Asia's Newest Country To Open

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hey guys today I'm gonna take you on a trip to one country in the world that you have never been to that you definitely should it's called [Applause] [Music] what I saw there blew my mind and I think it will blow your mind are you ready for this take it away guys the country I'm in right now is finally open to tourists yeah tourists can finally visit here here and here [Music] a while ago this country was closed to the world it was very difficult to get a Visa very difficult to fly here and very difficult to get around but three years ago they opened their country to the world and today I want to show you what's hiding inside trust me it will shock you foreign it is a Muslim country in Central Asia that is on the ancient Silk Road where 30 million people live the first thing you will see hiding here is tolerance [Music] here Jews pray alongside Muslims in peace they are accepted and long I'm Jewish I burned in Uzbekistan Muslim and Jewish we are all brother and sister right next to mosques we saw Jewish synagogues and cemeteries and the director of the Jewish cemetery himself is Muslim my name is I am a director's Jewish cemetery I am a Muslim [Music] but this country is not just tolerant it's also really really beautiful and this is why this country has some of the most beautiful mosques in the world in Samarkand and bohara we saw architecture that is so detailed so blue so Grand it's hard to believe someone built this 600 years ago [Music] is an ancient city that was once on the Silk Road and it's beautiful and full of architectural wonders AKA Instagram worthy and history buff worthy location their food is also big they build the biggest frying pans in Asia so they don't cook a meal or two they cook a ton or two of food at a time to make their own version of street food but here they just call it I love flow whose Pakistan is just opening up in the last three years only 30 000 Americans and 10 000 emiratis saw this place that's why people want tourists here everyone is welcome in fact only three years ago they built an International University for tourism ready to welcome you [Applause] when we were hosted at the Meetup when we went to the yards in the middle of nowhere and when we walked into a local wedding they welcomed us with open arms [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] even though we later realized this was a circumcision party not a wedding what was that there are many challenges facing this new country of Uzbekistan it needs better roads better internet we just lost internet again and better infrastructure but there is a lot we can see in Uzbekistan we can see that tolerance Beauty culture and identity can exist together in peace [Applause] look around me these are ships in the middle of a desert these are the biggest climate disaster that nobody is talking about and it's hurting millions of people for the first time ever I want to tell you the story of This Disaster here in Central Asia that's a big disaster seriously my God from that you can actually die then all the animals around it die I came here to Uzbekistan a double landlocked country in Central Asia to show you the arrow sea you don't know this sea but this was the fourth biggest lake in the world it was absolutely huge it had lots of fish rivers and people living around it but someone in the Soviet times decided to cut off a river from the arrow sea and use the water for manufacturing and agriculture this human intervention created a disaster here is how the Aral Sea had no more water flowing in and it started to evaporate slowly millions of liters of water disappeared wow this is crazy the ports became useless the ships Stood Still and the Sea turned into to a desert what used to be 7 000 cubic kilometers now is just 17. this is what remains of it and guess what every fish left in this sea is now dead because it's too salty 35 types of fish used to live here now there are none zero and when the fish disappears the animals do too the Caspian Tigers around this area the birds and the horses had nowhere to drink or eat this is the only water left for some of these animals and they rely on it to survive in this region oh my God there's so many of them millions of locals lost their fishing and farming jobs they could no longer live here so they had to live somewhere else how do you feel about this what I'm about to see yeah no oh my God this is real Salt when water disappeared the salt was left here at the bottom and it got picked up by the winds to be carried hundreds and hundreds of kilometers causing sandstorms in the rest of the country it ruined crops of farmers 500 kilometers away and it's making people sick foreign cases of urinary diseases and other health issues are on the rise they're going up and up and there are even documented cases of cancer cancer just think about this for a second so many lives depend on one sea and now modern day Uzbekistan after the Soviet Union has to pay the price that's why they declared this region a national disaster problems that's why countries like the United Arab Emirates are stepping up to help climate change is serious because everything is connected water fish animals and humans the arrow sea in Uzbekistan is far away from you but somehow someway it is connected to you let us take care of our planet so that it takes care of us did you know there is a secret sea that disappeared completely completely gone from planet Earth and now we are trying to bring back the sea let me tell you a crazy story that you have never heard before in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan there is a huge Sea called Arrow sea 50 years ago the Soviets used its water for cotton fields and that activity dried up the sea the fish died animals disappeared and the Sea evaporated into a salty desert causing sandstorms the fourth biggest sea in the world gone [Music] but now we are trying to bring it back you may not know about this but hundreds of millions of dollars are spent to bring back the Sea by planting trees around it these trees here are planted on the bottom of the seabed why to create a protective Forest which will stop sandstorms in this area just look at this they built forests to protect the sea then they built hospitals to protect the humans this hospital here may be the first climate change hospital it is built by the United Arab Emirates as a gift to treat people with health issues from the drying sea this Hospital costs 27 million dollars but it is necessary the name of this project is hospital for women and children this hospital will help the population in this region want to have a good medical services and most importantly people stopped wasting water like before Now farmers around the sea cannot waste water they have to use drip irrigation which is a drop by drop water system that saves more than 50 percent of water this technology system is good for the farmer and good for the planet slowly but surely water is evaporating less and at least in the northern part of the arrow sea fish is coming back the European Union donated five million dollars Norway donated one million dollars United Arab Emirates donated 7 million more dollars imagine this much money hospitals trees dams Farms just to bring back a dying sea may not bring back all the water but at least we can slow it down this trip taught me a lesson it taught me that nature is not a joke climate change is not a joke but if we really try it is possible to save our planet guys I have just arrived to a country where almost every car is a Chevrolet all right check this this is a Chevrolet this is a Chevrolet this is a Chevrolet and this is a Chevrolet what is going on she owns a Chevrolet he owns a Chevrolet and they all own a Chevrolet why Chevrolet because I don't have any choice you know how come people are not buying other cars and what's so special about a Chevrolet have to tell you a story this is the story of Monopoly last week I came to Uzbekistan it's a unique country in Central Asia for 27 years the country was closed to the world getting a Visa was hard and importing things from the outside world was hard so when it comes to cars Uzbekistan did not import it built the cars locally here in the biggest car factory in Central Asia making engines and Chevrolets like we are certified to produce a Chevrolet brand engines and our engines can be exported for the foreign countries like United States Korea and other manufacturers that's cool but why Chevrolets I'm not really sure but Chevrolet was the brand that the government liked and it stayed people who can see the components which was already localized in Uzbekistan and produced here locally with using woodpeck plants using the machinery and intelligence of the Woodbridge at the same time they made it much harder to buy other cars by putting a large tax on them and because of these policies the population could only buy one type of car a Chevrolet this is how a monopoly looks like you have no choice and you drive a Chevrolet but you have a Chevrolet but we we do it you have a Chevrolet sure you have a Chevrolet I told you everybody's got a Chevrolet [Music] but guess what as of a few years ago this country has changed and now it is open to the world [Music] [Applause] Uzbekistan is welcoming tourists investors and cars new cars are joining the country and it's a big deal like a Hyundai Mercedes or even get this a BMW slowly the Monopoly is dying in competition for the best car is coming back this trip was a great lesson for me about choice giving people choice is important you can choose where to live you can choose who to marry what to study what to think and heck you can choose what car to drive
Channel: Nas Daily's Best Videos
Views: 2,162,563
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Keywords: nasdaily, nuseir yassin, channel, compilation, best, people, places, travel, country, technology, environment, nasmeanspeople
Id: Rod7iyrpucE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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