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hey guys welcome back to my channel today's video is gonna be an exciting and special one because it's gonna be the first of the wedding planning related videos so it's been at this point a little over a month since tyler and i got engaged and i would say probably the first week or so we took to just soak it in and enjoy being engaged but then we did jump into wedding planning pretty quickly so two weeks after we got engaged i had a wedding dress shopping appointment and i did film some footage of that and so i'm going to be coming out with a video of that here in a couple weeks to share that process and what that was like and show you some of the dresses i tried on of course not the one i will be wearing on our wedding day um but then other than that i would say pretty much the past month or so has been spent just doing a lot of research researching different venues reaching out hearing back a lot of back and forth and i was starting to get a little discouraged because it felt like i had put like a month of work into wedding planning and didn't really have anything to show for it yet because nothing was locked down but tyler just kept encouraging me and reminding me that that is a part of the process that doing all that research is the part of the work that goes into planning a wedding and so now we do finally have a venue secured and a date secured and i'm excited to share more about that in coming videos i think i'm going to do like a q a and talk about some of that but now that we have that set in stone i feel like i can finally start doing some of the more fun stuff which brings us to today and asking my bridesmaids so i'm going to show you some of what we're using to ask the people in our bridal party honestly i would say most of these people already know they're going to be in it i just want to officially ask and make it really special because seriously i have the most incredible friends i'm actually going to be having 16 bridesmaids which i know is a lot seriously every single one of these girls i cannot imagine getting married without them standing beside me and so i'm just owning the fact that i'm gonna have a large bridal party and it's gonna be a party it's gonna be fun so i'm gonna show you some of what i'm using to ask them okay so the first thing i want to show you are our ring bearer proposals i'm covering the name here because i don't think that she's announced to the name publicly yet but tyler's sister is pregnant with a little baby boy who is going to be here a couple months before our wedding and so we're going gonna ask him to be our ring bearer he might just be an honorary ring bearer i'm not sure if she'll feel comfortable with him being like pushed down the aisle in a wagon or something probably not because he'll be so itty bitty but he'll be our ring bearer so i got this cute little pacifier to send with her bridesmaid proposal and then her husband's groomsman proposal because they'll both be in it as well and so that's our first ring bear we're also having i'm so excited they don't know yet but we're having buzz and tara's two youngest boys gabe and asher be our ring bears as well and they're just gonna be adorable so we got them these little ring pops to ask them and then we are going to ask buzz to be our officiant i just heated up some hot water so i'll show you this you can kind of already see but basically when it gets hot everything becomes more clear so let me go show you all right here we go why isn't it working oh there we go so buzz is a huge star wars fan so when we saw this on etsy as we were searching like officiant proposals we were like yep we have to get this it's yoda and it says yoda best like you to best officiant mary s you will i think that's so funny because it sounds so forceful like mary yes you will but it's you know how yoda talks and so we actually wrote a cute little pun in his card and we put we know it's a bit forceful of a way of asking get it forceful may the force be with you but we would be so honored if you said yes so tara and buzz as you know are friends of ours mentors of ours buzz is actually tyler's boss and they've just played such a huge role in our lives as individuals and as a couple and it's going to be so special having buzz marry us tara already knows we're going to ask him um but we're excited to surprise him with this fun little way of asking and once i have the bridesmaid proposals done um we actually want to bring it all over to their house and surprise the boys and tara and then give buzz his mug and his card as well so that's how we're asking our officiant now for the bridesmaids proposals so i made these cute little diy sugar scrubs they're super simple basically you do two parts coconut oil to one part organic granulated sugar and then you can add in any essential oil drops that you want to give it a flavor so i did lavender um but basically i just got these cute little jars at michael's and then i got a label maker off of amazon which i'll link down below because i think it makes really cute little labels and then i got these ribbons i'm going to hide the tag because it has our date on it i don't know if i'm gonna share that yet but i have a cute little pun on there and it just says will you stand with me on the sweetest day because sugar scrub get it um and so i have all of these i'm keeping the rest of them in the fridge because i actually made them all but it's been so hot like 110 degrees and our apartment has no air and coconut oil actually melts when it's hot and so i had them all out and they all got melted and it was fine you just have to kind of like mix them back up again so that the sugar and oil don't separate but i'm keeping the rest in the fridge i just wanted to pull one out and put the little tag on it to show you because i had to take all the tags off so that they don't get like all you know wet in the fridge but here's the rest of the stack all ready to go and then the rest of the proposal i'm so excited about this so here are the cards that i'm using to ask them i also found these on etsy the shop is called ink and fred i'll also have them linked down below but basically you can personalize them to each of your bridesmaids hair color skin tone and then pick the color you want for the robe and what you want your hair to look like as the bride and i just think these are so cute and so special and so i had one printed out for each bridesmaid and then i'm writing a special letter in each of them i'm still working on them not quite done yet but let me just take you through and show you who my bridesmaids are these are in no particular order i think i just stacked them according to when i think i'm gonna see people first so i can make sure to get those done first so i'm having three maids of honor um actually zero maids of honor because they're all married so they're all matrons of honor but here we have heather kirsten and kelly and then i'll go through all the rest of them so kristen how cute are these cards jessica this is my sister-in-law my brother's wife and then janie this is tyler's brother tim's wife they actually just got married like two weeks after we got engaged and so we went down there for their wedding and then this is kristen tyler's sister so she's also going to be my sister-in-law so we literally have a kristin with an en a kristen with an ion and then a kirsten so that's going to be fun next is courtney tara katie marissa britney marlene maggie anna roomie you guys know her mckenna and so that's all of the bridesmaids cards i just love these so much and i'm so excited to give them out and then here's the card we got to give to buzz with his little mug and then how cute are these little flower girl cards so we're gonna have my nieces abby and ella be our flower girl so abby is like two and a half right now and then ella is going to be one in december and so we got these cute little cards and then we're also going to pick up a little bouquet to give to them when we ask and so we're having abby and ella and then we're also having brooklyn and charlie so these are kristin and charles daughters and both of them so both like asher and gabe and then brooklyn and charlie um they're just kids that were around a lot and kids that are in both mine and tyler's lives and so we thought it would be really special to have both our nieces and nephew and then also the kids of these two couples who are really like friends and mentors to us and so they don't know we're gonna ask them yet but i'm so excited we're also gonna pick up a little bouquet for b and charlie and it'll be really special too because these kids are older than our actual nieces and nephews and so we think it'd be really cute to have like b and charlie push abby and ella in a little wagon or something all in their cute little dresses and then same with asher and gabe that is how we're asking our bridal party tyler is still waiting for the things he got for his groomsmen to come in the mail and so i'm kind of waiting to start asking my bridesmaids until those are in just because some of these families have like a bridesmaid and a groomsman in them and we want to be able to ask together and just like show up at their houses and make it fun and special and so i think i might try to get some clips of us asking the people who were asking in person um just because i think that'd be really special and fun to remember and so if i do get those who knows if i will i will insert them in this video it is a couple days later we actually didn't start passing out the bridesmaid groomsmen proposals yet because we were waiting for tyler's to come in the mail but they just did i had them sent to my apartment because he's at work during the day and i work from home but we wanted to wait to send any of them out until the groomsmen ones came in just because again some are like the couple is both in it's like my brother and sister-in-law tyler's siblings and their spouses are all in it and so we wanted to be able to send those together so i'm just going to open one of these up to show you what tyler got oh so here they are they turned out really nice again i'm covering the date just because i'm not sure when we're gonna share that um but this is tim he's gonna be one of tyler's best men um he's having three like i said we're both having three of those and so these are little beer cups and they're engraved so the other ones say groomsmen and then here's what the other ones look like that say groomsmen so tyler's actually getting all of his guys together that live in the area for a little pizza night on friday friday of this week when i'm filming this and he's just gonna have them all over and then pour them drinks in this and so that will be really fun i thought of trying to do something like that of getting all my girls together to ask them but mine all kind of live dispersed we've got one in idaho like four in la two in san diego one in germany and then even the ones that are in the area were kind of dispersed in the bay area and everybody's schedules are crazy and people have kids so i'm like you know what i'm just gonna kind of give them to people as i see them but i think it's super fun that tyler gets to do with this full disclosure i asked anna earlier and i totally forgot to video clip already recording so we're gonna reenact it and pretend like i'm asking her we're actually going to make a music video my friend mckenna my family kind of made me get down on one knee so do you guys do you guys need that too yes do you need that okay [Applause] [Music] let me propose will you be my bridesmaid yes no i'm not doing this i won't get down on anything your name is number seven yeah you put your asses in there i don't think i know i don't you can just like not stand up and ask me yeah i didn't make her get down on me i actually really don't want you to uh be on your knee because it's weird is that better sure marissa i have a question for you what is it casey you have no idea will you stand with me on the sweet day i booked that day [Laughter] what if that's actually how it went that would be so sad would you make it's like a scrub for the shower oh so don't like you can use in the shower but don't get like don't let it just get water in it all right because it's sugar sugar yeah it'll just disintegrate yeah it'll just mix the ratio up i'm horrible and it doesn't need to be refrigerated i just refrigerated it because it was like 5 million degrees as you know oh my gosh i know it's so personalized no yeah isn't that can't take your hair i know is that what your hair's gonna look like maybe i kinda like it it was just the style i like oh you know i hate reading in front of people like can i take so many crap i don't know look how cute it is though it's all personalized thanks of course i totally didn't i totally didn't answer either i was like no no she said yes too [Music] we're trying to pick out your guys's bridesmaids dresses now we are today has been so much fun i started asking my bridesmaids last night a couple of them came over so mckenna came over and marissa and then anna obviously lives here and so i asked them all and then some of the southern california ones and will be getting theirs today but then i also ended up just facetiming some of the people that i'm not going to see for like the next week or so because people are starting to post so i wanted them to be able to know that they're asked to and then um sent them a picture and stuff so i've just been on facetime with a couple friends and it's just so fun getting to ask them all after having talked and dreamed and prayed about this day for so many years and so i'm just really soaking it in and savoring it all my sister-in-law is coming over tonight with my two little nieces so i'm gonna ask them all i'll try to maybe get a clip of that um and then tyler's doing the thing with his guys tonight and tomorrow morning we're gonna go over to the hannan's to ask buzz to officiate us and then tara who's also gonna be a bridesmaid um and their two youngest sons to be ring bearers um so it's just really fun and sweet and exciting i didn't get clips of any of the face time calls or anything so i was just in the moment and even with asking the girls last night we kind of just like did that clip afterwards and had fun with it but i'll insert some of the screenshots of the things they posted um i also started brainstorming wedding hashtags with heather and i've been having a lot of fun with it i just put like a little poll thing on instagram for you guys to vote and give suggestions and so who knows if i've already decided by the time this video goes live but the wedding is still a little while out so i want to hear from you guys as well to vote on what you like i'll put the options up on the screen but i'm just reading them from my phone so tyler's full name is tyler harlow and that will be my new last name and so here's the options we have so far one is harlow she goes two is case ties the knot get it like tai um three is falling harlow in love uh four is to have and to harlow the next one is hello harlows and then happily ever harlow they're all really cute i honestly don't know how i'm going to pick now i think one of my favorites is to have and to harlow but that one looks like it is it does already have like photos under it so it's been used on instagram already whereas some of the other ones don't have any posts under them so i don't know if that really matters but comment down below what your favorite is and honorable mention my brother because i like sent these all to our family chat and i was like heart your favorite to vote um and my brother put hashtag tyler and casey are getting married today so creative codes um and then everyone laughed at that and he's like looks like mine's getting the most love and i'm like i said to vote by hearts not by hahas so tyler's cousin megan who i just love also said harlow can you go which i think would be really fun to try to incorporate into the dance floor somehow and have like a dance floor hashtag because why not comment your favorite down below and then i will continue to insert any clips i get from asking our bridesmaids auntie has something for you for you too this is for you you want to help mommy open she's not gonna even know oh that's oh that's so cute abby and ella oh will you be our flower girl will you be my flower girl look that's you abby that was ella abby and ella oh yeah is that you're excited oh that's a cry that's okay i really did why didn't you give me a point it has feathers and then you have to use before something like yeah so just like you know chicken when you eat it it doesn't matter i know but a real chicken nugget oh you're the best [Music] we know that's a bit forceful get it get you're either in trouble or not you're in so much trouble that's good one of the two goodbyes don't bump dad don't step in the carpet one tyler has something for you gabe tiffany [Music] what's he say what are you doing i'm eating mine now yeah that's why we were all awkward when you guys were asking me today like i'm like [Music] on the sweetest day like sugar skies [Music] oh wait we can do it you can't do it [Music] [Laughter] i know well her hair is long right now longer than mine i know [Applause] [Music] i'm so excited because i'm about to see one of my best friends heather she's one of the ones i sent a picture of the little card to so that she could post it but i haven't actually given it to her yet because she lives in germany and i haven't seen her in two and a half years and we're about to go on a double date um with her husband and with ty and she's actually in town for kiersten's wedding who is also going to be one of my matrons of honor um and so i get to see her for the first time in two years and officially ask her to be my matron of honor and we get to go on a double date they're actually tyler's riding out with them right now to where we're getting dinner because i was out here earlier got my hair did um so they've already met and i wasn't even there which is kind of funny but i'm so excited i'll see if i can get a little clip of it [Music] corner [Applause] [Music] wait while it's rolling yes of course a thousand times [Music] i have something for kristen too are the girls hello [Music] i have something for you guys do you guys want to open it together yeah okay we've officially asked all of our bridesmaids and groomsmen and it's been so much fun i didn't get reaction clips of everyone obviously because we didn't ask everyone in person um but it was just so fun asking people we got to facetime tyler's brother and sister and sister-in-law and brother-in-law and ask them over facetime and got to ask a couple other people in person and it was just super sweet i wanted to share something though so i have this journal that i keep by my bedside i've probably referenced it before but it's a little journal that says joy is yours and over the years i've used it to write down things that i'm thankful for at night if you watched my nighttime routine you might have seen that i don't do it every night and honestly i want to be more consistent with it because it's really cool to read back through different things that i was thankful for and in some seasons i've used it more than others but for whatever reason the night before i started asking bridesmaids i happened to start flipping through this journal and i came across a section that was a really hard time in my life when i was just really discouraged and down and had gone through some hard stuff and in that i actually used this joy journal more to just write things i was thankful for because i was trying to be really intentional about seeing the good and in just that really hard time so much of the things i wrote that i was thankful for every day were ways that my friends showed up for me and sat with me in that time and were just there for me like reading through the first page kind of in that season it says one of the things i'm thankful for is for kenna sitting on the phone with me most of the day and i remember in that time just being really anxious and sad and i was at work and just doing work on my computer and she was at home and just kind of sat on the phone with me and we didn't say anything and she was just there another one says for the flowers cody and jessica got me that's my brother and sister-in-law and just again showing up for me in a hard time another one says kelly planning a labor day weekend trip for us my friend kelly one of my matrons of honor um came up from la and was just planned a whole weekend to be with me and then it says amazing night with courtney and marlene connecting and encouraging each other and praying for each other until 11 p.m one says for my friendship with heather where i feel so known and loved another one well this one's kind of cool kelly hugging me goodbye and saying one day we'll be wedding dress shopping for you and planning your bridal shower as we hugged and that was a time when i was just really discouraged with that area of my life and i think that was actually the weekend she came up so that must have been when she said goodbye and here we are another one says here calling to pray with me one says for my friendship with kristin another says for my conversation with buzz and tara and these are just the ones i'm picking out there's so many more and probably so many more i didn't write down these are just the ones i happened to capture on whatever nights i remembered to write in this but i just thought it was really sweet to happen to read through those and remember that season and just remember the ways that my friends were there for me in that season now being here in this season of fulfillment when god has answered those prayers he brought me out of that place of just discouragement and sadness and so i just wanted to share that as sort of a testament to god's faithfulness and also to encourage you if you are in that dark sad discouraged season to try to look for the blessings in it even if that blessing or that thing to be thankful for is simply how a friend is sitting with you in it and maybe all the negative circumstances or emotions aren't going away but that you're not alone with it and that people are caring for you and loving you in it because i think capturing and remembering how people were there for you in the hard times makes it all the more sweeter to get to celebrate with them in the good times than in the times of fulfillment and of answered prayer um i wrote this kind of cheesy caption on my phone probably during that season um but it kind of based it off of this idea of a fair weather friend so you hear that term of a fair weather friend or somebody who's only there for the good times or when things are going well and i wrote about them about my friends if fair weather friends are only there for the good stuff i'd consider these my hurricane tsunami storm wind sleet hail friends and now they're getting to stand with me in the sunniest of times as well and i know that's super cheesy but i just wanted to share that to encourage you we're all going to go through good times and hard times in life and so much of the sweetness in both of those things comes from the people that we're walking alongside of and from the community that we root ourselves deeply into and often times even that community grows deeper our friendships grow deeper through walking through the hard stuff together and so i'm very thankful for my friends each one of them is incredible i hope you enjoyed this fun little video of me asking them to be in my wedding and that this was also encouraging to you as well the next video going up on my channel will actually be the trying on wedding dresses video which i'm very excited about so make sure you're subscribed if you aren't already so that you can see that and then if you enjoyed this video please be sure to give it a thumbs up and i will see you in my next one bye
Channel: Kaci Nicole
Views: 3,224
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: wedding planning, asking my bridesmaids to be in my wedding, bridesmaid proposal, bridesmaid proposal ideas, wedding planning 2021, christian wedding, christian lifestyle, christian youtubers vloggers, wedding planning vlog, christian friendships, kaci nicole bridesmaids, kaci nicole wedding, kaci and tyler, ideas on how to ask your bridesmaids, bridal party, wedding party, bridal party proposals, christian community, officiant proposal, ultimate wedding planning vlog, faith
Id: p13NF9PUR_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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