ASMR | Let me read to you 📚 soft Skyrim music | ear to ear whispering

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hello there and welcome to my channel my name is alison and as you might have seen in a recent video we built this house for alendara there's this nice pretty like downward on the side that is going to be a library so i've done a little bit of work in between building this house a video and now and i have quite a lot of resources in my inventory so that we can completely furnish the library so let's do that now we're gonna add in all these bookshelves and some lamps like with the goat hearts i think i've added them while i added in everything that i needed and i might not have acquired them honestly i may have used the console command not telling and my inventory is also full of books because as you know today i'm going to be reading you to sleep so if you are comfortable and you know have some advancements you can join this ear to ear action we got going on here i love doing that you can be all ready for sleep i'm going to be reading several books today and if you really like this video and this idea of me reading you books and skyrim go to sleep let me know give the video a like and maybe comment saying you'd like to see more and we can make this a little series skyrim saturdays or something like that and if there's a particular book you'd like to see write the name of it below if i didn't do it today think of only i'm looking like five or six today some are longer some are shorter so the first one is a book called bigger becker and the other is it's actually a four part series i'm gonna read the first two today and if i do another reading i'll do the next two it goes because thief warrior king he's just leveling up isn't he from beggar to king okay let's find becker and begin i feel like the page turning sounds it's really nice to me for me and earlier there was some nice rain on the roof i hope it's still doing that and um it might stop it i just think there's something so cozy about like the sound of rain drumming on the roof above you when you're inside supreme coziness okay as love arrow was the last the letter of five born to the queen of the prosperous nordic kingdom of errol guard during pregnancy the queen had been more than twice as wide as she was dull and the act of delivery took three months and six days after it had begun it is perhaps understandable like the many nords and two often did not care very much for his wife and the last for his children his subjects were puzzled therefore when he announced that he would follow the ancient tradition of his people of atmora of following his beloved spouse to the grave they had not thought they were particularly in love nor were they aware that such a tradition existed still the simple people were grateful for the little royal drama alleviated their boredom which was and is a common problem in the more obscure parts of the northern skyrim particularly in wintertime he gathered his household staff in his thigh fat falling little airs in front of him and divided his estate to his son you know he gave his title to his son leia knew he gave his land to his son swat but he gave his fortune to his daughter like he gave his army he too loves advisors that suggested he keep the inheritance together for the good of the kingdom but it did not particularly care for his advisors or the kingdom for that matter upon making his announcement he drew stagger across his own throat one of the nurses who was rather shy who finally decided to speak as the king's life ebbed away your highness you forgot your fifth child littlest love good it is somewhat hard to concentrate with blood gushing from one's throat after all the king tried in vain to think of something to bequeath but there was nothing left finally he sputtered irritably as love should have taken something then and died that a babe a few days old was expected to demand his rightful inheritance was arguably unfair but so as love arrow was given his birthright with his father's dying breath he would have nothing but what he had taken since no one else would have him the shiners whose name was dressbound took the baby home it was a decrepit little shack and over the years that followed became more and more decrepit unable to find work drastically sold all her furnishings to buy food for the celeste love by the time he was old enough to walk in dark she had sold the walls and the roof as well so they had nothing but a floor to call home and if you've ever been to skyrim you can appreciate that that is scarcely sufficient just but did not tell islam the story of his birth or that his brothers and sister were living quite nice lives with their inheritances for as we've said she was rather shy and found it difficult to brush the subject she was so painfully shy in fact that whenever he asked any questions about her he came from drospo would run away that was more or less her answer to everything to flee in order to communicate with her at all as love learned how to run almost as soon as he could walk he couldn't keep up with his adopted mother at first but in time he learned to go do you if he anticipated a short but fast sprint and he'll tell he'll tell if it seemed trustpaw was headed for a long distance marathon flight he never did get all the answers he needed from her but ezlot did learn how to run the kingdom of herald guard had in the years that has locks growing become quite a grim place can he did not have any property for income for leone had been given that he did not have an army to protect the people for elizabeth given land of high taxes rampant crime and regular incursions from neighboring kingdoms not a particular unusual situation for our kingdom of tamriel but an unpleasant one nonetheless the time finally came when the tax collector arrived just was awful such as it was to collect the only thing he could the floor rather than protest the shy for the portion i made ran away and his love never saw again without a home or a mother his love did not know what to do he had grown accustomed to the cold open air and trespass shack but he was hungry may i have a piece of meat he asked the butcher down the street i'm very hungry the man had known the boy for years often spoke to his wife about how sorry he felt for him growing up in a home with no ceilings or walls he smiled as often said go away or i'll hit you as love hardly left the butcher and went to a nearby tavern the keeper had been a former valet in the king's court and knew that the boy was by right a prince many times he had seen the poor racket lad in the streets inside the way fate and treated him may i have something to eat as love as the different keeper i'm very hungry get lucky i didn't i don't cook you up and eat you apply the different keeper as love hardly left the tavern for the rest of the day the boy approached the good citizens of arrow garden begging for food one person had thrown something at him but it turned out to be an inedible rock as the night fell a raggedy man came up to esslov and without saying a word handed him a piece of fruit on a piece of drawing meat the lad took it wide eyed as he devoured it he thanked the man very sweetly if i see you begging on the streets tomorrow the man growled i'll kill you myself there are only so many beckers way of the killed allowed anyone down and you make it one do many you're ruining business it was a good thing esl farrell knew how to run he ran all night [Music] and uh this love errol's story is continued in the book thief so we are now going to read the book i believe what did you think of that one i have never read that before and i found it really interesting actually um i didn't know what to expect and i definitely wasn't expecting that story kind of wild okay so here is thief um also by revan and here we go if the reader has not yet had the pleasure of reading the first volume in this series on the life of this love errol becker i should close this book immediately for a shout recap oh good thing you guys don't need to recap i will tell you this much gentle reader when we last saw ezelov he was a boy an orphan failed becker woods of skyrim away from his home of aeroguard he continued running stopping here and there for many more years until he was a young man as love discovered that among the ways of getting food asking for it was the most troublesome far easier with finding it in the wilderness or taking it from unguarded market stalls the only thing worse than begging to get food was begging for the opportunity to work for the money to buy it that seemed needlessly complicated he was best off being a scavenger a becker and a thief he committed his first act of thievery shortly after leaving harold aerocart while in the southern woods of danverkar and the rocket land near mount jensen just east of the village of horbelt as love was starving having not eaten anything but a rather scrawny raw squirrel in four days and he smelled meat cooking and then he found the smoke the band of minstrel bars was making camp he watched them from the bushes as they cooked and choked and flirted and sang he could have asked them for some food but so many others had refused them before instead he rushed out grabbed a piece of meat from the fire and wincing from the burns scrambled up the nearest tree to devour all the parts stood under him and laughed what is your next move thief giggled a fair red-headed woman who was covered with tattoos how do you intend to disappear without us catching and punishing you as the hunger subsided as love realized she was right the only way to get out of the tree without falling in their midst was to take the branch down to where it hung over a creek it was a drop of a cliff of about 50 feet that seemed like the widest strategy so islam began crawling in that direction you don't know how to fall boy called out a young khajiit but a few years older than us often thin but muscular graceful slightest movements if you don't you should just climb down here and take what's coming to you it's idiotic to break your neck when we just give you some bruises and send you on your way of course i know how to fall asleep called back but he didn't he just thought the trick of falling was to have nothing underneath you and let nature take its course but 50 feet up when you're looking down is enough to give anyone balls i'm sorry to doubt your abilities master thief said the khajiit granny obviously you know how to fall feet first with your body straight but loose to avoid cracking like an egg it seems you are destined to escape us as love wisely followed the khajiit's hints and left into the river falling without much grace but without hurting himself in the years that followed he had to make several more drops from even greater heights usually after a theft sometimes about water beneath him and he improved the basic technique when he arrived in the western town of yalanheim on the morning of his 21st birthday it didn't take him long to find out who was the richest person most deserving of being burgled an impregnable palace in a park near the center of town was owned by a mysterious young man named swai but as love wanted no doubt in finding the place and watching it a fortified palace you'd come to learn was like a person with quirks and habits beneath its hard shell it was not an old place evidently whatever money this swiper to come into was fairly recent it was regularly patrolled by guards and blind that the rich man was fearful of being burgled with good reason the most distinctive feature of the palace was its tower rising 100 feet above the stone walls doubtless giving the occupant a good defensive view as love guess that his wife is as paranoid as he cast him to be the tower would also provide a view of the palace door house the rich man would want to keep an eye on his fortune that meant that the loot couldn't be directly beneath the tower but somewhere in the courtyard without the walls the light in the door was shown all night long so eslov boldly decided that the best time to burgle was by the light of day one swiping asleep that would be the time the guards would at least expect a thief to bounce and so when the noon sun was shining over the palace as love quickly scaled the wall near the front gate and waited the interior courtyard was plain and desolate with few places to hide but he saw that there were two wells one the cars used from time to time to drop water and slightly first but as love noticed the cars would pass by the other well never using it he waited until the cars were distracted just for a second by the arrival of a merchant in a wagon bearing goods for the palace while they were searching the wagon as love left elegantly feet first from the wall into the well it was not a particularly soft landing firm it says love it cast the well was not full of water but gold still he knew how to roll after fall and he didn't hurt himself in the blank subterranean storehouse he stuffed his pockets of the cold and was about to go to the door which he assumed lead to the tower when he noticed a gem the size of an apple worth more than all the gold that was left as love found room for it down his pants the door did indeed lead to the tower and esla followed its curving stairwell up walking quietly but quickly at the top he found the master of the palace's private quarters ornate and gold with invaluable artwork and decorative swords and shields in the walls as the love assumed the snoring lump under the sheets was soybean but he didn't investigate too closely he crept to the windows and looked out it was going to be a difficult fall for certainties he needed to jump from the tower past the walls and hit the tree on the other side the tree branches would hurt but they'd break his fall and there was a pile of hay he had left under the tree to prevent further injury ezeloth was about to leap when the argument in the room woke with the start yelling my gym as love and sweat but stared at him for a second wide-eyed they looked alike not surprising since they were brothers as laverell's stories continued in the book warrior wow he's quite a guy isn't he and quite a story i'm enjoying it i hope you are too now let's read something a little bit short and silly so this is uh i'm going to read uh i think it's a skill book i i assume it's a skill thief skill book maybe yeah okay it's a lot yeah advances unlock picking would be a long picking skill book yeah okay that makes sense and it's quite a short story but i kind of gave it a glance earlier and i thought it was funny okay this is advances in love picking and it's anonymous i am not a writer i am a thief i'm a good thief i'm not such a good writer anyway i wanted to write about picking vlogs i read a book about designing logs once it was good it gave me lots of ideas some guys make logs with angled keyholes always carry a bend lock pick they'll work good in these locks i do and i open lots of locks sometimes i carry copper lock picks copper pens easy that way i can bend it right there the copper lob picks break easy too be careful sometimes the locks have weird springs they all spring differently which makes picking it hard i hold my torch close to the lock this makes it hot when it's hot the springs are all the same they don't bounce so differently anymore be careful not to burn yourself some thieves can't read if you can't read get someone to read this book do you it will make more sense than that's a fun one i i'm almost like disappointed in myself that i've been playing this game for so long and i have never read any of these books i think that's quite bad i'm not very good amazing um so continuing on the silly book drain we're going to be reading waba jack and i'm sure you're very familiar with that word if you play skyrim so jack west and uh it's quite silly and fun and zany but did you know there's a wacky zany book that goes along with it it's another anonymous tale and here it is it's quite short little boys shouldn't summon up the forces of eternal darkness and unless they have an adult supervising i know i know but on that sunny night on the fifth of first seed i didn't want an adult i wanted hermaeus mora the teacher of knowledge learning gums and varnishes you see i was told by a beautiful large breasted man who lived under the library in my own town that the fifth first seed was hermes morris night and if i wanted the augma in the book of knowledge i had to summon him when you were the new gang of solitude every bit of knowledge helps normally you need a witch's covenant or may just killed or at least matching the location sheets doing focal prints of oblivion the man under the library showed me how to do it myself he told me to wait until the storm was at its height before shaving the cat i forgot the rest of the ceremony it doesn't matter someone appeared who i thought it was mermaid the only thing that made me somewhat suspicious was hermes mora from what i read was a big blobby multi-eyed clawed monstrosity and this guy looked like a waistcoated banker also he kept calling himself show giraffe no hermes morrow still i was so happy to have successfully summoned her mazemora these inconsistencies did not bother me he had to do some things that he had me do some things that didn't make any sense to me beyond the mortal scope breath and can i suppose and then his servant aptly gave me something he called the wabajak jack the book of knowledge maybe i'm smarter because i know cats can be bats can be rats can be hats can be gnats can be that can be that doors can be pores it can be snowers yours can be mine it must be smart for the interconnective system is very clear to me then why or wherefore people keep calling me mad grab a jack i don't have a jack whack a jack that one was really fun i love it i just i thought you just watched it the opened madness as the book continued that was brilliant all right let's maybe uh get back to a more serious note and uh let's see what can we do next okay i'm gonna read another well this one is a two-parter i don't know how to pronounce okay i remember when i first heard that name not long ago at all it was at dale's and dallas ball at a very fine estate west of mirkarth to which i and my fellow magefield initiates that found ourselves unexpectedly invited truth be told we needn't have been too surprised there were very few other noble families in your car the region had to tell cyan days as a resort for the wealthy far back in the second era and on reflection it was only appropriate to have sorcerers and wizards present at a supernatural holiday not that we were anything more exotic than students at a small non-exclusive charterhouse of a guild but like i said they're supposed to give other choices available but close to a year the only omaya known was the rather ramshackle if sprawling grounds of the americorps may just killed my only companions were my fellow initiatives initiates most of which only tolerated me and the masters whose bitterness of being at a backwater kill prompted never-ending abuse immediately the school of illusion had attracted me the magister who taught us recognized me as an apt pupil and love not only the spells the science but the philosophy philosophical underpinnings there was something about the idea of warping the imperceptible energies of light sound and mind that appealed to my nature not for me the flashy schools of destruction alteration the holy schools of restoration encounteration the practical school's alchemy and enchantment or the chaotic school of mysticism no i was never so pleased just to take an ordinary subject objective and by a little magic make it seem something other than what it was it would have taken more imagination than i had to apply that philosophy to my monotonous life after the morning's lessons we were assigned tasks before our evening classes mine had been to clean out the study of a recently deceased resident of the guild and categorized his clutter of spell books charms and in canada in kanabula it was a lonely and tedious appointment manchester intended then didn't collector of worthless junk but i was reprimanded any time i threw something away at the least possible value gradually i learned enough to deliver each of his belongings to the appropriate department potions of healing to the magisters of restoration books on physical phenomena to the magisters of alteration herbs and minerals to the alchemist and soul gems about items to the enchanters after one delivery to the enchanters i was leaving with my customary lack of appreciation when manchester united called me back boy said the partly old man handing me back one item destroy this it was a small black disk covered with runes with a ring of red orange jumps like bones circling his periphery uh i'm sorry magister i stammered i thought it was something you'd be interested in and take it to the great flame and destroy it he parked before turning his back on me you never brought it here my interest was peaked because i knew the only thing that would make him react in such a way necromancy i went back to manchester dendix's chambers poured through his notes looking for any reference to the disc unfortunately most of the notes have been written in a strange code that i was powerless to decipher i wasn't fascinated by the mystery that i nearly arrived late for my evening class and enchantment taught by manchester ilfer himself for the next several weeks i divided my time categorizing the general debris and making my deliveries and researching the i can't understand that my instinct was correct the disc was a genuine necromantic artifact though i couldn't understand most of the magister's notes i determined that he thought it to be a means of resurrecting a loved one from the grave sadly the time came when the chamber had been categorized and cleared and i was given another assignment assisting in the staples of the guild's menagerie at least i was working with some of my fellow initiates and had the opportunity of meeting the common folk and nobles who came to the guild on various errands thus was i invited and we were all invited to the tales and dallas ball if the expected glamour of the evening were not enough our hostess was reputed to be a young rich unmarried orphan from hammerfell only a month or two before and she moved to our destination cornered the imperial province to reclaim an old family manor house and grounds the initiates the guild gossip like old women about the mysterious young ladies past what had happened to her parents why she'd been left or been driven from her homeland her name was bentaniki and that was all we knew we want our ropes of initiation with pride as we arrived at the pole at the enormous marble foyer as servant announced each of our names as if we were royalty and we started in the midst of the reveler's great buttery of course we were then promptly ignored by one and all in essence we were unimportant figures to lend some thickness to the ball background characters the important people pushed through us with perfect politeness there was old lady shot euro discussing diplomatic appointments to palmora with a duke of marlin an orc warlord entertained a giggling princess with tales of village three of the guild magisters worried with three painfully thin noble misspinsters about the wanting of daggerfall intrigues of the imperial and various royal courts were analyzed gently mocked threaded over toasted dismissed evaluated medicated admonish inverted no one looked norway even when we were right next to them it was as if my skill and illusion had somehow rendered us all invisible i took my wagon out to the terrace the moons were doubled equally luminous in the sky and the enormous reflecting pool that stretched out into the garden the white marble statuary lining the sides of the pool caught the fiery glow and seemed to burn like torches in the night the sight was so otherworldly that i was mesmerized by it strange red guard figures immortalized in stone our host hasn't made our home there so recently that some sculptures were still wrapped in sheets that payload and suede and gentle breeze i don't know how long i started stared before i realized i wasn't alone she was so small and so dark not only in her skin but in her clothing that i nearly took her first shadow when she turned to me i saw that she was very young and beautiful not more than 17. are you our hostess i finally asked yes she smiled blushing but i'm ashamed to admit that i'm very bad at it i should be inside of my new neighbors but i think we have very little in common it's been made abundantly clear that they hope i have nothing in common with them either i laughed when i'm a little higher than an initiative in the mages kill they might see me as more of an equal i don't understand the concept of equality yeah you're frowned in my culture you proved your worth not just expected it my fears were both for great warriors as i hoped to be our eyes went out on the lawn to the statues did the sculptures represent your parents that's my father very unfair she said gesturing to a life-size representation of a massively built man unashamedly naked gripping another warrior by the throat and preparing to decapitate him with an outstretchy blade it was clearly a realistic depiction barium's face was plain even slightly ugly with a low forehead a massive tangled hair stubble on his cheeks even a slight cap in his teeth which no sculptor would have surely have invented except to do justice to his model's true idiosyncrasies and your mother eyes pointing to a nearby statue of a proud rather squat warrior woman in a mancellin scarf holding a child oh no she laughed that was my uncle's old nurse mother's stature still has a sheet over it i don't know what prompted me to insist that we unveiled the statue that she pointed to and all likelihood it was nothing but fate and a selfish desire to continue the conversation i was afraid that if i did not give her a project she would feel the need to return the party i'd be alone again at first she was reluctant she'd not yet made up her mind whether the statues would suffer in the wet sometimes called the ceredelic climate perhaps all should be covered she reasoned it may be that she was merely making conversation and was reluctant as i was to end the standoff and be that much closer to having to return to the party in a few minutes time we tore the dark from the statue of bentaniki's mother this is when my life changed forevermore she was an untamed spirit of nature screaming in a struggle with the misshapen monstrous figure in black marble her gorgeous long fingers were raking across the creature's face the monster's talents gripped her right breast in a sort of caress that breaks his immortal wound its legs and hers wound around one another in a battle that was a dance i felt annihilated this lie the formidable woman was beautiful beyond all superficial standards whoever had sculpted it had somehow captured not only a face and figure of a goddess but her power and will she was both tragic and triumphant i fell instantly and fatally in love with her i not even noticed when kaelin one of my fellow initiates who was leaving the party came up behind us apparently i'd whispered the word magnificent because i heard that aniki replies if miles away yes it is magnificent that's why i was afraid of exposing into the elements then i heard clearly like a stone breaking water kaelin mara preserved me that must be bala then you heard of my mother as by the ninky practically on the border to hammer phil i don't think there's anyone there's anyone who hasn't heard of your mother and her great heroism ready reading the land of that abominable beast and she died in the struggle didn't she yes so the girl sadly but so did the creature for a moment we were all silent i don't remember anything more that night somehow i knew i was invited to dine the next evening but my mind and heart had been entirely and forevermore arrested by the statue i returned back to the guild but my dreams were favored and brought me no rest everything seemed fused by a white light except for one beautiful fearsome woman oh dear this guy's in love with her mother and she's not alive oh no i think we all see where this is going in booktube uh-oh okay well let's not end this on a cliffhanger let's keep going now let's find out what happens in pala volume 2. bye i'll try it again fall in the nearest the name burned in my heart i found myself whispering in my studies even when i tried to concentrate on something the manchester was saying my lips would silently burst voice the bell until lightly flicked from the law as if i were kissing her spirit before me it was madness in every way except that i knew that it was madness i knew i was in love i knew she was a noble red card woman a fierce warrior more beautiful than the stars i knew her young daughter but sneaky had taken possession of a manor house near the guild and that she like me perhaps was even infatuated i knew bella had fought a terrible beast and killed it i knew bella was dead as i say i knew it was madness and by that i knew i could not be mad but i also knew that i must return to bethenny's palace and see her statue of my beloved pala i engaged in that final horrible fatal battle with the monster return i did over and over and that knee gave in a different sort of noble woman more comfortable with her peers i would not have had so many opportunities in her innocence unaware of my sick obsession she welcomed my company we would talk for hours of laughing and every time we would take a walk to the reflecting pond where i would always stop breathless before the sculpture of her mother it's a marvelous tradition you have preserving these figures of your ancestors at their finest moments i said feeling her curious eyes on me and the craftsmanship is without parallel he wouldn't believe me left the girl but it was a bit of a scandal but my great grandfather began the custom we read cards that hold a great reference for our families but we are warriors not artists he hired a traveling artist to create the first statues and everyone admired them until it was revealed but the artist was an elf and ultimate from the somerset isles scandal it was absolutely but nikki nodded seriously the idea that this wicked elves ants formed these figures of noble red card warriors was unthinkable vain irreverent everything bad you can imagine but my great-grandfather's heart was in the beauty of it in his philosophy of using the best to honor the best passed down to us all i would not have even considered having a lesser artist create the statues of my parents even if it would have been more allegiant to my culture they're all exquisite i said but you like the one of my mother most of all she smiled i see you look at it even when you seem to be looking at the others that's my favorite also would you tell me more about her i asked trying to keep my voice light and conversational oh she would have said she was nothing extraordinary but she was the girl said taking a flower from the garden my father died and i was quite young and she had so many roles to fill but she did them all effortlessly we have a great many business interests and she was brilliant at managing everything certainly better than i am now all the doubles are smile and everyone obeyed and those that didn't fade yearly she was very witty and charming but a formidable force when the need rose for her to fight hundreds of battles but i can never remember a moment of feeling neglected or unloved i literally thought she was too strong for death stupid i know but when she went to battle that that horrible creature that freaked from a mad wizard's laboratory i never even thought that she would not return she was kind to her friends and breathless their enemies what more you might say about a woman than that poor betsy nikki's eyes teared up with remembrance what sort of villain was i to code or so in order to satisfy my perverted longings shall giraffe could not have conflicted a mortal man more than me i found myself both weeping and filled with desire fella not only loved like a goddess but from her daughter's story she was one that night while i'm dressing for bed i rediscovered the black disc i had stolen from manchester dead nyx's office weeks before i had forgotten about its existence i had never forgotten about existing mysterious necromantic artifact which the way mage believe could resurrect a dead love almost by pure instinct i found myself placing this on my heart and whispering a momentary chill filled my chamber my breath hung in the air in a mist before dissipating frightened i dropped the disc it took a moment before my reason returned and with its inescapable conclusion the artifact could fulfill my desire until the morning hours i tried to raise my misters from the chains of oblivion but it was no use i was no necromancer i entered in thoughts of how to ask one of the manchesters to help me but i remembered how manchester ultra paid me to destroy it they would expel me from the guild if i went to them and destroyed the disc themselves and with it my only key to bringing my love to me because in my usual semi-dorfit condition the next day in classes manchester ilver himself was lecturing on his specialty a school of enchantment he was a dull speaker with a monotone voice but suddenly i felt as if every shadow had left through and i was in a palace of light when most persons think of my particular science they think of the process of invention the infusing of charms and spells into objects the creation of a magical blade perhaps our ring but the skills of gender is also a catalyst the same mind that can create something new can also provoke greater power from something old a ring that can generate warm front office on the hand of such talent can bake a forest black to that man chuckled not that i'm advocating that i'll leave that for the school of destruction that week all the initiates were asked to choose field of specialization all were surprised when i turned my back on my old darling the school of illusion it seemed ridiculous to me that i'd ever entertained an affection for such superficial charms oh my intellect was now focused on the school of enchantment the means by which i could free the power of the disc for months thereafter i barely slept a few hours a week i spent with betsy nikki and my statute to give myself strength and inspiration all the rest of my time was spent with manchester united or his assistants learning everything i could about enchantment they taught me how to taste the deepest levels of magicka within a stored object a simple spell cast once no matter how skillfully and no matter how spectacular is ephemeral the present what it is and no more besides manchester united but placed in a home it develops into an almost living energy maturing and ripening so only its surface is touched when an unskilled hand wields it you must consider yourself a minor digging deeper to pull forth the very heart of gold every night when the laboratory closed i practiced what i learned i could feel my power grow with it the power of the disc whispering pala i delved into the artifact feeling every slight nick that marked the runes and every facet of the gemstones at times i was so close to her i felt the hands touching mine but something dark and be still the reality of death i suppose would always break across the dawning of my dream when it became an overwhelming rotting odor which the initiates and the chambers next to mine began to complain about something must have crawled into the floorboards and died i offered lamely not just an author praised my scholarship and allowed me the use of his laboratory after hours to further my studies yet no matter what i learned palo seemed scarcely closer one night it all ended i was swaying in a deep ecstasy loading her name to disc bruising my chest when a sudden lightning flashed through the window broke my concentration a tempest of furious rain roared from mere corrupt i went to close the shutters and when i returned to my table i found that the disk had shattered i broke into hysterical solves and then laughter it was too much for my fragile mind to bear such a loss after so much time and study the next day and the day after i spent in my bed burning with a fever and i not been in me just killed so many healers i likely would have died as it was i provided an excellent way for the budding young scholars excellent study and at least i was well enough to walk i went to visit that sneaky she was charming as always never once commenting on my appearance which must have been ghastly finally i gave her reason to worry when i politely but firmly declined to walk with her along the reflecting pool but you love looking at the statue where she exclaimed i felt that i ordered the truth and much more dear lady i love more than the statuary i love your mother she is all that i've been able to think about for months now ever since you and i first removed the tarp from that blessed sculpture i don't know what you think of me now but i've been obsessed with learning how to bring her back from the dead benzene stared at me eyes wide finally she spoke i think you need to leave now i don't know if this is a terrible chest believe me i wish you were you see i failed i don't know why it could not have been that my love wasn't strong enough because no man had a stronger love perhaps my skills and agenda are not masterful but it wasn't from lack of study i could feel my voice rise and i knew i was beginning to rant but i could not hold back perhaps the fault light and that your mother never met me but i think that all of the casters loves taking into account the necromantic spell i i don't know what it was maybe that horrible creature that monster that killed her has some sort of curse on her with its dying breath i failed and i don't know why with a surprising burst of speed and strength for so small a lady that taniki shoved herself against me she screamed get out and i fled out the door before she slammed the door shut i offered my pathetic apologies i am so sorry that's an iggy but consider that i wanted to bring your mother back to you it's madness i know but there is only one thing concerted in my life and that it's that's what i love bella the door was nearly shut but the greek girl cracked it this girl opened a crack i can't read the door was nearly shut but the girl opened it crack i okay it's not me it's nice to ask tremulously you love whom bella i cry to the gods my mother she whispered angrily was named starless paula was the monster i stared at the closed door for mara knows how much time and then began the long walk back to the mages guild my memories searched through the minutia to the tales and hello's night so long ago when i first beheld the statue and first heard the name of my love that bretton initiative kaelin had spoken he was behind me was he recognizing the beast and not the lady i turned that lonely vent that intersected the outskirts of mir corrupt and a large shadow rose from the ground where i had been sitting kiss me it howled that brings my story up to the present moment love is red like blood oh wow that one was um a bit of a spooky story at the end there well so i hope you enjoyed these toys maybe the last one wasn't the best for sleep but it certainly was interesting i think did you expect that twist at the end there i'll be honest i thought what was going to happen was that um in order to be reunited with her it would take his soul too and he would die either that or she would be resurrected and because she doesn't know him at all because he literally never met her oh she'd kill him uh yeah i i did not see it she wasn't valid at all it's a good twist so i hope you enjoyed this video books the soft turning of the page the ear to ear whispering and you might be asleep by now because that's fair my voice is so incredibly asleep and seen i know because i am just so boring i'm just kidding maybe all right i'm gonna say goodnight to you now if you're not already asleep and wish you sweet dreams i hope that you have a good rest of your day and a good rest of your week and that good things come your way because you deserve them and if you're not already subscribed don't forget to all right love you guys a lot i'll see you in my next video all right goodbye
Channel: JubileeWhispers
Views: 144,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr, whisper, whispering, relaxing, tingles, female, chinese, asian, jubilee, jubileewhispers, jubilee asmr, allison, asmrtist, gaming asmr, asmr gaming, asmr gamer, gamer asmr, gamer girl asmr, asmr gamer girl, gamer asmrtist, relaxing game, skyrim asmr, asmr skyrim, reading you to sleep asmr, reading asmr, asmr reading, ear to ear asmr, asmr relaxation, book reading asmr, book asmr, ear to ear whispering, ear to ear whispers, skyrim music, skyrim relaxation, minecraft asmr
Id: tDZO4uhpseo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 38sec (3638 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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