress related or literal just the dirt and grime that likes to stick to your pretty face because it is such a nice place to live i'm gonna get that off first and that's what is so good about this string exfoliator i'm going to come to the side here and then i want you to just look up like that okay good good good and there you go totally ex-fully aided um so the next thing i want to do is do a little bit of a more under the surface treatment i'm going to ask you to not be alarmed i would never hurt you but sometimes clients look at this and they say oh heck no no no no no no no and i say yes yes yes trust me and then they trust me and then they're like oh you're so right luna and i was like i know okay so here we have this gorgeous gorgeous soothing concoction that this this defines redefines the word rejuvenation you can literally see all of the life sparkle and shine just teeming in this solution that i made you now this is specific for you and your body and what i'm going to do is i'm going to crack this open and this is going to be i hesitate to use the word inject because people don't like the word inject but i'm going to inject it under your skin however it does not it does not hit any nerves and you will not feel it it's almost like um have you ever gotten acupuncture well this hurts even less okay so what we have here is a pretty thick uh tube and that is used to suck up all the solution and then when i'm injecting it under your skin it actually just uses these tiny little micro hairs so that will actually evenly distribute that underneath so i put the little syringe into the solution and oh yeah oh yeah that's looking good that is looking sparkly let me go ahead and wipe off the sides here now these sparkles are going around your face if you want to close your eyes that is totally fine with me like i said this shouldn't hurt even a smidgen so i'm just going to right here okay right here right here right here and right here oh my gosh you are already glowing can you feel that it's like like a warm hay to underneath your skin yeah yeah that's how you know it's working that's how you know it's working we don't need much i like to mix much more than we use and we can actually save it for next time this saves extremely well yeah okay i'm just gonna go ahead and plot those areas and then the next part oh i love this part i love this part is i get to prepare you for sibyl's next treatment this is a head massager you know that okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna start massaging your scalp and what this is going to do is break up and reduce and start to bring all of your worries tension things like that break it up in your scalp bring it to the surface make it much more much easier first of all to remove it you know you gotta agitate it gonna be like hey i'm right here and then i'll be like ah and then we'll be like and then it will be gone and that's why you're here so i'm gonna go ahead and use this head massager on you and this is going to feel amazing and then symbol's gonna come in and she's going to take away all your worries i love my job okay so okay there we go too much okay of course no problem sorry all right i have brought tobias luna thank you so much for doing the head massage there that is a very important necessity to do before i get to do my dislodging so thank you for that okay so this is tobias go ahead and say hello up now tobias is going to gather some internal data for me by sticking on your head and telling me where to target by good dislodger yeah so go on tobias you just go ahead stick right there okay there we go all right end up luda that should be good you can come back for your part next i'm going to do the go dislodger and the pliable extractors of it also does the baby stipper deluxe okay thank you all right so tobias how's it looking okay i have the cue dislodger here i'm going to take it out of its case oh this wasn't interesting what to use and tobias you just let me know where is the best place to begin dislodgement right here all right okay yes i could immediately feel there is a lot that we need to be able to remove that would have been pretty hard without dislodging at first okay that was very good where to next tobias right here okay let's go ahead commence dislodgement sometimes we let things simmer or sit it likes to stick and stay in our subconscious pretty deep under the surface there which kind of makes it difficult to get rid of easily but that's we're here for to do the extra work for you we don't want you to have to do it alone okay that's much more dislodged very good all right tobias anywhere else you're sensing something under here this area and that's it well that's not so bad okay good work would you like to go take your rest now okay no bias is gonna go take this rest and i will finish this logic this goo is perfect because it only sticks to the type of thing we are trying to remove yes we made the formula we made the formula after many years of experiments and science and a little bit of something extra okay all right so that should be dislodged and don't worry everything gets dissolved to the good there we go and then i'm going to want to grab the pliable extractors okay i love using these extractors because they're a little bit more flexible bendy and it really gets into the creases it crevices and surfaces that up well honestly a flat tool sometimes doesn't get so here we have our extractor so i'm gonna start with step one okay and we're gonna go ahead and oh excuse me okay start removing an extractic it's gonna be a little wiggle wiggle wiggle a little wiggle wiggle wiggle oh there we go i had a little wiggle wiggle wiggle a little wiggle wiggle wiggle very good okay i think it's working actually you should feel a little slight tucking sensation nothing crazy all right oh that was a big wiggle okay and what for here all right step one could be a little bit intense if you're ticklish on your face sometimes we have to uh go a little slower but you seem to be okay all right next we're going to do step two which is a little softer more detail work and this is just going to roll down your face like so and this is going to pick up what we dislodged and two the leftovers from what we extracted with step one so i was just going to roll and roll it this is picking up extracting and removing all of that stress i'd worry that was underneath the surface that you've had to hold on to for honestly too long i wish we could have you come in sooner there we go and we're gonna give it a little bounce bounce bounce there we go and roll down roll up roll down roll up roll down roll up roll down okay see if a little bit more here i'm just gonna do some detail work there and right here okay that's good okay all right wonderful this is really effective as a tool okay so now that we've removed kind of what we got to get away from there how are you feeling any different good i think the snippy big snipper deluxe is going to really pull your socks off so now their advancement is extremely notable yeah i love these i'm gonna make some adjustments here and this is going to be our final little treatment by just taking this and step now these are the types of things that they live not only on the surface but deep in your subconscious as well which is why you can't really dislodge whatever roll them away you have to take them from the surface and pull them out and snip them away and once it's been sticked it dissolves because it has nowhere to live and that's okay you don't have to feel bad for it in fact it was breaking you down okay here we go step and snip oh here's a little okay good very good now i really like the stippy big stipper deluxe because if i left any in there it actually goes a little bit deeper and it helps dissolve underneath the surface better than the first one did there step let me see okay oh there we and are here so we have okay that snip all right so this is most of the final work actually this should be getting rid of a lot it's a lot of bulk work the up new year treatment luckily i think that we did do up very good treatments the first couple times you gave it this is more of like a double refresher that's why i like to work with luda for the new year's clients well of course those will be of no cost to you we're just happy you gave it okay i think that'll do it much better you're feeling very smooth later good okay so i'm gonna go ahead and said to luda for your spa treatment and then i will be back because like i said once luka does all of her lovely things now that we've removed a lot that we wanted to get rid of we're going to replace it with soothing calm positive lovely feelings and i'll go ahead come back and lock that in for you and that will be with our handheld evaporator at crystal sealant i also think that i'm going to write you a little bit of a prescription i'll be able to break that back with me too okay so i'm gonna go find luna tell her you're ready for your spa treatment well you've earned it and i'll see you soon don't worry oh you'll finish up with me i believe okay please enjoy oh now it's my turn it's my time to shine shine like a star sparkle and shine how are you feeling you look a lot a lot more relaxed like lighter you know so now it's my turn to really show you my stuff get my spa treatments on once again this is not probably like what you it would expect like a normal spa you know this from last time we're not really a normal spa but you know we're a little bit better okay so i'm gonna go ahead and lay out my things here have a couple jars have a couple fun and fancy tools and toys i'm going to start by making you a mask all right so a few things are going to go in this mask and this is going to be mixed in real time so that it will be very fresh all of the ingredients interacting and teeming with life and living together and you know it makes a difference so this is gonna be our little bowl here and that's what i'm gonna mix it in so we're gonna start with our base okay i'm gonna add a couple of these perfect okay and then we're going to take our little jar of lavender lavender lavender and get scoop it okay perfect i'm gonna close that one on up get that little scoop in there let me stay in there and now we have a little jojoba [Music] okay oh that is oily okay and we're gonna drip dried wrap our secret ingredient just a little little a little bit of this okay don't tell the government i have this please thanks now love this for you and what do you think about a little sprinkle sprinkle of this good good good good okay [Music] next next next we want one tiny little extra spritzy spray that really does sound horrible doesn't it okay so we close her on up and a perfect perfect cream mask so i'm just going to take a little bit of this on my hands and just start building up your mask okay wow you your skin feels a amazing amazing absolutely amazing simple is kind of kind of the best kind of the best okay i'm just gonna get a little bit more and we're gonna layer that mask on your skin this is going to provide you with everything you need to regenerate any of that good stuff that you lost in the process of deleting removing destroying stress worry discomfort etc anything good is going to come soaking back into your skin pampering spoiling soothing spoiling in a good way okay so while that mask um sits i actually like to encourage it by using my buffer here this is very effective buffer and i'm going to gently just do this all around your face all around your face your face your face face face like so and that's gonna help the mask just like poop there now while that's setting i do have this charged and ready to go this beautiful quartz mask for your hairline because we did so much scalp work i want to just lay this right up here this is going to be so soothing so nice what you deserve just gonna lay that right there right there right there right there right there and we're going to actually set that with where did it go oh it fell on the floor spray okay now we're gonna let that totally soak in we want to take our time here um are you you're good right do you need anything else extra water extra tea you want another cuppa okay okay okay okay all right um if you don't mind i am going to give someone a little call here i just need to ask what i am supposed to use in terms of your finishing touches we like to add a little extra serums um special in shop we make it here can't really get it anywhere else again please don't tell anybody um but once we figure out which one is right for you for you i'll be able to put that on you but i need to ask um which ones i'm supposed to use on you because i'm not really sure so one second hey hi how are you you look amazing okay so sorry um don't mean to distract you thank you for taking my call i have a gorgeous gorgeous beautiful gorgeous client here yes yes yeah the one we had on schedule for today and i just wanted to know what serum i was supposed to use on them i know there's a lot of them and i couldn't really find the perfect one on the shelf and i'm a little bit stumped so i'm wondering which one i'm supposed to use which one am i supposed to use on my beautiful stunning client really oh that's why i couldn't find it on the shelf you are so smart you know everything well that's why you're the boss okay thank you so much okay have a wonderful night and we'll see you later bye bye bye bye bye bye bye i just got some great news from my boss you are actually approved to use one of our most secret and wonderful serums let me grab the box i don't remember the last time i got to open this okay um here we go here she is there we go oh yes okay this one and put that right here for a sec all right so these are the serums we're gonna use first i'm gonna go ahead and remove your mask this one up here put that away and then oh yeah i'm gonna use this little toothbrush looking tool too and now mostly all of the mask has been totally absorbed into your skin but this is just going to gently gently gently puff away anything that is trying to stick around in the crevices okay we want those crevices to be clean nothing like a clean crevice okay beautiful stunning there we go you are ready now a little bit goes a very long way i just oh my gosh okay okay wow yeah yeah you feel that oh i'm sure you do i am sure you do yeah okay next go ahead and look up for me okay and right there okay yes yes yes yes little bit goes a very very long way very very long way we're gonna put those right back into the box in which they came closer on up and then we're just going to gently waft that around around around bring it around down bring it around down there you go there you go good all right you look amazing how do you feel good i am so so so so glad to hear that so are you ready for me to call in sybil to finish you up and you can go on your merry way live your beautiful beautiful life and you can always come back if you need anything from us we are always here for you well once again it was an honor a privilege a pleasure to work with you today well i hope that we will cross paths again um but make sure you know that you take care of yourself give yourself things that you deserve and you deserve the best absolutely okay okay i missed you already all right i'll go tell sible you're ready okay sybil i am done they look amazing yeah you can come and finish up yep i will start on the next client okay gotta run to my next job all in a day's work okay i'll see you soon well not too soon okay bye bye bye bye bye i can see you glowing from veterans of the rope you look a basic how are you well i'm here with everything we need uh let's try to keep that glow where it should be right here up so this is the handheld evaporator okay let's go ahead and open it up here and start locking it your spa treatment here did you have a pleasant time i'm very glad to hear that we all could use a little bit or a lot of bit of rejuvenating in the new year um is this to your liking good okay and delusional i'm still getting used to this one but i think i'm getting the hang of it luda said i have a knack okay all right a little bit more and that should do it okay quickly now we are going to finish everything with this crystal sealant so what i'm going to do is run this all down your face do you feel that the other side underneath the background we're gonna go down here to the deck at the shoulder around by the deck and back up down the deck the shoulder around the back of the neck and back up good all right this is keeping everything locked it all the work that we did today everything you experienced today as well as keeping a barrier out for what we removed today we don't want that to come back in not allowed no occupancy okay very good perfect good job now i am going to write your prescription this is an over commitment distender you don't have to go to the pharmacy for it they will look at you funny i have one right here for you now the over commitment distender is going to help ease the feeling of taking god too much you're very capable and very wonderful at what you do but if it ever feels like it's too much i want you to take this in one of your hands and give it a squeeze yeah and i want you to repeat that action until you're feeling a bit better okay well this should help because it's actually designed to suck it and take away that feeling of over commitment or stress and things like that it's a wonderful little invention it looks a little odd but that's okay if it works it works right so if this is yours to take that hope and i hope you have a very very very wonderful start to your year like i said you are very capable strong person and we are always here in case you need us absolutely well um i'm just going to check you out here like i said no charge i'm glad you could find the facility okay in case you need us again you will know where to find us okay i'm sure luna said goodbye to you but i will tell her that you said goodbye as well all right have a wonderful new year be safe and be happy bye bye you
Channel: Gibi ASMR
Views: 2,413,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gibi, gibi asmr, professional, worry removal, stress relief, sybil, luna, oc, original character, characters, spa, treatment, for relaxation, relax, sleep, sleep aid
Id: _LfyDQ5DPqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 26sec (3986 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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