ASA Floating Turret Tower - ARK: Survival Ascended
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Kaizer from Crete
Views: 3,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kaizer, Kaizer from Crete, playark, ark, ark survival evolved, solo ark, ark official, survival games, ark series, solo ark series, ark tutorial, pro ark players, ark tips and tricks, ark tips for beginners, ark tips for solo players, ark asa, ark ascended, ark survival ascended, ARK: Survival Ascended, survival ascended, turret tower, turret, turrets, turret towers, ark turret tower, ark turret, ark new turret, turret snap, turret placing, place turret, floating
Id: gpwHczd9G1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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