Ashley Iles Mark 2 Chisels, Great for Dovetails!

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I'm often asked which are the best chisels for dovetailing now if you've got deep pockets then these wonderful things from blue spruce here are superb chills for dovetailing and equally these fine craftsman made chisels by OG in Japan will do a cracking job but if your budget doesn't quite stretch that far here's a chisel that I would recommend for Ashley Isles in the UK now it's this their mark to cabinet making chisel and it has fine tool steel hardened to about rockwell 60 so nice and hard and you'll notice on the sides here they ground down almost to nothing which is perfect for getting into the corner of dovetails also the main bevel is ground at 25 degrees which means that when you come to sharpen the bevels there you're actually just honing the tip so the preparation of that side of the blade doesn't take long at all equally on the reverse of the blade what they've done is - ever so slightly hollow out the back here it's almost imperceptible but what that means is that when you come to flatten the back of the chisel that the it starts to remove material here which is right where you want it so the initial preparation of the chisel is is very quick and very easy and I'd like to show you that okay so for those of you who spend hours flattening the backs of chisels this may come as a bit of a surprise to you so we can see there how straightaway all the grinding scratches have been removed from the tip of the chisel that back is flat and it's time to go on to the next stone so flipping that over onto the 13,000 grit and there you have it that's the flattest quickest possible back sharpening so now just do the bevel let's simply attach the guide up to 30 degrees move to the 6000 great up to the 30 degrees and though it is so in about 90 seconds from taking it out of the packet that is the chisel prepared and absolutely razor-sharp so I would highly recommend these chisels really great for dovetailing
Channel: DavidBarronFurniture
Views: 34,248
Rating: 4.9066148 out of 5
Keywords: David Barron, Fine Contemporary Furniture, Woodworking, Woodworking Tools, Tool, Ashley Iles, Dovetail Chisel
Id: ENqMrvsR3q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 30 2014
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