Asetek Simsports Invicta vs Simagic P2000 | Head to Head comparison

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my simagic throttle pedal has broken within a week

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/blubbadubbadoo 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

Both of these pedals seem to have a few glaring issues (Invicta with the grippy footrests and SimMagic with the wobbly pedals and leaky fluid) still, I think these 2 are fishing the pedal quality bar higher. They both look great

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BravuraRed 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2022 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone what's the crack over the past week and a half or so i have been inundated with questions about these two pedal sets these are the two hottest sub 1000 euro pedal sets on the market right now both hydraulic both have lots and lots of positives today i'm going to put them head to head so the first category is going to be looks and looks are a very subjective thing but i think you have to agree that these just look absolutely incredible some people may not like the orange some people may not like the red but in general they look really good and it's entirely up to you to decide which one you actually think looks better but just objectively they are extremely well designed just visually they're not the standard caught metal plating that you see on a lot of pedal sets and there's a lot of design effort gone into them and i think they both look extremely good so i'm gonna give them 10 out of 10 you can give them whatever score you like the second category is going to be the installation and assembly and even though the assembly and installation is extremely simple on both of them uh there is one winner and that is the invicta pedals uh the pedals already come assembled and the only thing you have to do is attach the clutch onto the two pedals set so the two pedal set comes pre-assembled you don't have to do anything there and you can install the clutch if you're only going for the two pedal set uh this is a great option of course the p2000 is also available in a two pedal set but today i'm concentrating on the three pedal set because that's my own personal preference and that is the top of the range that's being offered here from an assembly point of view you have to put these pedals on this magic base plate by yourself as i say with the invicta you just don't have to do that don't have to worry about all that all you have to do is connect the clutch base plate to the main base plate and then you're away now that's not to say that this magic assembly is complicated each one of these pedals only has a two bolt setup so one bolt at the front one bolt at the back so it's actually remarkably stable and so that's really good i thought at first that maybe that might not be super stable there are lots and lots of holes in the base plate for the semagic so you've got lots of mounting options and of course we'll go into more detail on the base plate in a while but you can move the pedals left to right you can't do that with the invicta so for those reasons i'm going to give the invicta a 9 out of 10 for assembly and i'm going to give these the magic an 8 out of 10. next up is the software and both of these have incredible software with them which is a breath of fresh air to see we're into a new era of software when it comes to pedals and it really is what we expect from pedals now very simple calibration across all of our different sims uh and the ability to change those graphs so that you know if we want the edge in the control to be more sensitive we can if we want the start to be more sensitive we can do that as well so the software is excellent for both of them uh the main reason that i'm giving the assettek a 10 out of 10 and the symmagic a 9 out of 10 is with this magic software i did have occasional disconnects uh which wasn't great all i had to do was plug out the usb and back in i did have some disconnects i haven't had a lot of them lately so i don't know was it something just to do with my machine or whatever just in general the asset tech software is that little bit slicker uh that's not to say that this is the fantastic software as well so 10 out of 10 9 out of 10 for the software next up is the price and the reason i'm doing this this week is because from next week the acetech pedals are going to be considerably more expensive than the somatic pedals the symmagic pedals come in for this what you see here including the base plate for 799 euro whereas the acetech come in at 998 euro but the acetech pedals cost 25 percent more than the semajik and the acetech price is going to go up so they're in a similar price bracket they're very similar pedals from the point of view that they're both hydraulic and in a similar bracket it's very new and welcoming for us to see a three pedal hydraulic setup for less than a thousand euro that's actually why i'm doing this video today because people have been asking me about comparing which one should i buy which one should i buy all week and if you're watching this right now you're probably one of those people so yeah it's uh it's tough choice but hopefully at the end of this you'll be able to make a decision and price might be a very motivating factor for the invicta pedals i've given the price a seven out of ten just because relatively speaking uh these are a good bit cheaper they don't lack in functionality as such and from a performance point of view there's not a lot in between these so these are 800 these are a thousand on pre-order they'd be 1200 euro at their normal pricing so 1200 euro versus 800 euro there's a bit of a big gap then and these all of a sudden are not under a thousand euro anymore these are these are still 7.99 if it matters and it does matter to a lot of people these are a chinese made manufactured these are european made and manufactured so when you do buy these they are considerably more expensive but you are also buying them from a relatively more expensive economy so at the end of the day it is your money uh but to some people that kind of stuff really matters next up is the throttles and the throttles on both of these are incredibly good there is a winner though and that winner is maybe surprisingly to some of you is actually the synagic it's a super simple pedal uh all hand adjustable as well you've got a little adjuster for the damping on the top here this is a damper and this is a spring setup for me personally the troll on the sim magic is just that little bit smoother nicer when you put it too heavy it's a little bit too slow but i run it at four and i think it's just a really nice setup so for both of these pedals you can actually change the throw slightly i think you actually have slightly more throw adjustment with the invicta i haven't explored that fully yet but i do have both of them at the exact point where i would like them so uh from that point of view they're really good the throttle on the invicta is noisier than the throttle on the semajik so that is a consideration and one thing for the pedals going forward we'll cover it in build quality we can actually see a little bit of lateral movement on the semagic pedals which isn't noticeable while you're using them we'll cover it in more detail but that is something to consider you don't get any of that with the invicta pedals so for that reason the throttle on the symmagic pedals is actually the best throttle that i've ever used on sim racing pedals so that gets a 10 out of 10. i'm very very happy with that and the acetech is not bad by any means it gets a 9 out of 10 also fantastic fantastic throttle next up is the clutch assembly and the clutch assembly on the acetech is really nice out of the box i haven't actually adjusted that at all on the sim magic pedals it's pretty bad out of the box and it doesn't really feel like a proper clutch i had to do quite a lot of adjustment and i will be revealing that adjustment in my final review uh but now it feels like a great clutch there's not much in it but on this occasion the uh invicta clutch is the better of the two i give that a nine out of ten i don't know about giving clutches a ten out of ten in sim racing because you don't get that real feel of a clutch because there's no you know feedback pedals are very much an input device and you don't get that output with you know braking and clutch you kind of want that output as well but that said at the end of the day it's just a clutch we don't use them that much we just want to change gear uh so there's only so much you know our expectations can only be so high before the costs become astronomical so the invicta clutch gets a 9 out of 10 and the p2000 clutch gets an eight out of ten uh they both feel really good and i'm happy with them uh it's just that little bit of configuration and stuff i'd love if these came configured properly from the factory uh and just to give that better first impression next up is the all-important brake and the brake on both of these is phenomenal really really good even though they've gone for entirely different setups so the semagic setup uses a far more traditional car setup with a master and slave cylinder that kind of sits side by side you can also mount this straight up which is quite nice but it's a far more traditional system and that actually pushes a load cell one other thing that symmagic does that invicta doesn't do is the semajik uses springs and invicta uses one large elastomer rather than what you see in a lot of pedals you see multiple stages but they still kind of have that two-stage effect thanks to their torp technology that they've designed completely themselves so you get a nice kind of a build up to that harder brick which is really nice so you actually only need that one elastomer whereas the semajik uses two springs again i have to do quite a lot of setup quite a lot of messing about to try and figure out the right settings for this magic break for a while i didn't really like it at all then i came up with this setup and it's really really nice so uh very very happy with both of these brakes as i say we don't live in the era of force feedback brakes and i'm not sure if we ever will if it's ever going to be worth it and these brakes are about as good as they can be and they get a 9 out of 10 from me next up is the base plate and the base plates on both of these are very functional very good they're quite different the base plate as i say is connected to the pedals clutch the clutch pedal has a separate base plate you connect the two of those together on the invicta and it is a very rigid very quick cat it is a very rigid very good setup the only thing that i don't really like about this is these little ridges they tend to grip on rubber soles uh they're not too bad when you're uh using when you're on socks when you're using rubber soles when you move your feet backwards slightly they just i don't know they kind of grip my feet a little bit i don't know if it's just the shape of my shoes or what but these ridges are quite grippy this is very very smooth but as you can see there's no support for your heels whatsoever here so magic does offer a long throttle plate which is nice when you're on this base plate this one lacks a little bit in comfort when it comes to resting position and this one lacks a little bit in comfort uh when it comes to moving from pedal to pedal all in all there's not a huge difference in weight between these pedal sets and the base plates are both extremely good i actually give both of them an 8 out of 10 they're not as good not as adjustable as some of the other ones that we've seen but they're super simple and they are definitely easy to assemble very very practical they're potentially a little bit long i never really use the start of these base plates i'm always quite close to the pedals and the mounting holes are not right at the end here even though there are some mounting holes that you could use on this magic pedal base plate the semagic pedal base plate has more mounting options than the acetech and the acetech one of the bolts the back right bolt here you have to disassemble the throttle slightly just to get at that easily uh but again that's not the end of the world it's not a huge amount of work but yeah the base plates are very very evenly matched next up is the electronics and on the sim magic they have this little extra control module that all the pedals plug into it's not super neat not super tidy you have to find somewhere on your rig to stick this and it does expose quite a bit of wiring whereas the invicta it's very very clean very smooth you only have that little sensor going into the pressure sensor on the torp system there but other than that cables are tucked in underneath even attaching the clutch is really simple and they've got dedicated channels in the base plates so that none of that sticks out it sits perfectly flush at the bottom and the electronics module is built in at the back it's actually even quite hard to film because it's just built into the base plate so that's super really really nice uh the semantic one is a little bit more um old-school a little bit more diy uh and it's uh yeah it's just a little bit of a pity on some pedal sets we see we get a nice little mount for it and it becomes a feature uh but uh yeah on the same magic pedals uh it's not ideal you can hide it away uh but it would be nicer if it was built into one of the pedals or hidden away or even something that you could mount onto the base plate uh that's just yeah tucked out of the way a little bit this is a little bit uh diy looking so all in all the invicta gets a nine out of ten because all that you can see from an electronics point of view really is the pressure sensor uh the usb c cable that goes into the electronics is there but it's there's a little guide and so it's not really in the way either from an electronics usability point of view i guess i don't know the quality of the electronics themselves everything seems to work great but just from that point of view of assembling the electronics i guess you have a bit more work with the semantic than you do with the invicta so the invicta gets a 9 out of 10 and so magic gets an 8 out of 10. next up is the build quality and the build quality on both of these is phenomenal the finishing on these the attention to detail really is exceptional i'm i'm very very happy with them and i think that the invicta does just edge out there as i mentioned the main reason with these magic pedals we've got this little bit of uh wobble here uh we've got you can see that one actually makes a bit of a noise as i move it left and right the cabling the wiring is just a little bit more uh exposed as well as that on the reservoir for the brake there's a little breather hole on there and that does tend to especially when you're moving around the pedals uh that does tend to blow a little bit of brake fluid out of that now the brake fluid hasn't destroyed anything i'm not actually sure what they use in here i do believe it is actually brake fluid uh but some of that has spilled over so uh that hasn't been ideal i'd love to see that at least suppressed little hat on that so that it wouldn't spill out uh all over the place and maybe some of it go went in transport as well because i found some of it around the pedals i'm not actually 100 sure of that but that's something you know a little thing that they could uh possibly work on so yeah from a build quality point of view and i mean i'm basing this not solely on my impressions here but also from footage that i've seen of the testing of these pedals they make a big deal about the fact that they test these kind of like what you have in ikea where they're opening and closing drawers or sitting on mattresses you know and doing that millions and millions of times they do that with these pedals and they tell us what they're rated for so asi tech sim sports for example they're able to tell us that their brake is good up to 180 kgs of pressure they can also tell us that the pedal itself can easily withstand 200 but even burst pressures of 700 kgs and they've shown us pictures of broken pedals and they've redesigned this several times just to make sure that whatever we throw at it it can take we don't know that with the magic that said the construction is extremely good they do know what they're doing but from a quality point of view asa tech is really talking the talk and they seem to be walking the walk that said semaj has built a reputation for themselves with their wheelbases and their other products for being very very high quality as well so this is a very very tough one and it's a little bit unusual for a new product out of the gate so they've not released any other products to us other than their cooling equipment so their cooling equipment maybe is playing a little factor in my mind here as well the fact that they're showing us how to test it they're giving us great guarantees and confidence with it uh they're showing it being used by real racing drivers asatech is not a brand new brand in the sense that they have been making pc cooling components and they deliver those components to massive brands all over the world brands that are probably already in your pc if you're liquid cooled so they know about quality and that is a huge huge reassurance now that said at the same time simagic has proven themselves with their products that they know how to make high quality products and even though the magic is only around two years and the acetech pedals are only around a couple of weeks so far we know to expect very high-end established business practices and quality from asetek we also are coming to expect that from sim magic which is not something that i was anticipating two years ago when i first reviewed one of their wheelbases so for that reason the build quality of the invicta gets a 10 out of 10. i just cannot fault it nothing is strange about it there is of course the purposeful omission of those bump stops at the end of the travel which is something that's done by design it's not necessarily a quality issue but the aesthetic pedals when they reach the end of their travel it's kind of a metal on metal sound we don't get that with the same magic again that's a design thing not necessarily a quality thing so magic pedals have their own little noises so that the acetech pedals i have never used a high-end set of pedals that doesn't make a little bit of noise i generally don't tweak that noise out of it during the review period just to see how bad it actually gets i don't want to mask it and then somebody else gets it and well how come you didn't say anything about the sound so if any of you do experience any weird sounds or creaking or whatever a little bit of ptfe dry lubricant spray it in the right places not too excessively and it should just go away and that's generally the solution with all high-end pedal sets so yeah 10 out of 10 for the aesthetics and 9 out of 10 for some magic and last but not least and this is kind of a broad category i want to talk about the versatility of these products now there are two major things that i'm not too sure that the market will love about the invicta pedals the first being a slight lack of adjustability the brake pedal in particular is very very short very stiff now i like it that way but a lot of people don't like it that way they want lots of travel and they want lots of feel throughout that travel you can get a decent in my opinion a decent amount of travel but nowhere near as much as you can get with the semantic pedals so with the semagic pedals you get a hell of a long tour you can make these feel exactly like a road car or you can set them up really stiff like the invicta pedals the choice is yours and you get lots of different springs to set that up and if you really want it tweaked to exactly how you like it i think that some magic is probably more for you that's my first point about versatility my second point about versatility and this is quite a big one as it stands right now the pedal faces on the invicta i don't like them i don't like them without shoes i don't like them with shoes they are far too grippy and they're a little bit too pronounced so they hurt your feet over time if you're not wearing shoes and even when you are wearing shoes if you imagine let me grab a shoe there so here we go with a shoe um if you imagine so your racing shoes are quite grippy and you want these pedals i want these surfaces to be quite slippy on the asic they're quite grippy so what happens is when you press that throttle the top of your shoe grips on the pedal and as if you're resting on the base plate which i do i rest on here some people do just press straight on the pedal and it won't be as much of an issue for you i would still recommend shoes because it's very difficult when you're not wearing shoes but what ends up happening is your toes grip to the pedal and as you push let me push that pedal there you can see the heel goes up above the heel plate and then when you're coming back it's pushing your heel down into the top of the base plate and it's just it's even though your your heel could potentially slide you expect it to slide on the pedal face itself now the good news is that asyntec are going to release smooth pedal faces for this but they are going to be an optional extra so you're not going to be able to choose them with the invicta pedals so that's a bit of a problem and it's something that just kind of irks me a little bit compare that to the semagic and they've got this really nice diamond cut style even at the edges and it's a very smooth pedal face but your pedal can actually as you're as you're pressing it it's a little bit stiff here now but as you're pressing it there's just a little bit of give and it slides across even a grippy sole so you have just that right amount of grip in the pedal because you obviously don't want to be sliding everywhere but it also doesn't drag your foot with it as you push it away same for the brakes same for the clutch so the pedal faces smooth pedal faces for me are an absolute must so from a versatility point of view there i definitely score at the same magic higher than i score the ace attack they're kind of the main two points that i wanted to bring up when it comes to versatility because they're probably the things that matter to you the most for me the throw on the invicta pedals wouldn't be a deal breaker the grippy pedal faces is a deal breaker until i can buy that optional extra those smooth pedal faces are an optional extra they will drive the price of this even higher than the 1200 euro that they already sit at you get that as standard with the simagic and the symmatic also has that really nice long throttle plate which i think is extremely good now that again that is an optional extra but if somebody came in here right now and told me that i could only have one of these for the rest of my sim racing life i'd have to choose the semagic because that i just can't live with that i'm sure you could fabricate something you can use other pedal faces off other pedals or something like that but as they stand that in my opinion is not good for the consumer market it may be great for the pros i'm not sure but if even if you look at pro pedal sets you can see lots of wear and tear from sliding i already see lots of wear marks in my boots from these pedal faces so and lots of marbling as well i had to clean these up significantly before doing this video because it was just marbling everywhere from the rubber on the bottom of my shoes so versatility the throttle throw and the grippiness it just ducks a couple of marks the semantic wins out there because they do everything pretty well even though the base plate isn't perfect it doesn't have that nice heel rest like a lot of other base plates do including the invicta base plate i gave the invicta a score of 6 out of 10 for versatility now obviously adjust that for yourself don't just take my word for it that's just my opinion six out of ten and i give this a magic a nine out of ten it was actually an eight out of ten then i just quickly thought of something else you can move these pedals left and right as well can't do that on the invicta pedals for some people they might want to make you can move the pedal faces on the brake pedal slightly you can obviously use move these brake pedals just one click to the left or the right one click each side does significantly change the gap between the pedals but from a versatility point of view you might want to use this base plate and just ditch your clutch for a little while and you can just move this over quite easily whereas here they're very confined i mean that's realistic for a formula cockpit or something like that but some people just want that comfortable karting kind of wide-legged stance so with this base plate you have that versatility so that's another thing that's just really really nice so after all that it's time to tot up the scores i haven't seen the scores yet because i've only done the spreadsheet i haven't actually totaled it up yet because i didn't want it to influence how i speak about these great pedal sets so i'm going to just do that very quickly now oh my god that is tremendously close as you can see on the screen there the invicta got a score of 104 and this magic got a score of 105. now there's very very little in that but if the things that i've mentioned about either pedal set little bit of wobble lack of throw um what else lack of versatility you can't move the pedals left and right little bit of spilled brake fluid the clutch not being set up great from the factory stuff like that electronics not being too neat like they are in the invicta little things like that if they annoy you please adjust those scores accordingly and hopefully hopefully this has given you enough information enough that you can just be a little bit more confident about your purchase and uh yeah enjoy your pedals they're just they're both incredible sets of pedals please don't take anything that i'm saying here the wrong way it's just that i'm trying to inform people i'm trying to equip people with the right information so that they can make an informed decision if you buy it and then find out a week later oh well why didn't lawrence tell me this he had them and if you're an active member of my community i wouldn't really like to live with that on my conscience because i have had bull pedals here also important note i haven't released my full review on these pedals yet it is very very close to being complete and i'm in the process of reviewing these as well so i have more time with this magic than i do with the invicta but i have enough time with both to be able to make these comparisons that i've made in this video i can't see anything that i've said in this video changing over the next couple of weeks if it does i will definitely definitely tell you in my discord join my discord there's a channel in there dedicated to hardware under review if you have any more questions pop in there ask me for now i'm lawrence i'll chat you later [Music] you
Channel: Laurence Dusoswa
Views: 10,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sim Racing, Asetek, simsports, invicta, hydraulic pedals, load cell pedals, best pedals, affordable, under 1000, sim hardware
Id: GgDwsvmITRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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