ASMR | Fantasy Apothecary Shop

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[Laughter] why hello there traveler how can i help you today well you look like you need some help so i imagine that you're in the midst of a pretty big journey and you've come to me to acquire some of my strongest potions or maybe you're after a little something to ward off the creatures that come around here at night you didn't know about the creatures hmm well i'm glad i could tell you then yes we think that they might be of the vampiric descent we keep finding animals lots of animals just completely bloodless sucked dry down by the base of the mountain that way oh that's where you're staying ah well the inn itself is very nice beautiful place and um the gentleman who owns it the one who runs that in he's new here too so i think he's looking to make his reputation very shiny well liked so i'm sure he'll give you some wonderful amenities if you so ask for them just don't go out at night and you'll be fine depending on how much you purchased today maybe that warding off potion that'll be on the house what do you think well very good very good seeing as the day is ending and the sun is setting we have no time to lose do we we have just enough time in fact for me to make you a few potions get you settled and then you can be on your merry way straight back off to the end don't make any other stops that would be my my suggestion and i've been here for quite a while so i would recommend you heat it all right well let's get a good look at you then are you looking for things in a particular [Music] firstly and most importantly what is your budget okay okay so we have a little bit to work with here what kind of adventure are you on i see very noble what kind of weapon do you use okay and uh do you know any magic tell me about the people in your party i can't imagine that you're traveling alone you don't look nearly strong enough to be tackling anything by yourself although you did make it this far so you can't be too fresh-faced you are traveling with the party i've seen enough very good can you tell me a bit about those people as well [Music] okay i see so thinking about that thinking about your current state which i'll be examining in a bit further in a moment and thinking about your budget of course i think i would recommend a stamina potion a stealth potion a recovery potion and then i'll throw in that creature warding off potion for free because i am so kind and so generous wonderful well then i want to go ahead and take a look at you i'm not just a potion maker potion seller i am an apothecary so i can check you for any health related concerns injuries lesions what have you let me get out of my seeing glass here go ahead and raise your arms for me any burns okay are any of your bones broken i see how about um oh i see a few quills right on your hands you were poking around the dens down by the river weren't you yes yes yes nasty creatures down there they'll get you well i can take care of those quills for you if you'd like just a small price it won't hurt i'll simply be using my tweezers here and you just need to hold steady there we go one two three and four well if you are a seasoned traveler you would probably be more familiar with what those dens look like and that you should absolutely stay away from them but an easy fix nonetheless next i'm going to be testing your state of mind go ahead and close your eyes for me now take a big deep breath in through your nose and down through your mouth in three rounds and out through your mouth in through your out through your nose these sound names are going to be bouncing off the aura that you're expelling telling me a bit more about yourself now why are you here alone the other members of your party didn't wish to join you i see you look surprisingly healthy now let's start with our stamina potion oh i make a wonderful stamina potion you're going to absolutely love it first i'll need to get out my mixing bowl this is where the magic happens well technically i can't legally call myself a magician but i may as well first some fungi not just any fungi i'm quite proud of my stock of this uh never seen quite so many in one place have you alright i just have a knack for finding fungi things in the forest we need just the right amount i'm not going to be wasting this on you not about a fair price anyway there we go just about perfect this is the first ingredient to be added now alone these would kill you so please just because i'm showing you how i'm making the potions don't think that you can just galavant around the land consuming things that you thought you saw my humble business that would be very bad for you indeed so just keep that in mind next a bit of oven dough it's an herb hard to come by as well you see oven toe only grows right after a rain and it dies very quickly so you have to pluck it as fast as you can we've gotten lucky with the weather we truly have because it hasn't rained so much that we're all drowning but just enough that it's yielded quite good crops and things so we need a bit of this i'm going to roll up into a little matched ball here and that's what really gets the properties released and that gets added in right on top like so simple enough yes you can smell the changes alrighty have you ever considered going into potion making no no no you couldn't possibly be tied down i understand okay next we have our purple emily's crystal now this amylase crystal you wouldn't believe where it comes from you won't be consuming this but what i need to do is simply wave it around the top of the combination so far just a few times and the other way this is going to infuse the stamina potion with my specialty yes yes yes okay my stamina is different than any other stamina that you'll get at different shops that you come across trust me trust me you'll see and you'll remember and you'll come back for more finally some dragon bean not actually from dragons it's just what they call it well if it were actually from dragons i i don't think you could afford this potion no [Music] this has incredible energetic properties we don't want to overdo this portion otherwise well you might go insane from the lack of sleep so i'm just going to pour in one small cups worth there we are they smell delightful absolutely i'm gonna wake them up a little bit before we pour them in nothing worse than inactivated dragon bean now once these are activated and added to our mixture it will become liquefied and you can pour it in a nice convenient bottle for you to carry here we go and gently there we go there we go and we watch it begin to liquefy change colors now the instructions on this stamina potion well for mine i like to tell my customers simply drink this when your energy feels depleted you can split it in fourths if you'd like to share it with your party or drink a little bit at a time however the whole bottle will do you just fine especially if you had a very very tough evening you haven't slept for a day or two and you really need to keep moving one bottle will probably be just enough to cover that you can't really overdose on it it's just how long you can stay sane while being awake it will give you a nice boost of energy the taste is not so bad compared to other potions it's tangy flavorful naturally warm actually from the buzzing okay so now that this is ready pour it into a container for you all right as you can imagine the stamina potion as high quality as it is is a bit pricey now you're not just paying for my ingredients no no you're paying for my expertise my knowledge my years of work education and foraging knowing exactly how much to measure and put in for you as to not poison you so yes it'll be a bit pricey okay here we are your stamina potion yeah give it a little shake and like i said this one's taste is actually quite nice you can drink this right away if you need it or it can store for quite a long time up to a year i believe sometimes i make them in bulk and have sales especially over the winter time when i don't want to be foraging all right well one stamina potion for you don't touch it yet you haven't paid me but we'll keep that there for the time being so we can get started on your next one let's see your stealth potion i think we'll do that one next now from what you told me it sounds like you need a potion that will help you move undetected from one place to another no matter how crowded no matter how conspicuous the area you will be able to pass by undetected now legally i cannot sell this as an invisibility potion because technically you aren't invisible but it would be quite hard for people to notice you you would have to try very very very hard to get someone to notice you after you've taken a drink of the stealth potion well if people are wearing you know your enemies have anti-stealth equipment on their person that may be able to see through it it's kind of a give and take depending on who made the equipment but items can only get you so far potions can only get you so far if you are acting slyly if you already are moving without a trace the stealth potion on top of that well you should be almost perfectly safe i just have to give you my disclaimers before i send you off all right so let's begin we're going to need a few drops of liquid blink root i thought so i wasn't sure whether we needed the liquid or powdered form i think for your case the liquid will be much better now the blink root here we just need a few drops it's a gorgeously powered liquid here i better measure it now just a few drops here good and almost immediately we add crushed moon glow seeds a little bit more perfect as that combines some simple purified water three days in the sunlight three days in the moonlight and then bottled this gives us our substance makes it a bit easier to drink like so and then we stir together with the dried gullet of an imp the only thing they are good for easy enough would you like to keep it well i can't use it again throw it in for free finally we give a little sprinkling of void basil right here like so as we can see here the mixture is beginning to turn a beautiful solid cream color [Applause] this tastes almost like a wisp of silk very very mild very good very good let me bottle this for you there we go let me tie a ribbon around the top here okay now the effectiveness of the stealth potion will depend on how much you drink a potion bottle of this size should get you about up to three hours time a swig just about a minute to get in and get out you can give it a little shake sometimes the ingredients become slightly separated which might render it a little less effective so make sure it's combined well this will last only a few months so be sure not to hold on to it too long use it wisely but nonetheless not too expensive compared to some of my other potions perhaps another time your health potion everyone needs a good health potion now i must again give you my disclaimers here this can cure fevers grow back one limb including five fingers or five toes repair other flesh wounds um contusions head traumas but i can't heal a broken heart no actually if your heart stops beating it will not revive you no so be sure to use it before then now this is a very quick one to make luckily i have perfected the craft it does come with one caveat you must let the potion sit for at least 24 hours before you consume it it has to settle and combine in the bottle other than that it's by far one of the best ones i've ever crafted all right so to get started we need some storm leaf tea this is the crux of the recipe here now if you decide to become a bit of a forager yourself you can actually source your own storm leaf tea in the woods and if you brew it with a nice hot cup of water it will act almost like a recovery potion light for small cuts abrasions light burns things of that nature this is what it looks like when it's all combined you can give it a smell start with a few scoops any more than three minutes a bit much you can also purchase stormleaf tea in bulk i personally don't offer it here but if you're continuing on the next town over go to the moonlight cottage next we need to add in a bit of angel's molasses very difficult to come by as the process of creating it is so convoluted but that's what makes my recovery potions top-notch now to pour this in let's use a bit of a helping hand here there we go right top evenly distributed next a generous amount of dissolved mountain bark here we are such a sweet smelling liquid ah it fizzes and we top it with some there we are river paprika buds simple as that yes the aroma is quite intoxicating i do claim to have the best tasting health potion well the best tasting one i've ever tried anyway if you come across one better bring it back to me i'll pay you a hefty sum perfect now to bottle this up here we have one health potion once again you won't be able to consume this for 24 hours if you do you'd just be wasting your own money nothing will happen after that it should be working in full effect there you go place that in the front here finally the additional potion that i promised you the repellent now for this you will want to anoint this to yourself and have each member of your party do so as well a few drops on either side of the neck a few drops on the wrist a few drops on the stomach and a few drops on the ankles this should deflect any creatures from approaching you now they may try to get close but so far we've had no human casualties after the creation of my repellent now to begin because we're dealing with what we believe is the vampiric sort of creature this is the strongest garlic i could possibly source this garlic eats garlic skin and all we want to cut and crush the rest this is truly what you want to crush into the potion that's most likely the scent you smelled as you were walking by i have been creating this pre-made um but it's going so quickly i just can't keep them in stock so we will be adding this a bit later once we crush in a few more ingredients next some very spicy peppercorns please be careful do not use your bare hands to apply this potion to yourself you'll want to use a cloth because if this gets on your fingers and you were to touch your eyes or god forbid some sensitive areas you will not have a very happy day no all right just seem to do the trick here and we add them into here like so again being very careful not to touch your eyes next now hold your nose we're going to be adding some oil from these stinking cords lily don't say i didn't warn you a few drops and well smelling a little bit repugnantly is a lot better than being sucked dry dead from a vampire but don't worry it won't stink too badly for too long because i add a few cinnamon sticks to mask the scent but the underlying corpse lily garlic peppercorns is enough to keep the vampires at bay now these lay in there just start soaking up the aroma and then again for the benefit of you your party members and everyone around you i'm going to shave some kissy root now here we have one two three these look a bit like radishes but if you were to consume one of these plainly you would be babbling like a newborn so please be careful with what you're eating in the forests around here especially because you're not so local i'm going to use my tool here and we're going to shave on top just the top skin it's just enough not to compromise the contents of the repellent but quite enough to mask the smell for more humanoid noses there we go finally we need to mash in a bit of the floured hops this is what is going to bind our palette together and make it possible to apply these need to be mashed of course dear up now even though i have combined a few better smelling scents to help the repellent once you apply this for the first few hours or so you're not going to want to get very close to anyone that'll ruin the night and if you do happen to consume this well it seems as though each person has been imitating different animal sounds imagine that imagine that i wish i knew about that one when i was a young apothecary oh the pranks i played okay now that this has been lightly mashed we add now before i combine this did you say that you have an orc in your party i think i'm going to add one more ingredient this won't do much for the rest of your party members but this grain should help any potential contact burns that this repellent could have on an orc let me know if it works you don't get many coming through the town here but i have been trained to serve many many different types of people creatures and what have you all across the world now while this simmers we need to give it a bit of air stand back slightly good good perfect wonderful wonderful wonderful oh getting quite good at this one let me pour it into a container for you and we tie a little ribbon here here you have your vampiric creature repellent this should last you your stay when are you moving on this should be more than enough again you may give it a little shake or two that shouldn't make much of a difference the ingredients are well combined in this one there we go now before i send you on your way i can't imagine you remembered all of my instructions for all of the potions you were purchasing from me i didn't expect you to so let me write you a set of instructions well while it is my main duty to create the potions i also need my customers to be able to consume the potions in the correct manner lest bodily or mental harm come unto them so i like to write down a simple almost abridged instructions here for you that way you can refer to it at any time so for our what was first stamina potion once again you can split that into 1 4 so you may drink the whole bottle i'll give you a shelf life and extra instructions next our stealth potion remember that the longevity of the potion will depend on how much you consume the health potion do not die before administering it it must be consumed orally please do not dump it on a wound it will do simply nothing and the repellent and remember the neck wrists stomach and ankles any more than that you'll simply be wasting it any less you're inviting a bit of danger be sure to apply with a cloth and don't get too close to others and we will seal it for you now i'm putting this in a sealed envelope because this will also function as your receipt save the seal and bring it back to me if there are any problems i have many customers that come in every day and i can't possibly remember all of them but if i see my seal i can be more assured that it was i that actually made the potion i don't get many complaints no no no many many many repeat customers but of course it would be bad business if i didn't give you some sort of comfort okay now we simply fold the wax onto our envelope here and seal it there we go no it's not the most fancy seal in the world but it's mine and i recognize it now it's time for what do you have for me ah yes this will do perfectly pleasure doing business with you please go ahead and take your potions take your receipt and good luck to you and your party on all your adventures please please come back i always enjoy repeat business and i'm sure that with the journey that you're on you'll need many many many more potions all right i'll see you next time don't die okay nice to meet you as well goodbye you
Channel: Gibi ASMR
Views: 2,170,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gibi, asmr, apothecary, shop, potion, potions, potion seller, fantasy, other world, immersion, sci fi, dnd, tingly, for sleep, stress relief
Id: c0sacVcsy0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 13sec (3433 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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