ASMR Mythology: Pandora's Box, Danaïdes, Sisyphus and Icarus (Soft Spoken Story for Sleep)

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hello everyone tonight we have a fire gently cracking in the fireplace everything is still outside and to entertain you and lure you to sleep I'll tell you more stories from Greek mythology four different stories together with their context and possible interpretations so make yourself comfortable and let the tension go in your shoulders before we begin with the first story the story of Pandora long ago there was a time when humans were all male there were no women and Men lived naked and uncivilized around the world humans were weak in comparison with many wild animals they had no fear to keep them warm they had no thick skin to protect them they were not armed with big teeth or clothes they could not fly to escape and one day the Titan Prometheus decided to do something for these poor creatures Prometheus stole the secret of fire from the gods and gave it to humanity men finally got an advantage one that surpassed any advantage given to other species with fire came not on the Comforts and protection it was the first step towards knowledge The Taming of nature and with them culture civilization men had received the spark of divinity with this gift for this theft Prometheus was punished harshly this is a story I told you already in a previous episode the king of Gods Jews had taken revenge on Prometheus but he was still not satisfied humans had to be punished too or at least Limited they could not be left alone with this new knowledge of Fire that would undoubtedly demultiply their power in the future and maybe make them identify Gods one day sometimes Jews liked her quick and brutal Revenge all the times he preferred to plot and let convoluted plan unfold this was the choice he made this time Humanity would be banished but banished by the consequences of its own actions and punished forever for the first part of his plan Jews went to Hephaestus the Craftsman and blacksmith's God who lived in isolation away from most other gods his own mother Hera had castimov Mount Olympus to God's Mountain because of his lameness and so faced us lived in his Workshop an interested in the adventures and the feuds of other gods he crafted equipment for them objects that were as perfect and beautifully made as he was ugly objects such as the winged helmet and the sandals of God Hermes the messenger of the Gods War The Chariot of Helios descent God Jews went to the reclusive Hephaestus and asked him to model a new creature a human woman the first woman ever created from clay Hephaestus one older body and life was given to it humans had not been created to be perfect and how could they when they were created by gods who were themselves imperfect but an effort was made for the first woman or at least so it seemed each God cooperated by giving her unique gifts Beauty intelligence eloquence or strength she received all these qualities and was named Pandora the all-gifted that these gifts were all double-edged ambivalent and this was part of Jews plan Pandora received the intelligence and the eloquence from Hermes than the messenger god also gave her with it her Shameless mind and a deceitful nature Hermes also gave her talent to lie convincingly Aphrodite made her graceful and attractive which meant men would lose their minds and their judgment in our presence and so on Pandora was a creature as beautiful and smart as she was dangerous and unpredictable such was the weapon that Zeus had crafted to diminish and punish men once this was done the king of Gods went to the brother of Prometheus Epimetheus and offered him Pandora as wife before he was finished and chained to a mountain for bringing fire to humanity Prometheus had warned his brother want him to never accept a gift from Jews because he knew the king of God never gave away favors and Gifts without hidden motives that Epimetheus was Charmed by Pandora and he forgot about his brother's warning he accepted her as her party gift Jews had given Pandora the loud jar the pitos in which the gods had put different plagues some physical like storms diseases or earthquakes others in material or emotional I fear desperation or delusion the supreme god was considered Pandora's nature would do the rest in that she would soon disseminate this place because she would care to see up in the jar unable to resist the temptation to do it just because she could and he was right soon even though she had been instructed to not open the jar Pandora became a curious of what it would be like if she opened it she did not resist the temptation for long as soon as she opened the jar all the plagues it contained spread around the world and started to afflict her kind from this momentone Humanity became at the mercy of illness disasters and a self-destructing impulses that would slow down and always threatened its cultural and Technical advancement who Legend says that realizing her mistake and its tragic consequences Pandora tried to close the jar and one of the emotions stayed attract in it hope hope that some see as a blessing and others as a curse for mankind two's Revenge was complete a human had brought countless calamities over its own kind and even though he had plotted all this the king of God would consider his hands were clean since he hadn't done it himself the story I just told you is one of the most famous versions of this Greek myth and we owe it to his yard an ancient Greek poet thought to have been active between the 8th and 7th centuries BC the Contemporary of Hummer the author of the idiot and the Odyssey like with honor it is unsure easier actually existed or was a single person he could be a pseudo author the name to which different Works were attributed you certainly heard of the term Pandora's Box this is what the figure of Pandora is most famous for to append Pandora's Box means to unleash disasters out of carelessness or an excess of curiosity in an action that is irreversible these calamities or these consequences are here to stay they are like toothpaste they won't go back into the tube that's the origin of the phrase that in all ancient versions of the myth as written by his yard and later retooled by Greek and Roman authors it was not a box that she opened that the Beatles that is to say a kind of large harmful a container that was used for storage it became a box much later at the time of the Renaissance 2000 years after the earliest known written versions of the story when petos was translated as a box and the word remained but this is a technical detail that does not change the meaning of the story there's a lot to say about it at the surface level this myth works as an obvious cautionary tale about careless actions it is also a myth that explains or tries to make sense of the presence of evil or evils in the world it speaks of our Human Condition you may have also an artist that the storyline of the first woman created after the first man and who lets evil into the world involuntarily inadvertently driven by him persist that she cannot control is something rather familiar it sounds a lot like what happens in the Hebrew and Christian Bibles when Eve accepts the gift that leads to the expression of men from Eden and the end of her first golden age that became out of Rich Forever and yet another thing that deserves to be discussed is that the figure of Pandora is not limited to this myth Greek myths about bandura exist in different versions sometimes contradictory and Pandora was also the name of an ancient goddess or a mythical being so as you see there is a lot of things to tell about is apparently Simple Story and we're going to take them one by one before moving to other myths now that we have begun our little mythology night please take a moment to address your position if you are not perfectly comfortable you can close your eyes whenever you want if you let go and fall asleep you can always come back another time I also invite you to check my patreon page if you wish to support this channel the support I get from each Patron is very appreciated and patrons keep this channel going without set breaks for everyone you can also listen to my stories on Spotify Apple music and other music streaming sites real disease on there have been Disturbed for a few weeks because of technical problems but I'm told that they should resume very soon and for another take on the stories I craft for you I also invite you to check lights out Library the new podcast and channel that is basically the retailing of my stories that in the feminine voice of Sarah the editor and host of this new program it is solved in good English and we hope this channel will do well too I'll put links in the first comment under this video and now let's go back to Pandora like a lot of memes the story of Pandora course for areas interpretations or can be looked at from different angles first there is the most obvious one the cautionary tale about the consequences of acting carelessly which can lead to tragic consequences that cannot be undone she opens the jar and the world is changed forever afflicted by a place we still live with if we go a little further the tail also provides an explanation for the presence of evil or suffering in the world which is another common function of myth to make sense or provide a backstory for phenomenons that affect mankind this particular story can be seen as something called a theodicy what does it mean theodosi is a term used in the philosophy of religion that was coined in the 18th century by a German philosopher life needs it is made of Greek word and means literally Vindication of God a problem that kept theologists and philosophers thinking at the time and even before was the problem of evil how can we reconcile the existence of a god that is all-powerful benevolent and who knows everything with the reality of evil and suffering across the world and in humans lives in other terms white as a God or God's who are all-powerful and wish us well allow this to exist the theodicy is an argument or in some cases a backstory that tries to reconcile Jesus apparently incompatible things in many mythologies there is one or several stories that explain how evil and pain came to spread across the world an event that typically puts an end to a mythical golden age that would have existed before and from which suffering was absent too many antique civilizations like Classical Greece the presence of evil in the world did not necessarily clash with their conception of the Divine and their conception of Gods they did not believe that their gods were omnipotent nor omniscient in many Greek mythological stories God's hide information from each other and they act out of ignorance sometimes and they are not seen as always benevolence neither they could absolutely punish men sometimes unfairly they had a very human Persians and desires and in the case of ancient Greece The Olympian gods were also not the creators of the world they just lived in it they happen to have powers and be eternal but they were not the creators of the universe so to the Greeks the girls themselves were subject to pain and emotions they could be Petty cruel they had whims they made mistakes the coexistence of these Gods with suffering and evil in the world was not theoretically problematic to them but still the existence of this myths seems to indicate the need for a backstory an explanation for why plagues and suffering affect mankind as a matter of fact the myths of Pandora's Box explains the spreading of plagues has a very intentional plan elaborated by Jews it's a Revenge a punishment against humanity to take it down the notch if there is a message or a morality here it would be more the need for Humanity to submit to Divine decisions to forces of nature that made plagues Inseparable from our Human Condition they came from above and should be accepted as such now this problem of evil looks theoretically more complicated for ulterior religions in particular Judaism Christianity and Islam that are based on the existence of a single God that is all-powerful who created the world we live in who created Mankind and is also benevolent philosophers and theologists from these different Traditions have analyzed the problem and also come up with arguments with the theodices has many attempts at reconciling the benevolent and all-powerful God with the reality of evil they can consist of arguing that evil were suffering are part of a broader plan that works for a greater good or that the existence of evil is the consequence and also the condition for the Free Will of man to exist there are different versions of this argument but they come down to this Free Will real Liberty for men is impossible if men are not left free of doing evil or of ignoring the Commandments of God and therefore eliminating evil would deny humans their freedom this is what theodosi is in the myth of Pandora As Told by his yet is one of the most ancient theodices we we returning to more historical considerations the thing that makes the character of Pandora more complex is that the character was not invented by his yard everything indicates that it was a very ancient figure in Greek mythology she existed long before his yard wrote The Myth in the form I told you before and after him the story was Rewritten adapted many times during antiquity his yet used to miss a radical character that in earlier versions of the myth was sometimes married to Prometheus not to his brother Epimetheus and in these earlier versions the jar could well have contained the only good things for humans in that case Pandora would have been a kind of female counterpart to Prometheus the husband stole fire from the gods to give it to mankind for you being a metaphor for knowledge and culture and the wife Pandora distributed blessings to humankind what supports the existence of this earlier myth is that Pandora means the all gifted as we saw before but it can also mean the old giving it works with these two versions with these two myths that give her a completely different function and another arguments in favor of good Pandora is that she was depicted on ancient artifacts on pottery with an alternative name Annie Sidora she who sends gifts so historians believe that even though he's yet version of the myth is the one that lived through the centuries and is now completely associated with Pandora ancient Greeks may not have overseen her as a negative figure maybe depending on the period or on the regions of the Greek world there are two versions of the myths coexisted another observation to make is this strong and obvious misogynistic undertone to a easier story in summary the creation of the first woman was decided by Jews as a punishment before it they were only men and Humanity was fine the first woman is the individual that approached disaster he's weird story her knowledge is the qualities of Pandora but she cannot be trusted because she lacks control she acts reason she was given a treacherous nature of course she is just a character that has the first woman she obviously also represents an archetype this is an extreme case in Greek mythology there are many feminine figures in Greek mythology that are painted in a more positive right goddess Athena is a generally positive character or Aphrodite a support the heroes we are invited to root for another type of woman is Penelope horizio's wife who is a model of virtue and loyalty some women are powerful too they can be wires admir zones and other possible trap would be to call misogyny every single flow attributed to women in Greek mythology because males were also represented with major flows whole characters in these ancient stories are imperfect including gods but mythology also reflected what Greek society was at the time most of the time women in these stories are praised for their beauty their loyalty the care they provide the children they bear when they are positive figures it is almost always as a source of inspiration for male Heroes they very rarely Drive the action of stories and when did you eat his generally as villains or ambiguous characters like Pandora in his youth version or media a character I already told you about in the myth of Jason and Thiago notes media was her queen and a sorceress she begins as her helper but she ends very badly as a murderer because she cannot get over it when Jason abandons her in these stories where women are some of the main characters their lack of control over their impulses and they are ambivalence are very often highlighted they are the Bringers of disaster even when they don't wish to you can also think of Helen of Troy there are a few exceptions and a more ambiguous situations archetypes of characters about women come back a lot reflect the position of women in Greek society and also served to justify it they were barely given any political role they had less rights and except for a few rare members of the elite they were not given much education maybe one last observation to make about the myth of Pandora is the similarities with Eve each is the first woman in the world and each is the central character in a story of transition from an original state of abundance and ease to one of suffering a transition which is brought about as a punishment for transgression of divine role Pandora or Ben-Hur jar whereas Eve accepted the Forbidden fruits from the Tree of knowledge even though they both had been warned not to Miss of Pandora Inspire the beautiful story it looks possible even though rather than Pandora inspiring Eve it could also have been a storyline that circulated in the Eastern Mediterranean and both stories both figures would be illustrations of the same tradition we know that Greek culture heavily influenced relevant in the last centuries BC the classical myth of tandora was known to the first Christians and they saw in her a type of Eve some historians have argued that idiots take on the myth which basically gives a bad role to Pandora could have influenced the interpretation of scripture in a sense that makes the first woman responsible for the expansion from the Garden of Eden note that he for Pandora were bad or had bad intentions but they lacked the will to resist temptation they were frivolous and this made them dangerous dangerous for themselves and for others because they drew men to sin The View that women would be by Nature more exposed to sin and dangerous for that reason has been dramatically toned down in a modern mainstream Christian and Jewish doctrines but a few centuries ago it was commonplace sinner Christian theology or immorality treaties to read that the nature of women their essence made them more at risk of letting evil in with all the consequences this implied their morality had to be scrutinized with extra care their behavior had to be kept under control their unstable emotions kept in check because they were inherently weaker and dangerous for that reason kind of typical misogynistic stereotypes did not appear with the myth of Pandora of course the myth just reflects views that existed in an ancient Society but the storyline of the myths of Pandora was certainly used as an argument to perpetuate these stereotypes to vindicate them our next myths are going to be the 1080s and Sisyphus I mentioned them together because they came to symbolize the same thing thunderous box is about the calamities brought about by curiosity and carelessness the stories of the denadies and first are about the absurdity of universe but futile task first the myth of 1380s goes like this Once Upon a Time there were two twin brothers who were also Kings than us who ruled over Libya in North Africa and the egyptus who had conquered Egypt then as had 50 daughters the 1080s and the egyptus 50 Sons the number of sons and daughters they had and the fact that they were brothers created a risk of succession War when one of them would die to avoid it it was decided that the 50 Daughters of teneres and the 50 sons of egyptus would marry between them strongly binding the two branches of the dynasty together but as The Wedding Date approached that is consulted and Oracle and the Oracle revealed that the intentions of the 50 Sons were not to marry his daughters and live happily ever after it was to kill all of them just after the wedding after they had secured their rights to the inheritance so Thanos decided to escape with his daughters they all sailed from Libya to Greece and they arrived in Argos the city of which tennis became king with the help of careers astina who wanted Argos to prosper and become a powerful Kingdom but egyptus the other brother and his 50 Sons would not accept it egyptus ordered his sons to pursue than us and his daughters to Argos and to force them to comply with their promise to get married 50 Sons arrived in Greece and threatened to lay seed to Argos with their army the city was not well defended and then Earth had to accept the situation he agreed to the 50 weddings that he could not ignore nor forget the horror course prediction and he was convinced that his daughters would be killed on the day following their weddings so he instructed them to hide a long needle in their hair and when their husbands would have fallen asleep on their wedding night use the needles to pierce their hearts and so it was done the 50 marriages took place were consumed and when the sons of egyptus fell asleep the daughters of Dennis went for their needles and killed them all or that one of the daughters spared her cousin and husband Valencia's because during their wedding night he had respected her desire to remain a virgin she had been touched by his respect and could not kill him hebernestra and lindsayers escaped Argos knowing that Thanos would not let them live but as soon as he could raise a small army lindsayers returned and took Revenge he captured Argos and killed Daenerys together with his 49 murderous daughters he and the hebernestra went on to start a new Dynasty the new dynasty of rulers in Argos the myth provided An Origin story for the kings of Argos but it was not over for the 49 daughters they had died and their souls descended to the world of the Dead the kingdom of God Hades to be judged for their actions for the murders of their cousins they were sentenced to go to Tartarus to hell where they would be tasked to wash their sins off by feeding a large bathtub with drugs of water only when the bastard would be full would they be allowed to escape from Tartarus but the gods liked to play tricks on Mortals and give them false hopes Hades was no exception the best of the hadoureik and every time to the 90s would emptied their jugs in it all the water would Escape because to water constantly leaked the 1080s would forever try to fill the tube and remain condemned to stay in hell for eternity rather than precautionary Tale the story of the dinadis is a tragedy because they are responsibility in the murders is dubious they obeyed their father which was compulsory for daughters and acted to save their own lives so they are also victims in this story that as we saw before with a Pandora story and many other myths Greek gods were not always about Justice benevolence and compassion a similar punishment but that sounds more deserved this time is the one inflicted to CC first so let's take a look at this other myth first was the founder and first king of another Greek City current he was known to be crafty and to efficiently rule over his City but he was also a very fast and deceitful he plotted and he held Bridges that he would not let go of for example against his brother ceremonies also a king that he repeatedly tried to kill or Dethrone so first was involved in multiple stories of Revenge for example one of them was his beef with a neighbor autolicus was the son of God Hermes and from his father he had received the power the capacity to steal cattle without ever being taken he could transform the animals he stole so that they would not be recognizable and they are rightful owners were unable to claim them back you see first owned a loud herd of foxes and otoricus lived in your current so at night the thief captured some of the axes he transformed them to change their appearance and added them to his own herd day after day or night after night sisy first saw his heart decline and autolicus heard grow he strongly suspected full play that could not accuse otaricus of theft because the Oxys no longer looked the same first imagined the trick prove that the animals were his secretly he engraved his monogram entered a hoof of his Oxys as usual ataricose came at night stole a few of them changed their appearance and took them to his tables had done first suddenly had to follow the prince of his animals which led them straight to ataricus and there he could accuse him of theft and use the Monograms and the Hooves as proof harshly but that was not enough for first who took advantage of the situation and while the citizens were brutalizing the thief he entered his house and assaulted his daughter another time CeCe first meddled into the Affairs of Jews and that would be the starting point of his downfall the daughter of asopes who river god as he of indeed Jews had set his eyes on this young but he knew that his wife Hera and the father as opposed were not accept this relationship so he decided to capture and hide Aegina so he would be able to do everything he wished with her Jews turned himself into an eagle to capture the names and take her to a cave on a mountain she could not escape from that CeCe first had seen the kidnapping he knew where agina was Now hidden and with this precious information he went to asopes of course he would not give that information for free that was not his style he exchanged the information against a favor as of this would Grant him a magical spring on the Acropolis of Corinth a spring that could never go dry in exchange for relocation where his daughter was kept prisoner I suppose accepted sisi first got his spring and the river god could go or deliver his daughter agina juice had been offended and ridiculed which he would not tolerate and so he decided to punish Sisyphus brutally it was no time for the convoluted blood to suggests cement to be out of death Thanatos and ordered him to go take first and make sure he would be judged harshly when he would arrive to the realm of Hades to the world of the Dead Thanatos went to find sisy First that instead of subrogating or accepting his fate the king of Corinth thought of a Drake he offered Thanatos to show him a few of his inventions Thanatos had few occasions to be entertained as the personification of death his existence consisted in visiting the living and and their physical lives so he accepted to see the inventions CeCe first showed him handcuffs that he had just had made and as the god of death inspected them with curiosity since he first closed them on his wrists and made to God prisoner after which he jailed Thanatos his path City first had a dream to death itself and these at consequences people stopped dying Jews was infuriated and could obviously not tolerate the suspension of death so he summoned to God of War here is and ordered him to go free Thanatos and also takes easy first to the world of the Dead from which almost no one could ever come back and so it was done aerys went to Corinth freed Thanatos who could resume his work took City verse and made him cross the sticks the river that marked the entrance of the kingdom of Hades that once again first had seen it coming he knew that the capturer of Thanatos would not end with Jews so before another God who came for him he had ordered his wife to not organize funerals for his dead body she was to let the body on the bed and prevent anyone from burying her husband and she followed his instructions meanwhile first had been presented to Hades to be judged the king argued that he could not enter the realm of the dead as long as his physical remains had not been properly buried and he offered Hades to return temporarily to the world of the living to take care of this after which he promised he would come back and accept whichever judgment Hades had for him like Thanatos before him Hades was not used to such deceitful behavior from Mortals he ignored that first had not been given a funeral because he had prevented it voluntarily and so the god of the Dead accepted to release first against the promise he would return as soon as the funeral would have been sorted out CeCe first returned to the world of the living his dead body suddenly reanimated but obviously he had no intention to go back to the underworld so he did not organize his funerals and instead resumed his life he had cheated deaths for the second time and made a mockery of the Gods it's time the gods agreed that it could not go on any further Thanatos was sent again to take him present him to Hades and he was sentenced to spend eternity in Tartarus but Jews and Hades came up with a special punishment for the man who had thought he could surpass them in clevenness CC first would have to roll a boulder endlessly help a steep hill in Tartarus and the bulldog was enchanted to make it roll away from sisiverse before he reached the top this consigned to a foreign King to an eternity of useless efforts and frustration an inability to achieve anything as we listen to these stories and rest somewhere in the Underworld first keeps rolling his Boulder in the hope that this time he will reach the top but again a boulder will fall down the hill and he will have to go down and resume his task forever first was ultimately punished for his hubris that is to say his excessive pride and overconfidence in his abilities he forgot his condition and brought about terrible consequences on himself mostly on himself this time but many Greek myths Wild against hubris especially in sovereigns and the powerful individuals this mix of overconfidence and pride could bring disasters on an entire people think about risking the wrath of Gods or going to war without measuring the consequences another well-known myth that Tales of hubris is the myth of eucharest to conclude tonight's story let's relieve it Icarus was the son of a talented architect Daedalus and adores was employed by the king of Crete King Minos who made him draw and build the Labyrinth an immense maze in which he placed the Minotaur her half bull half man creature I told you about this myth already in the story about Theseus the hero who defied a king minnows entered the Labyrinth killed the Terminator and found his way back with the help of a board of string given by Ariana 's daughter he followed the thread back to the entrance and escaped Crete with aryadne to return sound and Save the story of Icarus takes place after this one King Minos was enraged by the deaths of the Minotaur by the treason and the loss of his daughter and her escape with these years the Labyrinth was now empty and tedious had avoided its traps this called for someone to be punished and it would be dangerous together with his son Icarus the architect was imprisoned inside his own Labyrinth but despite the Labyrinth being his own creation it was way too big and complex for daedoras to remember its entire map and find a way out so it seems the father and the son were condemned to die of starvation but the architect was astute and resourceful inside the Labyrinth he found different materials and fashioned wings with them These Wings were made of feathers kept together by beeswax stuck to their arms and so when they would flap their arms like birds did with their wings tatera sent Icarus would be able to fly the plan worked and soon tedurus and Icarus Rose above the Labyrinth with the intention to fly away from Crete and returned to Greece but before dangerous had welded his son that two wings were fragile he should not fly too high too close to the Sun otherwise heat would melt the wax nor close to the Sea because the feathers would become wet and stop working ikaros promised to follow his father's instructions and the two left the island behind flying above the sea the fear and anxiety of captivity was now disappearing as they were escaped turned out to be successful and The Icarus felt more and more joyful and confident so confident that he disobeyed his father and sword into the sky higher and higher curious to see what the world looked like from such a high point and eager to discover that to which eye he could rise and as he did yet he came closer and closer to the Sun the heat began to melt the beeswax holding the feathers together and one by one they fell like snowflakes particular suddenly looked up and did not notice it he kept flapping his arms until he realized that he was no longer claiming and so he looked at his wings and so that he was now only flapping his bare arms the wings had gone and Icarus fell from the sky Like a Stone into the sea where he'd round the lesson here is rather straightforward Icarus had everything to successfully Escape he had even been warned about the risks of flying too high that are the confidence and her lack of realism made him forget all this and led to his full literary and figuratively this myths has crossed the centuries it gave rise to the phrase fly too close to the Sun and it has also attracted attention from psychologists and psychiatrists in modern times who identified a psychological pattern in it the form of overcompensation that makes individuals formulate grandiose aspirations despite not having the means to because they lack realism or they compensate feelings of inferiority by going to the Other Extreme the term eucharest complex was proposed for this even though in its original form the myth invites to avoid flying too high but also flying too low which would also have been dangerous it can also be seen as an invitation to find the appropriate balance we have reached the end of our stories for tonight you can now let go and fall asleep or if you're not sleepy yet pick another story from my library I will be back soon with a new one and in the meantime sleep well sweet dreams
Channel: The French Whisperer ASMR
Views: 132,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A0vgeVgVujk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 13sec (8053 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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