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Hello, how are you, friends? Welcome to a new video. For those who don't know me, my name is Gabriel Herrera, I am Fogonix and my name is Angie. Friends, as you saw in the title of this video, today we are going to find out what life is like in Venezuela in 2023. We're going to get updated after being away for ten months. For those who don't know Daniel, he has his channel Fogonix, a true Caraqueño. Let's see what the capital offers us today. Angie will also join us because we are recording this start of the video in La Candelaria. Right in front of us is Plaza de la Candelaria where there are many people behind us in line to buy ice cream. That's part of what we're going to show you. But to get here, we had to leave from Maracay and that's what you will see. Let's see how the road here to Caracas is and we'll keep you posted. This adventure begins leaving from Maracay because we are going to analyze how the road from here to Caracas is. It's about 90 kilometers from this city and, depending on traffic, we could take about two hours, maybe less, maybe a bit more. We're also going to look at the fuel situation. Today is Tuesday. Let's see how the situation is. I am already loading the suitcases and backpacks because we are going to be several days in Caracas creating content. I have come to the capital of the country to see how the country's situation is and update you from various points of view. Let's see what surprises Caracas has for us. Well, friends, we say goodbye to the garden city and we are going to start taking the highway to Caracas. This toll booth is being fixed; they will surely enable it at any moment. +Good morning +Good morning brother, where are you going? +to Caracas. +What do you do? +We create content for social networks +but, are you from Caracas? No, from Maracay. +Have a happy journey brothers +Thank you. Speaking of that little encounter with the authorities, it becomes common to find security posts and checkpoints, especially at tolls when you enter or leave a city, but you can also find them in the city itself, which is like a checkpoint. but the truth is that at this point they were quite friendly. They asked us a couple of questions. I don't know if at the time he asked them... look, I should have refueled here, it was empty. Unlike Maracay, there was like a line of ten vehicles. So I said: well, on the highway during the week it's more relaxed. The weekend was like the gasoline issue in Maracay. At least on Sunday I had to wait in a line of about 15 cars and it took me 20 minutes to refuel. Let's see if we find a station ahead and refuel because I still have half a tank left. Let's see how the gasoline situation is also in Caracas. Normally at the gas stations of the central regional highway, via Maracay-Caracas, but, beware, this gasoline issue varies a lot because a month and a half ago it was complicated. It seems that everyone started to refuel at the same time. People were scared that it would run out and when there is that fear and there are also problems with fuel supply, then it gets worse. There are long lines for hours, eight or ten hours. Beware, you also have to take into account that the gasoline issue, depending on the state, as I have always told you, is more complicated than in others. For example, in the central zone it is always easier to access fuel than in border states with Colombia or border states with Brazil, because gasoline here is cheaper than in those other countries, so they control distribution much more. It always runs out more because they take it out of Venezuela to sell it abroad. They do business with the gasoline from here. In addition to other factors such as the state company not working well, they are operating at half capacity or a quarter capacity. What we are experiencing at this moment regarding gasoline in the month of July, in which I am recording this video, July 2023, regarding the price of fuel, today it remains the same as when they dollarized it. It's $0.50 per liter of gasoline. Compared to other countries worldwide, it is one of the countries that still has the cheapest gasoline. We had it almost given away for many years. Ever since I can remember, you gave more in a tip to the guy who served you than the cost of the fuel because there are two types of pumps, the international ones and those that are still somehow subsidized by the state. I don't know if there are still some. I would have to find out, but I think that little by little all the others have been put international and at international prices. My most sincere opinion: this is mine, it's something I believe. I think that this price is not crazy. Of course, everything has to work as it should. If we are now paying for fuel at $0.50 per liter, we have to see the results of now paying for fuel that we did not pay before how? in better service, in better quality of fuel, better places to be able to refuel, that everything works efficiently, without failures, without faults, that somehow we do not regret what we are paying, because if I am paying for fuel, I want to always have it, I want to have it without worrying that tomorrow there will not be any, and so with all services in general. Electricity, charge me for electricity as it should be, but give me an efficient service, quality and without faults. The same with water, everything should have its prices that serve to keep the service running and that is what should be. Well, I could not record it for you. I thought the camera was recording and it was not. It was finally $21, it was almost 41 liters. Surprisingly, the gas station employee, the "firefighter", as we call those who serve at gas stations, what do they call them in your countries? he had change for the $100 bill I paid with. I did have a one dollar bill, because I try to bring one dollar bills when I go to countries where the dollar is used as currency, to bring them back when I am in Venezuela, because that is sometimes an issue here, the change. But I do not know if it has settled down a bit or it has become easier to get change. Nowadays people seem to have more small bills to give change or I have been lucky. I do not know what your experiences are regarding change, but about a year and a half ago, it was very difficult. I mean, to give you change, then you had to have mobile payment or bolivars or I do not know what, or they give you candy, they give you a lollipop. It has not happened to me yet that they have to give me a product in exchange for not having a bill they needed to give me change. I do not know your experiences, what have they been like. By the way, for those who see me and do not understand why I am talking about dollars here in Venezuela and wonder, but do they not use bolivars anymore? I will explain later why we use the dollar and how that works. Not for nothing, friends, but what beautiful mountains we have here in Venezuela. You cannot miss the vendors on the highway when there is a line for some reason, I do not know if it is because of the repairs they are doing the maintenance and there are never missing these vendors who have their baskets tied around their neck offering you things the most common thing they sell are tostones, fried green plantain. This one, for example, is offering "Cotufas", that's what they call popcorn here in Venezuela, in case you did not know. Well, look, this part here is what they are paving and that's why the delay. That was 10 minutes. Ah, we are now entering the Tazón toll and I am going to use the electronic tag at this toll for the first time, which will allow me to pass through these electronic tolls which are new, they are quite recent. I like the entrance here in Tazón. How the toll looks, it looks super modern. Screens there where it indicates the toll prices for different vehicles. In this case we are going to pay 10 bolivars because it is a light vehicle. Each dollar is at 28 bolivars at the rate of the Central Bank of Venezuela, which is the one that is being used everywhere since we left last year from 6 bolivars that was the dollar, today it is at 28. Look, we just approach here. There is the gadget above, we get in position and it should open. Yes, what a success. I love this. Well, friends, and officially we are now in the capital city, we are in Caracas. We are now going to head to our hotel. We are 12 minutes away according to our GPS. There we will drop off our stuff because, as I mentioned, we will spend several days here in Caracas making several videos. I will show you where I am going to stay because it is my favorite place to stay here in Caracas due to its location, its efficiency, its quality of service, the rooms, everything. and, friends, we have arrived we have arrived at what will be our home for the next few nights we quickly checked in and I already have here the key to my room look how nice the facilities are I always like to come here because it is super well located and the service is incredible +welcome +thank you +thank you martin +thanks for everything thank you! Wow, look at this floor, and the air conditioning invites you to stay and sleep for a while. The room is incredible, very beautiful, modern, spectacular, spacious. Look at that bed, it's like 2x2 meters or more, we are going to sleep very comfortably. Look at the welcome they give us here at Lidotel, how delicious, they always stand out with these details. Thank you very much. Also, we have a television here, a coffee maker, our waters here, and a desk to work on, this is extremely important. We also have space to store all our clothes here, well organized, a safe. Let's see what we have here, surely more space to store. Here we can hang our clothes so they don't wrinkle and, obviously, we have our bathroom. Let's turn on the light, it's very spacious. Oh, it has a bathtub and everything. There is also a shower, It's complete and with a hairdryer to maintain the hairstyle. This is super good! By the way, speaking of the hotel, Lidotel has a promotion that lasts until the 31st of this month of July 2023. It's the summer promotion that, for 60 dollars for two people, you can stay at their branches in Margarita, San Cristóbal, Paraguaná, and Barquisimeto. So take advantage of that promotion. For their Playa del Agua branch, it is 60 dollars per night per person but all inclusive. We are going to finish getting ready because now we are going out. We are going to meet an excellent friend, colleague. Surely you follow him and, if not, it is interesting that you go to his channel because he makes spectacular content. We will meet him in a while. Angie is finishing getting ready. Let's see how Angie is doing, let's hurry her up a bit. +How are you doing? +I'm ready. True, with Angie you don't need to hurry, she's a very efficient woman, with her, you don't waste time. Then, we are ready to go out. We are going to meet our friend, you will see who it is. "Without glasses, I don't know you, you always wear your glasses, +Mr. Fogonix. +Ah, now Mr. Daniel Fogonix has arrived. +What's up? +How are you doing? +All good, cool +Is it raining? Did you get wet? I was on the mototaxi... and well. subtly wet and smelling of humidity, but all good. smell of Caracas. I don't know if it's the best time to go for a walk in Sabana Grande, but well, if you want to get wet for a while... what do you guys say, shall we give it a try? I'm going to give it a try. +Are you scared?. +I already came on a motorcycle. Let's go then. Look how beautiful the surroundings are, I love this area of Caracas, it's spectacular, which luckily is already the countryside. We are coming to the El Recreo shopping center, many people from the area will find it familiar, it will bring back memories. We are going to use this shopping center to be able to park the truck and then walk to where we are going, which is the Sabana Grande boulevard, because it will be a bit difficult to park there. +Daniel, do you frequent this area a lot? +Yes, it's the most active commercial area of the city. It has the largest commercial boulevard in all of Caracas, which is the Sabana Grande boulevard. What is the trendy shopping center in Caracas today? The Sambil of La Candelaria, because it just opened. It opened recently, its inauguration was in May and all the stores are new, all are remodeled, all are newly opened, they are the most modern stores and people really like to go there. There are still quite a few empty premises, but the premises that are there are very nice and they are products of very good quality so people come back there and from that moment La Candelaria has become again a fairly busy economic area. +Ah, look, then after here we can go there +if you want we can go see. +Good, I would like to. +The most modern shopping center in Venezuela. Ok, and so we have a comparison, like the commercial area of all life and now the new one which is La Candelaria. That sounds like a very good idea. Look, I had not been to the Recreo shopping center for years, the truth is that it had been a long time. This shopping center has like 8 basements, downwards. It's normal in Caracas shopping centers, the basements of the shopping centers are like another city below. Not so much, we were in basement 3, but look, we have gone up several escalators to reach ground level. Many street vendors, it's what most abounds in Caracas, the so-called street vendors. For a while they disappeared, but since the whole dollar thing was reactivated and the economy went crazy and prices exorbitant, now you see again many people selling on the street. Also the people who watch your car, those who juggle at traffic lights, that had disappeared but they returned. The movement in the streets of Caracas, it's always incredible, the truth is that unlike other smaller cities like Maracay, where the movement in the streets is much less, but here it's always full of people. All this is full of people. By the way, we don't walk with bodyguards, the only bodyguard here is Daniel. I have a responsibility... I don't want to take on all that responsibility, Gabriel, please. you don't want to take on that responsibility? are we in any danger? You live here in Caracas. No, the truth is no, just tie the camera just in case. Ok, just in case... you have to have common sense. I want to clarify this because they always ask me, they ask: "aren't you afraid to walk down the street with the camera and such?" "surely you walk with bodyguards" "Surely..." no, the truth is no. No, we don't have the budget to pay for bodyguards. It's true stores everywhere, look how cool, food stands, there's everything. Those are typical of the stores here, that there is a man encouraging sales with a microphone in hand. Hey miss, see I sell shoes. +This is the east +The center, starts from Plaza Venezuela to Capitolio and from Capitolio to Propatria is the west. Today we are almost entering the center, but we are still in the east of the city, then it is not the center of Caracas as such, it is at the end of this street that we enter the center. +Ok, and now we are entering the Sabana Grande boulevard. +Correct. I was researching that this boulevard used to be haciendas around 1700 approximately, they were haciendas. People traveled by horse and mule, +it was a quite large savanna, +yes. today it is a savanna but only in name and asphalt. Look, this is a large street that sometimes crosses from there to there where Daniel told us, of pure shops, you can find street vendors like the ones we saw just now and stores and things of all kinds, places to eat and the truth is that at some point in the year this was a bit empty, but today it has the movement it had before. There are many people and you come already in high season and it's crazy the truth, when we are entering... Look, he has the same voice! meeting your people is priceless. +These things make me... +don't cry! put a smile from ear to ear, really. Also because in many other countries we go to they really treat us warmly, In Mexico or Puerto Rico, the truth is that they make me feel at home, but being in my land and having people shout your name: "Gabriel! I follow you" and that they are your own compatriots, the truth is that it makes you proud. Get off that cloud. I love seeing the streets of Caracas with a lot of movement, the businesses open, most of them are fully operational. Hey, a Granier bakery in Caracas, look, these bakeries, if I'm not mistaken, are Spanish, look at that, how cool. Look, they sell you cones at a dollar and a half, pancanilla two for a dollar, frappes? how cool is that. I had not seen a Granier here in the country. Fogonix is telling me that this shopping center is special for people who need something technological. Well, this is the City Market shopping center, the technological shopping center of Caracas. Here literally all the stores in the shopping center are focused on technology. Good, look, it's good to know. something very common also to see here is that the businesses have a large horn, a large speaker outside the establishment to attract people with good music or with advertising, just as you see it right there. And now, well, look, they added digital screens for advertising, they are modernizing... These stands are also very common, they sell you cigarettes. How much does a box of cigarettes cost here? I have no idea, I don't smoke. +I guess like 3 dollars. +let's find out. Hello, good morning, you look like you have good prices, let's see if it's true. How much does a box of cigarettes cost here in Venezuela these days? What value to what value do they go? I sell them here, I have a box of 20 bolivars, 30 bolos, 2 dollars, 3 dollars. +The face is the Lucky, +the most expensive is the Lucky which costs you, how many dollars? I sell it for 3 dollars. +But is it original Lucky?. +No, it's Lucky, Lucky. They are original Lucky What is then the box of 20 bolivars and why are they so cheap? But they make it with that tree over there, with the leaves of that tree over there. What brand is it? Carolina... Oh, you don't make it. Ok, you scared me. Well, I 20 bolivars, look, 20 bolivars, right now what are they?, like 60 cents of a dollar, like 75 cents of a dollar. Look, you are going to appear on YouTube, later you will see yourself. In Europe, I can have a point of comparison. I think a box of cigarettes costs $5, just like in Europe it costs more or less 5 euros, maybe something more than $6. They are at half the price really here, still a bit cheap, but comparing it in that sense, because if we talk about the minimum wage that the Venezuelan is earning today, where is the minimum wage? one thing is the minimum wage established at the governmental level and another thing is the real minimum wage that people are earning. Remember that today, even public officials receive many bonuses and monthly things that complement that, because legally the minimum wage is $6 per month, today with the devaluation it reached $6 because before it was $30 last year. A very small sector of the population really earns those $6 per month. I would tell you that today the minimum wage ranges from $100 to $150 monthly. Suddenly, if you work in a private company or in one of those positions, also, surely many of the people who are here, with their stands work for the public sector and also do this kind of thing to be successful. I have had the opportunity to interview several of these people, even to get to be $40 or $50 daily earnings. Obviously we know that with street stands a country does not advance, but it is the way people have found to solve it. today you go to a supermarket and water costs you $1 and next week it costs you $3, and now again in a restaurant they charged me $6 for a bottle of water and it was like, what? it makes no sense. +where am I? In Switzerland? +was it Cristiano Ronaldo's water at least? Well, let's keep walking to see what else we see here on the Sabana Grande boulevard. Look, for example, this boy offers his ice creams at two for $1, Look, there they are buying from him. Parents always have a dollar to buy an ice cream for their children. The truth is that I thought I was going to find the boulevard a bit empty and also because it's raining, it's the rainy season, but no, the truth is that it's quite active, many stands, many places to do things. Let's go now to the main metro station in this area to see how the metro issue is, the prices, how are the facilities, let's analyze a bit of everything. Fogonix, do you play Kino? No, the truth is that Kino was inactive for several years and a couple of months ago it was relaunched to the market. Now it costs $5 and I think the prize is $550,000 $5 for $550,000? I don't see the business, but no, yes, it's fine if you win the $550,000... but it's been two months since it came out, many people have bought it and nobody has won it yet, so there they accumulate the $550,000. Sure, because they accumulate. Look, Kino is a popular game, it's a lottery exactly like the Euromillion in Europe, only that the Euromillion costs like one and a bit and you win much more money because many people play it, sometimes the Euromillion is 900 million euros but of course, the state keeps like more than half. +They keep a little bit +but still with 400 million euros I think I can be fine, I mean I think anyone with that. They are the towers of silence, they are very beautiful. How beautiful that is there. We have a business from Maracay here in Caracas, we reached Caracas, do you see that donut franchise? that I say they franchised because in Maracay there are all over the city and they already reached here in Caracas, it's like the Dunkin' Donuts here, from Venezuela. They are very good, if you see them around, try them because you will have a very good experience. Look, I don't know under what context this photograph of Simón Bolívar will be or representing Simón Bolívar on a motorcycle but well, it's curious, it's curious. Battalion of women. death of Pedro Camejo. but the one that takes the winning prize is Simón Bolívar on a motorcycle. Look Fogonix, I love coffee, I'm a coffee lover. +not true, those who watch the videos know it +I don't like coffee, but if someone who is a coffee lover comes here for a visit and wants a Starbucks do they find it? well... (unpaid advertisement) there's Páramo Café which is the closest thing, it's a national franchise that I call it, the Venezuelan Starbucks. Ah look, I like to know that, I like that the Venezuelan is venturing into things that maybe we lack in terms of international franchises but well, they now occupy the market and they are Venezuelans. Look, this is the Páramo Café that Daniel is talking about, it's very nice honestly at first glance it looks super good, later we'll drop by to have something when we earn the meal because you still have to work, Daniel. I thought you were going to say Kino "When we win the Kino" just like that. I think a symbol also of Caracas is the tower of La Previsora, it has a quite particular shape, many years already this tower here erected, very beautiful also. We are still on the way to the metro station, we have to wait for our pedestrian light but motorcyclists don't respect it very well. How much is the kilo of avocado? Thirty-five and forty. +And why the difference? +This one is Polo and that one is criollo. Ah, what is this? Polo graft, they are better. +Ah, and how much does this one cost? +Forty, forty and that one thirty-five Look, they also have little lemons here. Well, and if you are missing the blender from your house, here they sell you the blender on the street and the parts too, because these sometimes break then here in the street vendors you get even the blender. What did your mom do if you broke the glass of the blender? I had to leave the house, literally, but that was thirty years ago, now you get the glasses on the street. And tell me something, as a Caraqueño, if you are going to a place where you know there is a metro line or that you have a nearby metro station, would you choose the metro as a means of transport? Well, cost-quality relationship, the metro undoubtedly offers the best service today, however, personally I think that taxi apps are the ones that have like the best price, service issue. They have more comfort, that is, I transport myself nowadays in Caracas by mototaxi everywhere Because from here to 15 kilometers away a mototaxi costs me $1.5 dollars while the metro might be delayed, often there is no air conditioning, +so... +if you want to go comfortable and fast, the metro is not the best option +but if you want to save money... +it's quite fast because when there is no delay, because delays happen quite often because the power went out at some station or something like that, but if there is no delay you can cross Caracas from end to end in 45 minutes. Wow, it's very efficient when it works a hundred percent. Are they charging for the metro at this moment? I understand that now they are charging depending on the station and the availability of cards, when there are no more cards at the metro stations of these that you use as rechargeable for multiple trips, when there are no cards they start letting people pass for free. +Ah, ok +but if there are cards, the card has a cost of five bolivars, each trip costs you one bolivar, that is, you pay five initially with the card and after recharging ten trips are fifteen bolivars, they do not expire on card. would a dollar on that card be thirty trips? yes, a little less like thirty trips for a dollar, maybe a little less. Here the important thing would be not to make it so cheap, charge it correctly, but make it work perfectly, that is, make it efficient, make it punctual, make it so that people choose the metro to use it. However, for a while now they have been cleaning the stations, they have been changing the light bulbs, they have been painting them, they have been doing like exhaustive maintenance, only the wagons are left to receive maintenance. You, as a girl, would you prefer to go by mototaxi like Daniel or by metro? Neither of the two. Here we ran into some subscriber friends and he just made a very good comment. What did you just say? That Fogonix inspired me to walk with a phone through Caracas, +so, before you were afraid to walk with a phone through Caracas? +totally. Would you say that today it is safer to walk with your phone in your hand than years ago? I can tell you yes because I work doing surveys actually and I have had to be in places like Catia also, which you could say is not a very safe place and to this day nothing has happened to me, I am glad and may it continue that way and if not, it will be the fault of this gentleman who goes around inspiring. Simón, you greeted me because you watch both my videos and those of my friend Fogonix. Of course, look, but tell me something, what do you do? What do you do? I see you with a lot of things in your hand, with cash in your hand +selling,. +do you walk around the street selling little things? No, I work in a bus line, I work selling snacks. Ok, how much money? Or if you can tell more or less, how much do you make? Well, there are bad days, between $3 to $10 daily? +is that what you can keep as profit? +As profit, and do you do any other additional thing? +No, not at the moment, +at the moment no. And does that provide for your day-to-day? Is it hard for you? let's hope that everything starts working again so that people like you who are trained to have another type of job can practice, +but well, I congratulate you because not... +you keep trying, exactly and well, you are a living example of how the Venezuelan is a fighter. The escalator to go down is under maintenance, We will use the regular ones. the one that is working is for going up, at least it's appreciated because going up is harder than going down. Let's see then how the metro facilities are and we'll see if we can use it because Fogonix is telling me that you can only pay with a card, you can't use cash, machines where you bought the ticket here now only remain as a memory, a nice memory of how it was used. Look, these say "1", "2" at five bolivars. they have some buttons here... I never got to use those machines. Twenty bolivars the card, four bolivars the trip, look the card is like a credit card, ok then I pass my card here, I pass the card so that they can use it, the station is lit, the floor is clean, there is no air conditioning though, it's kind of warm here, this escalator is also like under maintenance so you have to go down on foot as well, Look at the floor, it's impeccable. The truth is that there is not a single piece of trash on the floor, and I like that because it's due both to the users and to the cleaning people. Right there is a little piece of trash that stands out because it's not dirty at all. Here you can feel the air conditioning, it's nice, it's nice. I already have my souvenir from Caracas and, well, it's supposed to work for buses, for airplanes, for boats... hopefully. Oh, how hot it is! Do metros normally not have air? +or this one in particular does not have air, +no, they normally don't. Caracas instant coffee, one cup portion, just needs hot water. Caracas, cappuccino, and mochaccino, This station is very nice. The ceramic is impeccable, the advertising of the destinations that Venezuela has, there goes the metro. The floor is very clean, look above, the ceiling is impeccable, all the concrete part is worked on. You can see that they did restoration work, maintenance work, all this part as well, look at the lighting, you can see the difference between this station and Plaza Venezuela, the one we went to because there it seems older. Yes, I feel that this one is newly remodeled. These barriers are newly placed. this is freshly painted, the signs of Sabana Grande I feel that this is part of those that have gone through renovations. You can tell that Plaza Venezuela also, +But it was done longer ago that they fixed it. +Sure, well, metro experience completed successfully. Later, maybe we will try another transportation system in other videos to see how it is, but the metro, luckily for us, worked. Now you see much more these trucks that sell medicines, mobile pharmacies, ambulant pharmacies. Look, we just bought a green mango. This bag of green mango that the woman peels at the moment and seasons for a dollar. +A bag of green mango, is it good? +it's very good. We three eat and there's some left. Let's go to the Sambil of La Candelaria and tour that area a bit. Let's tour La Candelaria. Angie, how does the mango taste? Are you going to share with me? Friends, we have arrived at the Sambil of La Candelaria. Let's tour some of the floors they have. Look, they are divided into Andrés Bello, Miranda, and then Galería Paseo Superior and Zona Gourmet. Let's see what we can find here. It's a shopping center that's both new and old. A brief summary of why this shopping center is new and old: the shopping center was built fourteen years ago, but the shopping center is based on different processes that give us a quite accurate summary of the modern history of Venezuela. It was built fourteen years ago, but afterward, it was expropriated, then it became housing for disaster victims, after that, when they all left, it was used as warehouses for the different government ministries until finally last year it was returned to its owners, returned to function as a shopping center because it was like in the process of construction. Today it is fully operational and that's what we're going to see. Bravo! Thank you, brother! Let's start from the top down. This is the food court, it's a very nice place. Look, we have a bar here, we have a small stage here for events. We have the same bar on the other side, then they make a kind of island here in the center. It's very interesting and then we have the different food places on the sides. Look, we have this one that says Caracas Burger, we have one that says Beijing, we have the Pizza Hut franchise, but look the spaces are very nice, the shopping center looks very modern, very themed, very colorful, it looks cheerful, it's very good. Marco Polo... Arturo, very tasty, the best chicken in the world, a Venezuelan franchise by the way from McDonald's, I'm going to make a specific video because they told me they lowered their prices a lot. I don't know how much. Normally, McDonald's in Venezuela, compared to other countries, was the most expensive in the world, but they told me they lowered the prices and I want to check it out. Let's see if we make a next video later comparing this and corroborating to see if it's true. Here we are already at another level. Look, we have a barbershop, we have here a store like a skate shop, Toylandia. we have Shoebox, I guess it's a shoe store here, Mister Price, a clothing store and look how cool that bus there selling ice cream. Surely in your countries you had not seen a store selling tequeños. The Tequeño, friends, is essential here in Venezuela for any party, tequeños cannot be missing. Also, to people who go to many parties and are seen in all places, it is said that they look like a tequeño because they are present at all parties. So, these are those tequeños. I also came to the shopping center to know the movement that there is in this type of places that are always favorites for people to come to hang out, to shop, to stroll and the truth is that I am seeing that it is still so, look at all these people. There are still many people coming. Look, we have a Farmatodo. Of course, there had to be a Farmatodo here. Look at our Farmatodo, it's like the Oxxo in Mexico, like the Seven Eleven, but look what kind of Farmatodo, what a beauty of Farmatodo. These are the kind of things that make me feel proud that we can also do incredible things as Venezuelans. It's beautiful. This is beautiful, it could compete with anything similar from the rest of the world. One feels secure when having a Farmatodo nearby because you're going to find everything and it's not advertising! but well, Farmatodo, we could negotiate... call me! Another one with a TV... are they giving them away? Well, we toured the shopping center, we gave it a quite interesting tour. Now we are going to give another tour but outside of it by the La Candelaria sector. Is this sector dangerous? No, at one time it was, but not anymore. In fact, it is a fairly quiet sector but it is a very commercial sector I imagine that before everyone feared this building because it had been abandoned for so long. Really, where they put the refugees was in the parking lots, the shopping center inside was never touched by anyone but it was always closed during those fourteen years but many of the disaster victims broke in and stole things. There were hardly any cables when they recovered it. That was also like a point that triggered crime in this area. Once the shopping center was open, crime decreased a lot in these places In fact, you can see that places like this McDonald's, which is very deteriorated. Recently, they remodeled the facade, they remodeled it inside, taking advantage also of the boom that Sambil is having, they said, "no, I want to have my place looking nice" because now, as the area is full of people, then there is much more people consuming in these places, visiting, for example, this which is Parque Caracas then, these are things that encourage the growth of the area, right? And encourage investors to continue betting here, Yes, for the country to continue growing, and for the situation to improve and that's what's important to keep in mind, always with a positive mindset, hoping for the best and well, you can also realize how insecurity is, taking into account how people are. Notice that they have their phones in their hands, walking calmly. Before you did not see many people like that on the street, carefree. The La Candelaria area, as you can see, is also a very commercial area. There are many businesses, Taverns, pharmacies over there and people, look, here it seems like people have many dogs. Look, there goes another lady with her dog. Look, something that catches my attention powerfully is that business over there that seems to be a liquor store and it's like a minimarket. I am surprised by the fact of having all their prices out there, noted on those colorful signs. Why? Because this was crazy to do four years ago, five years ago or six years ago, due to the issue of the great mega devaluation, the hyperinflation that existed in the country, which did not allow you to even put the prices in sight, because in the morning it could have one price, in the mid-morning it could have another, at noon another, in the mid-afternoon another, at night another and wake up with another. So, it did not even allow you to do that, to publish the prices because you could not maintain them. Today it is not that there is no inflation, but we left that hyperinflation behind. There is devaluation, at least it gives as to put the prices now in the businesses. Well, and we have arrived at the La Candelaria square and it is very active. Look, over there is like an outdoor gym. They are greeting me from up there, from the window. We have a Farmatodo over there, people are doing their exercise here and this is part of what I wanted to show you, the everyday life of people in Venezuela despite the problems, despite the economic, political, social situation that the country has experienced, it's not that life stopped here. As you can see, people continue to live, continue to be on the street, continue to enjoy moderately what they can, with what they work, with what they have available. Here they are, look at these guys here working out in an outdoor gym. Do they bring their own weights or are those weights always here? That does catch my attention. It is very good, it seems to be a place of recreation where people gather. I am reading that there is wifi for everyone. +Is that true? +let's check. Over there on that post it says wifi for everyone. +Is there? +I think there is none right now, but when they installed it, there was. Later with time... of course we were not going to miss the opportunity to enter and admire the church. What an impressive atmosphere it feels. Even though it's drizzling... it started to rain now. Look at the line of people there buying a cone, but it's very good The line there to buy the ice cream is crazy; +sometimes they make up to two hours of line on weekends. +Really? Two hours of line? Sometimes on weekends yes. The gentleman told me that the craze is because they are two for a dollar, If those are, the price is very good. Friends, we have arrived at the place to eat, it's very close to where we were, from the La Candelaria square. I ordered a pabellón. Pabellon criollo: Shredded beef, white rice, black beans, and fried plantains. I told him, but if they don't have a slice, no. I ordered a basket chicken, something basic like a children's menu, with fries, nothing more, but it's always tasty. In the video description, you will have Fogonix's channel so you can follow him and see if he reaches 300,000. Angie is very busy, why? Because I am talking to the staff who is in charge of the project development in the apartment, so I am messaging them all day. She is the boss. If you want to subscribe to Angie's channel, you will also have it in the description. Look at the basket chicken... I mean, but that's literally a whole chicken. Look at that! look at my pabellón. Uf, look this is the pabellón criollo, it's a typical Venezuelan dish, the most typical along with the arepa, is the pabellón with black bean as it is known in other countries, we call it caraota here. It has rice, it has shredded meat, it has a slice, and this particular dish has avocado with cheese in pieces. but normally not that last part. Angie ordered the vegetarian version of the pabellón without the meat. Approved? +And you? +Speechless, really, the dish is very good, very, very good. If you pay in dollars, euros, or any international currency but in cash, they charge you an additional 3%, but I understood that it was when you paid with a card. No, no, it's when you pay in cash. If you pay with a card, that 3% is not applied to you. The pabellón came out... $10.50. The pabellón is a complete dish, but mine didn't have meat. Well, yes, that's true, they charged Angie the pabellón dish the same and it didn't have avocado or cheese. Look, Dani's came out at $12.30. We ordered like 6 shakes, that's why the bill came out so expensive because just in shakes it was $370, so it was more expensive what we paid in shakes than... Well, now you know the prices, at least from a place like this, in La Candelaria. Well friends, something that cannot be missing in a visit to Caracas are the vehicle queues. The queues in Caracas are unbearable, a while ago they had relieved a lot, there was no gasoline or many people emigrated or I don't know, but today, people from other cities of Venezuela come to look for a better future in Caracas and there are too many people. We are already at a level of overpopulation that one can spend 4 hours a day in line, in traffic. +Really that much? +It's frustrating, yes. Well friends, with this little learning we are going to say goodbye to today's video. I hope you enjoyed it, have updated a bit about living here in the capital of Venezuela, in Caracas. We made more videos from this one updating you on many aspects. I hope that, well, you look forward to those videos. Subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet, activate the notification bell so you always know when I upload a new video. You can also follow me on my Instagram account which is Gabrielherrera_ and in the video description you will have Angie's channel and Mr. Fogonix's channel so that you also see the incredible content they are making. Friends, see you in a future video. Goodbye, much love! Hello how are you friends, welcome to.. These are the towers of silence, they are very beautiful I told you a while ago "look at the towers of silence" I don't know why I told you it was "the towers of silence", do they at least look alike? +no, not at all +nor are they that tall? +no +Then why did I call them that? I think I was very hungry... sorry. whoever reached this point in the video will already know that I was corrected by Mr. fogonix
Channel: Gabriel Herrera
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Keywords: Gabriel Herrera, gabriel herrera en venezuela, gabriel herrera venezuela, gabriel herrera caracas, gabriel herrera en caracas, asi es la vida en caracas venezuela gabriel herrera, asi es la vida en venezuela hoy gabriel herrera, asi esta la vida en caracas hoy gabriel herrera, asi esta la vida en venezuela hoy gabriel herrera, asi viven en venezuela gabriel herrera, vivir en venezuela gabriel herrera, metro de caracas gabriel herrera, sabana grande venezuela gabriel herrera
Id: Fmjt8vux2y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 6sec (2706 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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