Aseprite Guide for Beginners (Pixelart Tutorial)

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Payne trips my name is Mort and today we are taking a look at a software called a sprite and this is a basic introduction on how to use it let's get into the stuff we start about the tools that you're going to be using outdoor pixel adventure first off you can find all the main tools over here to the right and the first one we'd be looking at is the pencil tool you can get it by clicking over here or you could type B on your keyboard to get the short key so what is the pencil tool well it's your basic drawing tool it's what you'll be using for the most part and as you can see here when I left click I just draw and right click erases and if it doesn't erase when you right click go down here and make sure that your background color is set as mask beside that you can also change the size up here and you could do that by either typing in the number of the size you want or you can just grow with your mouse wheel and you can see as I scroll here the number goes up and down on the left side of the size you can see a brush type and here you can change the shape of your brush so you can make it into a square or you can make it into a line you can also change the angle if you're using the square or the line here now here's something that I really like about this software and that is the function called pixel perfect what it basically does is that when you turn it on and you start drawing it get rid of all the doubles it might still make a jagged line but it's going to be a lot easier and more convenient for you to draw quickly the last option I want to cover up here is the symmetry option and if this doesn't show for you just go in here to the view section and make sure that you have checked symmetry option and then it should appear right up here and what it basically does is that it spawns this blue line and wherever you place this blue line and you start drawing it will make it symmetrically on the other side and you can now of course draw on each side it doesn't really matter which side you draw on you can do this both horizontally or vertically if you want to but just to finish up the brush tool is just your main drawing tool really and all the options up here will more or less be the same for all the tools one last thing I want to talk about is the ink option up here I'm only going to be talking about the Alpha and the simple ink so when I'd select alpha here you can see I get another option called opacity and it's basically how trans luciene your it's going to be so you can see if I start drawing more on top of each other it's more transparent I for the most part just keep mine on alpha because I can just turn this all the way up to the top and I give a completely consistent full color and that is basically the pen tool let's move on to the next tool and that is the line tool you can get the line tool by going over here to the right and select it or you can use the short key L so what is the line tool well it's a tool that makes lines so you can see when I press down on my left mouse key here and start dragging I can just make a line I show you could just draw a line but it's much more convenient being able to actually see your line so if I hold down shift while I make a line you can see how it's kind of snapping to a more perfect angle and if I hold down control while I draw you can see how the line is going from the center rather going to where appointed so sometimes you might have a line in the center of something and it's much easier to just place it there straight away and then try and drag it out and you can also combine ctrl + shift here to drag it out from the center and make a straight angle lined all right next up comes this second line option is the curved line and you can give that by pressing shift L or go over here and select it so what is the curved line well basically when you draw your line like before after you release the mouse key for the first time you can now drag it up and down and make a more even curved line and you can actually curve it twice so I can place it over here and then I can curve the line once more and that is a way to make a smooth clipped line in a sprite alright let's talk about the next tool and that is the shape tool so what is the shape tool well if we go over here to the right and select it you can see I get rectangles and I get eclipses well it took me a while expected it to say Circle anyway so let's just start out by taking the rectangle tool you can also get that by pressing you on your keyboard and you can see if I keep pressing you you can see it changes over here to the right from a fool to an MT so let's try and make an empty one here first and then press U and make a fool one and can see as I drag it even though the icon is full it's still as I drag it but when I release it it will be full what it basically does is make a rectangle of your main color and fill it up though if you hold down shift on you you can now see the changes from circles or eclipses as an empty or a full one and like before when we make one and reduce it and then shift you again you can see it changes to a fool or an empty one like with the line tool you can also hold down shift to make it even both access so if I hold down shift it has the same length and as well with the line tool if you hold down control you can then make it come out from the center of where you were placing it and yes you can combine them too with the rectangle and Eclipse tool and that is basically your shape tool and next up we have the contour you can get that by pressing D or you can go over here to the right and select it so what is it well the first contour tool is just like a normal sort of drawing tool when you see it at first but then when you release it it fills everything up that you have drawn and like with the shape tool we can also select a second option which is the polygon tool you can get that by pressing switch D and what it is it's basically like a mix of your line tool and your contour tool so you can see here when I draw and keep releasing and pressing I kind of make like a straight line between some points and it fills it up it's a very unique tool and I definitely recommend you just playing around with it a little you can really make some funky stuff with it all right so let's look over everything we had the pen tool which is our normal drawing tool we had the line tool which make us able to make lines we have the shape tool that makes us able to make shapes and then we have the contour tool that makes us able to make some filled out shapes quite quickly alright next up we got ya the mouse so there's other thing I want to talk about with the mouse of course the left and right mouse key is usually your drawing or erasing one but there's also the middle Mouse which you can use to drag around your canvas you can also drag around your canvas by holding down the spacebar and left-click around if you are holding down spacebar you can also go to 100% century of picture or fit it to the screen you can also zoom in and out with your mouse wheel by scrolling up and down and yeah that is basically a few things about the mouse that you might want to know all right next up we have the eraser well it's what it says it is let me just start out by drawing something here and you can see when I press E or click over here to the right you get the eraser tool and it's basically like your brush just that it's erases things let's not read a whole lot to say about it so yeah you can get the eraser by pressing E and you can get the brush by pressing B and then you can just erase and draw erase and draw erase and draw yeah you can do that for hours that's that's peak slot for you next up we have the eyedropper tool there's two ways to get it most people would probably go over here and click and be like oh I sampled that color now let's get my pen again and draw but it's much much faster to just hold down alt and while you're holding down alt you can see my mouse changes into the eyedropper and then when I click on something and release the old it changed it back to the tool that i was just using so I can now super quickly go between some colors that I want a sample and and keep using all right next up we got the Paint Bucket you can get it by clicking over here to the right or you can press G to get it so it's basically like a Paint Bucket in any other tool so let me just grab a color over here green and you can see when I press somewhere it fills that color out with my selective color and that is cool and all but there's something a lot of people over see with the paint bucket and that is the option up here called continuous so if I uncheck this go back to my original circles and you can see now when I press my color into the blue here it will do it on every single color on my layer and that is really cool but let's say I only want to color the blue bits on this circle green what I would do is take my selection tool which I'm actually going to be covering next and just make sure that I've selected this and now when I use my paint bucket tool in here it only colors within my selection that is really neat if you want to color a lot of colors too one same color let's say that the blue here I rather want that to be a darker blue and I wanted the red to be a dagger red that was a quick way for me to do it but in fact on the middle object I wanted to be just the normal blue so I would select it and I would now just color it in like that and that is the paint bucket tool for you but next up let's talk about the selection tool so I brought in my dear old friend test Koopa Troopa and we're going to be using some selection magic on this guy so you have two selection tools we have the magic wand and then we have a bunch of different selection up here but for now let's just go about the normal selection tool so what it is it's when you press em you get your selection tool and you can start tracking and then this square with some dotted lines appear and when you now track this you can move your selection around or like we did with the Paint Bucket we could fill out a certain area within here or if you take your brush tool I can actually do so I only draw within my selection that could be quite useful in many situations one thing that I really like is the magic wand which is also part of the selection tool and you can get it up here as well or press W and when you use that and click on a color or somewhere let's click outside of the Koopa Troopa here you can see it select everything outside of my Koopa Troopa here and now if I were to draw something behind the Koopa Troopa here instead of having to make a separate layer if it was just something simple I can just select everything around him with draw or if I wanted to draw something within his eyes I could do that it can be really useful I use the magic wand and selection tool so much I can't really describe how and what I use it for but it just happened so many times within my workflow for so many different reasons one last thing with the magic wand here is that you can turn continuous I can never pronounce it on and off and it basically like the Paint Bucket so let's say I want to select all the yellow colors here because I've turned this off it will now select everything on the layer with that color and if I want to select multiple things I can hold down shift and it will select multiple objects and keeps election from the past when I made so here I easily selected everything that had the yellow tone on the Koopa Troopa and if you want to deselect something just hold down control D or you can right-click on your selection and you will start D selecting things also give a big hand for our dear friend Koopa Troopa for being a selection test object here so let's just go over everything so we had the erase that we used to erase things with we had the eyedropper that we could use to quickly select some colors the Paint Bucket tool to quickly fill out a color that we want to change or the selection tool that we can use to select objects with and track them around and you can see those tool can really make a mess so let's move on all right now I want to make a quick speed pin so you can see how I only use these tools that appears at up here right now and yeah let's just go at it so I'll see you guys in just a second [Music] right and here we go a cute little head I had absolutely no idea what to draw so I just made something completely random but here is a little bit of an insight on how I only use these tool above to do most of my wig flow anyhow let's move on and next up I want to talk about layers when you open up a sprite for the first time you can't see the layers anywhere and this was actually where I was the most confused the first time I open a sprite so you can get them by pressing tab and that's where the layers is they're down here below and each time you press tap you can hide and show your layers so it might look a little confusing but this is where like I was talking about in the beginning where the sufferer reminds me a lot like flash because it doesn't have layers like Photoshop with many other suffer it has a timeline for me this is a huge plus for some it might be a turn-off but if you're just going to draw a single frame don't worry about all these numbers because the layers are this row down here and this is all the different key frames so you can see here if I make a new document and make it 128 by 128 you can see I only have one layer and one frame and each time I get a new layer it looks like this so if you're not going to animate don't worry too much about all the frames here that is something we'll cover in the future in an animation video alright let's go back here so let's take a little deeper into the layers so the first thing we want to check out about layers is the layer properties you can do that by double click on a layer then this window will appear there you can name your layer so this layer in my case is named art that's why it says art down here next up is the mode and this is something that can be an entire video by its own so I'll not cover this for now but just make sure it's always set as normal and then last off we have the opacity and this is how transparent your layer is so you can see here so I turn it up and down the opacity goes down as well next up is something a lot of people is probably curious about and that is how to create a new layer and you can do that i pressing shift in and you can see when I do that a new layer appears down here and again I can double click on it to change the name so I'll name this one test layer you can also remove that by right-clicking down here and then press remove you can also duplicate a layer by right-clicking again and then duplicate or you can merge it down that basically means that you are matching the two layers together and that is basically what you need to know here in the beginning about layers next up let's talk about your color tools and the color section over here to the left alright so this one I want to go through a little quicker because some of it is a little useless for new people but it might be nice to know so the first one is your palette editor and you can get that by selecting our color over here and then press f4 or you can use the button up here then you will basically get up all the information about this color and if you want to change one of your colors in your color palette you can then change it up here and you can see as I slide this around it changes as well and you can change this between HBS or RPG or whatever it works for you the next one is sorting palette and it said a little arrow up here where you can sort all your colors in your palettes so if I want to sort them by a luminance you can see changed it to the one that's the most Luminator or brightness or you can change it to saturation it's going to sort out your colors in very different ways yeah so that's a neat little thing you can also make a gradient and by using that feature I'm gonna scale this up a little bit and then I'll make a random color down here now I've used the palette editor to make a yellow down here so if I hold my left mouse key here and drag all the way down to the yellow you can see I've selected all these colors and then I go in and use the gradient instead of kind of gradient all the colors in between alright moving on next up we have the presets this is something I think is such a cool feature especially for people who's not very good at picking color themselves and they just really want to dig into the artsy parts of it so then you can go in and use presets and all these preset has been made by other people and a sprite had implemented it into the software of course with their permission of course and if you found a pallet that you really like for the most part you can even hover over here and there's a little link to the to the artists website if you want to take more out about them but yeah there's a bunch of great palettes in here that you can check it out and use and play around with it even has palettes such as the old any as it has Gameboy palettes it has a bunch of community-created palette the Pico eight palette which I know a lot of people like it's a good place to have some fun with some pre-made colors and the last section here is the options section for some reason you can get the palette editor here as well I mean it's cool but you have an entire button for it by itself beside that you can also change the size of how big the palette is going to appear on your sidebar another neat thing is the fourth section here so for some people they might not have this set up that I have down here with the color so you can change it to different setups depending on what rahkshi boat I personally just used the ten shaded tone one that is the one I'm most used to sort of shake with besides that you can also save a pallet if you create your own palette and you can load it in if you ever going to open a sprite on a different computer or something like that and if you have a palette that you really like and want to be the main palette every time you create a new document you can save it as default palette so every time you create a new document that is the palette that is going to be loaded and the last section down here create palette from current sprite this is a really neat feature if you load in a screenshot or if you're part of some of my challenges here on the channel where we sometime have to use a certain palette you can then load this pallet into a sprite and then create a palette from current sprite and it will then automatically load all the colors together and create a palette out of it and that is the four main section of the color tools in a sprite and guys this is where we come to an end of the video I hope you found this video informative and it helped you get into the basics of a sprite I look forward to see what you guys create with the software and if you want to share anything with me beat your set me up on Twitter I'd love to see what you guys create anyway guys thank you so much for watching if you liked what you saw make sure to give the video and you'd like and if you want to see more content like this make sure to subscribe you can also help me help you by supporting me on patreon and feel free to check some of the other videos out here on the side see a blue loop [Music]
Channel: MortMort
Views: 818,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jazza, deviantart, how, mnr, guide, pixelart, zch, mnrart, software, windows, to, drawing, artwork, tut, awesome, dev, development, gif, painting, aseprite, vid, cool, tumblr, photoshop, use, flash, art, beginner, tutorial, game, animation, pixel, waffle
Id: Md6W79jtLJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2017
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