Asking Alexandria - Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?

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hey everyone grommet here from Loudwire and today i'm with asking alexandria well two of us two of you not the entire band but the best two of the core members I would absolutely say thank you guys so much for stopping by it plays Wikipedia fact or fiction today so do it wholesome what do you guys make your preview that's what most people say that went through the Wikipedia pages so you can tell me what's right what's wrong and elaborate if you so choose with mr. Benjamin Boone Hall Bruce but born in Ashford Kent England nope nope they see they get this way where were you born I was born in one's worth South London Kent actually funnily enough is where my dad grew up so I don't know how they got the poor mixed up yeah my dad's my daddy's poor Bruce oh I don't know how anyone would know that my dad is from Kent though but my god they got his precise writing started they got that right but not for you and James I didn't say where you were born so oh well definitely fiction then definitely okay I was born I don't have a birthplace I just popped out over there somewhere it said Ben you moved to Dubai when you were six due to your father having difficulty finding work and believing the school systems in England were terrible kind of okay kind of I moved to a diminutive I was six my dad was made redundant at the time he had obviously my mom my little sister me to take care of and it wasn't that the British school systems are actually incredible I went they put me into British schools in Dubai it's just the fact that when he tried to get me to it was the straw that broke the camel's back when he went to come into school when I was five years old the school is like we can have we can't accept your son because we have to save a certain amount of spaces for minorities and different ethnic backgrounds and stuff and my dad was like hang on a minute we're from here we're all British you pay your tax is Isis you tell me when my kid can't go to school here like so what are you supposed to do what but that was just my other way this country's gone to [ __ ] we're moving said you started playing electric guitar at the age of 12 after being inspired by Metallica and Iron Maiden that's pretty accurate well yeah I started playing guitar 12 I've always wanted to play guitar since I was like this big I started at 12 that's true but as far as Mitaka I mean they definitely were the bands that got me into playing metal but before that I was definitely more listening to like a lot of blue stuff I Eric Clapton Gary Moore BB King that sort of thing and then somehow a job from that to pop punk even before metal sort of look 182 and Greeley a some 40 wanted all that stuff then I heard I think the first riff I ever heard by Metallica was through the nether and I was like wow this is insane okay I want to play metal and then it was the at absolutely I said Ben you formed asking alexandria in Dubai in 2006 but after realizing you wouldn't be able to achieve international success there you move back to England again kind of true I didn't move back to England because I wasn't going to get international success I just I wanted to go home it was time to move back to England you know I'm I'm British I'd grown up in Dubai and I turned 17 and I was like right I'm going home see you later mum and you know originally actually the band members that I made the bandwidth in Dubai came to England with me but just none of them were cut out for it they gave up after like a month like well this is too hard it costs too much money I was like well I'm not stopping I'm not gonna give up and that's when I found this this motley crew did you carry the name over due to not wanting to bother to come up with a new band name fast he just dug me [ __ ] that's a fact alright but lazy yes alright it said that it was your guys's idea the band to have belladonna famous porn actress on the cover of reckless and it was actually a record label owner a chef it was his record label idea yeah yeah he likes a lot of you know controversial buy dollars and some weird stuff she isn't severe so I'd actually never heard of her until until I'd I'm not really a big porn guy born for me like when I was a kid it used to be like when my parents went to bed and he said the dial-up internet connection it would break people puppy you see doubt that I please please hurry up shut up shut up shut up hope they didn't come down find some tits and vag online print it out and then hide it in your room for like later use like I used to stay put all together I'd like a book I made like my own magazine when I was like killers like yes this is great put it in the file in covenant yeah but that was about it I think my mom found it all since I left home but I was fine or more there any mail was hard back in the day yeah especially if you wanted a video video was like yeah her oh dammit Asian but ever an hour I remember those one video I had and it was remember I'm LimeWire don't you I downloaded my porn from lime yeah yeah it's like five girls one pool it took like three days and after 45 seconds of joking I came and I didn't watch the rest of [ __ ] eight-minute videos like well you got the start of parts we're all meeting each other yeah I got the clothes oh yeah that was a no no that was in my those of anticipation were you checking back constantly B's yeah as I far along you are yeah it's like we'll move us by 75% yeah I don't know how much longer I could take this into my waiting should see a doctor um it said a band that you've expressed the feeling that the band's lyrical style before reckless and relentless reckless and relentless it was reckless and relentless redness and relentless shiny sounds like a college sheet of problem in New York says that you thought the lyrical style was stupid what does that even mean I don't know I just printed this out that's way because I wrote a lot of the lyrics to set up a scream so it's like I was in the I was an 88 no I think I think I've said along the lines of it being more immature than say what we write about now you mature like we were 17 to 19 years old me wrote son up and scream obviously this lyrics will look back that now and go well I would never put you stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] as a big gang chant in a song now but ya got it is job it was mutually there you did you haven't faced so many problems when you're that age I think you felt the problems oh there's also a lot very meaningful loser I reckon they're like a prophecy and stuff so no incorrect that's fiction fiction right there you go yeah [ __ ] you Wikipedia exactly Ditka PD is back to the page it's a long story don't worry Long's two inches don't pray for me the commotion heard of the song is from the Seattle performance where you ask the audience to encourage Danny to go to rehab yes that's just wrist that was the famous footage for Danny's acting like a bit of a [ __ ] right now and a biblical thing the funny thing is a bit of a [ __ ] funny thing is I was off my tits as well we all were we were all hammered but we could just hold our composure and still play and so you know it was like he just took it one step so far he was like okay you can be wasted on stage but don't be [ __ ] blackout don't mean there's anything I say to punching people were but the funny thing about that is everyone's like yeah like Danny went to rehab and sort himself out then he's never been to rehab this just that was like halfway through a tour yeah we still did the rest of the tour he never went to rehab or any of that not even after the no no no well what was the process in your deciding that you wanted to put that into one of your songs I fit that I think just a little with the lyrical content of the that that album for us from deathless I was a dark dark time like it was it was a really hard record for us to write you know obviously tensions were high between us and Danny we weren't very happy as a band and it kind of just you know it had been escalating since even back there which was that was a reckless & relentless cycle wasn't it and as the the first tour we did on that album cycle yeah and and you know it just it just kind of spoke to us it was like man like that situation we were in then you know two or three years down the line we're still in it now and that's a lot of what don't pray for me is about a lot of work from death audacity felt like to us so it kind of just made sense you know like we've said a million times were always a very very upfront and honest band we everything we do and everything we write about is our real life experiences because that's what inspires us that's what influences us and what's the point we're not a top 40s pop band yeah kind of sell records to a kid that wants to twerk in the mirror you know it's like we tell our stories and if you want to listen that's awesome and so you know that was just a huge part of of what we were going through the time yeah from death to destiny the band recorded in several different studios along with on the tour bus well I mean we recorded in one studio Danny however chose to record in every ball over the shelf yeah it was just impossible to get him into a studio like he would go in we were booked a studio and he would go in for a day and it disappeared for four days and then go in front of a day and it disappeared so we would run out of time we'd have to go on tour we go on tour and then after tall we'd have to find another studio that you know we could we could get into and it was a very stressful process yeah stressful so basically didn't whatever city you happen to be in if you knew of the studio a lot of them were in LA but there were just DEP studios that I mean like other people want to record in them you booked this time you haven't got everything done someone else is in so I just identified Joey out yep even you know like it was just it was just a nightmare and as far as the bus goes and we wrote that album on the bus so all the pre-pro was recorded on the on the bus yeah the actual with the actual album we you know obviously did the real thing in studio but you know everything was written in you know played on the bus gotcha I won't give in says that the lyrics of the song were written towards Danny some of them were that some of the lyrics weren't some of them weren't you know it's just this again it's it's all open to interpretation is the album's not about Danny it's it's a bunch of stuff that we've been through that we that we want to talk about get off our chest you know it's not just aimed specifically in that direction it's a whole eight years worth of [ __ ] that we've been through as individuals and as a band and even you know stuff that Dennis went through with his previous bands you know he's yeah yeah just thrown his is all of his [ __ ] there's a lot there's a lot of stuff that you know can be personal to variety of different people you know it's like it's his his our staff is dance stuff this is it's not necessarily about any one thing and people can take it as they want and you know and they they can like there's a lot of stuff that's contributed towards the creative process and writing up this record and we address all of it you know just so happens that Danny leaving was a huge thing and so everyone's gonna take after you remember that movie the number 23 Harry I swear to God I saw 23 everywhere after I watch that movie you know to me sure and it's it's that same thing you know everyone's gonna see Dan Ian in all of the lyrics even though there might not necessarily be that that line might not be about Danny all but people be like yeah that's definitely about done especially when the lyrics are about maybe seeing someone's self destruct yeah and certain ways have like that so alright well that's basically fiction then last one it said that you guys felt abandoned long before Danny's departure that he lost the care for screaming and heavier music since the release of the second record and you wouldn't know if you'd call him a friend today that that's a that is a fact that's true the friend thing I remember saying that in a crying interview doesn't hold as true now you know a you know water under the bridge and all that yeah we're in a better place now than we were back then when I said that but the rest of its true yeah we definitely died quit this band long before you with his loan you know he checked out he didn't care and that that was very apparent for he's like this like we said it's trying to like get him to finish vocals in the studio and then it would just you wouldn't do it trying to get him to stage yeah it was just it was you know difficult to work with for sure and he's just his heart wasn't in it yeah so I do want to end this on a positive note you're saying earlier that that there had been you know a little bit of communication between our guys and that if there was an opportunity to grab drinks that you got to be making way for the drain he would pay for the dregs of drinks and everything would be cool there just be good times it would just be drinks his drinks his friends and then business is business you know right I want to thank you guys so much for stopping by thank you the black comes out March 25th asking alexandria thank you guys thank you very much
Channel: Loudwire
Views: 357,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Asking Alexandria, Ben Bruce, James Cassells, Loudwire, Wikipedia Fact or Fiction, Interview, The Black, Wiki
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2016
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