Asking Hispanic Millionaires How They Got Rich

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these are some of Miami's richest Hispanic Millionaires and today I'm going to meet with them to learn exactly how they did it and you'll never believe how this first guy made his money my boy doing it different [Music] Jose what's going on what's going on what's up bro nice to meet you man welcome to billionaire Barbara's homie tell me about this business what is billionaire Barber what do you guys do differently come to your doorstep man I brought the barbershop to you you know I'm big on time I'm big on convenience I try to overeat for the first time and I noticed that I paid 20 for the same four dollar meal so I get the concept you know people pay for convenience so after all this time who are some of the people that you've been able to cut my main guy right now is Stevo do it six nine Javonte Davis bro you name it bro just a bunch of celebrities and in your biggest month what did this business bring in my biggest month so far was fifty thousand dollars so what are you projected to make this year with billionaire Barber this year I'm aiming for 1.5 2 million I want to know more about the story of how you got it to this point so let's get this cut going and I got some questions for you [Music] what's the most you've ever gotten for one haircut man right now Steve will do it holds that record he paid me like close to four thousand dollars for a haircut what I went to Arizona gave him a haircut and he was like all right bro now we're gonna go on a happy that run I party with him that night bright and early next day I'm back in my hand the billionaire Barbara way so what's your background and what do you guys actually do for a living my name is Margarita and I am Colombian I moved here when I was seven my name is Leo I'm Dominican and we do e-powers so you guys do this together we honestly started separately but since we were really good at different things we were like we will go so much further if we just do this together and how's this business going like how much have you guys brought in this month we're at 1.4 million let's this month yeah that's crazy congratulations maybe you could show the dashboard show them so they know it's legit oh my God 1.6 1.6 million in a month so give them a little bit of background of what that actually is we know it's Ecom but you guys aren't doing Drop Shipping right we started Drop Shipping and that's how we were able to develop all the skill sets that we have now but we've been building a brand for two years now so from working together like how much would you say you brought in in sales so far over the last couple years I mean just the past two years with our brand it's close to 16 million wow what advice do you have for people that want to get into e-commerce and start doing this for themselves because everybody wants to start Drop Shipping but I don't see people with results like that ever yeah I think it's I think it's important to start Drop Shipping because you're going to develop the skill sets and then like you can go into branding because like you can't just start building a brand if you don't have the skill set when it comes to actually getting started what type of products do you think people should be looking for I think any product that solves somebody's insecurity is going to sell so if not a bad posture take them to a better place how do you balance working together in a business and being in a relationship at the same time one of our first dates literally I think five day ten we were at Moe's and we're like okay let's see each other's big and she had more money I had more money we turned bank accounts to each other and we're like oh yeah we're gonna get rich together I think that working together makes our relationship stronger our communication skills are top-notch especially because we have to resolve business problems and we have to do that in the most mature way possible and that translate directly into our relationship well you two are the golden example of a power couple so congrats on all your success you got any words of wisdom in Spanish for the people what she said right now I'm about to meet up with one of my friends who's making millions of dollars per year as a Trader so let's go see how he did it whips outside today man yeah yeah I've got a I've got a few I've been collecting cars for a long time actually you got over a million dollars in cars out here huh yeah yeah just in between these two I mean I got this one for literally 990 000 and I got this one for 650 000 so let's roll like 1.5 mil just in these two cars so if you don't mind tell the people what you actually do to be able to afford these things so I started off with day trading that was like what really helped me build a lot of my net worth in the beginning really I tried to just maintain my expenses as low as possible and just reinvest every single Cent that I made to get into trading you had to start with a lot of money or you didn't start with a lot to begin with I mean I personally didn't start with a lot to begin with um I think I started with like around three thousand dollars I invested 1500 into a few courses and then 1500 into a trading account which I ended up losing anyways throughout your career as a Trader how much have you been able to bring in so I mean if you're just counting like day trading profits over the last six seven years that I've been in the uh in the industry three have probably brought in a total maybe like seven eight million dollars worth of the profits but if you account like all of my other businesses I've probably brought in anywhere between 20 the 25 million in total tell me a little bit more about your background so you were born and raised in Miami what about your family where are they from so my entire family is from Colombia from barrancia my dad actually came fairly early on I think if I remember correctly he came around the time when he was like 18 19 years old she was a huge motivator for me in my life when he divorced with my mom he lost everything and from zero he's been able to turn all of those against lessons that he's learned into the Empire that he has now completely separate from me I don't know if it's possible but it will be dope if you could introduce me to him as well and we could get his story yeah bro let's pull up we literally have the warehouse he's always at like five minutes away we can go yeah let's pull up [Music] that's Bob's pulling up right now wow good afternoon great to finally meet you man welcome home yes sir yes sir welcome to the Gonzalez Clubhouse come inside guys [Music] it seems like you guys kind of like cars a little bit yeah what was it like growing up for you where were you born at I was born in Barranquilla Colombia I come from a Heritage of uh Italians Argentinian Venezuelan Colombians and little speaking I grew up in New Jersey she's 13 years old my brother and I would always worked at my dad's company then I work in a shoe store I work selling clothing at the mall I work as a tour in the school I work as a student Mentor 80. I work doing lab work for other students I did also private tourism so grinding to me it was fairly natural what did you do differently from these other dentists that are out here that are kind of stuck in the same position that allowed you to grow such a big company in this field event I think that I always I am always very very comfortable and very confident in my skills number one my vision I don't stop until things gets done and they gotta get on properly I was always one of the first ones to walk out of the exams I was always one of the persons to deliver my homework as I said before look if I used to watch my car and it took me an hour and a half why can't I do this in 30 minutes and have the same results efficiency so I got my first practice I got my second practice I got my third practice I have many doctors working for me unfortunately life took a turn I went through a divorce and I started it from scratch from zero again what did that feel like uh you know you want to cry I had to go through Dark Nights going into a room and not see my kids how did you bounce back from that situation and take it to this level positive mindset Faith strength dedication uh a lot of sacrifices losing is winning if you learn from it the last many many many many years I've always sleeped like three to five hours a day and I just got used to it I do enjoy my life a week when I'm sleeping I'm only taking a break to recover how has God made an impact on your life I hear you mentioned Faith very often has that been a big part of your life was there a moment where you didn't have that God is everything in my life I am such a firm believer that if you do right by the eyes of God things do flow in place so I want to know now if you're comfortable with sharing over the years of running this practice what's the most you've brought in in a month with this business well let's put it this way 26 years of Dentistry it's putting a lot of numbers a lot of zeros absolutely big and yes I have been able to reach big goals I've been able to reach beautiful numbers I've been able to have really high numbers on a single day that most unfortunately doctors don't see for a year so many people watch this video are either immigrants or living in another country and they see your story and they're super inspired by it what's one quick piece of wisdom that you have for somebody out there watching this video that's at the bottom trying to climb their way out what would you say to them well if you can do something really good I know that you're very powerful at it I mean you cannot communicate that especially the video ever today there's no excuses for Success Point other than not being happy about what you're doing another YouTube Instagram official translator for your channel muchas gracias foreign
Channel: Jordan Welch
Views: 468,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan welch, millionaire, entrepreneurship, make money online, asking millionaires what they do for a living, make money, how to make money online, millionaires, hispanic millionaires, latin millionaires, rich, finance, how to become a millionaire, how to get rich, dropshipping, ecom, asking millionaires how they got rich, asking millionaires for advice, what do you do for a living, entrepreneur, personal finance, rich people, asking business owners how they got rich, business, success
Id: 5WeeP1rfPkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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