[ASMR] Neck & Shoulder Gua Sha Massage + Scalp Check with Ediya (Real Person)

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Starting this massage with a prayer that it may bring calmness and relief to you, Ediya As well as every single person watching That it may relieve any suffering you or they may feel Any anxiety, any restlessness any overwhelming emotions It's been so long since I've had you here on my channel - It's been forever - I know We kept trying to figure out a day to film again and it was just lockdown after lockdown Now finally things are reopening, it feels safer I want you to breathe in this scent of lavender roman chamomile, vetiver - Smells really good - I'm glad So, I'm going to take off some of these necklaces if that's okay Okay - They're really beautiful - Thank you - I really like this one - Ya, it's new Looks handmade I think I'm really going to put it to use in Costa Rica Oh, yes. You're leaving in less than 2 days How do you feel about that? I can't really believe that it's happening When's the last time you traveled? A little bit over a year ago Cause I came back from India March 2020 That was when the Canadian government called you all back Ya. A week before everything closed You've been here since and it's the longest time that you stayed in Canada for the longest time Well, ya - I know since you started travelling basically - Yes I know you've had the itch to go travelling Ya, I think once you start travelling, you can't stop What do you hope to learn at Costa Rica? I mean, I know it's impossible to predict what you're actually going to be faced with but what are some of the intentions that you have going into this? I think... there are many layers to it For example, we're going to an eco village that specializes in regenerative farming and permaculture so there's a lot to learn in that area, which I'm... don't know anything about really But I've always had interest in and Ya, so there's that Which I know for sure will help me feel more connected to nature and just the cycle How do you say it? Like, the food cycle? Which when you're in this part of the world you're very removed from I want you to just lean into... there you go It's very true Ya, so, there's that aspect of just more knowledge a different perspective on life and the human lifestyle Then there's also like healing work that I know for sure my mom and I will experience because - I know we're not really finished - Oh, you're never really finished in healing our traumas, like in our relationship So I know for sure we're gonna get triggered by each other but I welcome it Is she going into this trip with the same mindset as you? I think so She's expressed many times that she's a little scared of me and also nature and ya... Cause she has a fear of wild... I guess you could say wildlife Like frogs, snakes, that sort of thing That's really beautiful that both of you are going through this journey together and going into it with such a mindful mindset But like you said, of course you're gonna be tested and trained We're gonna do a few neck stretches I want you to stretch all the way forward. Touch your chin to your chest. We're just gonna hold that for a little while Come back up. I'm gonna support you as you stretch backwards. Just kind of loosening all the neck muscles here cause you mentioned that you're feeling a lot of tension in this area Other side Then we're gonna do some lateral flexion over here, good Just gonna give you some ear pressure Okay, good Just gonna take a little bit more massage oil This is jojoba oil, so it will get absorbed really well into your skin It won't leave any greasy residue Just going to massage sort of the scalenes over here and the sternocleidomastoid a little bit Just very gently I can feel that your skin is nice and warmed up which is really good cause I know we were getting really cold here Definitely wanna warm up everything as we work on Just working around your scapulae with my thumbs and then paraspinals You can just relax back into me Very good Just gonna apply a little bit of pressure right here at the tai yang acupressure point Just to settle and calm the spirit to relieve any of the tension in the temporal muscle Then also the masseter Just applying a little bit of traction to your scalp You can pull some more if you'd like Your hair has gotten so long since I last saw you - Have you cut it at all? - No I've been using rice water to rinse it I think it's helped Ya, definitely looks very shiny Thank you Alright. So the next thing we're going to do is a bit of a scalp check We're gonna start right at the anterior hairline, midline I see a little cherry angioma there Left sort of temporal area So, just gonna make note of that The skin here looks like it's doing a little better as well Have you been applying anything? Ya, Polysporin Okay, very good You know, for school for head to toe assessment we actually do have to do a scalp check on our standardized patients I've always wondered what my examiner would say if I ended up bringing some new knitting needles and doing this Do you think you'd be allowed to? They probably would laugh at me - It would make it easier, wouldn't it? - I think so It's very precise in the way that it divides the hair and it's honestly... I find that a lot of what we do in medicine is... Like doing the physical exams, a lot of these exams are actually not very sensitive or specific But patients feel better after they receive the exam They feel more comforted and reassured There's the element of therapeutic touch which is so important Just gonna tilt your head like that, good And then, I'm gonna take a look at the occiput of your skull Little bit dry here Would it be okay if I applied a little bit of jojoba oil just at the back at the occiput area? It's definitely a dry patch Just gonna massage it right in Just kind of all over this area I want you to just take your hands and sort of just pull your shoulders back Just gonna do some stretching here Just kinda shake it out a little bit Then we're gonna go into eagle's pose You probably know this better than I do Just going to stretch out the back there Good Very good Ya, you're the master, (inaudible) Very nice - The other way? - Ya Very nice Shake it out, shake it out Good Now, this is a tribute to miss ediyasmr We're gonna do some selenite wand action So selenite has very cleansing properties Anything else? It has an infinity to the crown chakra You can tell I watch your videos So, we're gonna use it to activate the crown Ah, the activate sounds Then, I'm going to cleanse away any negative energy any resistance anything that's clinging onto you that doesn't need to be here Do you ever transmit reiki through the selenite? Or do you just let selenite work on its own? I let it work on its own, ya I wonder if it would actually be possible I don't know - How is that? - Really nice - I got a lot of goosebumps - Really? Now, everything just feels really bright I'm glad to hear that I did want to do a little bit of face gua sha with this jade gua sha tool and then we're gonna have a little tea ceremony cause I know you've been really craving that I was thinking in choosing the "Stress Release" but I don't know if you want "Peppermint Halo" or "Pain Release" "Super Detox" or "Head Cold" The "Super Detox" might work well with the gua sha but it's up to you I actually wanna try this cause... "Pain Release" because this is the scent that I got really used to during the Vipassana Okay, great Really nostalgic - The scent? - Ya Cause I brought that with me at the Vipassana and it was like the only entertainment I had Yup - It's that one? - Yup Mhmm. Smells really good. So it's lavender, oregano I think, rosemary, cajeput peppermint, eucalyptus, and a little bit of roman chamomile But it's not very strong It's strong if you do this Okay, hands Rub them together Breathe in I'll just apply a little bit Oh, I definitely smell it now I don't think I ever appreciated the scent of "Pain Release" Just kind of applying the oil all over the gua sha Actually... this is my first time using this one I just received it I'm using it as more of a lymph massage tool Just kind of encouraging the lymph to move down towards the cervical lymph nodes Have you noticed any swelling or edema in your face lately? Not recently but I used to get a lot of face swelling before - After eating sugar? - Yup So you've had a really good diet lately, I presume Ya, a little better than before That's good My gut has been sort of acting up and so, I've been observing it a bit more gentle with my diet That's interesting cause your dog Latte has always had... has also been having some gut problems I really like this tool and how it has so many different shapes that can be used to just sort of.... fit every contour and shape of your face And then, I'm just encouraging the lymph to flow down Down the cervical lymph nodes, into the supra and infraclavicular lymph nodes Continuing down that chain Just one more time Encourage any metabolic waste to return to the heart and then filtered out by the kidneys out through urine I'm gonna put your necklaces back on unless... - Do you want them back on? - Sure This necklace This one's from... Is this one from Mejuri? The lotus one? Ya Your final beautiful, colourful necklace you'll be wearing to Costa Rica Now, we're onto your most anticipated moment which is the tea Okay, Ediya. So the tea is almost done steeping. I wanted to ask you, with all of the growth that you've been having over the past year on your channel You know, you've been not just having your YouTube videos but you've had so many group programs that have been so successful your Patreon, your 1 on 1 counselling Is there anything you'd like to share with our viewers about what next steps you're going to take? I know you've been having some new ideas, so, kinda want some tea - Should I look at the camera? - While we drink the tea. Ya, sure. Let's spill the tea while we drink the tea So, there are a lot of new things I've been getting inspired to create When it comes to my channel, I wanna explore different forms of filmmaking moving forward Stretch my creativity For, as for my programs, I really feel called to create a self paced course that people can take without being there live Cause so far, the programs I have offered have been like that Where you have to actually show up live But I know that's not the kind of learning style that is best for everyone Speaking from my old self, I knew that I would've preferred something more private So, I feel called to create that But, there's no set due date for any of this I think I'm just going to go with my creative flow and see how things unfold If they are ready to be birthed right now or if we have to wait a little bit I think with Costa Rica, here you go - Thank you - While it's still warm With Costa Rica, maybe you'll get inspired to do gardening or like some other kind of eco generative... Was it called eco generative or regenerative? Regenerative farming That's really cool I really hope so. Cause that's something that my mom has always wanted to do and my entire family, we've always had this vision of creating a an eco village, like a sustainable, off grid - Sustainable, off grid - Community I would like to be a part of that community I think you'd really love the place I'm going to It's very sweet Thank you Ediya I love you girl That was so nice - Bye everyone - Bye
Channel: Semide ASMR
Views: 527,981
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Keywords: real person asmr, asmr real person massage, asmr scalp check, asmr massage, asmr scalp check real person, asmr real person neck massage, asmr real person scalp check, real person scalp check, asmr gua sha massage, asmr shoulder massage, asmr gua sha, asmr scalp check with sticks, asmr neck massage, gua sha, semide asmr, asmr chinese gua sha massage, soft spoken, gua sha massage, soft spoken asmr, facial gua sha, semidecoco, asmr, ediyasmr, semidecoco asmr, asmr scalp massage
Id: l1WXxTotaMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 31sec (2971 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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