ASMR Personality Test Analysis | For Sleep

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ah hello there uh come in come in take a seat if you will oh you already have don't worry these things are already taken into consideration as we proceed welcome to your psychological questionnaire where we're going to determine what sort of individual you are what sort of person you are what are your interests what don't you like to do and we're going to combine all of these pieces of data and collectively determine what you going to like what kind of things are more suited to you what kind of personality you have basically what this is it's not a vetting or anything like that of your personality it's a personality test to determine what sort of Personality that you have so being a psychologist for I don't know how many years I can instantly tell with my intuitive senses what kind of personality you already have though if we take the questionnaire sometimes we can have little surprises on the way and it can differ somewhat if I was to I don't know perhaps have a little guess of what sort of Personality that you have I would say words that would spring to mind would be distasteful um untrustworthy u a nuisance you know those sorts of Words which I would determine just by you literally coming in here and taking a seat without knocking on the door like any other polite normal person for example your overconfidence uh tells you to do these things which one would perceive to be somewhat socially uh backward we have 50 questions all together have you had one of these before something similar well I'm sure it hasn't been like this one when we go about asking these questions to you you're going to have a choice from strongly disagree to strongly agree and you have three other choices in between that medium and one either side of that as well I would just like you to answer honestly what Springs to mind okay you don't need to think about it too much and if you find that some of these questions have perhaps delved a bit too far or a bit too deep or you feel just a little bit like you need a bit of a rest or maybe overwhelmed with thinking too much that can happen with um some simple-minded people then don't worry because I have certain things with me here we have a little break and we will work those out for you that's what this is all about we have to make sure that this will be a very relaxing process for you it is meant to be it's meant to be relaxing and I suppose some people would consider this to be a little bit fun as well to know what sort of personality you have though let's just say it's not so fun with me when I have to do tests on people like you that's another question I have an arrangement of stress pause and sounds and everything so if I think that perhaps you need just a little bit of that to help you relax a little bit you know bring the tone down just ever so slightly then I won't hesitate just to bring it out and start making these sounds so if you're talking in depth about something it's not because I'm insanely bored with whatever you're saying or not interested I'm logging everything in I'm even everything now all your mannerisms your movements what you're doing right now I'm taking it all in right now okay and I will just continue uh moving the process forward until we get those 50 questions answered so do you know what this is yeah it's an hourglass okay however this is a very special type of hourglass that I have here this just stops when your time is up when it determines that our session session is finished so this time varies all the time and just rest assur that it will always know when your time is up depending on how boring you are so if your questions and answers are somewhat not interesting then I'm sure the hour class will determine what to do in this situation so so don't worry about that that's just going to be slowly just trickling down next so like I said this is a very relaxing process okay so how about we get the questions out okay so I have a list of fresh parchment here also known as paper and we're going to go through those 50 questions together okay so let's begin okay we're just going to place that there and what I need here is of course an appropriate pen so if you can just try to resist the urge to peep it peeping over and seeing some of the questions which I have written down here I would just literally Circle maybe write a note or two or something like that uh just so I know about your answers and how you feel about them but you you don't have to literally say anything about the answers you could be very good of course and just say such and such such question you either disagree slightly disagree you have a neutral View point on it you slightly agree and you strongly agree okay so those are just literally the answers you need to decide intuitively as we go along okay so perhaps we'll help you relax just a little bit here with our stress ball first we'll use this one first okay we just do about 10 seconds here to get you relaxed and ready okay so feeling nice and relaxed listen to The Sounds we're going to answer as we go along and find out all about your personality all the things that make you you all the things that make you interesting if that is your word would would be associated with you all the things that people like about you that is of course if anyone does like you and all the things that make you a real unique individual and I'm sure there are many unique things to find out about you excellent well I think you nice and relaxed there okay question number one I am the life of the party do you disagree do you slightly disagree you neutral slightly agree or strongly agree you being the life of the party if you walk into any place you have a neutral Viewpoint about that okay I see so not arrogant but edging towards it number two you feel or I say I feel no emotions towards others that's a strongly disagree okay you feel a lot of emotions towards others I'm just going to take that as a a negative Viewpoint there and not sort of a a considering emotions or or anything like that would you would put that one down negative I'm always prepared disagree slightly disagree neutral slightly agree strongly agree you're always prepared that you s slightly agree that yeah so there's probably some room for improvement so to speak no don't worry about what I'm writing nothing really see number four I get stressed out easily H interesting one h you get stressed out easily stressed time is ticking time is ticking do you feel stressed at all a t could be up any time now you you slightly disagree so you get stressed out okay that's probably the normal end of the spectrum so of course we'll see see about all that as we progress with the the other questions there okay this one can always tell a lot about a person with this question and uh where their prospects lie I have a rich vocabulary do you disagree slightly disagree do you have a neutral vocabulary or slightly agree or strongly agree you have a very good one strongly indeed okay I I just I wouldn't really put you down as that upon first impression of you but they again that is First Impressions I go a lot by mannerisms and things like that of that nature so okay I'll put you down to slightly agree okay we don't want to come across this too overconfident there do we now yet hear you really talk about anything cuz I'm really G you much time to think about it we talk number six I don't talk a lot do you disagree or strongly are you disagree really so you say you do talk a lot well you've barely said a few words here at all but you know when you talk it's it's not the thoughts which go up in here okay that doesn't constitute us talking it's what comes out your mouth you see no I don't care well I've yet to meet you in a social environment I'm sure everybody else in this area probably has number seven I'm interested in people disagree are you strongly agree fascinating really fascinating interest in the people who indicates curiosity okay and of course could be more of introvert of some sort okay now this one I particularly like the answer which I've given you already I often lose my belongings a neutral standpoint okay so slight carelessness then okay but also slightly good at preparing things and organization skills are seem pretty normal to you then okay like I said don't don't worry about what I'm writing here I'm relaxed most of the time okay don't don't just answer directly with a disagree I think that's time for something to help you relax okay so what do we have here we we have just a banana okay a very relaxing banana here just relaxed a little bit hope you relaxed just a little little bit more it's a very relaxing bit [Music] on there we go just keep it nice and relaxed all the time so you feel you are relaxed a little bit of the time okay we we put that a slightly uh disagree then so we're not right on the the lower end of the spectrum there okay I'd like to think that all people who can see me have the ability to relax and even in being here can feel that sort of relaxation there as well number 10 I have difficulty understanding abstract ideas I'm going to put that down as a uh strongly agree the I could see that your mind was trying to work out what sort of abstract idea it is that I'm talking about and even questioning that question is something which you have difficulty understanding all right number 11 I feel comfortable around people see I am a person I can constitute as many people as well there are lots of people like me in this area have different stores and things around here do you feel comfortable around them slightly uh disagree there okay so sort of the introvert qualities are sort of going through you and when these things come out you're able to sort of tailor what sort of things you like to do in life to to help with a personality of yours uh to enjoy everything even more number 12 I insult people to make myself feel better give let me give you an example or something that you uh have an unfavorable Persona about you when you first walked in of course that's if I was judging a book by cover but that would be something that I would do to insult the person to make myself feel just a little bit better okay so would you feel the same way you strongly disagree okay so for me professing to be a night and shine shining armor type personality arrogance okay number 303 I pay attention to details what details have you seen so far that you've paid attention to of you being here do you feel relaxed okay that's I slightly agree number 14 I worry about things we all do we all do that's of course perfectly normal and natural it is the human condition but it's how we place that and what we do without worry some people will turn that into sort of negative feelings some people turn that into proactive feelings that use that to fuel whatever they need to do to make themselves feel better and be more productive for example quite an overwhelming question just to get an answer very quickly out of you but that's how this process works if we keep the ball moving these natural answers will come flowing out of you number 15 I have a vivid imagination what you like to imagine you often find yourself drifting off now and again thinking about things whether you're out doing something and your mind just drifts off to something else youly agree okay it shows a lot of creativity there right okay this is going to move move into a slight quick far around no number 16 I keep in the background away from others in the sidelines perhaps unseen neutral interesting I sympathize with others feelings you see something perhaps and you understand what they're feeling I see okay have a new CH one with that I make a mess of things whatever situation you find yourself in whatever you're doing perhaps you're doing something new perhaps you're doing something you've always done but you've messed it up perhaps it's a conversation with someone or relationship with someone maybe perhaps your partner your significant other I don't know what it is but you've messed it up you slightly disagree okay 19 I'm a strong Contender for love are you someone to be loved do you love people do you love loving people you strongly agree okay so a lot of compassionate traits 20 I'm not interested in abst abstract ideas yeah I thought that one about you thank you I start conversations please please do start a conversation anything literally anything not that that's a little bit too personal okay okay inaptitude to find appropriate conversation started with okay number 23 I get chores done right away so you know perhaps you've got something to do around the house or anything like that and you just get on doing it without procrastinating or anything like that you have a neutal stance on that okay so some days you do some days you don't that's fair enough 24 I'm easily Disturbed as could be disturbed when you're asleep that kind Disturbed or you're disturbed perhaps you're watching something and you didn't like it so you feel just a little bit disturbed or by people's actions or something like that yeah okay slight slightly agree okay sometimes things can make you think a little bit differently so this is a good time to relax yeah so we just have a nice neutralizing spray here has a little bit of a scent in there so you just enjoy that smell there very very relaxing smell there we just try to keep everything all the senses neutral and relaxed and keep you feeling good there okay there we go feeling better already okay I have excent ideas do strongly disagree slightly disagree neutral slightly agree strongly agree you have excellent ideas agree strongly agree excellent there's a lot of creativity which seems to be oozing from you at the moment I see mhm that tells me a lot about you okay we're halfway through there at the moment 26 I have little to say may I answer this one for you thank you number 27 I have a soft heart so perhaps you feel a lot of compassion consideration and everything else towards people things anything and you feel that just carries you through life uh always just feeling nice thoughts towards people or something like that I see okay slightly agree 28 often forget to put things back in their proper place so a little bit like losing your belongings earlier on if this is actually an individual thing you take and you don't put it back where it's meant to go okay sometimes that can determine perhaps you're a very busy individual and you haven't got time to go and put something back where it needs to be but then if you don't do it then it has repercussions later on when you're trying to find it so okay that's a sort of slightly slightly agree okay at 29 I get upset easily I'll give you an example everybody in this area all the shops would not welcome you with open arms I do feel a little bit upset about that not at all okay no that's fair enough that shows good resilience to be honest that's also very good or you find that relaxing as well I haven't heard that one there before I see you okay that's very interest very unique number 30 I do not have have a good imagination what would you say there you strongly disagree or just slightly agree strongly agree that's it take your time have a nice little think about that okay just keep thinking have good think what are you trying to imagine there you slightly disagree okay so you think you have a pretty good imagination that's good creativity again number 31 I talk to a lot of different people at parties I strongly disagree okay because you don't go to parties I see just you're changing okay to slightly disagree you go to parties occasionally I see right somewhat soci war and you talk to S of people in your group your closest friends I see right okay well those amongst us who are perhaps introverts don't r on sort of the social functions of other people don't find it necessary to talk to people because they're not quite worth their time okay number 32 I'm not really interested in others now this would be in correlation with that previous question there do you slightly disagree not really interested in others slightly agree you slightly disagree okay very honor answer 33 I like order so Conformity things like that it could be in any aspect of sort of Tiding something or in perhaps in a workplace or something like that fair okay you consider yourself quite a fair person so you you strongly agree with that let's see I changed my mood a lot so perhaps you find yourself B in around from one mood to another mood something might have just switched your mood a little bit and you've gone from one to the other very quickly if someone says something to you like I love you you look amazing I wish to be with you all the time etc etc you have beautiful eyes your mood perhaps feels quite good but if I say you're a terrible person don't get anywhere near me I can't stand being around you then it would be the PO opposite there do you feel the mood swing we put that down as a strongly agree 35 I'm quick to understand things strongly agree okay that shows some intellect there we go 36 I don't like to draw attention to myself that could be in a social environment or anything along those lines would you consider yourself like being attention paid to okay so you try not to but you don't shy away from it I see okay getting through all the questions nicely here I think it's time that you have a little bit of a break here you've been doing exceptionally well so far okay you see this this is very relaxing relaxing I've got two of them right here [Applause] [Applause] don't go it just helps take the edge of things a little bit for you and keeps your mind feeling refreshed and neutralized as we proceed with these questions number 37 I take time out for others perhaps friends family or literally strangers might ask you to do something and you just feel it very easy to take time out for others you strongly agree interesting that would be considered quite a nice trait the 3 38 I Sher my duties so would you strongly disagree strongly agree okay so perhaps um don't do your things that you feel like you need to do the important things have a neutral stance on that let see okay that's a sort of very normal answer there 39 I have frequent mood swings correlation to a previous question that what would you think there mood swings changing from one to the other and vice versa okay slightly agree okay some things can make you feel good some things can make you feel bad it could be literally anything perhaps eating something you don't like or or perhaps seeing something you don't like it could all change that's perfectly fine lot of this is of course The Human Condition number 4 I use difficult words so what would you say your vocabularies like would you go for the sort of very basic word part of the vocabulary or would you go for more experienced and fancier side of vocabulary so perhaps need to use a very long important words shows a a sort of Trea to impress people or perhaps yourself I see you slightly uh disagree you just use whatever comes to your mind I see okay that's good very good 41 I don't mind being the center of attention yeah slightly agree interesting I would not have thought that about you at all I feel others emotions put yourself in other people's shoes what you feel like if you see something happening or you can you easily take on someone else's burden or feel someone's emotions whatever they're experiencing or you know the puration if you see someone laughing for example do you find that funny do you find that feel that necessary to laugh yourself one word if I see someone laughing out loud that's enough to make me laugh out loud okay so yeah you feel other people's emotions all right so you are in tune with Humanity that's a very interesting answer 43 I follow schedule any type of schedule planned no than okay strongly disagree with that one the schedule is the tool of the of Cs is some directors like to thing like storyboards uh however it could also be very good for organizing and getting through and and planning out tasks and being proactive so there's you know a very different sort of um answer for both ends of the spectrum I get irritated easily question 44 irritated easily I'm just trying to think if I have something to irritate you with to just put it to the desk unfortunately I don't die and you have of relaxing things to help you relax a little bit so you've done very well so far so here we have a brain okay and it's a very relaxing brain there we're just going to give the brain a little bit of massage help all those thoughts work and come through when necessary and make you think clearly okay just keep doing that okay there we go okay now question 44 do you get irritated easily no Str disagree I see okay I just thought that you would 45 I spend time reflecting on things could be anything that you're reflecting on past memory perhaps you're going to bed at night and you just think of an absolutely useless memory from God knows how many years ago and an interaction with someone and you start reflecting on it what would you have done differently what would have been a funnier way a better way to say something do something and that irritates you a little bit and perhaps you start reflecting on on that or perhaps you're reflecting on such a good time no experience that you've had it works both ways a fond memory that you wish ah that was so good yeah okay so you have a neutral so a bit on and a bit off with that one I see I'm quiet around strangers I would have gone uh strongly agree there though you slightly disagree okay so you just got an amazing way of showing that you are required to say let's say you use of words of the English language has been sort of quite minimalistic there okay 47 I make people feel it ease so this is a trait that I strongly associate myself with that wherever I am whatever I'm doing whoever I'm talking to I can guarantee that I'm sure I always make them feel it EAS whether it be the kind words which I say to them whether it be just looking them in the eyes like now I feel like I understand people and people just seem to understand that that I can do that so makes them feel very comfortable and at ease even when the insults come flying is just something extra there which people warm to me so would you have that sort of CAS ability there yes you strongly agree okay I'll put that down as arrogance okay there we go okay 48 do you like engaging in conversation with strangers perhaps you're just walking down and someone comes up to you and you can see that're walking up to you and they're about to ask you something do you think H how interesting what's this delightful person going to say maybe you feel like hm I wonder what's going to happen now or maybe you're thinking oh gosh don't walk anywhere near me don't look at me if I just look away at this point in time this person will not talk to me whatsoever if I just gaze my attention to something else they won't engage in me with me okay you have a neutral so it maybe a little bit of both there depends on what situation it is the conversation with strangers can be somewhat Illuminating interesting learning new things about someone perhaps okay okay depends on the situation maybe someone's interested they just want to talk to you they like your personality perhaps they like the look of you it's always good to be open and perceivable to these sort of scenarios number 49 often pour wise ones to make people love perhaps you'd like to put a wise one now gosh I don't know how you do it that's brilliant I know you didn't say that's the whole point that you didn't say anything I just looked at you I thought that's what you were doing oh you were thinking about one oh my apologies there I'm sorry about that um well how about we um it takes you a little bit time but you were thinking about that so we put you down as a neutral okay sometimes if people really want to make people laugh all the time that could be some sort of personal insecurity perhaps or something like that or or maybe not an insecurity it could be something completely different this world making someone want to love you just Thrive of people being happy it it's it's depending how you answer that question okay I thought it was meed with a joke so I think that that's sort of a positive answer there for you okay finally we have one more answer that I need to retrieve from you number 50 do you feel intimidated sitting next to me have a good long hard think about this one what does this question mean okay do I want to engage in conversation does this worry me does this concern me have I misplaced something or left something at home he is a bit of a stranger I Haven known him for too long should I engage in conversation with him no that's good well surprising because sometimes it a lot of people do feel that but that is the ultimate question which incorporates all of the other questions which we've asked together because I've asked you some really personal questions there and that can seem a little bit intimidated when someone answers it because effectively I've delved into all the personal things which you actually feel internally and now you know that I'm able to collectively add all of these things up and come out with a sort of Personality trait which I think is very suited for you which I have got and I'm able to do and I've been doing it as we've been going along so some people might just feel a little bit of that intimidation there but it's also very refreshing that you feel relaxed in my presence that is also equally great to hear so I hope you don't mind I'm just going to give that little bit of a tally up there okay I've got a something to relax here okay just You' done really well just help clear your mind a little bit okay we got some very relaxing things here help you relax that's really good okay just you've done really well congratulations okay we got our banana here as well just keep relaxing nice and relax that's really goody Daisy okay we'll leave that as a g okay excellent you've done very well if you just give me a moment so I can just suff quick a reminder of certain things a bit of a t up here I see oh yes yes yes yes okay excellent right yeah it's very interesting check my well in here I have all of the answers to the questions that I asked and this is to determine what sort of Personality that you have I'll put this here you will be of course free to to take that and peruse it at your will and see the answers I also wrote down for you there as well it's very fascinating very interesting so the question you want answered what sort of personality do you have well it just so happens that you have required unique personality one that I haven't sort of encountered before where you give off this Persona of I don't know this unlikable quiet of individual who who just oozes this uncomfortable Persona you are in fact quite introverted in a way you're quite caring uh quite intelligent you have a lot of Charisma you have a lot of things internally which are good attributes for your personality you're proactive by looks f it you're normal when it comes to engaging with people but you're also proactive when you want to talk to people is of course a good trait to have this can spiral out to many things and and on all aspects of your life that sort of a personality trait there so a very creative individual is what I'm getting from you someone who appreciates a lot of creativity but within your own region within your own um hemisphere so to speak and anything beyond that perhaps you might find that new territory and you might find it a little bit difficult to try and understand that but you give it a go nonetheless and these are really good personality traits which is why I'm sure you've got lots of people who are very admirable of you who like you quite a lot okay even though you might not know it but I'm sure those who are around you are people who appreciate you and everything that you do they like what you do indeed I can't feel any of those things myself personally I have a very particular uh set of attributes and uh which drawn me towards certain people perhaps more so of my caliber you might find them a little bit more and Shop owners which around this area and around the farad estate etc etc you know but that's just my own personality your seems to outshine quite a lot of others which I've done a personality test so a lot of people would say that uh your personality is one of great prospects uh very promising and something very idelic for other people to Aspire to be like um those would be the answers um which you would get from what you said and would be the correct uh answer for me to tell you and that's what pretty much everyone would probably think after seeing those answers which you put there you're not you're not boastful you're not overconfident you do things and take things in under your stride you're able to do whatever comes your way and think collectively and quietly uh about what what you're doing and then use it in a proactive positive way to bring a positive outcome for it this is literally the best personality trait even though it pains me to say it for you because I don't know why I feel I had an instant dislike to you however it tells me that your personality is a personality be to be very much like so you should be very proud of that so I think I've said enough positive things about you there uh way more than I should have done really that I feel comfortable myself even talking about perhaps I should myself go in the questionnaire as well just to delve in a little bit deeper with that but anyway I hope that is the answer that you're looking for what sort of personality you have and I hope it helps you as you progress with whatever you're doing excellent well really hope that you've enjoyed our time together thank you for coming to see me and do come back in the future for another personality test or to do deeper into your whatever it is who you are as a person and this can help you with whatever you're doing at the time okay we'll take care of your soon J
Channel: FredsVoice ASMR
Views: 196,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr personality test, asmr, #asmr, personality test analysis, psychologist asmr, friendly asmr, rude english gentleman, mouth sounds, fredsvoice, fredsvoice asmr, male asmr, make you sleep, asmr triggers, in depth personality test, asmr test, test asmr, examination asmr, examination, cranial nerve examination, top 10 triggers, top asmr triggers, something in your eye asmr, something in your ear asmr, gibi, zeitgeist, asmr massage, sas asmr, srpasmr, zach choi, iphone unboxing
Id: ziRvE1oQRPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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