Aseprite Platformer Tilemap Guide

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[Music] [Music] a sprite's beta version comes with a new tile map feature and today i'm going to be going over how to create a tile map in their new beta version and i've created this a sprite file to have all the tiles set up by number so that we don't have to worry about you know what tiles we have to make and so just going over their ui a little bit here so on the left right here is all the tiles that we have set up in our image right here down here is all our layers and they have a special type of layer called tile map and that's what this little icon right here is indicating is that this layer is a tile map okay so anywhere where you paint tiles on it's going to show up in this tile map okay and then up here we have show tile set and it will show the tile set down here and if you right click it will show the tile set right there and then these buttons up here you have to be very careful about so the first one is manual it says modify existing tiles don't create new tiles automatically so with my a sprite tile guide right here always keep it on here because we don't want to create new tiles we have all the tiles set up as a little guide and then if you do need to make new tiles click this one that says modify and reuse existing existing tiles create and delete tiles if needed if possible and then this one says don't modify existing tiles generate and stack new tiles automatically so we're going to be using this button right here just keep it on here because we already have all the tiles set up so if you have the layer of the tile map selected and you uh hold control you can see all the tiles that we have set up so the first one corresponds to this tile right there and then two three four five six seven eight nine all corresponds to these tiles over here and i've blanked them out and i've saved the file so that you don't have to have an existing time up if you want to create a new tile map each and every day then you can using this guide right here and i also created a number guide that shows you what tile is supposed to go where and i also have a direction guide that so that says what tile what kind of tile are we creating are we creating a tile where the player can stand on or the bottom of a tile map so all useful information so what we're going to do is we're going to choose the number guide okay and then we're going to go to the tile guide right here and we're going to do the first tile so the first tile is we're just going to do a basic basic tile map right here so if we put this in here right here boom then you can see this number one updates right there and if i update number two boom all those update so we're going to do this right here so we're gonna do three four five six seven as the bottom and then eight and nine okay so now you can see that it it painted all those and now it's painting all these over here because they're the same tiles okay so we'll go up here to green now and then we'll go to four pixels and then we'll paint some grass on the top right here so as soon as as soon as i do this to tile number two you can see all these tiles that are number two are affected so i'm just gonna paint some grass along the top right here so number three okay and then i'm going to choose a darker color and go down to one pixel and then paint kind of these edges right here on these ones so now you can see that it painted all along here and since um like for instance this five right here all the one all the fives got that one and then all the ones on this side got those okay so now i'm going to um do these top left ones so if we have the direction guide up here so this is the top left so the top left is going to have like this this edge right here and then the top right is going to have this edge and the bottom left is going to have this edge and so on okay and then we'll paint these pixels right here and then those automatically updated over here on this one that you can see okay okay so let's let's work on these ones up here a little bit so i'm going to i'm going to select this one and i'm going to go up to 16 pixels again and i'm going to do this one right here and this one okay and then i'm going to draw some grass on these okay then i'm going to carve it out a little bit on the top right here and on the bottom we're just making our tile map for the this platformer game just making all the different tiles that we can make okay okay and then we'll go to our darker color we'll come down here and we'll fill all this stuff in oops okay so now those are all done so i don't really need our direction guide anymore oh and let's let's do let's do these darker ones so we have a darker color that we have so we're going to do 35 and then we're just going to do all these as these dark color so like this is our background tiles and then for this this middle tile we're gonna we're going to fade it out or not really fade it out but we're just going to carve it out so that you know that you're supposed to fade it out okay okay then we'll just fade that out right here okay so now let's get rid of our numbers so we got our background tiles now let's work on our inner tiles for this more complex uh tile guide so let's turn back on our numbers and we'll come up here and we'll just paint for all these and what's cool about the tile system is once you let's let's paint on 10 all the tens got updated and then once you paint on 26 all the 26s got updated okay so let's just paint in all these the same color and then we will take care of it when we get to there okay so that's looking good okay so now let's work on our slope areas right here so we'll just come down here and do that and then our slope right slow bottom and our slope left okay and then we'll increase this size i'll just clean all this up right here so you don't have to have as many tiles as i do you could probably get away with for just a simple game you could probably just go with this this one over here or even this one if you want slopes so we'll let's take off the number guide really quick and let's paint on the little area right here for these slopes okay okay so now we got all our slopes so what does it mean for these x's and these lines right here so the x's means that i don't want any any tile well i really want a dark tile so we'll come in here and we will let's uh let's erase let's turn on our grid and let's erase number 26 right here and all those got erased okay so now these lines right here means that i want it to fade in a gradient to this black color so we'll come in here and we will let's go to one and let's turn back on our grid and from here i want it to go one two three four and then four down here and then four right here and then four and we can we can clean this up when we get there and four right there and then or right there and or right there and then coming down here i want to do something like that okay so let's turn off our number uh direction guide and then we can clean this up okay okay so then we'll come in here and then we'll clean this part up like so okay so this isn't a final uh draft this is just like a basic tile map okay so now we're done so now um let's uh let's fix this right up here so we have have it all consistent so what you probably want to do is you want to draw textures on here you want to draw more highlights and shadows you probably want to fade this out a little bit better but now you have a basic tile map that you can work with from scratch you don't so you don't have to create everything from scratch but now you have everything to make make everything that that you want to
Channel: Retro Fall Games
Views: 1,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aseprite, tilemap
Id: 2e2P8pwJtYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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