Ask Me Anything about Prison - Your Prison Questions, Larry Lawton Answers | 109 |

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hey everybody Larry Lawton here for another edition of ask me anything this one has asked me anything about prison so this should be a good one because I tell it like it is the good bad and difference from guards who saved my life to God to abuse me but anyway before I get started check out Larry Lawton jewel thief on patreon and check out a member programs both there and on YouTube please pass the word about our channel we're growing and I have Larry lawns action crew and we had two items so far and we won both the mark instead of it win but we made a difference and all you guys made a difference and that's what makes this whole thing worthwhile so I'm gonna get right into ask me anything and I'm gonna read question I got hundreds and hundreds of questions and I'm gonna jump right in and answer a bunch of ask me anything questions you know the first one had me laughing you know it is did anyone at all try putting it in your back end if so what did you do when they tried you know I kind of I hate to say giggle but mmm yes and no they try you and what I mean by them when they try you they will maybe see if you're open to it actually doing it they'll also see how vulnerable you are you week are you aggressive how strong are you scared to defend yourself they test you in a lot of different ways now exactly like did someone take out their thing and try to put it in me you know real quick there's something no not like that and if they did I would knock them out or defended myself and let me explain that why I mean by that it's not about what it is you know oh there's somebody hate having sex with a guy or any of that question that's absolutely nothing to do with that as I tell people who I know or gay friends of mine listen to me sex in prison isn't sex it's it's abuse any way you cut it so I don't think all these guys you got it's all BS so whatever your preference it's not fun in prison it's just not and so I hope I answered that question in the right but no I mean it's there no I've seen young kids get raped I know a friend of mine who was imprisoned for a long time for a crime he did not commit his first day in prison his first day five guys came into his cell put a pillowcase over his head and they raped them and if that doesn't make you cringe because it makes me cringe right now it's terrible and it does happen here's another one made me laugh a little but how essential was soap you know I didn't know how to take that question you know like you know drop the soap thing and you hear all those jokes about prison but let me tell you something they have they give you soap it's called state Sol and believe it or not the state soap when I started shaving my head when I first went to prison I had hair I went to prison at 34 years old I had hair once I got in there and I thought and I see that one my hair I'm starting to lose it but besides he was starting to lose it you know when you fight someone you don't want to have you you rather have a bald head for a lot of different reasons slipping out of things fighting grabbing hair you know there's no such thing as a fair fight in prison none if I fought you imprison you in trouble because I'm trying to hurt you as bad as I can hurt you anyway so I started shave my head and believe it or not the state so thick we called the state so we're the federal government but they aren't every prison a co-ed you get the state so what we used to do it that state soap is amazing not only did people actually make things they carve things out of it they literally carve little trinkets I saw a whole a guy carve a whole chess set a whole chess set out of soap out of the soap and I mean it looked unbelievably gorgeous and then painting some of them black and kept them white like the soap so I mean and the soap for my head was actually good you know a certain soap you can use for your skin or whatever for me it made my head glisten I mean it was actually pretty cool to same soap is it great soap come on it's the little crap they give you a little in a little package it's like you see in anywhere it's not good it's but it's little it's crazy what you can do and the artistic nature of some people in prison it's amazing what I've seen guys carve out of soap we also used to take soap and this is gonna be funny soap was glue believe it or not it's glue that and toothpaste you could take toothpaste where you were in the hole and you had a mint coming in and events blow it and you're freezing I mean freezing they would be sitting in shoving like they don't giving you blankets or anything like that so you would take paper and you take magazines and you rip out a piece of my magazine and you'd put toothpaste second each corner and literally put it up in front of the mint cover then you can actually just leave a little spot open and it get less air into your cell and wouldn't freeze so literally toothpaste and soap was good another thing we did with soap is critic pretty well in Atlanta very old prison very very old we used to take and there was a hole in the plaster wall well we used to take a we ended up getting a p2 or whatever you get a key or a door key or something that you know that's contraband and you need to hide it here's how you hide it there would be a hole in the wall literally because this is an old prison a whole plastic hole I mean a plaster it's plaster and it be a hole in the wall maybe that big so what we were used to do is we take whatever object we wanted to hide it could have been dope it could have been a key like we had a what makes me remember this so well is we had a door in the door of a big steel door they have like weak and the holes where the handle is but they're like a special kind of screw that you can only open with this special key and it would come off and we used to end up sticking stamps in the door I mean 500 books of stamps can move book makers we were running whatever we were running in the prison were almost like a Bank so what we should do is have to have that key because if they find that key then they're gonna know you in the door they don't go in the door they don't know anything's in the door they don't know you have a key they don't just take that off that's a job to take that off so what we used to do is take that key put it on the end of a string take a piece of tape put it in the wall and then tape that string down the back end and a wall so it's hanging now they can even look in that hole couldn't find it because it's taped to the thing but what we used to even do more we used to take a wet toilet paper we just get toilet paper now if the hole is that big you get a bunch of water off the toilet paper and you put it in that hole and you make it like it looks just like there's a piece of plaster cuz they were all over the place anyway so they'd only come to the fix holes and said all the prison built in 1903 Atlanta was built so anyway here we are we placed that day and then you take soap and you make the soap go near the ends really nice and then we used to have paint called paint whatever the wall was you would never know that that was a hole in the wall hiding something never know in a million years unless you went to every little hole in that old place and push that mean trust me they really want to check that cell out they're gonna find it any and I mean really really but I've seen them miss that spot hundreds of times on major shakedowns hundreds of times missed that spot I mean it was the best spot I've ever seen in prison I mean we had all the spots to hide stuff whether it was coffee-mate tans and and in the legs of the beds and we cut under the thing again I told you guys about behind the shower we took out the the plate and that where the shower is and kept out lying back there I mean there was so many hiding spots in prisons obviously it's a cat-and-mouse game that's what prison is it's a cat-and-mouse game between the the convicts and the guards and again we respected good guards they respected good comics that's just the way it worked today is a whole different world and it sad world it's prison exactly like it is in the movies with gangs and rape as well it's a great question prison to be worse I don't know if movies really depict thee the monotony the everyday BS that goes on imprisoned me the abuses by God and stuff of that nature I don't know if that ever happens but it's it's crazy it's the place you don't want to go please you don't want to go here's a question was there everyday where you said thank God I'm in prison no no never you know it's no funny story you know when you're on a golf course I don't know anybody golf's out there you know what you say on a golf course a bad date on a golf course is better than a good day anywhere else well let me tell you something any day out of prison is better than any day in prison there isn't a day in prison that you say I'm glad I'm a prison doesn't mean I never said I didn't have a hides a good time you know partied with friends I told you that acid did certain crazy stuff in prison met normal good people in prison really good people but no nobody ever says oh man glad I'm in prison you know that's an old fallacy people used to say you know oh he just wants to go back to prison let me explain something they don't want to go back to prison nobody wants to go back to prison here's what happens the human brain is so powerful that what it does is it forgets the bad that happened to him who would want to go back to a place where they beat you or they torture you and they tell you what to do or they spit in your food or they literally literally smack you in the head hit you with a flashlight lock you in a cell like an animal talk to you like you are the piece of goblin worse than you talk to a an animal that can't even understand you who wouldn't want that nobody wants that what happens is our human being we are so blessed to have the ability to forget things the bad things that happened to us whether it's abuse like myself or somebody else anything bad you as a person have the ability to put it aside move on that doesn't mean it doesn't affect you because it does but until you come to grips with whatever it is that happened to you you're gonna have issues well it's the same with prisoners they know what it's like in there so when they get out you know they're ecstatic you know you go crazy and you watch every every person getting out of prison they had towing that line it listen to me I wouldn't even go one mile over the speed limit for six months literally we're going one mile over the speed limit for six months you you realize but what happens is we have the ability to put it aside to go no other animal does you know an animal knows that's why dogs listen because they were beaten once and they'll never forget that so they're gonna listen to you humans have that special quality and I think that's a great quality to have but getting back to that so they don't want to go back to prison but they forget about it and they get back into the drugs when I get back into whatever it did that got him into prison and I often tell people man when you're thinking about any crime or anything I want you to sit down look especially dude who's been a president that's what I mean sit down and think about your worst days in prison you want that again not one person services you over that's great I don't care nobody says that because if you think about the bad things that happen to you in prison and the control they have over you it's crazy you know I don't know how we do it as a society I don't know how we do it as a society I don't know why we treat people we don't rehabilitate them stop them from doing the things they did do that's what we need to do who was your best friend there and why good question I think each prison you you gravitate to one person or another I had a friend in Edgefield named Paul to Leaney I'll mention his name Paulie and I were close the legal work together we fought the system together we hung out together we ate together he lived up on a cell up on the top I lived on a cell on the bottom and but we'd hang out the law library would talk he was from Boston I was from New York so were both from the Northeast and were in the south so they didn't like us we had intelligence we were both very smart guys with the law and and fighting the system and we both Paul he had a 30 year sentence I had for 12 less but we fought we both had the same kind of mentality so Paul he was one of my best friends still listed his day I know Pauling very well but each prison I had somebody that was kind of like you know friends you you connect with and believe it or not you might see somebody later down the line and another prison and you we connect and then you get to know each other very well you eat together you know about their families it's like anything else so I did have some close friends to this day and just because you went to prison doesn't make you a bad guy you made bad choices no question about that I'm I'm not gonna support crime in any way but you could you could still be a good person how many people did you run into with real cash with them none no if there's no cash in prison if there is kids I've seen cash in prison it was smuggled in and it's given usually to a guard as a tip for something but you don't see cash it's not like I got cash in prison man it's not happening next question I don't know if my question is too inappropriate Larry but I'm very curious to know what the deal is with sex in prison you talk about suit casing and how common it is so my question is does having things up your butt make you more open to having sex with a guy and is there anything you could put up there as protection against prison rape no I don't think putting anything up your butt has anything to do with wanting to have sex with a guy period I think I think that's something people don't choose I think it whether you're gay bisexual great I don't know what else they have but something of that nature I don't think it has anything to do with it you know I think sex is common in prison you know guy on guy sex is common I don't know common but it happens is there something you could put up your butt to protect you know nothing that wouldn't hurt you obviously but there's an actual law and you report sex you poured a rape especially again a staff member you know two guys having sex in prison I don't think they care or anybody should care I don't know what happened long as it's truly consensual sex obviously a guard can't have consensual sex with an inmate because he has power over them and that can't happen in an in the workplace and outside here in the free world whether it's anybody whether it's girl and a guy and girl or whatever it is does not matter so you know sex I could say it's common but not not like you know you just don't like you see it or hear about or people talk about it every day there is you know there's guys that become women in prison I don't know if they become or they just let that part of themselves out but you know there's no way to protect yourself except being you and and no is no you'll fight for it you will I mean I would fight against somebody raping me or trying to get me to have sex if I don't want it I mean that's not what you do you know that's not what life is about I say this all the time there's two types of people in prison predators and prey two types of people predators and prey I was a predator that doesn't mean I preyed on people but I was very aggressive I was a strong guy my personality is a very strong type a you know I'll come at you at you was not scared to fight and do what I had to do in prison so I was a top predator but I didn't prey on people but there are people who prey on people and just because of a kids age of your tour 22:23 young depending on your physical makeup even though that's not all our cow big and tough you think you are I watched them wilt in prison but just because of that your prey and you'll be the manipulated or forcibly raped and you can't stop five guys I don't care how tough you think you are you can't stop five guys nobody can you know I had that old kung fu Jack [ __ ] don't work it just doesn't work here's one were you the baddest and toughest guy in prison and everyone feared you absolutely not if you think you're the baddest and toughest dude in prison you're going down I saw a big tough guys get killed right in front of me by the littlest guy it you know I was a pretty big guy pretty strong guy but [ __ ] those guys had kicked my ass it's guys they yeah you know what never I never showed the fear but there was fear absolutely is the little guy you fear it's the guy that's quiet that's gonna come and try to kill you in your shell cuz he's a psychopath so there are psychopaths there's people listen I don't care who you are I don't care who you a Mike Tyson I don't care who you are I love Tyson but I'll tell you that there were people that he wouldn't have [ __ ] with because these people are psychopaths and that's prison that is prison prison is not a place where it's a oh let's have funny buddy what's going on you do do that but I'm talking about fear for your life sure and you're not the biggest and toughest nobody is I don't care who you are and tough you think you are you go to prison totally different ballgame I think this should be whoo but it says what are some of the most interesting people you man I think it's gonna be who are some of the most interesting people you've met in prison great questions I've met some crazy I meant mob bosses I used to hang out with Nicky Scarfo Vic Arena patty Amato Vic Vic Amato of the come on Vic amou so these were bosses of fan Vic was impossible Casey's Victorina was trying to take over the Colombo family Nicky Scarfo was ahead of the Philly mob killed 30 people and a federal judge create a little with a little crazy Nicky Scarfo I met some really interesting people I'm a very smart people professional athletes that were in prison with me I played softball with you're playing with a professionals playing in a major leagues and now you're playing with them there was a professional football player used to hang or a good kid I yeah I love when people's could comment they say Oh Larry's is a good kid yes they are you know some people are but it's just what they you know prison has them a lot of characters I've met people from I met a guy who was a rush it was a chess champ unbelievable killed his whole family but mine his brain was unbelievable in chess and I used to play chess so amazing amazing great question was a cell better with less people absolutely some people obviously would love a single cell they call it you know we used to call it the the sweet now here's think bad things they have the cell set up for two man cells you get the right cellie and it helps a lot you really do it helps off because you get to know them you eat with them you talk at night you talk about families you'd really get to know somebody in a Cell you really do but single cells is like you know you're talking about total privacy at total there's no such thing as total privacy in prison but as much as privacy as you can have in fact when I was started writing letters to the prison system to senators and congressmen and really fighting the abuses going on in prison I social warden came up to me and said hey Lawton will you stop writing these letters and stuff what are you talking to me for I'm a lonely inmate you know what I mean what are you trying to do this [ __ ] for he goes no if you stop this stuff we'll give you a single cell and also give you what they call get-out-of-jail-free card and you'd wonder what the hell's that mean yeah jail free card get out of jail free card means if I got put in the hole for bookmaking you know having excess above stamps in my cell you know maybe I got I lost my cookies one day and I cashed out the guard [ __ ] you [ __ ] whatever you wanted to say something like that and you got thrown in a hole for disrespecting an officer they'd let you out those little stupid things you can go to a hole for and they said we'll give you a get out of jail free card literally said that to me I looked at them who do you do oh man that warden ended up getting fired other people got fired in that prison because they were abusing us so bad I kept writing senators and congressmen and everybody question is the food good man you just made me laugh and I mean laughs the food is so bad so bad when I got out I had to have $7,000 worth of teeth damage repent I still need more matter of fact that there was somebody who offered it a dentist man I really want to call that guy someone from Jersey I think he said Larry I'd love to do your stuff for free or whatever boy I hope he gives this video maybe contacts me again he emails me but anyway the food is so bad when I was in Atlanta we would eat the I was in Atlanta in 97 98 left the 99 and we were eating Desert Storm meat it had on the box cuz I was in the kitchen had on the Box night 1992 1992 think of what I just said it was such bad meat that when you ate a hamburger you think I was hamburger day you know that there used to be a big deal that was Wednesdays Fridays was chicken but on Wednesdays hamburger day you'd bite into that hamburger and I used to used to get boom boom cuz they'd take it from the worst part of the cow and first of all I don't know how to feed that to our soldiers and it was such garbage they put together meals in prison it you know they call a mystery meat because nobody knows what the [ __ ] it is and I'm telling you [ __ ] that'll [ __ ] make you puke and with that let me just close and just say listen guys I enjoy answering these questions keep them coming keep questions coming ask us tell us what you want I'm trying to keep my family educated and you are my family you guys have been great I really appreciate you you know I still have my book you can get my book in the link below I just speak engagements at certain events for police and for schools and corporations and stuff of that nature check it out what I do in the links below please join pass the word about our channel I really appreciate that if you haven't subscribed please subscribe there's a great series here please go watch my gangster Redemption book series on here people are talking about it all over and they love it they just love my whole series you'll get probably but you'll love it and it's great it's a hundred percent true story so I enjoy that as well thanks everybody please make good choices don't have a go to prison ask me more questions ask me anything because that's what this is but though don't think it's cool you're not gonna get your wings you're not gonna get you no street cred because you went to prison it's some of the most embarrassing or embarrassing the most lowest parts of my life for prison because I'm better than that I'm better than that and if I can educate you enough to go to prison doctor says that's what this is about and please join Riley Long's action group because we're coming up with a few more action items to try to help people here who don't have a voice thanks again everyone stay safe please much love much respect for me to you have a great one stay safe everybody [Music] you
Channel: Larry Lawton
Views: 825,605
Rating: 4.9672151 out of 5
Keywords: Ask me anything, AMA, Ask me anything about prison, Ask me anything prison stories, Ask me anything prison tales, Ask me anything prison life, Ask me anything prison reform, AMA prison, AMA realness, AMA questions, AMA prison ama prison tales, ama truth, ama prison life, Prison, Prison stories, Prison tales, Prison life, true Prison life, actual Prison life, prison story, Inmate fights, Sex in prison, Prison fights, Cellmate, Locked up, Doing time, Hard time
Id: nGv0QWuYS_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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