The Secret To Sharing The Gospel Effectively (With Greg Laurie)

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let's all pray together father we ask now as we open your word that you would speak to us we believe that it's alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword help us to know lord how to share our faith more effectively and lord teach us more about what it means to be empowered by and filled with your holy spirit we ask this in jesus name amen hey grab your bibles turn to acts chapter 2. we're in a brand new series based on the book of acts it is simply titled the upside down life and the title of my message for you right now is the secret to sharing the gospel effectively let me ask you a question let's say that you got a brand new car and there's nothing like a new car you've got that new car smell everything is nice and clean and shiny and and you're driving down the road you're enjoying your new car and at the end of the week all of a sudden you're having a mechanical problem your car is sputtering your car completely stops you have to have it towed back to the dealership and you demand an explanation you say i just bought this car and it broke down already what is wrong so the dealer gets in the car and he turns on the ignition and he says um you're out of gas what yeah you have to put gas in your car and our christian life can be like this sometimes we sort of run out of gas speaking of that my wife whenever she borrows my car gives it to me with so little gas in it literally she's driving around running on fumes we could take the same idea and apply it to charging something like your cell phone i don't know about you but i can barely make it through a whole day without my cell phone going dead so i plug it in and recharge it periodically you got to keep your cell phone charged right i have a friend who has an electric car and we drove up to los angeles from orange county and it drove incredibly on the way up but on the way back i noticed that the air conditioning just shut off and other features were shutting off i said what's going on he says well i should have fully charged it before we left it's shutting down because the battery's really low you say why are you talking about this when your battery is low when things are shutting down if you find yourself losing momentum maybe it's because you need a recharge or you need to be filled and refilled and filled again with the holy spirit and that's what we're going to look at in our message today we're going to look at the outpouring of the holy spirit on a group of believers gathered together on the day of pentecost there in jerusalem and this outpouring of the spirit on this day set the church in to motion now what does it mean to be filled with the holy spirit i think sometimes we think it means that we're going to have an emotional experience and maybe you will and maybe you won't it would be nice if every day we could just sort of get zapped before we get started and just be filled with all kinds of energy and passion but i think being filled with the spirit may not even affect you emotionally it's something that we ask for and that we live by by faith but these believers on the day of pentecost were filled with the holy spirit and really you could re-title the book of acts not the acts of the apostles but change it to the acts of the holy spirit the holy spirit is mentioned 56 times in this book and the holy spirit is a personality the holy spirit is not an it he's not a force trust the force luke no no the holy spirit is god the holy spirit is part of the trinity the holy spirit has a will and a purpose and a work that he wants to do in your life in mind let me just tell you a few things about the work of the holy spirit in our lives number one the holy spirit has come to bring us to jesus in john 16 verse 8 jesus says when he has come speaking of the holy spirit he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment to come notice it says when the holy spirit has come he will convict or convince the world of sin not sins plural sin in general in other words he'll come to show us that we are sinners in need of a savior now once the holy spirit does that work of convicting in our life it's up to us how we respond to it you might be watching right now and god's holy spirit might be making you aware of your sinfulness of your spiritual depravity of how you're separated from god he doesn't do that to drive you away in despair he does that to bring you to jesus to show you there's a solution there's a way to be forgiven of your sin there's a way to have a fresh start but the holy spirit comes to convict or convince us of our sin and bring us to jesus listen to this according to the bible the holy spirit can be insulted he can be lied to he can be resisted and he can even be blasphemed and by the way there's only one unforgivable sin according to jesus and that's the blasphemy of the spirit so what does that mean to blaspheme the spirit means you are rejecting the primary work that the holy spirit has come to do which is to bring you to jesus the only unforgivable sin is the outright rejection of christ so the holy spirit comes to bring us to jesus number two once we come to jesus the holy spirit seals us it's sort of like if you want to purchase something let's go back to that car analogy maybe you found a car in the lot that you liked and you said i want to buy that car and i'll be back in a few days to pick it up well they're they're not going to hold the car for you they'll say well you're going to have to put a deposit down because someone else may come along and want to buy that car so as an issue of good faith to show that you're serious about this purchase you put a down payment on the car in the same way the holy spirit wanting to let you know that god is serious about his commitment to you is placed in our life as a down payment if you will in fact in ephesians 1 13 it says when you believed in jesus god identified you as his own by giving you the holy spirit whom he promised long ago the spirit is god's guarantee that god will give us the inheritance he promised us because he has purchased us to be his own people and this is a beautiful thing because there's another thing the holy spirit does it reassures us that we're children of god so once the holy spirit has brought us to jesus and he has sealed us he reassures us that we belong to god because romans 8 16 says the holy spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of god listen i know right now i am a child of god not because i deserve to be but because i have been forgiven by jesus christ and the holy spirit assures me of this now in fact the bible says over in first john 5 13 these things we write to you that believe on the name of the son of god that you may know that you are children of god do you know you're a child of god are you sure right now if you were to die you would go to heaven if you're not certain of that i'll tell you how to get right with god in a few moments when i bring this message to a close so the holy spirit brings me to jesus the holy spirit seals me the holy spirit assures me i am a child of god and then the holy spirit teaches me jesus said in john 14 28 the helper the holy spirit whom the father will send on my name will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things i said to you it's such a cool thing that you can open up the bible and the holy spirit illuminates passages of scripture to you they sort of jump off the page i can also think of times where i'll be speaking or maybe talking with someone one-on-one and suddenly a passage will jump into my brain i don't remember ever memorizing that passage but there it is that's because the holy spirit has brought it to my remembrance the holy spirit teaches us here's another thing the holy spirit does he helps us to pray and we need help in our prayers don't we sometimes we're facing a problem we're facing a conflict some kind of a challenge and we don't know how to pray here's what romans 8 26 says the holy spirit helps us on our distress when we don't know what we should pray for or how we should pray the holy spirit prays with us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words and the father who knows all hearts knows what the spirit is saying because the spirit pleads for us as believers so we will be in harmony with the will of god sometimes you're so burdened and you just say oh lord i don't know exactly how to articulate this prayer i just put it in your hands the holy spirit knows the holy spirit will bring it to the father here's another thing the holy spirit does he leads us he leads us in life sometimes we're not even aware that he's leading us but he is romans 8 14 says for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god and so that's why every day when we get up in the morning we should ask the holy spirit to fill us and that brings me to my seventh point about the holy spirit the holy spirit wants to empower you and fill you again and again and again so you have spiritual gas in your tank so you have the charge you need here's what ephesians 5 18 says don't be drunk with wine because i will ruin your life but be filled with the holy spirit speaking to yourself in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your hearts to the lord and by the way that phrase be filled speaks of something we should do continuously so again i don't just get filled once i get filled again and again and again and god wants to do this in our lives right now now what does it mean to be filled with a spirit well we're looking at the day of pentecost this is a one-off event we never read of the phenomena that we see on the day of pentecost happening again like the mighty rushing wind and the flames of fire on the heads of the apostles this was a special event coming back to cars again when you start the ignition there's the explosion if you will that gets the car started you don't keep turning it over and over again once the car started you put in it to drive and off you go so the day of pentecost was like the explosion that set the church in to motion it was a one time event but there's a lot of things we learn about our lives as followers of jesus from what happened on this important day so let's read now together from acts chapter two i'm going to read verses two to and i'm reading from the new living translation on the day of pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place suddenly there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm and it filled the house where they were sitting and what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them and everyone present was filled with the holy spirit he began speaking in other languages as the holy spirit gave them ability at that time there were devout jews from every nation living in jerusalem and when they heard the loud voice everyone came running and they were bewildered to hear their own languages being spoken by the believers and they were completely amazed and they said how can this be so people from all around the world were gathered in jerusalem many languages were represented and now the outpouring of the spirit takes place on the day of pentecost everyone heard god glorified in their own language and it's a reminder to us that the gospel is for everyone it's not just for the white man it's not just for the black man it's not just for the asian man or woman or the hispanic person it's for all people for all tribes for all languages young people old people it's for everyone in fact the bible tells us in revelation 7 9 that when we get to heaven there'll be people from everywhere up there it says i looked and there was a great multitude that no one could number from all tribes peoples and languages so amazing thing but the critics standing nearby came up with their uh conclusion as to what was happening they said all these people are just drunk really is that the best you can come up with they're just drunk and it reminds us of the passage in first corinthians 2 14 it says people who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from god's spirit nor can they understand it you know non-believers just don't get it and these people didn't get it at all god was about to change the world with this group of 120 people that were gathered together how is god going to do it here are some take away principles the first one is so simple but let's not miss it point number one they were unified they were unified verse two on the day of pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place understand these people are human beings just like you and i are they had their disagreements they're their squabbles they had all of the issues that you and i have but they understood this was a moment to be together they were gathered together in one place these believers had no earthly power whatsoever they had no armies they had no money they had no political power they had no status but they had jesus and jesus had them they were together listen i can't remember a time in my lifetime in america where we have been more divided not just in our nation but also in our church we're politically divided we're divided over so many things i fear that sometimes even in the church we are letting our political views overshadow our theological beliefs we're choosing a church that fits us more politically than a place where we're going to be fed spiritually listen we are part of the family of god and there's power when we pray together there's power when we work together and satan knows that and that's why he divides us or at least seeks to my response is to hell with the devil in his divisions let's get together let's pray together let's work together let's love one another let's not divide over secondary issues let's get together for the gospel what if god was ready to send a spiritual awakening to america but he was waiting for his people to get together don't forget ii chronicles 7 14 god says if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves notice that to address to a group of people not an individual humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then god says i'll hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land so there's this amazing phenomena on the day of pentecost luke uses the word suddenly suddenly there was a noise like a violent rushing wind and the way he phrases this implies that this was a supernatural incident something unexpected and the spirit of god was poured out on the believers but let me point out again as i alluded to earlier god fills us with with the spirit and then he fills us again and again and again in fact as we go forward in the book of acts a little bit we find them gathered together in acts chapter 4. they've been told by the authorities to stop preaching the gospel so what do they do they got together in a prayer meeting and said lord give us even more boldness to preach the gospel and we read in acts 4 31 after this prayer the building where they were meeting shook and they were all filled with the holy spirit and then they preached god's word with boldness there is not a better example of what happens when the spirit fills you than simon peter himself less than two months before pentecost peter went into hiding with the other disciples he outwardly denied the lord and no doubt his faith was strengthened when he met the risen christ but this boldness this courage this is from the holy spirit and listen to this the same holy spirit that filled peter will fill you remember what peter said on the day of pentecost this promise speaking of the holy spirit is to you it's to your children and all that are afar off even as many as the lord our god shall call let's read some more verses together acts chapter 2 verse 14. peter stepped forward with the other 11 apostles and shouted to the crowd listen carefully fellow jews and residents of jerusalem make no mistake about it these people are not drunk as some of you are assuming it's only nine o'clock in the morning it's much too early for that now what you're seeing was predicted long ago by the prophet joel let me loosely paraphrase this hey people these folks are not drunk the bars aren't even open yet this is a fulfillment of prophecy this is a fulfillment of what joel said and then peter quotes from joel in the last days i'll pour my spirit out and all flesh and your sons and daughters will prophesy in your old men with dream dreams and on he goes but i love the way that he based it on scripture listen whenever we see god working we should be able to back it up biblically so whatever is happening in your life or in your church you should be able to say this is that which was spoken of by in the case of peter the prophet joel you should be able to support what is happening biblically now let shift cares because god gives us this power for a purpose it's not how high you can jump it's how straight when you hit the ground again let's go back to acts 1 8. it says you shall receive power after the holy spirit has come upon you to be witnesses unto me in jerusalem judea samaria into the uttermost parts of the earth god gave this power to the church so they could evangelize the world god wants to do the same through us so let's talk now about how to share the gospel effectively go back to acts chapter 2 start numbers 36 peter gives this sermon this is the first sermon of the early church a very important message he says let everyone in israel know for certain that god has made this jesus whom you crucified to be both lord and messiah peter's words pierce their hearts and they said to him and the other apostles brothers what should we do peter replied every one of you must repent of your sins and turn to god and be baptized in the name of jesus christ for the forgiveness of your sins and then you will receive the gift of the holy spirit this promises to you your children all that are far away as many has been called by the lord our god verse 40 then peter continued preaching for a long time that's an interesting verse so therefore i'm going to give a three-hour message because peter did it no i'm kidding peter continued preaching for a long time strongly urging all of his listeners save yourselves from this crooked generation and those who believe what peter said were baptized and added to the church that day about three thousand in all wow three thousand that's a lot of people to believe in one day you know sometimes i hear people say well i'm not into numbers uh and we're not into mass evangelism oh well god's into both god's in the mass evangelism and i don't even really like the phrase mass evangelism but if you want to use it i guess you can evangelizing the masses that's what peter was doing he was speaking to thousands of people and 3 000 of them said they wanted to follow jesus christ and then they were baptized as well god's into numbers god cares about numbers and we are not ashamed to tell you how many people have come to christ over a given year at least have made a profession of faith to follow jesus christ but in the book of acts we see what you might call mass evangelism and we see one-on-one evangelism i'll talk about this in a moment but philip talking to the man from ethiopia one-on-one evangelism peter speaking to the masses on the day of pentecost mass evangelism or what i like to call proclamation evangelism we are standing up and proclaiming the gospel and that's what we've done for over 30 years on what we call harvest crusades and we're doing it again on october 3rd this month at angel stadium for one night and i'll step up to the podium and i will give a clear direct evangelistic message and i will call people to follow jesus christ did you know that over the last 30 years we have seen well over 500 000 people make a profession of faith to follow jesus now do i believe all those people became christians no i don't do i believe many of them did yes i do my job is to proclaim the gospel my job is to sow the seed it's the work of the holy spirit to determine where that seed ends up and what happens in the life of that person but let's come back now to what peter said and let's see if we can learn something about sharing our faith whether it's in a public setting speaking to a group of people or just you having a one on one conversation with someone about jesus point number one peter knew his audience the fact of the matter is the people that peter were speaking to witnessed the crucifixion of jesus not all of them but many of them did and even more there were some in the crowd that literally played a role in the actual crucifying of jesus so he's speaking to them he quotes a lot of old testament scripture because this was largely a jewish audience that knew the bible that is not our culture today by the way our culture is more like the people paul spoke to on mars hill in the city of athens in greece uh these were people that worshiped many gods and paul walked around and took note of the fact that they were very religious and had many idols and he said men of athens i see you're very religious and his message was quite different in its structure than peter's was you see peter was speaking to a biblically literate audience paul was speaking to a biblically illiterate audience and by and large in our culture today people don't know the bible anymore there was a time maybe 30 40 years ago when you would say to someone or ask them are you a christian they'd say yes i'm a christian nowadays a lot of people will say no i'm not a christian i don't even really know what a christian is there was a time maybe 30 or 40 years ago when you would reference bible stories like adam and eve in the garden or noah's ark or or even talking about jesus and they would understand what you were referring to today people are oblivious of so many of those things so you have to adapt to your audience you need to adapt to the person you're speaking with and make it understandable to them don't assume your listener knows what you're talking about this is why i think it's a good idea to get to know the person you're speaking with when i speak in a crusade it's effectively a monologue it's me speaking there might be an occasional person that yells back at me but it's mainly me saying what i want people to hear but when we're engaging evangelism with individuals it's a dialogue it's give and take it's it's listening and getting to know people you know if you really want to get a conversation going ask someone about themselves because everyone's favorite subject is themself point number two knowing his audience peter adapted to the situation he adapted he understood he had to pivot now and make it understandable to the group of people that he was speaking to and that's what we need to do as well the apostle paul said i become all things to all men in fact in first corinthians 9 he says i become a servant of everyone so i can bring them to christ when i'm with the jews i become as one of them so i can bring them to christ when i'm with the gentiles i who do not have the jewish law i try to fit in with them as much as i can so i can gain their confidence and bring them to christ paul says i try to find common ground with everyone that i might bring them to christ you see it just starts with caring about people listen to this people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care let me say that again people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care so just start with some compassion take an interest in the person you're speaking with number three peter's message was effective because it was scriptural there's a lot of verses in his message he quotes joel 2 28-32 apparently from memory in verse 25 he says david said and he quotes psalm 16 and psalm 110. you know he didn't have like the scroll of joel that he's rolling out let's see where is it no it was in his heart it was in his mind and he quotes freely from it and that's why we should commit the scripture to memory listen to this any christian worth their salt should be able to stand up in a moment's notice and articulate the gospel in three minutes or less let me say that again any christian worth their salt she'd be able to get up in a moment's notice and articulate the gospel in three minutes or less just stand up and say here's what the gospel is here's what i believe about jesus you say well let's let's see you do it okay i'll take a shot at it you would say to a person listen there is a god in heaven who loves you he has a plan and a purpose for your life but here's the problem you're separated from god by your sin because you and i have broken his commandments we've crossed the line but here's the good news two thousand years ago god sent his son jesus christ on a rescue mission for you and jesus died on the cross for your sin and he took god's judgment upon himself the fact is jesus peter dead he did not owe because you owed a debt you could not pay if you will churn from your sin and put your faith in christ you can be forgiven and find the purpose and meaning of your life on earth and have the absolute confidence that you will go to heaven we should all be able to do that and as we do it we want to quote scripture why because isaiah 55 says god speaking as the rain comes down and the snow from heaven so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth it shall not return to me void it shall accomplish what i please it will prosper in the place where i send it there's no power in greg's words there's a lot of power in god's word that's why i quote scripture how many of us can remember seeing billy graham holding this bible he'd hold it like this sometimes sort of fold it back and point to it the bible says he'd say it over and over again the bible says the bible says and we should do the same you know it's interesting that the bible is referred to as the sword of the spirit so i've got a sword down here i don't always carry a sword around but i happen to have one for this occasion this is a replica of a roman sword so this would be the sword that paul is referring to the roman short sword for close battle so what paul is saying is the word of god is like a sword so what do i do with this sword well the sword can be a defensive weapon but the primary defensive pieces of armor are the breastplate and the helmet and the shield but the sword this is when i'm attacking this is when i'm stepping in and i'm gaining ground it's an offensive weapon and the same is true of the scripture i use the sword of the spirit so let me ask you a question what shape is your spiritual sword in it's a polish from daily use as you study the scripture on a regular basis and sharpen on the anvil of experience as you have applied its truth and obeyed it in your life or is your sword rusty or dull by disobedience so keep your sword sharp keep your sword ready and really what i'm saying is know the word of god have it close to you on hand it's falling over there's no room down here there we go keep your sword ready keep the word of god hid in your heart listen when you're sharing your faith you don't have to carry around a large bible you can't but sometimes people sort of freak out when you pull bibles out have you ever noticed that maybe you're on a plane you're flying and and you know you have someone on your right left and you're talking everything's fine you reach into your briefcase your backpack you pull out a bible you start to read it people visibly recoil it's like you brought a rattlesnake out of your bag or something whoa what's that is is that a bible you know so there's a symbolic power in the bible i remember some years ago we were doing a crusade here in town and on our poster it said so-called harvest and it was a picture of me just holding up the bible just like this it's all it was in fact it didn't even say bible on the bible so in effect i'm just holding a book up it could have been any book you can think of but there was a symbolism and somebody holding up a book and it offended some people and so people complain and the mall where it was displayed asked if they could take this down it became a national news story people are offended by someone holding up a book but there's power in the symbolism of the bible but there's even more power in the words in the bible so you can carry a bible if you want it's good to carry a bible in your briefcase or in your backpack and your purse but the best place to carry the word of god is in your heart and as you're talking with someone you just tell them what the scripture says he said well you know what jesus said i forgot to love the world he gave his only begotten son and whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life there's power there's power in those words use the sword of the spirit peter's message was powerful because he used scripture you say well craig what if a person doesn't believe that your sword is real so let's come back to the sword analogy and and i say to someone this is a sword and they say well i don't believe your sword is real really or you say this is the word of god they say i don't believe in the word of god i suggest stab them with the sword i don't mean literally i say quote the word of god they'll feel it sometimes when you're quoting scripture to people it may not impact them in the immediate moment but it will come to them later three o'clock in the morning like a little uh time bomb detonating uh in their heart and in their mind where they realize wow i remember that thing that that person said that's the power of the word of god listen to this peter's message was effective because it was christ-centered it was effective because it was christ-centered look at acts 2 verse 22 he says jesus of nazareth verse 32 this man speaking of jesus verse 36 god has made this jesus whom you crucified the lord and christ peter spoke of the crucifixion of resurrection of jesus christ this is the core of our message paul said i don't want to know anything else among you except jesus christ and him crucified listen to what i'm saying here when you're sharing your faith remember there is power in the message of the death and resurrection of jesus christ paul says it is speaking of the gospel the power of god unto salvation to everyone who believes see i've heard messages that are supposedly evangelistic that never mention the cross sometimes in our attempts to cross over we don't bring the cross over i've told you before i once asked billy graham this question billy if older billy could speak to a younger billy what would you tell yourself to speak more on and without hesitating billy said i would preach more on the cross of christ and the blood because that's where the power is i never forgot that when i'm interviewed as we go into one of our crusades i'm often asked the question what are you speaking on this year what is your theme and we always have a theme but you know what i'm speaking on jesus and 10 years ago i was speaking about jesus and 30 years ago when we started these crusades i was talking about jesus and if i'm around 10 years from now i'll still be talking about jesus that's my message you need jesus whatever your problem is you need christ tell me what you think you want i'll tell you what you really need it's jesus tell me what you think you need i'll tell you what you really want it's jesus and peter proclaimed christ here's another important point peter's message was effective because he called sin sin and he told people to repent the people come under the conviction of the holy spirit they realize that they need god and we read in verse 38 of acts 2. peter said repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of jesus for the remission of sins and you'll receive the gift of the holy spirit we have to tell people they're sinners i know some people are uncomfortable with that i know some preachers aren't comfortable with that well this is what the bible says and i don't think you can fully appreciate the good news until you know the bad news and the bad news is according to scripture all of sin have fallen short of the glory of god every one of us have broken god's commandments and then of course if i really want to get right with god peter says i must repent repent means to change my direction it's a military term it means an about face so if i'm running from god i run toward god repent of your sin turn from your sins don't be afraid to tell people they have to repent don't be embarrassed to tell people they're sinners you're simply giving them the gospel but yet there's a trend among many young people who identify as christians to not want to say these things in fact i just read that more than 60 percent a born-again christians between the ages of 18 and 39 believe that jesus buddha and muhammad are all equal in regards to the path to salvation i'm sorry what that says to me is these people that were pulled do not understand what the bible says jesus stands apart from every other religious leader every prophet every guru the bible says there is salvation and no one else there's no other name given under heaven among men by which we must be saved jesus said it so clearly in john 14 6 he said i am the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the father but by me if buddha or muhammad or any other religious leader could get me to heaven then why did god sent his son jesus christ to come to this earth to suffer and die on a cross and effectively be murdered in cold blood answer because there was no other way to satisfy the righteous demands of god you see jesus was not just a good man he was the god man and when he died on the cross with one hand he took call of a holy god that we've offended with his other hand he took hold of sinful humanity and spikes were driven to those hands and he died for our sin yes jesus christ is the only way to the father if you see anything short of that you are not giving the true gospel here's the final point the holy spirit will do his part make sure you do yours the holy spirit will do his part make sure you do yours remember it's a work of the holy spirit to bring us to jesus right it's my job to proclaim the gospel the bible says how will they hear unless someone tell them how will someone tell them unless they be sent so we have to be the ones to tell people about jesus and the verse here verse 37 says the books were cut to the heart cut to the heart this phrase appears only here in the new testament and the word cut means to pierce or to staff as though it were something sudden and unexpected this is a conviction of the spirit only god can do this so let's review number one know your listener ask questions take time to talk to a person number two adapt to this situation make sure they understand what you're saying number three quote scripture number four focus on christ crucified and risen again five call sin sin and tell them to repent six ask them if they want to accept jesus christ and finally remember conversion is god's job not yours i coined a little acronym that i call blast b-l-a-s-t b stands for build a bridge l stands for listen a stands for ask questions s stands for share your testimony and t tell them about jesus so our last thing we do is ask them would you like to accept jesus christ worst case scenario they say no best case scenario they say yes these people were overwhelmed with their own guilt and they said what should we do peter tells them to repent and believe in jesus maybe i'm talking to somebody right now that feels the same way as i've talked about sin you're aware of the fact that you're a sinner no one needs to convince you of that you know that you need god but you don't know what to do you don't know how to make that change here's the answer you come and say god i know i'm a sinner but i thank you for sending jesus to be my savior i'm sorry for my sin i repent of my sin i put my faith in jesus christ right now and ask him to be my lord and savior jesus says behold i stand at the door and i knock if any men will hear my voice and open the door i will come in would you like jesus to come into your life would you like to be forgiven of all of your sin would you like to be certain that you will go to heaven when you die if so i want to lead you in a simple prayer i would ask you to stop whatever you're doing and just bow your head and pray this prayer with me this is a prayer where you're asking christ to come into your life so if you want to go to heaven when you die if you want to start life all over again if you want to fill that hole in your heart if you want to find the meaning and purpose of life pray this prayer with me you can pray it out loud if you like let's all pray lord jesus i know that i'm a sinner but i know that you're the savior who died on the cross for my sin and rose again from the dead i turn now from my sin and i choose to follow you from this moment forward in jesus name i pray amen hey did you pray that prayer with me just now if so i want you to know on the authority of scripture that god heard that prayer and god has answered that prayer so congratulations and welcome to the family of god i want to send you a gift actually it's a bible the new testament it's called the new believer's bible very friendly translation called the new living translation which i quoted a number of times i'm a message today it also has hundreds of notes that i wrote encouraging you in this commitment or recommitment you're making to christ it's almost like you and i are just sitting down over a cup of coffee and i'm just kind of going through the basics with you on what it means to know god i want to send you this new believer's bible at no charge right now there's a number on the screen would you call that number and we'll get your information and rush you your copy of the new believer's bible if you're watching me on a computer or a tablet or a phone there's a little box you can click if you click that box telling us that you just prayed and asked christ to come into your life we'll send you this same bible so make sure you get your new believer's bible we're going to have a short song from our worship team then i have some final thoughts for you before we're done today call that number click that box let me know that you prayed to accept christ and we'll send you this bible i'll be back in a moment [Music] [Applause] [Music] first [Music] [Music] on me [Music] now sing it one more time [Music] [Music] i believe we're living in the last days i believe jesus could come back for us as his followers at any moment but we have a job to do while we await the lord's return and speaking to the church of the last days the church of philadelphia hear the words of jesus i know all the things you do and i've opened a door for you that no one can close you have little strength and you've obeyed my word and you've not denied me he sent before us an open door you know it's interesting jesus is saying to the church of the end times you have a little strength by the way that's not a criticism it's an observation this is a church coming back to life which gives me hope that maybe god will send at least one or two or a few more spiritual awakenings before he returns we're sort of like a a sick person getting up off the bed and you know when you're not feeling well and you're standing up for the first time you're a little light-headed but but you're coming back you have a little strength jesus says i've set before you an open door what is that open door and the bible and open door speaks of opportunity the apostle paul says a door was opened to me from the lord and true asked to preach the gospel god's going to open doors for you as well maybe before this day is over maybe tomorrow so here's your battle plan before you get up in the morning say lord fill me with the holy spirit give me boldness to share my faith and that holy spirit power that set this first century church and the motion will set you into motion and he'll use you and work through you remember jesus says you will receive you will receive power after the holy spirit has come upon you to be witnesses unto me so let's pray for that power again father thank you for your word to us i pray for everybody that's watching wherever they are i know they're literally all around the world and i pray that you will fill every one of them with the holy spirit i pray that you will give them a boldness like they have never known before to share their faith and lord i pray that you will use us to lead people into your kingdom scripture tells us he that wins souls is wise help us to be soul winners help us to take this power and put it into practice so use us for your glory we ask in jesus name amen thanks for joining us here at harvest at home next time we continue on in our series and the book of acts and until then may the lord bless you and keep you may may his face shine upon you and may he give you peace
Channel: Pastor Greg Laurie
Views: 8,936
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Id: N08SPWI8uww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 14sec (3074 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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