10 ANÉCDOTAS de VIAJE, VIAJANDO en PAREJA | AMENAZAS, ACOSO, ROBO y.. - Gabriel Herrera @angelianak

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Hello, how are you, friends. Welcome to a new video. For those who don't know me, my name is Gabriel Herrera, and mine is Angie. It's been a while since we made a video together. -Relaxed at home, -Yes sir. No rush and no sun. Speaking of rushes and without those kinds of things. As you saw in the title of this video, today we are going to be sharing some of our ten anecdotes, of the worst moments so far, because this video is a second part, of one that I made about three years ago, approximately. I think it's been almost three years since that video, where I was telling you, at that time, ten anecdotes, that had happened up to that point. But from that moment until today, we have visited many countries together, both us two and you who are behind this screen, and surely, you have experienced those moments with us, and if not, this video will help you remember them. So let's get started. This countdown is going to start with something quite intense, something out of the ordinary, especially in the place where it happened, because this first anecdote took place in Mexico, in our beloved and beautiful country, Mexico, which we love to visit. The only thing we can say about Mexico is positive things, and we have said them throughout all the trips we have made to this country. There have already been about four visits we have made together, and separately too, because my first trip when I started this channel was to this beautiful country, and after that, three more visits: a first one with Angie, then we repeated again with Angie, and a third with Angie but with my parents. Just in this last visit was when this anecdote happened, and it was precisely when we were in Playa del Carmen, enjoying those beautiful Mexican beaches, and that was really where Angie was going to lose out. Yes, really a lady wanted to "esmoña*", literally. "Esmoña*" Refers to the action carried out by a person who uses their fists to resolve a conflict. I'm not going to get out. It's coming out. -IT'S COMING OUT. -I'm not going to get out. -It's coming out. -I'm not going to get out. If it doesn't come out, I'll pull her out by the hair, believe me. Excuse me, do you want me to call the police? I am a tourist, how are you going to treat a tourist like this? One sees so many things in our countries in Latin America, and one's reaction here is: "what happened?, what happened?". One does not adapt in that country to just any place. -One knows how to manage on their own terrain. -One manages. I have always said that no one is going to come and tell me anything. And well, the lady literally wanted to "esmoña*", and when she told me that I: IMPACTED Because she didn't want to let me pass because of the camera. She said: "no, I am not going to leave my camera". First, the sun that was there, which surely was going to melt all the components of the camera, and second, she already knew that I had the camera, I was even less going to leave a camera. -And not one, several. -In a car. She knew it, not that I didn't trust her, but everyone witnessed the spectacle, and if someone wanted to open the car, they already knew how many cameras there were and everything. After we posted the video about that inconvenience, that we had in Playa del Carmen, many people commented that it really is like a kind of mafia what there is on the beaches, at least in the restaurants, the beach clubs, because the beaches in Mexico are free, 100% public. There are no private beaches in Mexico, that is prohibited. But something happens that does not follow the rules, and that is to access the beaches, you always have to go through some private place, whether it's a beach club, a restaurant, or whatever. Or simply hotel chains sometimes are so many side by side, that there is no road to enter, I mean, you have to enter through two and then step on the beach. Exactly, it's truly crazy, but the beaches themselves are public, which by law should allow a pedestrian passage, so that people can access the beach without having to pay to enter or anything, because, I repeat, they are public. The girl, seeing that we had the camera with which we record the videos, which is this small, told me no, that the camera couldn't enter, that I don't know what, that it was a private place and I, but I am not going to record your place, I am going to record on the beach. And I have a camera, but not necessarily am I going to record, if you tell me that I can't record. Ok, I won't record, but I want to take pictures. -And they didn't even want to allow that. -She told me I couldn't. How are you going to tell me I can't take a picture? Aren't you going to take it?, how am I not going to take it myself?, I am not going to leave my camera. Many advised us, even, or told us: "good that you didn't leave it in the car", because it's most likely that it would have been stolen perhaps. So, it was a security risk both that they could steal the camera, that the camera could get damaged by the sun, because you can't leave these equipments in the sun because they get damaged, and because we wanted to record the beach, which is public. But well, Angie was threatened that they were going to pull her out by the hair, because Angie said... -Now it makes me laugh. -Yes, now it's funny. But at that moment one feels the tension and you saw it. Obviously, with this we do not want to say, that this is the experience that everyone will have there, but you do have to be careful with these kinds of places, because they take advantage of having to access through them and impose their rules, even if you are not going to use their spaces. It is worth noting that where one paid there was a sign that said: "do not argue with stupid people". That is, they were already problematic enough to put up a sign of that type, it's because they always have conflicts with people because they want to impose absurd rules. But well, my parents also equally enjoyed it, we went to another beach club further down and they let us in without any problems, without any absurd rules. Afterward, we walked along the entire shore of the beach, because as the beach is public, you can access the entire length of the beach, and we passed in front of the beach club, like, it doesn't make sense what they were claiming. They said nothing about the cameras. -We entered with the cameras hanging, filming. -Recording from the beginning. -But yes. -Nothing, nothing. But well, I repeat, sometimes we tell these kinds of experiences, it's so that the problem is fixed, so that these kinds of situations change, so that perhaps the competent authorities see that this is happening, and they put some order there. Because no tourist wants to be treated like that when visiting, and get a bad impression. We, because we already have plenty of things, and that is not what will decide if we have a good time or not, because it was just a specific thing. Let's move on to the second anecdote. For the second anecdote we are going to move to Europe, a quite recent trip that we made together and it was in Austria. Let's see, what do you think we are going to tell you happened in Austria? -No fights, no. -No, no. Really, what happened was that we went through the embarrassment of our lives, trying to experience something new in our lives, and it was by attending a typical sauna in Austria, which are super well-known. Like, the pastime of the Austrians is to go to a sauna, to relax there. -To warm up a bit because the temperatures there are very cold. - Very cold. So, we wanted to experience that, in our video "This is life in Austria", and the particularity... -You might say: "well, it's a sauna, what's different? -What could have happened? In Austria, everyone goes to saunas "naked", without clothes, without anything, not even a towel, and there are three types of sauna: one for women, one for men, and one mixed. You might think: "well, but surely only older people go to the mixed sauna". No, everyone goes, from the youngest to the oldest. I mean, if a man goes alone, he goes to the men's, if a woman goes alone, she goes to the women's. -But if they go as a family, which we saw, friends. -Friends. Because we literally saw a family, dad, mom, daughter, son, all together, so if it's like that, families usually go to the mixed one, because they want to share the moment. Exactly, they want to be all together and chat and talk and hang out. -It's super normal. -Super normal. -I wouldn't do it with my family. -I mean... Imagine yourselves, walking around a public place, being naked in front of many people, or just imagine a group of friends. I saw it: two guys and a girl, the three of them together in a sauna, naked and relaxed, talking like Angie and I here, sitting in the sauna. But well, to the point, the anecdote was that we did that, we got naked, went to the mixed sauna. Great, all cool, but we did it wrong. We didn't hydrate enough, we're not used to spending a whole afternoon, a whole day in a sauna. So, there are certain things to keep in mind, like, for example, constantly hydrating yourself, drinking water, eating something to recover a bit of everything you're losing from your body. We didn't do that, and as a result, we got unwell, and we felt dizzy, a weird thing. -We almost fainted. -Almost fainted. I mean, we didn't faint by miracle. Angie felt very bad. -It's just like a roller coaster. -Exactly. -You had your eyes open and the floor was moving like this: -The floor was moving like this: So I was like: "oh!", like literally when you are being thrown on a roller coaster. She told me, "hold me, Gabriel, I'm going to faint", and I held her. At that moment I didn't feel anything strange. That hit of that strong unbalance, -was when we got out of the hot sauna. -Very hot, And we went to a pool of ice-cold water. Everyone did it, they got out of the sauna and went into the pool of ice-cold water. The pool was full of people. When Angie told me that, I started climbing the stairs to get out. -Which is a quite big staircase. -I got worse. She got worse, and I started to feel the same dizziness. I say I can't. I can't with you, I can't with myself, I can't with anyone. I started shouting in English for someone to help, because I couldn't get her out of the pool, and the danger was that if we fainted in the pool, we would drown. At that moment, they made a spectacle. -It's like a ritual. -A ritual exactly. The place was full, luckily, otherwise we would have drowned. But that's part of the anecdote. Being naked and moving on to that because they had to grab us, to pull us out of the pool of ice-cold water, lay us on a sun lounger, and put our feet up, to reconnect with our minds. With people around you feel fine. They offered me a chocolate and I don't know what, and I with everyone's naked bodies; mine, naked, with my legs up. Quite a spectacle, an anecdote worth telling for a lifetime. Yes, terrible when I told my family, they said: -"Did that happen to you? It can't be" -"It can't be" But well, let's go to the third anecdote. The third anecdote happened when we made our trip to Egypt. And you'll know exactly what happened those more faithful to this channel, who have followed each of these series through different places in the world, In Egypt, it turned out that we had a problem with the suitcases; the suitcases never arrived, gentlemen. And here we come out, Angie is crying, that is, the first trip with her mom, as a family. Don't cry, why are you crying? There was a problem with the airline at the time of boarding, because they wanted to send the suitcases in the hold, we didn't want that. We were arguing with the woman. -She was very rude. -Yes, she was very rude. We told her: "We are used to traveling and to our suitcases getting lost, please don't send the suitcases in the hold because, besides, we are many people; it's a family trip, we don't want anything to happen" Well, in the end, the suitcases never arrived, and we all started, except my father-in-law, the trip without the suitcases. We had to buy clothes, we had to buy underwear, I had to buy even the gel that I use to style this quiff. We kept the receipt thinking the airline would take care of it, and the truth is they didn't take care of anything. Really, the airline should be responsible for that, if you have to spend money when you arrive at your destination, and your suitcases didn't arrive because of them. And well, there it was super cheap too. Luckily it was Egypt, because imagine that happening going to New York, and you have to buy clothes from scratch in New York. Your travel budget would be spent on buying clothes to be able to walk around. And the fact is all the time lost because they didn't take care of anything. Nothing. But well, part of that anecdote served us to, have other experiences in Egypt, go to the stores, talk to people, go to businesses, buy clothes, dress up in traditional clothing. -I put on my tunic -You were cool. I was very cool, yes sir. You saw that whole series of videos, you saw the photos, we had a great time. And although it's a perhaps negative anecdote for people traveling for the first time, and their suitcases get lost, it's all chaos. In itself, it's chaos, but we are used to it, and we make it part of the story, that you are seeing. We said: "we were going to get some very beautiful photos". The truth is that I had to wash the clothes at night, because we didn't buy much clothing, as Gabriel says, it was two things and wash them at night. I wore a yellow t-shirt that I used almost throughout the trip, because we didn't buy much clothing. What I did was, when I showered, I bathed with the t-shirt, I washed it and let it dry and, as it was intensely hot in Egypt, the next day it was dry and I would put it back on. Have you wanted to see the t-shirt again? No, the other day I saw it and said: "I'm not going to wear that t-shirt, I'm going to keep it as a souvenir but I'm not going to wear it". -I got tired of the t-shirt. -Traumatized by the t-shirt. But well, let's go with our fourth anecdote, and it was here in Venezuela, quite recent this anecdote. It was when I took a wrong road thanks to the GPS, to renew my Venezuelan passport. We entered an old road that has been disused for many years, but the access is still open to the public, without any warning sign, without anyone there to indicate: "Look, don't go in there because it's impassable, not even with a motocross bike, or anything". Everyone who saw the video said: "How could you think of going in there?". Most of the time the GPS can be your best friend, but in this case it was the worst thing we could have done. It's something that a friend told me a while ago: "When you use the GPS in Venezuela be careful", because it always sends you via the "shortest route". -In quotes -But not the best. Moreover, the GPS does not know the condition of the road. And that road only saved us six minutes, which resulted due to the potholes, the holes, the insecurity, the danger, in more than 40 minutes and we arrived, I think, a bit late. -We didn't count on that. -It was horrible. There were sections on the road, where the van passed by miracle, if I leaned too much to one side. There were moments when even with so much vegetation, there was no visibility. There were levels from one part of the concrete to another, like this, that if you go in a small car, you can't even pass through there. So, look, the complaint even served its purpose. The video worked. And that's why these types of anecdotes, that happen to us during trips I sometimes share, we don't always share everything, but what I really feel is worth it, and that will make a change, or that will catch the attention of those who really need to see the situation. It worked! Because just days after we posted the video, I started getting news from subscribers, Seems like they caught me checking out the road conditions around here. The authorities, Civil Protection, the police, I don't know what, I don't know what else, to work on the road and put it back into good condition. I don't know if they are already doing the work, or if it was just an inspection and then it was left at that. I really hope that the road is improved or closed. Either improve it or close it, one of the two. In our case, all we saw were people with machetes, and, if you saw the video, you would realize. Ordinary people with a machete, but it made me curious that everyone had a machete. I thought, "And if I get stranded here", it was a bit scary. -And the guard was halfway there asking us what we were doing here. -"You made a mistake." To open the car to see if we weren't carrying anything bad, because also on that mountain a lot of people can come, to do inappropriate things, maybe we don't know. But as Gabo says, ideally there should be someone at the beginning of the road, this Santa Teresa. To prevent people from passing Who asks: "Why are you going up there? Do you have land over there? Go ahead. "Are you going to the SAIME? Don't go because it's not this way." "Go another way." Exactly, but well, that bad experience served as a warning to prevent others from going through the same thing, as a warning and to alert the authorities that it is like this. And thanks to the comments we also realized that we were not the only ones, and we haven't been the only ones to whom the same thing has happened. Many people have mistakenly taken that road, whether coming from Higuerote, whether going to the SAIME or for whatever reason, but they also enter mistakenly, and it really is something to pay attention to. But with that anecdote, we move on to number 5, and we reach the middle of this countdown. Anecdote number 5, you will know it quite well, and it is that, we had to flee from a war. Yes, without exaggerations, without clickbait, without lying, without anything. We really had to flee from a war, and it was precisely when we went to Ukraine. Yes, when we decided to visit Transnistria, which is the country that doesn't exist, not recognized by any other country, but going there, we saw and realized that it really is a country that exists. To get there, we had to be quite close to Ukraine. We entered through the Moldovan side and by crossing Transnistria, you reach Ukraine. Having recorded the video of Moldova, the video of Transnistria, being so close to Ukraine, obviously, we were going to visit this country because we did not know it. Quite a bad idea that, at the time, we did not know, because just days after having entered Ukraine, the war broke out that continues to this day. And it was really very tense moments, really very desperate moments, not knowing what to do, truly a situation you never expect to go through, and that you really don't look for. Because a lot of people were saying things without knowing, that: "who told them to go to Ukraine in the middle of a war?". But the thing is, there was no war at that time in Ukraine, beyond the events that had been happening for years in the Donbas area. That had been going on there for a long time, it had been years since that conflict there. No one expected it. And so much so that when you see my videos from Ukraine, the first days we spent there, life in Kiev was going on normally. -People, as if nothing. -Super happy, giving interviews. We even asked people living in Kiev, if they were worried about what was happening in Donbas, and they would say: "Look, that's been going on there for a while." "We feel fine, safe." "That something might happen, they've been saying it for a long time, for us it's something normal." There we were with our friend Ramón from La Vida de M, who you have also seen many times on the channel. And together we decided to move forward, and figure out how we could get out of there. And we really made the right decisions. Finally, thanks to having a car with Moldovan plates, we were able to leave Ukraine, again crossing Transnistria, and reaching Moldova, which was where we were going to take a plane to our homes, in my case Portugal, in the case of Ramón to Switzerland. But the airport in Moldova was closed, and we had to then find a taxi that would take us from Moldova to Romania, and leave from Romania, since it was the nearest country with an open airport. So, we ventured there in a taxi with a man we did not know, thanks to having some very good friends in Moldova, and we met them there, with Dominique, who helped us at all times to find the taxi. -To be able... -Also trustworthy. These are situations you risk, especially dedicated to the work we do, which is to travel constantly. Something that people need to understand and that often people say: "But everything happens to them, aren't they looking for things?". No, really not. I mean, really, we travel a lot. I mean, we visit a new country every 15 days. Imagine that, at least 24 countries a year, you visit to record content, not counting the layovers, not counting what you have to do to get to that country. Imagine the probabilities that something bad happens, that something unexpected happens, are very high. That is what perhaps people do not see when watching a very specific video, and that really is not what happens most to us, but it could be what generates the most. Anecdote number 6, we go to Spain. Yes, our first time in Benidorm, taking advantage of the summer holidays, and enjoying the beaches of the Spanish Mediterranean. AND AT THIS MOMENT THE UNTHINKABLE HAPPENED Not even in Venezuela has this happened to us. It happened in Spain, such is life. We do not want to say with this, never think that these anecdotes we are telling, are to define the country in which the anecdote happened, as if that is it and nothing more. No sir, it's something specific that happened to us. It does not mean that is what happens most, but it was an experience that happened to us, and as part of our job is to tell the different things, that happen to us, good or bad, we tell them here. We had an incredibly good time in Benidorm, in Alicante. All those beaches there were incredible days, but a quite peculiar anecdote happened. We were visiting those beaches by car at that time. We went by car and some friends who were with us went in a motorhome. It turns out that they parked it near a beach and they were robbed. They broke into the motorhome and we had that bad experience, because they are very close friends, they are like our family, and that spoiled the trip for all of us. They stole wallets, they stole money, they stole a lot of things there. It happened in Spain, to show that these situations can happen anywhere, whether in Latin America, Europe, or wherever. These types of situations occur. The United States, nobody is exempt from this. And even though we split up to search the surroundings, thinking that maybe the people would take the money, and throw away the documentation. Getting it all back is chaos. Gabriel even launched the drone to check, because there are houses nearby, and maybe they had thrown it there. But no, they took everything. They stopped at nothing. We filed a police report, but it also wasted a day because really they can’t do much. When you go to a beach anywhere, be careful where you leave your vehicle, make sure it's well-guarded. Make sure things aren't visible. Exactly, do not leave important things inside the vehicles. Don’t be too trusting, even because you are in Europe. We say this precisely to warn you, so that you don't have the same thing happen and that you learn from others' bad experiences. Sometimes we learn the hard way, but if we can save you those troubles, we will. Never leave important documents in the vehicles, because, no matter where you are, they can break the window, grab things, and just to steal money, you will lose passports, IDs, or whatever matters most to you. So learn from that. Anecdote number 7 is something Angie hates to recall, and it is that while in South Korea, we are not 100% sure whether it was or wasn't, so that doubt will stay with us forever. But they served us a very peculiar meal, very strange that we could not identify, by the name they told us and the circumstances, of those who tried it. We believe they served us dog soup. Dog soup in Korea is not a very common dish. -But there are still places that serve it. -And we saw it on the menu. We believe that’s what they served us, and it was a really bad experience, even if it wasn’t actually that, but just having that in mind and thinking it might be. It was like this: I ordered the broth, and another person with us ordered the same, but with protein. I tasted it, it was different from a beef soup, which was what they were selling us. It was meat, it was meat. And the other person eats and tells me: "this doesn't taste like that to me", I can’t remember if it was pork or beef, and I'm like: "that's strange", so I check the menu for what the guy had offered us, and I see that it looks different. Our dish, besides, had a lot of vegetables. Then, when I look because I don’t understand anything, I start using the phone's translator. I see the one that looks most similar and it says: "Sambok", and I'm like: "wasn't that the one they told us was the dog?". I go online and sambok is the one for dog, and I'm like: "it can't be..." So, I ask the man "what did you sell us? I mean, what did you give us?" And he's like "you asked me for something that had this with vegetables, I don’t know what" and I'm like "and how much is this dish?", it costs so much. Then, when I ask him to show it to me on the menu, the price he’s telling me doesn’t match what’s here. I don't understand. Maybe he wanted to charge a little more, but the dish was the same as sambok, it was super weird. Afterwards, we looked up online what pork ribs look like, which is what we wanted, versus dog ribs, and the ribs in the dish really looked a lot like dog ribs. We did a poll on Instagram. Many of you answered and really said: "they look the same". And then, well, that doubt will remain, we’ll have that anecdote to tell about something that happened to us in South Korea. Why do it? I don't know, but well. That was part of the experience we had in South Korea, but as you saw in that series and if you haven't seen it, you have to go watch it, because South Korea is incredible. We return this time to Europe, back to Andorra to tell the next anecdote. Yes, and it is that, Andorra la Vella, that’s how the capital of this small territory located in Europe is known, and we went to visit because it is famous, since billionaires go there to stash their money, to really save money, to store it to save and not pay taxes. I explained that in detail in that video, but the anecdote I have isn't that I went there to stash my money, and save... no, no. Nor did I meet a billionaire stashing his... no, no, but friends, I ended up, not without money, but without a voice. The Spanish, the Andorran, and the French. I think it was the first video I recorded, and it was extremely necessary to record it, because I only had one day to do it, and that day my voice decided to leave my body. -I had no voice. -It was like when Ariel gives her voice to the witch. -I talked like this. -And I made fun of him because it was too funny. And he got mad at me, telling me: "don't laugh" and I think it's too funny. I was quite stressed, because when you go to a place you have little time to record what you need. Sometimes you only have one day to record a video, and you don’t have another chance to do it. To arrive at a place and just as you’re about to start recording, you lose your voice because we came from a long journey of constant travel, non-stop, without rest and the body demands rest. After the pandemic, one ended up more sensitive. Gabo was left with a more sensitive voice. -Have you gotten a sore throat after that? -Not really. But weeks before, it was like his voice was going, and it would come back, but that day was horrible. I mean, I had to record a clip, drink water to hydrate a bit and then get a bit of voice back. But you guys liked the video. It has almost 800,000 views on the channel. If you want to see how I am without a voice, how to make a video without a voice, there you have the example. We don't stop even if we lose our voice. That's how dedicated I am to my work, responsible for taking you to places, no matter whether there is a voice or not. And it started well, did you hear when it started?, it went well and then you see the course of his voice declining. Yes sir. There you will be able to see the transition of my voice. But really, one more experience to tell, one more anecdote to share with you, that without a voice I even make YouTube videos, for everyone to enjoy. By the way, if you're not yet subscribed to this channel, I invite you to subscribe, and experience the anecdotes as they happen, not when we summarize them from here in two or three years again, but experience them in the moment. So subscribe to this channel, which besides, the best part is that it's free. Simply by clicking the subscribe button, activate the notifications, and you will receive an alert every time I upload a new video. And if you want to follow us in detail, at the moment we are in places, you can do so, through our Instagram accounts, mine, GabrielaHerrera_, and mine, Angeliak. By the way, my beautiful wife, also has her own YouTube channel, where she also tells about the incredible places we visit. In my video from Andorra I had a voice, in case you don't understand Gabriel. Go watch her video. Exactly, exactly. Now let's go on with anecdote number 9. When you decide to travel, the last thing you want to happen, is that when you arrive at your destination, they send you back. Madrid, Spain. That already happened to us, and you surely lived it if you watched the series. Well, not the series, well yes, it was a small series about being deported. It turns out that we decided to end last year, 2022, with a flourish by visiting a quite peculiar country, and that was South Africa, which did not happen. The plans didn’t go as we expected, and it turns out they sent us back. But something crazy is what happened. Look, we boarded in Madrid. I was saying goodbye to my parents, who were visiting me for the first time in Europe. They saw my house in Portugal. -That series of videos they have over there. -We visited Disneyland Paris. -We had a great time. -I took them everywhere. We went to Paris, we went to Spain, we toured various places. The last place was Madrid, and from there they continued towards Venezuela, where I'm recording this video, and I continued towards South Africa, or that was the plan, to go to South Africa. But it turns out that no, the plans of the airline I traveled with were not those. It turns out that I have a passport, or had until that moment a passport with an extension. This means that I had an extension of the validity of the passport as such. At that moment, when I got the extension, it was not possible to get a new passport. First, you had to put an extension on it, because of the money issue in Venezuela, the problems there are, money never suffices for anything, and part of that affected the people who make the new passports, the SAIME. So what they did was put a label on the passport, when you still had pages left, and they extended the validity. But this label, which is an extension, an extension of the passport, is not very common in many countries, it is not very common to see. For South Africa, it's crazy, that's why they don't accept it. So, when I boarded my flight in Madrid, where there was to be a layover first before arriving in South Africa via Angola, when I did my check-in in Madrid, they checked everything, saw my extension, saw that the extension was valid. -They checked Angie's passport -Because, to travel to some African countries, listen carefully. You have to have at least three complete empty pages, to be allowed entry. Why? I have no idea, but it's a requirement. She verified that I had the pages, we already knew and were careful about that, and said: "check it, no problem". However, she mentioned nothing about the extension, and she knew because she saw it. Sure, when opening my passport in the first part, where the photo and information are, it's expired. She checked everything and allowed us to continue and board the plane. Our first leg was Madrid-Angola, a flight of about eight hours. 8 hours of flight! Upon arriving in Angola, to transfer and continue our journey to South Africa, where we had paid for hotels, a luxury train, and all the lodging organized, they informed us just before passing the boarding gates, "You cannot travel with an extension to South Africa", and I was like: "WHAT?" Are you telling me this here in Angola, eight hours after boarding in Madrid? We had been warned that if they let us board the flight and arrive there, they would fine the airline for allowing us to board. They told us there was no way and that they had to send us back to Madrid. So the airline did, not without first trying to charge us for the return tickets, even though they were responsible for letting us board in Madrid in the first place. It's the airline's responsibility, to ensure that all requirements are met, to avoid penalties, because they are the ones who get fined. When a passenger must be returned or deported I argued with the tall Angolan man. I was about to say: "Everything I'm losing, you're going to refund all of it, right?" The airline turns a blind eye. We lost the lodging, the train, everything we had planned, money, time, everything we had planned for South Africa. Finally, after arguing, I managed to get them, well, to not charge us for the return tickets to Madrid. There were vacant seats, what does it cost them? They tell me: "We will waive your ticket, just yours, but your wife can continue the trip" I say: "First, we're traveling together." -We had bought the ticket together -Exactly. "Second, would you let your wife travel alone to a country like South Africa?, so far away, not knowing the language, knowing nothing, and would you send her alone?" Then he laughed and I: "...", Then we reached an agreement that she should also be waived, and so it was. That's how they sent us back to Madrid, and from there we went home. And that's the story they have on my channel. With this, we've reached the last anecdote, number ten, It is, my friends, and they thought, if they waited for me to tell something about India, well, they're right. they saw it coming, they saw it coming, right?. But yes, from India we have many anecdotes, we could make an entire video of anecdotes from India, but basically here I'm going to summarize it in three things: one, the chaos of the country, that was one of the anecdotes to tell, whenever they ask me: "how did it go in India?" Well, that's a chaotic country. And you might encounter a monkey: look at that, look at that. Look! He's stealing the food from the guy there, from the guy on the street, he's stealing the food, Sir! That's what they highlight in their videos, the chaos that abounds in India, because it's something obvious. Another important point of the anecdote in India, is the issue with the girls, with the women, especially those who were with us, in this case Angie, Mariemili, the wife of Ramon from La Vida de M, and a French friend of theirs. The girls drew a lot of attention and the harassment towards them was impressive, It was that they made rounds around the girls. About 30 people. We, the boys, couldn't even see them. There came a moment when they disappeared among the huge crowd, asking them for photos, watching them. -Honestly, it was a bit overwhelming, intense. -Overwhelming. Because you don't know under what circumstances, under what context they are doing it at first, little by little we started to realize, that it was just curiosity to take a photo, but we were warned to be careful, because without our presence in this case, we, the men, they might even overstep their bounds with the girls, because they can be even harasser*. -We were warned it didn’t happen. -It didn’t happen. Maybe because we were there, or maybe it’s not that common, but we were warned. Even with this photo issue, when we entered one of the temples in Delhi, we had a problem with one of the guys who asked Angie for photos outside the temple, they scolded him, they said a bunch of things that weren't even clear. For wanting to ask Angie for a photo, like that insistence, and they themselves sort of take care of that issue. But well, that was part of another anecdote from India, and the last one, well two, which I will tell you quickly: one where they were going to leave us in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods of old Delhi, a neighborhood where normally the girls who sell their service*, if you understand me, stand on these streets, of these neighborhoods to offer their service*, and that's controlled by an incredible mafia, where the men control them, and they have like that whole neighborhood under control, and the taxi driver when we tell him to take us to our hotel, passes through there and when he realizes he's in the neighborhood he stops and was going to leave us there, "no, no, I'm not going through here," they said in English, "get off." -He laughed and then said Kamathipura. -Kamathipura. -I mean, the neighborhood was called that. -We remembered the name. And when we Googled, we said: "it's the neighborhood," he was also scaring us. I don't know if it was a joke or not, but he wanted to leave us there, and he said: "no, get off, get off, I'm not going through Kamathipura, Kamathipura." I also remember that he acted like he was going to drop us off, because we were filming at that point. -Exactly we didn't know where we were. -We didn’t know we were in a neighborhood of women of the night. Then we see that everyone had their faces somewhat painted white, and we: "oh look how pretty the girl is", we were filming through the window, and a lady told the boys, who were filming: "no, no, no, photos, we don’t take photos", and began to run after us. -We put away the camera and said: "what's happening". -"What's happening". Later talking: "oh, but it must be this, this and this". The man stops about two blocks away while we talk about what happened, and I believe that somehow that's what he wanted, for us to say: "no, get us out of here, we'll give you more money if you want", he was dying of laughter and we said: "this isn't the hotel, we're not getting off here". Basically, we were a block from the hotel, because we always had to go through the neighborhood to get to our hotel, we really didn't know how to find it, we didn't realize that neighborhood was so dangerous. -You know. -We were staying right behind the neighborhood. So that's what happened, and as the last anecdote from India, the food. It's been the only country we've visited so far, where we haven't tried the street food, why? You'll have to find out in the series we were filming in India, although surely many people will know, but find out why we didn't try street food in India, and it has become the only country where that has happened. That's it for today's video, those were the ten anecdotes from the last few years, since I made the last video, that have occurred, that have stood out above any other situation. I hope you liked remembering these things, that it entertained you, that's the idea, and that you've also learned, because you also learn from these things, and you should take notes if you like traveling, all around the world -Or if you are going to any of those countries. -That's right. I won’t go without inviting you to subscribe to my YouTube channel, turn on the notification bell, so you always know when I upload a new video. In the description of this video, you'll find Angie’s channel, where she creates amazing content about the places we visit, and if you want to follow us in detail at the moment we are in the places, before the videos appear on YouTube, you can do so through our Instagram accounts, mine is GabrielHerrera_ and my account is Angelianak. From here, from Venezuela, about to head out on a new season of travels, visiting three new countries here in the American continent, I say goodbye in the next video you will see after this one, it will be in that new country, so wait for it here in the notifications. See you in the next video. Bye, bye, take care.
Channel: Gabriel Herrera
Views: 91,646
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Keywords: Gabriel Herrera, 10 anécdotas de viaje gabriel herrera, anécdotas de viaje en pareja gabriel herrera, nos amenazaron en méxico gabriel herrera y angelianak, escapamos de una guerra gabriel herrera y angelianak, nos robaron en españa gabriel herrera y angelianak, acosaron a mi esposa en India gabriel herrera y angelianak, acoso en india gabriel herrera y angelianak, la realidad de viajar gabriel herrera, nos deportaron gabriel herrera y angelianak, nos perdieron las maletas
Id: PfCvUhgm8PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 16sec (2356 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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