ASMR - ADHD & Personality testing, Psychologist roleplay

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foreign welcome please come in my name is Matt and welcome to New Year not a new you same you new opportunity and I'd like to thank you and congratulate you for taking time to look introspectively to look inside instead of looking outside please take a seat today will be screening for ADHD or attention deficit hyper activity disorder and be screening you with a test from the mha the mental health of America it should be noted that there are no Laboratory yeah I see the laboratory I mean any blood work any enzyme analysis that we can do for ADHD it's uh clinical assessment diagnosis and I think it's important before we get started to recognize what ADHD is and what it isn't you should also note that once we've concluded the initial assessment I'll also be running an additional ink block now I like to use the two in parallel and perhaps in future sessions we might also look to uh specialized personality test but I'd like to clarify exactly what ADHD is and why it isn't add so in the last three decades ADHD has been categorized as something initially very obvious you need a little kid that was seen running around repeating the same activity over and over and over was it clear this child has ADHD diagnosis and many especially the older Generations still cling to this idea that ADHD is very obvious forgetting that ADHD is most likely a spectrum it's not a one and a zero it's a one to a hundred and there are many kids in the world today who might sit at 50. in a classroom full of people at zero unexpected to learn in the same way now in educations defense with a very limited budget all you can really do is reach as many kids as possible if a child was fortunate enough to be born into a family that can afford specialized tutoring leaning towards an ADHD understanding then a different curriculum can be set up the truth is some of the brightest Minds in the world carry ADHD diagnosis and I mentioned a few minutes ago add and until fairly recently and if you Google this you would still get mixed results but the general consensus that add is no longer a valid diagnosis it was under a banner of ADHD now you can have ADHD without diapersensitivity or diaper activity rather but it's still considered an ADHD diagnosis EDD typically isn't diagnosed anymore um it's Consolidated under ADHD with with or without the hyperactivity so today we're going to ask a series of questions and whether or not we diagnose with or without ADHD assuming it was with there are a variety of potential supports some choose to medicate with something like lateral others look at it from a more behavioral standpoint because once you have a diagnosis for ADHD you can then start putting mitigation control in place okay and these measures might help you be more effective and typically normalized world of it doesn't lean to ADHD and trying to operate in standardized world with ADHD is incredibly challenging and there are no exceptions made for this with the continued success and growth of online content creation we are seeing platforms emerging that we give ADHD sufferers a chance at adding value in their own way however it should be said that again prior generations and even other generation we'll carry a stigma that anyone who is lazy calls themselves ADHD and we're not here to dispel all the stereotypes and the stigmas in the world but it's important to ask yourself if you're in a classroom with 30 kids and 28 of them are sat down with their heads down writing and there's two kids looking up and looking outside or their hand or that they'd rather be anywhere else or to make conversation with people that's not to say that they're lazy their mind just doesn't want to focus on what they're doing could you imagine trying to operate heavy machinery when you have an itch at the center of your back that you can't reach and it's so distracting so annoying that all the time you just need to let go of this heavy machinery and try to scratch it because it's so loud so prevalent and you don't want to let go of this Machinery you know you have a job to do just so annoying and you can ignore it for 10 20 30 seconds maybe even for two minutes but then you've just got to go niche and now you've abandoned your your heavy machinery and you're not doing what you should be doing and you're very aware of that fact something it's telling you you have to itch this Edge now that's enough preamble you're here because you recognize that ADHD might be prevalent in your life and you like to understand whether it's the case now there are lazy people in the world but there's a difference between it's intense need to drop what you're doing do something else do three other things all the while very aware that you're not doing what you should be doing but unable to face doing it so let's go ahead and run through some questions now I'd like you to remember regardless of where you set on this spectrum regardless everyone has things they don't like doing and things they would rather not be doing it doesn't mean the whole world has ADHD but equally you might find something like Twitter that they seemed to be an abundance of people with ADHD ask yourself well why is that so hard to believe that a group of people would struggle to stay on task find solace in the fast changing and evolving social media perhaps it's a place of Solace a place they can find understanding so of course there will be higher numbers congregating in somewhere like Twitter please do comfortable I'm gonna run through this ADHD test now we're looking at this from the last six months okay so think about these questions in relation to the last six months when you were a kid or when you were in high school unless you're doing High School just pertaining to the last six months okay now the question will be between sometimes or very often okay now how often do you have trouble wrapping up the final details of a project once the challenging part have been done okay I'm often do you have difficulty getting things in order when you have to do a task that requires organization remember it's never really often and very often okay good how often do you have problems remembering appointments for our obligations good when you have a task that requires a lot of thought how often do you avoid or delay getting started again try to answer with your instinctive answer you should come to you fairly quickly and it's not something that you should have to deliberate over the same approach can be applied for the ink plot test that we'll be doing okay how often do you fidget or squirm with your hands or feet when you have to sit down for a long time me too how often do you feel overly active and compelled to do things like you were driven by a motor okay good good you're doing very well how often do you make careless mistakes when you have to work on a boring or difficult project okay very good how often do you have difficulty keeping your attention and you're doing boring or repetitive work again it's never rarely sometimes often very often how often do you have difficulty concentrating on what people say to you even when they are speaking to you directly could this is question 10. how often do you misplace or have difficulty finding things at home or at work okay how often are you distracted by activity or noises around you how often do you leave your seat in meetings or other situations and what you are expected to remain seated this is something that I find in my work find extended meetings very challenging I have uh maybe two toilet trips and a two-hour meeting I'm often do you feel Restless or fidgety and I guess you clarify fidgety can be uh well people call nervous energy if you see someone sitting at a table and their legs are always bouncing it's an example of being Vegeta how often do you have difficulty unwinding and relaxing when you have time to yourself good how often do you find yourself talking too much when you're in social situations you think of this as always feeling like you have to jump in at this very moment in case you forget what you're going to say unconsciously interrupting people not being rude but just being unable to help yourself when you're in a conversation how often do you find yourself finishing the sentences of the people you were talking to before they can finish themselves good we just have a couple more left how often do you have difficulty waiting your turn in situations when taking your turn is required good good doing very well how often do you interrupt others even when they're busy okay good now it should be noted this test is actually geared towards adolescents and adults not for small children okay now you need a couple of uh details about age and demographics so your age range okay okay and are you female male or non-binary okay wonderful what is your typical household income the reason this is asked is how we can understand the number of people who are born or develop ADHD living in a household that would be unavailable or unable to help provide additional support support that might be quite costly good and whereabouts are you located as in your residing okay good my wife is Filipino so excellent okay which of the following populations describes you and select any that apply veteran or active duty military caregiver of someone living with emotional or physical illness lgbtq Plus student trauma Survivor new or expecting parent and the health care worker okay no and this pertains to your mental health and a little bit of uh of History okay it gets a little bit personal if you feel uncomfortable with any of the questions just raise your hand and we can skip past it have you ever received treatment or support for mental health problems okay I think about your mental health one of the main things contributing to any mental health problems that you have right now and you can choose up to three all right abuse or violence relationship problems whether or not be with family or friends or a partner body image or a self-dimension school or work problems being unable to satisfy basic needs like housing clothing food financial problems loneliness or ice ice grief or loss someone or even something racism homophobia transphobia or discrimination anything else that may not be on this list can you should choose up to three if you are suffering from more than three um it's a difficult thing to try to prioritize but if you're able to put three in terms of severity and what is impacting your life the most and if none apply to you no problem okay now this is entirely free but it's a question again to help consolidate data sets so we can make some analysis and really try to reach the people who need help the most do you have health insurance or maybe you live in a country that offers free healthcare okay now do you have any of the following General health conditions and if you do select any that apply heart disease reproductive health concerns PCOS and the termites us for Timothy that kind of diabetes cancer arthritis or chronic pain COPD or other lung conditions movement disorders physical ticks or anything else that you specifically suffer from okay okay good now depending on you and of course with everything that you've answered I can tell you we will consolidate the conclusion in our analysis in a report that will be shared with you um in a couple of days um but typical results for tests such as this or ADHD likely or very likely or no sign of ADHD no indication of ADHD they're quite generic generic pointers because this is such a delicate field to diagnose okay now the results of these tests are not a confirmed diagnosis one way or another to give you an idea okay good thank you now we'll move on one two being a blood test or the rush artist depending on how you like it to be cold so what is the blood test foreign by psychologists and wow it's not as common or used as often as it was many still find the association to the image in the brain very telling and it's really just um yeah give us more indication a better idea and you'll be shown while some sites offer quizzes that kind of prompt A B C or D that really limits your response we want you to be Limitless no constraint and I will actually be showing these in reverse order they're tense lines you can go to 12 or even 14 in some extended versions but I'll be showing you these and reverse order okay okay and the reason uh I choose reverse order because many at some point have done I think blood test it's quite easy to get into a pattern so I like to just move it so it's not necessarily what you expect these can be held up right side Underside number ten number two that'll be very response Lobster the subjects usually are aware this card is the last one so it may give you an opportunity to reveal something that you wouldn't otherwise which is why I show it first okay foreign okay now number nine and I'm actually going to show these and if the reversal changes the image for you let me know okay but typically if you see one thing one way you'll usually see it through reverse but not always and it's important you specify to me if you notice that change okay nine people categorize it is human sometimes really varies the people can struggle to find anything in some cases now this is number eight and people often see here pink four-legged animal regardless of the orientation of the picture and a lot of times um if it's black and white people will see something different again this card can often brighten the brightness okay foreign with this very good the seventh card or card seven is often associated with femininity and struggles to identify fairly clearly motherly figures can indicate a little bit of resolve tension with their mother not always but something to um consider okay now number six foreign commonly seen as um an animal hide or a skin of some sort um okay now usually the texture of the rug can sometimes provoke very specific emotional reactions but not always okay all right number five and it's more commonly shown in this orientation one of the reasons again I show in Reverse is because card five is usually used as a change of pace and this time it's reversed typically it's a bat and people don't have a very strong emotional attachments to it it's quite easy to discern okay find this number four hundred about what you're seeing okay what do you think you saw there okay card for is usually associated with authority and if you have issues with authority you might not feel a bit uncomfortable um often referred to as the father card again but its own ramifications of what that could mean for you now number three number three okay now okay people's responses to this car can be indicative of their social construct and how comfortable or uncomfortable they can be and social situations all right but again every answer is valid there's nothing that can make us right or wrong and the results are exhaustive perhaps one of the most famous cards card number two and very little changes on the inverse usually for this card okay and again about what you see and how you feel looking at the card all right what um what we see not always but very often has a direct impact that we're feeling so it's not just what we see but how we feel the number one again very famous this card is actually associated with how we handle new tasks which is why we leave it to the end because it ties back quite nicely with our ADHD assessment um and the obvious choice of course is a bad butterfly or a moth but again how you feel when you look at it some people aren't completely disinterested some people don't even like looking at it eventually excellent now all of you are responses being or have been recorded if you're wondering why I'm not writing anything down we record the session the audio made available to you that no cost but sometimes with these tests it's not so much what we say it's as much how we see it and why we're not saying something else so it's for me to to go away with my unnecessarily fancy headphones sit and to listen analyze lies analyze and we'll take the results findings of both assessments and amalgamate them into a character description of you our honest assessment where you are and what kind of tools we can employ to help you to support you in any of your presents because life is complicated enough thankfully mental health awareness regardless of what it pertains to specifically awareness is growing we are beginning to realize that um in absence of the struggles of times even as recently as 100 years ago with less physically do in the in the last deficitly occupy our time we're finding that we're looking internally for problems becoming more introspective and why of looking internally will find new problems the percent new mental health challenges not to see it as it is on we are seeing New Waves of compassion and understanding with newer Generations we are less driven by War and motivated now instead by finding happiness instead of finding ways to survive so well mental health awareness and mental health might continue to increase so too or many other positive statistics such as more people having access to free education and yes United States of America you must do much better not to single out the USA because it's a beautiful place beautiful people that is uh very very close to my heart I have some friends here terrible situation there are many issues in many countries it might not seem like it but we are trending become more patient an understanding of people mental health challenges we can hope to live in a more compassionate world I'd like to thank you for your time today you're very patient and you stayed on task again but thank you and we'll do everything in our power to help the support because you're not alone in this no matter what your brain might tell you no matter how you might the truth is we are all in this together no one is truly alone there is always somebody who feels almost exactly like you it's just a case of finding each other and being brave enough to ask for don't suffer in silence reach out to your friends reach out to professionals I'll be in touch with your results shortly thank you again for sitting and enduring to go home to lay down I'll jump well done close your eyes and sleep good night you're amazing
Channel: Articulate Design ASMR
Views: 134,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASMR, asmr, asmr roleplay, asmr roleplaying, asmr for sleep, asmr personal attention, triggers, tingles, relaxation, sleep, asmr sleep, old asmr, physical examination, detailed, asmr adhd, asmr add, asmr adhd testing, testing you
Id: g8dykETy69w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 45sec (2685 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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